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Here's the new chapter.
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bottom panel is cute.
>still no Mona birthday reveal
We aren't getting it anytime soon are we?
Well, Medaka's apparently the class baby with a March birthday.
And so?
Mona is cute
Probably have to wait for them to move up to the next year for more birthdays after April starts.
Oh no
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This manga needs more moments of Mona and Tomo being besties.
Thank you for posting.
did they recycle the cover of a tankobon for the colour pages?
What a gyp!
What happened to real Mona cliffhanger storyline three chapters ago?
Did author have a stroke?
She'll be back.
IIRC, some anon said that the author said because they're moving up a grade, there'll be a bunch of new girls
She's going to be a new student when they start the new year in April. Medaka's birthday is at the start of March.
nice tits on Mona in panel 2
I bet it's Medaka's sister. But yeah, she's totally one of the new first years.
would medaka be this clueless about girls if he had a sister?
here's the english scan
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the perspective making it look like you're looking down at her is pretty cute
Little wisps of sexhair is so much hotter than anything Mona can bring.
Plus she's an athlete so you know the sex will be a workout
Thanks. Has no one posted Amagami?
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>Little wisps of sexhair
I think it's one of the great nice touches of the artists art
Tomo's favorite Star Wars character is Booba Fat.
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I can't read korean..
the link to the english one is in this thread
So, they are not being total bitches for an entire day?
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Since no one else has dumped it
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Harem unite!
Foursome pls
Mona birthday reveal when? Will we get one in time for the ANIME?
they're all going to try to double-cross each other, aren't they
Oh come on, no Tsubomi?!?
the author makes sure to avoid flat character designs.
nice, a cleaned up version of the latest cover.
Haruno my love.
Minami is still the best girl even when she didn't show up.
>Mona and Tomo looking at each other.
>Asahi is there too or something.
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This panel is a pretty good banner material.
I guess the author's just finding ways to have less characters to draw.
To be fair, I don't think Minami and Tsubomi would have much to do here
Minami has mentioned having a part time job before.
I can't believe Minami does enkou!
what would you get Haruno for her birthday?
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A vibrator.
why you... I say she's a convenience store clerk!
it's nice to see some emphasis put on the lads positive qualities
Will the anime be censored?
Probably depends on what network it'll air on
he's never had a birthday party?
Coke and Fanta mixes taste great, good choice.
I like how Mona here >>268886666 let her inner country bumpkin out for a second.
So if Tokyo MX, it should be safe, but if it's TV Asahi then say goodbye to Mona's pantyshots?
The anime PV showed bras just fine, but as Cuckoo and other shows have proven, for some shows showing bras are okay but panties are where they draw the line.
>doesn't taste the mix of cola and orange
Mona, what are your taste buds like?
I don't really like sugar-based drinks.
I want to SNIFF Tomo's crotch, used or not
Hairy or not?
So they are making a drama? how are those supposed to pass as high schoolers? They look like they are in their 30s.
I hope they are planning an orgy.
These are the VAs, anon.

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