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Chapter 39, swimsuits ahead
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Darn it, I didn't get caught up in time.
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Lemon really doesn't care about getting fired.
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I want to put oil on Iko!
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>You're even less impressed than when you saw Iko's swimsuit
He didn't stutter a single bit when complimenting Iko's, he just did here for hers
Girls can tell
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Iko is a whore
>striping in public
Slut move
They’re really stretching it out huh
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>I thought you were 27
Lord have mercy
I know this is just a funny moment and Lemon just wants the girls to do something, but she should've known a teacher should never do that.
Not to mention it's too risky. She doesn't know Buki well enough to be sure he won't get too horny and try something else with her.
I mean, she's engaging in literal textbook sexual harassment of a minor. Lemon just doesn't give a fuck.
>Hags are just women my age
sexo with lemon
the rare lemon smile
Lemon is looking very good here. And her swimsuit is great. The other girls are going to have to work hard to beat this.

Lurk 5 years before posting. 25 years old and unmarried & no boyfriend is the dictionary definition of a cake. Hags are 30+
Well, Iko's is better.
>erm, acktually
The sheer autism required to use cake unironically while also thinking it has a set definition is just sad. Don’t pretend there are set classifications for every age group. Hell, hag nowadays just means anyone older than college age.
He told Iko she looked pretty good in it, for Rikka he just gave her the generic "cute"
Can we skip to Nene's swimsuit please?
Why is every girl in this series such a slut?
what a slut
Lemon-chan stop being so hot.
It does have a set definition, and I never said there were set classifications for every age group but that term does exist to describe one.

>The sheer autism required to use... unironically
Welcome to /a/, we have lots of what would fit your criteria here and always have had, don't come here and think you're right and what /a/'s been doing for like 2 decades is wrong. You can't change the meaning of a word, or decide it has no meaning. You'll have been here less than 10 years, you don't know shit. Retarded newfags who don't learn always come and dilute a place down until it's just weak nothingness.
Why is Iko so pathetic?
Christmas cake became a joke about a woman's age because no one wants one after the 25th
"Christmas cake" has a specific definition because it's a joke that centers around the number 25 (the date of Christmas).

Hag admittedly can be incredibly variable because the joke doesn't center around a specific number like cake does.
I havent read all the chapters, sometimes I read one that gets dumped here, I like this MC, feels fresh but makes me wonder how long the girls can keep up acting like this.
Only Nene is a slut.
So a black bobcut girl in that sexy swimsuit didn't get any action? Tranny shit manga, never picking it up.
>just in the expiration date
>is being RAVAGED by UV Rays
banger line
>that one piece
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my dick! Reminder that one piece -> slutty bikini.
Both have their ups and downs, but godDAMN if a one piece isn't sexy as shit to me.
Why are cakes constantly drinking cheap booze at literally every opportunity?
You'll get it when you reach that age
You'll know once you become older
Yeah no she's coming in too hard. Textbook loser.
The older I get the less I want to drink due to the greater toll it takes with age
I'm her age and have never touched alcohol. I don't smoke either.
Story would be good if Only lemon was in that club and MC got Lemon
I did that when I was young and retarded at 13 to 18, not now that I am 33. I can't think of anything worse of more likely to induce anxiety about the state of my life; or for that matter more likely to cause it to deteriorate further.
Holy Mother of God! Lemon chan sensei SEXO!
Sounds like a major non issue if I've ever read one.
Iko, you big dork.

Also, Lemon sex
Um akshually you should just stop mouthing off. You wouldn't want to be confused for an underaged waste of oxygen would you?
Stacy Rikka
Don't worry anons, Shinobest will save the day next chapter and rescue Buki from these hedonistic harlots. Believe it.
Drinking outside seems hardly worth it, with the amount I would have to spend to get a good mileage out of it, I could buy videogames that could give me hundreds of hours of entertainment.
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Fuck, she's so godamn hot!
Rikka love
The manga's built around the mystery of who is Apollo. Since Apollo is a slut, all of them have to be sluts or you could discount them.
it was already decided last week that lemon should be the apollo reveal
Part of the appeal.
He's got a tight waist
where nene
Every girl in this manga is so thirsty they would be disqualified in other romcoms.
never read this before but i like all these girls getting cuckqueaned
Iko mustering her courage
Iko is so beautiful....
I would have lathered up Lemon's thighs and rubbed my dick on them
>thought you were 27?
>says she is 25 herself
Probably a lie then, meaning she is 26... which means that I want to fuck the shit out of her, WHILE she is in her swimsuit
She was introduced as age 27, she just subtracted 2 years to present herself younger.
Lemon-chan is pure
she’s desperate not to lose her Bucky now that she knows she has competition
Doesn't make me any less attracted to her
man, that lemon is tasty!!!
Total Lemon victory or there will be riots.
this scenario is so extremely pointless and retarded that I'd honestly just nope the fuck out and leave her there if I was MC

like what the actual fuck, none of this makes any sense
>I'd honestly just nope the fuck out and leave her there if I was MC
He wouldn't do that because he loves Rikka.
He wouldn't do that because he is in love with Shinobu.
He wouldn't do that because he is in love with a literal lemon
There is nothing even slightly confusing about this. They want to show off their bodies to him with the hopes that he might potentially stick his penis inside them at some point in the future. All four of them want to start a full baseball team with him, if you sniff my drift.
>if I was the MC
Then no one would read. No one cares about you or what you would do.
Nobody cares about the MC of a romance manga because they're always shit, we care about what romance manga MCs do because we care about romance manga girls
>All faces look exactly the same
I liked this guys last work, haven't read this one yet, but man that is a weird ass way to start for me.
Not really, I'm more interested in Bucky pursing his more impressive dream of wanting to be a producer than any of the dumbshit these girls want to do.
1. Shut the fuck up /v/tard
2. Get your own personality and opinions please
3. Don't project "your" thoughts onto others that way, thinking everyone will be the same
(You) can speak for yourself, faggot. I like when the main character is an actual character.
>you should care about what I would do because I only like protagonists that let me self insert
What you should really do in this situation is kill yourself.
Fuutarou's character growth as he broke out of his shell and interacted more and more with his classmates was some of the best stuff in his manga. Even though we didn't get to see much of any of it since Negi is a fucking hack.
>Nobody cares about the MC of a romance manga
>so you should care about me instead
Now that it's successful he has to keep the story going.
this is so gay we got cucked from a lemon oil rubbing scene and Iko didn't even deliver it
What happens when you have too many cooks (whores) working on the same dish (dick)
performative newfags
>completely misreading the post
way to go, retard.

It doesn't matter who the MC of a romance manga is because the genre demands they all act like wet towels for a plot to even be possible. You know this, stop pretending to be retarded. You deliberately misread my post from the start and now you're doubling down, fucking kill yourself and I hope your grandma gets raped to death by a pack of feral niggers.
Rikka a shit.
More like you got mouthing off and anon(s) pointed out how retarded you are. And now you're lashing out like a child. If you were part of a romcom manga, you'd be the gag character that's always getting their comeuppance.
If Nene doesn't win I will end the author's career....
Ninibros... you have to let go. She was always a shitter.
>It doesn't matter who the MC of a romance manga is because the genre demands they all act like wet towels for a plot to even be possible.
>according to my own secret limited understanding of romance fiction
Read more instead of asserting that everything needs to adhere to your specific brand of autism.
>btw you intentionally misread my posts
You typed them out, I read them as written. If you don’t want to get shat on, learn how to effectively communicate your thoughts in English.
Nice Rikka butt
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"Mooom, are these girls twins?"
Soft sex with Iko
Iko will win!
Iko is a joke character only for bullying
nips unironically loves booze
Nene will avenge nini.
Avenge this DICK
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Stag beetle? More like slag beetle.
I wish she got bullied more. She’s cute enough for it, but that WHORE Nene is hogging it all for herself.
The only slut here is the whore who’s stripping in fight of a guy that’s not interested
But he is interested.
where the fuck is the new amagami chapter
It's out but no one dumped it because it's terrible
Danke sniped the guy ripping amagami and mayonaka, then danke died again
Based. Never trust a german
because of his (brocon) sister, obviously
can't wait for her to show up for real
Bitches and whores always underestimate the based sister
Excuse my dumb question, but what now? Feels like I'm mistaking things here
He’s interested in Apollo, Nene, and his imouto everyone else are friends only
>Excuse my dumb question, but what now? Feels like I'm mistaking things here
what do you mean
the amagami sisters chapter wasn't ripped for some reason
Ah, my bad. Sorry, when I hear amagami I tend to think of something else.
>forgetting neechan
She’s going to ara ara the fuck out of Nene.
It's ripped, but no one can be assed to dump it
Every WSM romcom is ripped and shared on the appropriate Discord server, if you care that much just join and dump it yourself.
go back
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>skype for zoomer
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having the best girl be the teacher is crazy
Not only crazy, but extremely BASED!
Rikka is a succubus
Why is shinobu such a cuck
must be a god awful one then
I love how Rikka is such a tease.
>>her boobs aren't much bigger than her students'
Kinda pathetic but at least she got legs
She got that age, sex appeal and experience on her side
rikka culo...
Lemon’s used to be smaller comparatively until everyone was nerfed and shinobu was buffed.
Lemon-chan owes me sex
Rikka will WIN
This fruit owes me everything I demand
>I don't want it to be seen by any boy but you.
She's the most for (You) waifu in the series. Rikka is a pure heroine that will win the MC bowl
>for (You)*
>*cunt friend included, no refunds
Fuck off dipshit, you literally just admitted to being a zoomer on /a/. Necking is all you deserve.
>while also thinking it has a set definition
It LITERALLY has a set definition. That's LITERALLY the joke: "Nobody wants a Christmas Cake past the 25th". That's why they're called fucking Cakes. You absolute fucking zoomer retard. The cosmic stupidity of your entire generation. Total human garbage. You will never fit in anywhere and you will never resonate with a culture.
New girl when?
Iko’s next arc will likely bring in the other vtuber as an actual character. I’m still betting on her being imouto.
When will Shinobu get a friend?
if god is willing
Just had beach sex with Iko
this is probably the dumbest post of the year
u mad asf frfr ong
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Not a friend but she has someone in her past she has to deal with like Nene and Rikka
>vtumor shit
this is the main thing that prevents me from liking iko. why the fuck do they pick this vtumornigger shlick man
What's so bad about it? I watched the Vtuber Legend anime and really liked it.
>having a shitfit over the very concept of vtubers
This manga doesn’t even come close to accurately representing vtubing, so why are you throwing such a fit?
She does come across as a femcel.
Right on, Buki.
opinion discarded, shaytan
I thought it was IRC for faggots?
IRC always was for faggots so that wouldn't make sense
purely for me
>do they not have wifi in jail
We basically never see any vtumor shit though, and Iko heself is fine.
You laugh but they probably do these days.
Lemon sex.
fuutaro only became more retarded with each new ch
Mom maybe?
I have no idea what this manga is about but this girl is sex
I hope the artist is able to keep the artstyle up until the end unlike Touboun mangaka shitting it up
Holy fuck Lemon-chan is SEX incarnate. I'd drop all 4 of the others for her.
That Lemon flavored bunda
Rikka has a great ass
Rikka has the best figure
Stacy Rikka will win!
The only one built for ara ara is the Sex Lemon
why do americans propagate this
lemon will avenge sensei
I want to softly feel Iko big ikos
Have you time traveled from 2006? Shounen romcom MCs are better than most, if not all of the harem nowadays.
Discord NIGGERS out
You're right being around Meeku and Ninibitch and Ichishit really was a regressive experience for him.
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>Ywn experience this
>that one time you gave a girl a piggy back ride 15 years ago and she giggled as you picked up the pace and said you smelled good
>that one time you then immediately dropped her in the relay race because you couldn't control the momentum and she was pissed off for two days
That's blatantly not true, especially in modern age. And in some extreme cases audience not just cares and likes their romcom MC, they are straight up madly obsessed with them. For example ever heard about 100 girlfriends? The level of dicksucking towards Rentarou is quite insane and it extends even to casual viewers/readers. Naturally series is aware of him being huge part of the appeal.
Rikka won.
So she's asking him to get distracted with her bikini instead?
There's my girl winning right there
Don't worry, far as I can tell Senryu Girl was great all the way.

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