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Boring fight, awful art, nothing good to talk about
Still, "we" must continue reading
Predictions for next chapter?
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More asspulls by sandwich, more shitposting, nothing new under the sun
Whether you got it all wrong or you're absolutely right doesn't matter much
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Are we in toxic relationships with Sandro
I came from Dumbbell to ST R. Finished Asura just this weekend and so far I'm enjoying Omega.
Ngl I like it for what it is.
>Predictions for next chapter?
muscle man will give the water elemental a single however moment that will end on a cliffhanger, before jobbing horribly in the next next chapter.
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>Sandrobitch is indeed relying on waifushit appeal to recruit readers who don't care about writing quality and depiction of martial arts
Exactly this. I'm pretty sure.
>thought we'd get an interesting match on how Julius would try to counter Formless with his overwhelming strength, perhaps revealing he developed anti-Formless tactics like how Waka tried to counter the Niko Style
>instead we get Julius looking like a buffoon and Agito taking zero damage, this doesn't even qualify as a Round 1 KAT fight
It's all so tiresome, and I was actually interested in this matchup as well. Guess Lolong vs Ramon is all we have to look forward to.
Dumbbell made me start working out if it makes you feel any better. and Meguru is still the best manga about fight sport
Justin is winning the tournament
>Flashback of Agito respecing into full dex infinite roll spam build
>Julius activates his first however, changes all his slow twitch muscle fibers into fast twitch increasing his speed and power by 500%
>Both Agito's arms and legs get ripped off and thrown out of the ring
>Alisa rules that it doesn't count as a ring out
>Julius picks Agito's torso to casually toss it like garbage
>Flashback of tiger niko teaching Agito, "THAT TECHNIQUE"
>Crazy face Agito.jpeg
>Exercises perfect body control to forcibly pump blood from his stumps to achieve propulsion
>Niko Style, Ancillary Forbidden Technique: Blood Rocket
>Flys out of Julius' grip and around the arena
>"Guh, my blood pressure is decreasing, I have to finish this with the next hit!"
>With a final forceful blood spurt rocket's into Julius, forcing him from the arena
>Agito wins by knock out moments before dying of blood loss.
I genuinely don’t know why Sandro does that
I hate everything about Sandro’s understanding of martial arts.
>Soft styles counter everything because I said so.
>Named technique spam
>Lolong’s entire existence
Kengan is a shonen
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>Julius is quite literally too strong to win anymore
Someone get him on cardio right now
but I am not a shonen.
Shounen just means 'boy'
I am not a shonen.
Trust the plan. You really think Sandro is gonna let us down?
Fuck off Koga no one sees you as a man. Even though you're Cosmo's age and Cosmo is a "legend"
This is funny
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I predict that Lolong could take them.
Hassad late
Tomorrow "we" will witness the Julius redemption, believe it
And what will the “side effects” of his “redemption” be?
>agito reduced to DUDE FORMLESS
You hate to see it.
That and Julius already deforming his arma the moment the fight started
>Kazzy: OH MAH GAD he pulled out the Godkiller Arms!!1!
I mean, even if you're gonna use the same techniques, formulas and subversions, at least remember to give your audience some sense of suspense.
What am I looking at?
The critically acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV with Extended Free Trial That Includes Heavensward and Stormblood Expansions up to Level 70
He's one of the characters you fight in the Raid series which is just a tournament arc, and the thing on his head is a 'regulator' which uses human souls to give themselves a second life and beast souls to give them super powers.
boring and gay
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But it's NOT formless.
he's been like that since the lu tian fight man
Julius sucks and his gimmick is dumb, so I enjoy seeing him humiliated. I agree it's not really "good writing" tho.

My secret fear is that Sandro is revving up the mother of all "howevers" and subverting the match straight into Agito's loss.
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The single greatest page in Omega
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Listen to me, what if Sandro makes a fight, 2 women vs 1 man?
it could work?
no it’s still Toa’s BOTH HANDS
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>Expert security forces
>Some nameless jobbers, a (literal) blind nigger and a human vibrator
I'll admit the former "Milk Teeth of Metsudo" were the ones who got clowned on the hardest and were the only ones who could have some serious rep as security
>Predictions for next chapter?
Julius will have a last second "however" but Agito's "however" is immediately after and it goes exactly like this.
Who is the Molar of Metsudo?
If Yumi had raped Sayaka and massacred most of the Bodyguards including 4th Fang and Misasa, would Agito hating him be more justified?
Agito hating him for betraying Metsudo is enough. Him needing to be a murderer with Misasa making a random comment during the fight that he killed one as he escaped was completely unnecessary.
no, Agito is a zealot and probably on the spectrum. his reasoning was believable enough. it's Sandro's attempts to make him despicable in general after kicking the shit out of Jose that flopped hard.
Carlos even said "OOORALE HOMES! You took liberties with my bueno amigo Jose" or something to that effect even though Jose is the one who went out of his way to break Yumigahama's arm
He never shoulda needed Formless. He's 6'7'', 285 pounds and supposedly as skilled as the best of them but it's vintage Sandro to undermine a character's real abilities in favor of gimmicks
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What would possibly make you say that?
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>Let's turn him into noodletoro
>That's what the peak of evolution and martial art is all about right?
This is why I like the idea of Kengan teams
I could take that man
Gamo should have won
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"beast souls"
Jobber confirmed.
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Hassad soon.
Won what?
It was Erioh until he got removed.
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Erioh was the Dentures of Metsudo. They or the Cavity, as he got removed.
This, one suplex and agito is toast
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>First fight was a one-sided shitstomp with Gaolong winning, no real HOWEVERS because I'm not counting Jurota THROOOWING a HOWEVER
>Second fight was a one-sided goofstomp until Justine got his HOWEVER and ended the fight in exactly one move

So anon, tell me
Are we going to get a one-sided shitstomp with zero howevers or is Julius going to get his HOWEVER and win the match in hit
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I have Justin over Gaolang in round 2. He banked a HOWEVER for the second round, meanwhile Gaolang has nothing exciting going into the rest of the tournament besides some minor rematch with Agito hype. But I don't see Sandro sending old and tired Agito through to win the other bracket and rematch in the finals so I'm not counting on the hype to get Gaolang through his next round. My expectations for Julius and Ramon are at rock bottom. I'm almost certain finals will be Lolong vs Justin.
>I'm almost certain finals will be Lolong vs Justin.
>Sandro not having at least one Kenganvenger in the finals
Justin will cause another "shockwave" amongst the associations...
Justin won because his opponent was just as new and uninspired and also tripped a trillion loss flags by looking down on one of Sandro's pet martial arts and the seeker mentality. There's no way he makes it past an established, popular Kenganvenger too.
I don't think it'll be a full on stomp quite though, he'll probably get a however or two and make Gaolang suck his cock a bit and tell him how awesome he was. The framing of the fight will probably be that Justin is very talented but lacks experience and hasn't "arrived" yet, which will make Justin decide to hold off on his plans to challenge America(the home of the most powerful martial artists in the world as we all know).
>by looking down on one of Sandro's pet martial arts and the seeker mentality
Hiraku did no such thing. He even admitted to himself he knows why one would do those things but he prefers his way.
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Latest chapters have been so shit we haven't even seen a decent edit in weeks to at least laugh about it.
It's just boring at the moment
It will be at least two more chapters with this fight as well.
Hopefully Sandwich doesn't waste too much time on Lolong and Don Ramon since we all know Lolong will take him or will he?
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He might have said "yeah whatever people can do what they want", but he also called it freakish and barbaric to do partial training and mocked full contact karate. That absolutely villainizes him in Sandro moralityscaling.
Lu clearly didn’t give into a beastial state though
If it was the Advance I’d understand
The bestial state is more like an exclusive economic zone.
Lolong is totally going to demolish everyone because he got hyped up to high hell.
But a good writer would cut his losses and make Lolong a jobber that more interesting characters like Ramon will take
>images that spoil your mood
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Have a nice meal, that will cheer you up.
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Justin finally breaking the stoic faggot winning curse would bring a smile to my face… So it won’t happen
He's in it for the money and fame so unless he gets development that changes that he stands 0 chance of winning this tourney.
I don’t care about him winning I just want to see a stoic fall to a goofball for ONCE
I dropped the fuck out of this around the point where Gaoh Mukaku got freed up after like 3 months of jacking him off. Have Setsuna or Akoya done anything remotely noteworthy or cool or are they still doing niko style foreplay?
Where does this rank in relation to stealing techniques on the Sandro morality scale?
Okubo on Joe Rogan would be funny
On the other hand if Justin makes it past Gaolang only to get one tapped by Lolong I will laugh so hard
I want Lolong to be utterly brutalized by Ramon because Ramon gives off more aura than any other high tier characters
>Boring fight, awful art, nothing good to talk about
Completely agree. The chapter was so bad last week that I didn't even stick around for the thread afterwards.
The only thing worse than stealing techniques is harming beloved characters like Rikuto and Yasunaga, and pretending you made up from scratch the martial art that you put together from cave paintings.
You don't know anything about Ramon. He could be gay, Jewish, or worse, French, for all you know
I suspect he's Italian and his backstory will tell us why Shen wanted the Worm to bomb Italy
I don't care, as long as he only honorably practices techniques he owns the proper copyright to.
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>I suspect he's Italian
Does his fighting style revolve around tossing pizza doughs and washide strikes? I'm guessing he hates the Connector because of an argument over whether the Chinese or the Italians invented noodles
Do you always immediately just sperg out whenever someone even mentions STR or what
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He has long white hair, I can trust him.
Is that why the worm bombed Italy?
el abuelo de xia....
>watched the baki x kengan crossover
>I'm supposed to believe raian wouldn't snap jack in half instantly
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>Ramon wins the tournament
>Koga later meets him and decides to cozy up to him to steal techniques
>Ramon gut punches him
>"That's for my grandson, you xiao riben."
Fuck off Sandro.
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Fuck off Raian
Seriously though Jack would win in a serious fight between the two. Jack is actually quite intelligent and skilled, being able to even defeat a master like Shibukawa. Raian is kind of an idiot and the Kure techniques turned out to be overrated shit like leg thrust. Don't know why Sandro thought what Raian needed was a sword.
It makes me believe the notion that Sandro uses AI to write out the plot
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None of your arguments matter. Logically Edward would mop the floor with Raian and immediately go for the kill, but being authors pet > logic.
>and the Kure techniques turned out to be overrated shit like leg thrust
Uh, bro? Did you forget about absolute peak of martial art technique like Copy™?
How would he know? He never actually touched Agito.
>when he fought me
Don't gaslight me or I'll rape you, Yan.
Edward was always the most magnanimous of us. That's why he was weak despite being so strong. Just because you win it doesn't mean you'll.... Win. It's like you weren't paying attention!
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They touched each other.
Is there any reason why Kengan security is still absolute dogshit? I thought after the whole thing with the Death Dealers they'd be a lot more tight, face masks should be banned at least.
The king of mercy....
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>Connector... I don't know about this. Gaoh Mukaku isn't a threat to our plans. Spare his life... This old man could use a vacation
Eddie not being there is the reason Mukaku died
>even his clone was in the process of protesting finishing off Kiryu before Akoya intervened
He was too kind to win.
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>Raian, Erioh, why do you continue to resist me? Can't you tell by now? I don't want to kill you. Just submit to me, and to the Connector. The Connector has done great things for my people. Look at how common Guihun 100% is for us. We're stronger than ever before. We have top scientists working everyday to make our clan even better. You're a fossil Erioh, you fight for the old way, the way where brothers from the Kure and Wu Clans fight and kill each other over nothing. It's time for unity my brothers, for evolution. Just stay down...please just stay down.
It's boring because we already know agito will win zzzz
I could unironically buy that Rikuto actually killed himself to avoid capture by the Westward Wu if we're trying to wrap this around ANY sort of consistency.
I wept a little when he said this...
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>Don't do this, Rikuto! We can put an end to eons of bloodshed here and now! No more brother wars!
>*Rikuto cracks the cyanide pill in his tooth.* No one will believe you, Westward dog...
Gilly 3 was so good, shame it only lasted a single panel
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What happened to him?
This is already so outdated, I need to update it with the latest phenotypes like >>268896023
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>Raian, the rage I feel deep in my heart when I look at you is unfathomable. Alan was like a son to him, and you tore him apart before my eyes. I can never forgive you... is what I want to say, but yet I must. This cycle of violence, it has to end, can't you see? There can never be another Alan, another Rikuto... go to sleep now, boy. Tonight the world will change for the better, I'm off to the peace summit I called with Erioh and Xing, where we we will build a new future for the clans. Solomon, Fabio, if I don't return... tell my son I love him.
>Want to make another collage
>Ask for suggestions
>Only 2 anon reply
Feels bad.
crazy how Motobe-sensei has the strongest aura here.
Not so fast. Here comes a REAL ninja.
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How mad will everybody be when it turns out that this tournament is just the most boring predictable outcomes possible and Lolong steamrolls Ramon to "redeem" himself without there even being a struggle?
>2 characters nobody takes seriously (one is a jobber, the other a new face) fight
>one of them wins
Nobody will be mad
They would both bond over smoking cigars.
Nobody honestly believes that Ramon will deliver. Even people who hype him up deep down know that he is throwaway jobber.
Here is how the fight is going to look like:
Ramon's backstory is that he has a superman syndrome and that he was strongest assassin in never mentioned clan which is supposedly as strong as Kure clan. He joined Slaughter coliseum because his job as assassin wasn't enough to satisfy his bloodlust.
Ramon makes a crazy face and starts talking about how someone from promotion with such pussy rules as purgatory could never beat real murderer like him.
Lolong responds that he picked purgatory because without rules limiting him he would never have any challenge.
Ramon starts hallucinating about Lolong being giant and coughs some blood because he can't handle his killing intent.
Lolong becomes slightly more brutal and dominant, but everybody is reacting like Lolong just ripped Ramon in half.
Ramon starts begging for mercy and admits that Lolong is the real monster here not him.
Carlos rushes to save him.
Yan starts sweating profusely and talks that none of his agents is half as vicious as Lolong and how this fight makes him understand why so many worms died against him.
>Then Lolong's premonition ends and he wakes up in a hospital bed
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Frankly Gaolang jobbing to Justin will make this Tournament worth it. I don't care about other match ups.
What are the drafts for that bottom panel?
Yan is technically a KA member now, so he would probably be allowed in even if he wasn't hiding his identity.
>>I'm supposed to believe raian wouldn't snap jack in half instantly
Is this a joke? Jack fought Pickle, Raian jobbed to a weaker Ohma.
>Actually using a Raian from literal years ago
Even if you think power scaling is hokey witchcraft for hyper autists you can't seriously think this way.
>Chapter 269: Scaling the Wall
>the whole fight is unironically just going to be julius being shit on so that agito can show he has ARRIVED and is now on "THAT LEVEL"
I almost feel bad for the Juliusfags.
Yes. Raian from years ago which is what the crossover is fucking based on. It doesn't even acknowledge Omega.
>>Actually using a Raian from literal years ago
It's the Raian the crossover used, isn't it?
I don't. No other character has a more obnoxious and delusional fanbase. They genuinely believe that he should be invincible and kill everyone in one hit. Julius is a boring as fuck character that has more jobber flags than Waka, who he lost to.
Hopefully him getting negg-diffed by Agito will make them fuck off forever and never show their faces in the threads again out of embarrassment.
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Good morning, how are we feeling Juliusbros?
I've already accepted that Julius will be sacrificed in this humiliation ritual of a fight to wank Shitgito. At most our guy will get one (1) pity hit before Sandro's 3rd favorite pet takes him down. God forbid a guy who's whole gimmick is being strong looks strong in a fight.
Remember when Jurota beat Agito for a spot in the tournament, shaking up the Kengan fights, only for Agito to get a spot anyways and for Jurota to lose in the first round?
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Justin will win. He has many more howevers than Gaolang.
Imagine if Julius ends up being Agito's most one-sided stomp so far.
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>Gilbert in the drafts looks genuinely furious about the death of his friend Willem
>Gilbert in the finalised chapter just looks eager to show off and prove how much better he is than Raian
I would not give a fuck. I am well past being excited for new characters hogging the tippity tippy toppest tier. You ninnies fabricated this fatherly omnipotent idea of Ramon over the past few weeks like how cornball anon self inserts as Nezu.
He'a a big guy with a face like a dromedary camel!
This my powerscaling sisters, Raian entered the Kure hyperspace time boiling chamber and trained for one year (alongside his rival and lover Ouma Tokita) so he was stronger than Julius' entire body with each finger and able to break Wakatsuki's fist if hit with a blast core as of Omega chapter 50. This definitely happened
Waka has never lost a fight onscreen (losing offscreen means nothing in this manga)
I like how you made it seem like THE Motobe and Hank Hill are leaning on the railing
Wakabro...? Are we forgetting the KAT...?
Conclusive blow was not shown, therefore Waka lost off-panel
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we all know he's wearing a disguise out of fear of Lolong
My predictions for this chapter (if Agito doesn't immediately just murder him with no subversion) if a Julius however where he's able to land a hit on Agito while Yan/Agito commentate that Agito's principles meme isn't perfect yet and Agito glazes Julius a bit to not make him look bad with some lipservice
>blah blah i respect you julius i know one good hit could take me out of the game!
This whole piece of empty hype went nowhere.
The lose one win one format is becoming really stale and predictable, Sandro.
Almost there
I love perspective tricks.
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Won't somebody shank sandro already
Reminder that "The Real" Carlos Medel knocked out Akoya with a single jab
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>Chapter 269: Scaling the Wall
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When will HE show up?
i wish sandro made him an actual character that grew up and became part of this tournament
That's Kuroki's childhood friend, Anonymous, who saved him from Invincible when they were kids. Kuroki went on to become a martial artist, while he joined the army and became a weapons expert.
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>Scaling the Wall
Is Agito a woman?
I believe in the xia ji will kill shen theory, this page was the foreshadow
I have a real hard time remembering the fights after purgatory
I read agito vs jurota twice and I still can't remember how judoman managed to beat formless
Correct. As long as the finishing blow is not shown the fighter still keeps his dignity or aura if youre a zoomer
Invest in Waka coin
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I've wanted Nezu back for ages ever since he jobbed instantly to Nezu. He's funny, looks unique and is a fucking biker gang leader. I'll never get my wish though.
That's where you're wrong. Kuroki IS Invincible. He was recalling a time in which he was greener.
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Which Kengan characters can do THIS?
>So wise he even defeated himself
What's the issue?
No but after this fight Julius will be
Haruo after getting food poisoning
All the big guys. Julius probably eats 10 times as much as a normal person and also shits 10 times as much. That's why he doesn't wear clothes - they'd just get in the way.
Medicine Man
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>Poop for a whole day straight, uh?
>Kanchoume, that's a trick for women and children
He didn't "arrive"
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That's a fairly small amount of sandwiches for an average-sized person, I'd say?
are (you) watching Kinnikuman, right?
That much every 3 hours. And then spends the next hours shitting it out.
Nah pro wrestling is gay

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