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What is this face trying to say?
waito piggu go home
>If I wasn’t related to him you’d stand no chance
Alya still has no chance. Yuki is in his bed.
>Remember - no Russian.
All according to keikaku.
Tfw you see a hussy
>the only time you're seeing a single drop of his sperm is when it's leaking out of me
>KYIV not KIEV okay
That she is worst girl.
Shut up, Alya
I've been thinking about her for days. It sucks so much that she's destined to lose.
That just means she's yours for the taking
Imagine betraying your cute little sister who loves you so much just because the big titty hafu asked you to run with her instead
>pretends to be a childhood friend just so she can tease ruski girl
>takes every chance to remind ruski girl that she is intimiate with her crush
This girl is so twisted, i love her
That's literally just normal female behavior
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She's so fucking perfect, I wish she was my sister and straddled me on my bed like this, I'd pull her under the covers and cuddle her, I bet she's also the type of girl to rub me off when i'm trying to focus on a game, I also wouldn't put it past her to molest ME on a busy train.
As matter of fact I am, want to see it?
How would she have reacted?
Her butt hurts.
>Sits next to Ayla instead of his sister when eating out
She lost. And lost hard.
She thinks I'm serious, blushes and touches it or she doubles down on her teasing and touches it, I win either way.
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from what?
Why doesn't he just say "Alya, she's my sister, she's screwing with you"? He can clearly see she's trying to make her uncomfortable.
Because seeing Alya squirm is cute
Because he is in love with his sister (a higher love)
>Alya, she's my sister, she's screwing me

post sexo sister doing cute twerk in a school uniform.webm
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She‘s the only good thing about this shitty show

extremely adorable
But Russians are not white
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Yuki is best girl
It says stop streaming
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>*wraps around his arms*
>You see Alyssa-san, we are so close we treat each other like brother and sister
>We even do things like sleep together...
>Bath together...
>Give each other morning kisses
What to do?
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t. la creatura americana
thank you for doing the needful
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Do you know the answer, /a/?
So they can walk home holding hands
it's imoutokino now? i read the manga for 10 chapters once and it was fucking boring alya is fucking boring blyat
maybe i will give the anime a shot
does alya really have no friends? what a loser if true
onii-chans owe their imoutos sex.
She's too beautiful to have friends
>stay away from my nii nii homewrecker
That chapter where she's sad because he announced he'd run for student council with Alya. I can't stand this faggot putz. All his imouto wanted was an excuse to hang out with her brother at school and spend time with him.
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>imouto makes her move
her character design, especially the ponytail version is so much better it's not even funny
she's a foreigner in japan its not that weird
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They are having lots of babymaking sex
One of them is a FSB agent keeping an eye on another
I amgine that his imouto is incredibly stinky
They already did that in middle school and he felt bad for the person they beat
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What do you think about her manga version?
is the manga good?
Just imagine
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i am not sure yet
I like the manga designs more but both the anime and manga are good
Post the casual manga version.
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too bad we didn't get this part in the show
God she is so cute.
Can Alya really not tell they're related? They look exactly alike.
What is this in reference to?
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>imouto marked with heart on phone
What does this mean?
They are Japanese, they all look the same.
Their last names are different
imoutoshit lost hard, the sisterzone is the perfect place for keks like her
So, is it NBR or are they at least half-siblings?
why does alya even want to be the student council president?
It will look good in her resume.
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Begone homewrecker
But she's not my blood-related sister so what's the point?
It's referring to how she wants him to put his penis inside her vagina
they are BR
They're siblings their parents are just separated.
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This is what they took from us
I think i'm in love...
Give it back
Gently, I hope.
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Remember. No seething.
Yuki seems like a girl who likes a rough hand holding
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she is quite possessive
I think she was pretending to be a CF so that if they possibly did hook up then no one would know they're siblings. Unfortunately MC has white fever.
And most impotantly has a sexy ponytail half of the time. She's perfect. And yet gaylord is chasing some westaboo freak fever shitter. Cheeky nii san, he's in desperate need of correction and penis bullying from his imouto.
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well, at least she wins
I mean let's not pretend Alya is ugly...
>prone to manic outburts
>desperately looking to please others
>has like something like a 10 chapter flashback arc because MC was nice to her
I will never forgive her. Give imouto victory or give death.
I need to see Yuki's feet
At first I disliked her, assuming she will be that generic love rival or some other shit. Good that she ended up as an actually interesting character.
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Why the anime skipped these?!
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I getting a boner. I mean, a stiff.
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Stiffy. It's called a stiffy.
What would her honest reaction be if he had started snuggling with her when she had him straddled?
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The angry weeaboo can't be this maniacal!?
Oh no, look at her upper teeth. They're visually implying that she has fucked up Jap teeth.
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you have no idea
Dumb spaniard
Supremacy over haafu bitches.
Wait is that really it? That's the entire super dramatic backstory? We won and felt bad about it?
>he felt bad for the person they beat
Fuck off. It's a competition, tough fucking tiddies.
Yep. MC is a total retard
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its moe
Snuggle back I'd imagine since that's what she wants
yuki would probably be down for a threesome
Yeah, fuck off with that faggot shit. Gross.
That ass needs a slap so bad it hurts
>THE POSE + happy feet + barefoot
this scene was very necessary
Stop it, it's too cute to even think about.
>saying nani unironically
Go back.
That's so kimoii of you anon, you should commit sudoku
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fuck off, weebs
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matta matta
it's a little girl thing, you wouldn't understand,
That little jig she does is top cute
I think we should ban all the fucking weebs here, weebs ruined /a/
It's a grown up girl OnlyFans thing
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But she's one too
Elaborate, what's gross about that?

the moment she squints her eyes and the jiggle is pure
What makes this show so much better than all the other generic romcoms? I almost feel like I may has disregarded it too quickly.
Unprecedented amounts of feet
Tawdry and trashy things are just that. It's just a visceral off putting and frankly unwanted sort of thing.
How long before she brags to Alya about having seen him naked?
All women are psychopaths.
I prefer arm pits
Nobody would give a shit about Yuki if she wasn't the sister. EP one, nobody gave a shit
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Wrong, she's much more of a fun character than Alya, imouto or not. Alya is pretty fucking boring.
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cope and seethe that your russian boring skank can't carry anything

episode 1 had barely any Yuki and her just acting fake.
Episode 2 showed real Yuki and people fell in love
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I love her personality
It's a shame a heroine like Yuki can't exists because if she did she'd be fucking the MC on episode 2
There is no reason to give a shit about any girl who isn't the little sister.
Everyone is boring and stereotypical in this show, but at least Arya is aryan.
The only good part about her is when her better, the imouto, is shitting on her.
>show introduces 2 best girls
Is this edited?
Yuki and who?
Surely we're still getting that, right? They're clearly not shying away from fanservice.
ur mum
Be honest for a minute. Let's say that you have an incredibly attractive sister who is your best friend and has a great personality and is completely dtf. Would you actually fuck your sister?
What does Alya see in him? I understand why his freaky sister wants to fuck him but Alya has no reason
>Let's say that you have an incredibly attractive sister
>Would you actually fuck your sister?
sisterfags sure are vocal in their contrarianism. Alya > *
He’s attractive
10/10 looks with a 3/10 personality vs a 9.5/10 looks with a 11/10 personality

Which one are you picking?
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Incest lost
>let's say sister
Yes. A hundred times yes.
Not if I deport Alya back to the motherland
Only because of anti-incest laws. This should've aired 15 years ago.
The face of a heroine who knows she is inherently inferior, but tries to make the best of her situation.
Masha, the superior russian
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Point at this friendless loser and laugh
Irrelevant because nobody there has a personality that enticing.
dude he was nice to me that one time years ago lmao
My sister is none of those things and I still would.
Unironically attractive, funny, smart and rich.
she reminds me a lot of Nayuta from Imosae and that one was more popular despite not being imouto
If they wrote Alya out of the show and made the imouto the love interest then this anime would be 500% better.
Gee I wonder who's behind this post!
Change the name to "Yuki frequently has sex with her brother in various positions"
Just rename the series Imouto Sae Ireba II but have no further association with that manga and just make it about Yuki fucking her brother.
She’s putting her sister-in-law to be through her paces.
>What is this face trying to say?
Nah, I want to see russian women being bred
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Is her sister freezing her out because she wants MC dick?
yuki is the designated loser, incestfags cant stop taking the L
Imouto anal

God, you fags are such cucks.
Onee > imouto

Always and forever.
Everyone wants Mc’s fuck I this series. Even the guys, he’s the most generic nice guy protagonist in a long time
>has known a world without you in it
Whores, the lot of them.
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Yuki won my heart
true but such is the power of the imouto
Hate Russians like you wouldn't imagine.
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>look it up
>she's his sister
What pleb taste, almost bordering on normalfaggotry. You should correct yourself, and quickly.
What sucks the most about "destined to lose" heroines is that the show is incapable of showing them having romantic success with anyone that isn't the MC, so 90% of the time they just end up alone rather than showing them being happy in a relationship with someone else
But y'know, the fantasy of these kind of shows is having a bunch of girls thirsty for the MC and only him so i kinda get it, just makes it sad that they WILL be unhappy
You come across as someone who watched or saw a clip of one romcom and then generalized them all at once. The same way I watched Dragon Ball and realized all battle/adventure shounen is bottom of the barrel garbage not worth any amount of my time.
Imoutozoned. Zigger girl won.
I have watched literally hundreds of romcom, it's my favorite genre
Maybe my memory is fucking with me but i'm pretty sure what i said is true
True harem endings are the exception, the title of this and the focus of the narrative clearly indicates it will be him and Alya in the end and only them
Sisters are even more likely to lose
Good morning, my brother.
I hope she gets some good doujin
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>no cute brocon imouto to read manga with
at least she has a successful normal life while I'm stuck here with you all forever
Why does she hide her power level?
So, does she ever find out that the guy actually understands Ruskis all along?
What is with all the smug in this series? Everyone is so smug.

>translations never completed
>manga got axed
It's not fair, this was such a cute manga.
Its good, but I feel it lacks the bratty energy
*farts in russian*

It's fine, he doesn't know Russian so he won't know what I just did
When does she find out they're siblings?
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They look older in the manga, Alya at times looks like Homunculus is drawing
Uzaki is older than those high school girls, what trend chasing numbnuts drew this
>What sucks the most about "destined to lose" heroines is that the show is incapable of showing them having romantic success with anyone that isn't the MC,
Sadly. Part of it is because a lot of weebs would say the MC was a cuck, call it NTR, scream, freak out, and cry. Even if the MC wanted nothing to do with the girl sexually or romantically. You can't expect people who have never been with a woman to see things any differently.
are russian girls the closest we have to elf race?
Why couldn't get a native Russian speaker for the main character?
Because she's japanese
There's Jenya but she's too much of a hag and not cute enough for the nipponese
Would you rather teach the entire japanese language to a russian girl?
sumire is honorary russian
I dunno man, those little 'secret' flirts in Russian really tickle me.
Her chanting 'come here' in the store room when she wanted attention from him too got me by the heart.
I felt the same way. That was incredibly cute and cemented her as #1 for me. Yuki is fantastic too, so I get it
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This thread is how imoutofags cope with being the designated loser.
Everyone will forget about slutmouto when Masha appears
No one cares about Alya's whore sister
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I've never seen such erotic legs
Don't you want to kiss them and eat her пизда
Sumerie is pretty fluent in russian, but needed to "animefy" her voice, so ayla sounds like a 5 year old. Which makes sense, many asian immigrants that grew up in another language speak very simplistically in their mother's tongue, and toss in tons of english words in their sentences.
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I want a fanart where a guy in a Teddy Bear Costume fucks Masha senseless
So according to leakers, episodes 3 and 4 won't have fanservice. Nothing about later episodes, but we still need to get to the later fanservice scenes too like Alya's shirt scene and Yuki's changing scene.
Fucking brat needs to be corrected.
the sister knows that MC fully understands whenever Alya is speaking ruski, right?
calm down, Yuki
episode 3 soon
2nd ED was cute.
she wouldnt have asked him to translate otherwise
there's plenty of russian or ukrainian weeb girls
Aysha Sometimes Her Feelings in Arabic Inshallah
japs dont give a fuck about how fluent the VAs can be, they could be native speaker and yet they will be forced to
>speak like retards
>just repeat catchphrases
>speak very simple sentences at best
Anon sometimes hides his feelings in shitposting
Which means their Japanese pronunciation would be horrible.
Reminder that alya must fluent in Japanese given she has been in Japan forever since childhood
picture ayla's burning hot shit after eating that ramen hoOOLY FUCK IT COULD PEEL THE ENAMEL OFF HER TOILET
>Which means their Japanese pronunciation would be horrible
that makes it even cuter
where russian dub?
Hell yeah, I bet that would sound intensely cute.
sanctioned unironically
Why are westerners such cucks?
Feminism forever fucked westerners' brains
Yuki is giving me a stiffy.
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Feminism has nothing to do with wanting girls who lost MC bowl to move on with their lives, chudmaxxer.
imouto love
>I also wouldn't put it past her to molest ME on a busy train.
I'm not a character in the show
Truck-kun is waiting for you anon
unfiltered pantsu
but the girl from years ago was alya's sister, the brunette
>tfw no slav goddess to liberate me
Explain in a few sentences why everyone doesn't like the latest volumes (novel)
Spoil if you want, but mark it.
just caught up,
so why does MC play along with her in school?
Weird but you do you anon
>the standard for 99% of the world is weird
Maybe correct your perspective. But you do you passive aggressive fringe freak.
So they can kiss in public without getting weird looks
Interesting statistic not that it had anything to do with what was being posted.
Built for big brother cock
I would get it if he actually wants to bone his sister but he's prettymuch a russianfag

A) He actually enjoys the banter and playing around.

B) He doesn't want to risk damaging her image and jeopardize her StuCo career.
How would letting people know lead to B?
Is he a loser at school? he's even getting recruited to stuco this ep
>woooow I lost the campaign and now my parents will disown me
do nips really?
>thinking anons post anything about japan/manga/anime "ironically" or that it's some tongue in cheek joke
Sumire is a huge russiaboo, got a degree in russian studies and wrote a thesis on it, and is fluent.
But on top of all that, JP seiyuus are basically allergic to non JP talent and they would also still have to speak fluent JP due to the whole, y'know, rest of the show.
So why not just get Jenya?
its moe
you wouldnt get it
Can Jenya do 12 cover songs for them?
Because I have no idea who that is.
Really though, looking her up, it doesn't seem like she does much anime work. Sumire is super popular and a regular, she voiced Lum from a season or two ago even. And frankly her voice is really good and cute. I'm not saying the other girl is bad as I don't know her, but there's absolutely zero reason to do so.
As the other guy said, her russiago is most likely directed by the voice director to be that way if it's at all awkward (I don't speak russian so I can't say, it does sound cute though).
>inb4 yet another "but why not"
Look at how they speak engrish. They've had all the opportunity in the world to learn.
At this point it's a conscious choice.
>I felt bad for the girl we beat
>That's why i'll make my sister who loves me very much pass the same
What did he mean by this?
They could do what some characters do and have a separate singing and acting voice. Probably costs more, so getting Sumipe was probably the more cost-effective and practical option, but it's not like it wasn't an option.
Not gatcha so no.
>Uzaki is older than those high school girls
So what. She still has a senpai like the others as she's in college, retard.
I like the gimmick, but why did the author choose Russian specifically? It could work with any other language.
>pass the same
What did he mean by this?
>but why did the author choose Russian specifically
So she could have white/silver hair
>It could work with any other language.
It's in this weird place where it can't be English (Too much familiarity) and it can't be some European language because finding someone who speaks finnish in Japan would be a nightmare so it has to be Russian.
The author likes Sumipe. She even voiced Alya in drama CDs before the anime aired.
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Fuck imoutos

ED4 ハレ晴レユカイ

>How would letting people know lead to B?

Because it would expose her having told a bizarre lie to multiple people. Her whole image at school is being an ultra-perfect ojousama (complete with farcically polite speech patterns) and he doesn't seem to want to contradict any of it publicly.
>ED4 ハレ晴レユカイ
big if true
How based would it be though if the uber perfect student council girl was a degenerate brother fucker? Would secure my vote
That's why they love their brothers so much. They don't take them for granted
I need fanart of Alya in an adidas tracksuit with cigs, vodka, and AK-47
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The cutest
>ED4 ハレ晴レユカイ
Only if they animate the dance
name the threads properly you fucking retards
>not searching for "Roshidere" or "Alya" in the catalog
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that was the first thing i tried and it should be the only thing i have to try
name your fucking threads properly
Considering it's from a part that already aired i would say no, we are not getting that
skill issue lol
your insistence on being retarded does not constitute a lack of "skill" on my end
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>No imouto this episode
How do we cope?
Skip the episode the same way I skip the chapters that don't have her.
She not even playing in the bowl, how can she lose?
make your own thread then
no-ones stopping you
no point flooding the board when threads already exist, even if they are named wrong
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Why would anyone get a native foreigner to speak their language? It's not like the target audience will notice or care.
Ask yourself that the next time you see a murrican movie with a middle east character. Heck even the spanish is wrong, they all sound like Mexicans even when they are from South America.
>What makes this show so much better than all the other generic romcoms?

Erm, nothing? Having reading the LN in fact it's MORE generic then it seems. I'll especially laugh at those that expect romance and progress
>Japan does something, and /a/ asks if nips are like that
Do /a/ really?
it's not good, it's very run of the mill, it just has a good (high budget) anime adaptation
>2 threads is "flooding" the board
generalfags were a mistake
This art style looks almost like an actual screencap.
Episode already started, anyone going to post screencaps?
T. slavic uruk
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Need new thread
>anyone going to post screencaps?
waiting for subsplease in 30 minutes
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russian ep
just use this thread until it dies you fuck
How can you niggas post while watching it in real time as it airs
Do you automate this shit or something
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loli anya
it's called watching live japanese tv on streaming sites
actually looks like a russian classroom
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I mean posting screencaps as it airs
Isn't it fucking annoying to open 4chan and post screencap while it is streaming

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