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"Detective's Assistant 5 (5)" and "The Blue Bird", dumping thread.
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Beginning Chapter 168.
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Chapter 168 done.
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Check out our other horror series if you're interested. And speaking of them, instead of making new threads every time we want to dump one, one of my editors proposed just dumping them in on thread. So, I'll post the next chapter of WMG here soon.
Thank you for posting.
>I'll post the next chapter of WMG here soon
Are you sure? Maybe you should ask the anons who are into WMG first. Their participation matters after all.
Hm, good point. In that case, I'll give this some time, and if people want it, I'll post it in another thread as usual or in this one.
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Made a tiny mistake by using the wrong font. Also, people didn't like the Touya part of this arc much, what do you guys think of it?
I'm fine with it, but it didn’t need 5 chapters.
Yume's reaction was kinda anticlimactic here. And what's with the good gas thing, how is it good if the situation in the city worsened? I don't get it.....
Thanks OP
Comparison to a rival gang taking over was right there, the "good gas" just used the girls since it was the underdog.
The conclusion certainly is anticlimactic because it made Touya literally pointless and even Yagi implies that Yayoi and the gas had nothing to do at all.
I was so mad I didn't feel anything from the big reveal.
NTA but that kinda makas sense to me.
The mansion one?
I'm okay with it being in this thread. I feel like there's a lot of anons who are interested in both. I did find WGM author's pixiv though, and kinda wanna dump a few images from that, so this thread might get clogged.
these threads are always the editor, the translator and five gray workers hired by the mangaka to make sure the thread reaches bump limit
The Good Gas was the same kind of entity as the Bad Gas. The two were fighting over territory -- it was only "good" in the sense that it didn't feel like harming the girls.
Yagibros... is it over for us?
The brothers are on their way to meet him. They will probably fight Yayoi and save Yagi. I bet he's gonna end up comatose, the later he will wake up possessed by Yayoi.
I didn't know you guys were also hired to necro bump
I'm doing it for free tho
Chacha is so cool.
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That would be an interesting twist.
it's the good gas lollipop
I still feel a little bad about forgetting to bump the last thread. If you post it here it won't archive so quick but the odds of new readers are also lower.
I think 4 would've been enough.
Slow thread.
I'll probably keep making new threads for each series then.
>how is it good if the situation in the city worsened?
Tbh we don't know. It could well be the people possessed by "bad gas" getting wiped out by "good gas" group
A horror thread featuring Ura Baito, Wakaeri Shinrei Mansion, Nikubame Honegishi, etc. could work as niche/web manga horror thread. This thread could last two weeks or until the new the chapter, but merging them could encourage more discussion and lessen the work for the gray part-timers.
Dumped Welcome Ghost Mansion Chapter 31 here: >>268901524

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