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Were you all looking forward to more granma time?
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to be honest, I thought we'd get something with the alt cafe girls, given that they just recently made their anime debut
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Riho and Kiku are the only ones who look inferior to their granmas
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I wonder what the age gap between Sachiko and Masahiro is?
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no that pretty, if you ask me
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well, chapter done. Did you like it?
Yes. I like it.
Grandma reminded me a bit of early Riho this chapter
Man I can't believe something happened in kanokari this week while the usual romcoms got nothing. I didn't realize today is opposite day...
nah, but it's alright.
>something happened in kanokari
are you shitting me? I'm not gonna check until confirmation.
>This is what happens when you go to Tokyo!!
fucking Tokyo man
I guess this'll be a set-up for an eventual granmas reunion with a ghost Sachiko
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Was a quick and easy read. I liked it.
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Tomorrow we'll have the final happening in Abyss. Will Reiji survive? will he realize his life wasn't pointless in the end? Will he find out there are ways to live a righteous life and being cucked from his bloodlust doesn't mean the end of the world for him? Who's that person at the bridge? Tomorrow on the penultimate Shounen no Abyss.
Kazuya realized Mini is a woman too.
Date confirmed to fail before ever beginning.
Riho a cute
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Grandma was being mistreated by her family too, maybe in a future flashback well see them ask her to come back home and she'll chose to stay with grandpa
>Were you all looking forward to more granma time?
no, in fact I stopped paying attention to this manga for a while now
Hayatos (Grand)-Mom has got it goin' on.
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Hayato's future daughter has also got it goin' on.
Just like his grandson Masahiro hates lies.
I like Ami to win...but for some reason I like Riho to...I just don't know why l...
Thanks OP
>Amagami thread already dead
What went wrong?
At the rate things are going, apart from exceptional circumstances, Mayonaka really is the only WSM romcom or even manga that /a/ still gives a shit about. It gets 100+ posts almost every week while the others, romcom or not, almost never do. Not even Amagami, which used to be consistent, hits 100 anymore.
>cuckoo dead
>amagami dead
>terrace kept alive through talk of other series

>kanokani still alive somehow
Only because Mini and Kazuya went on a date
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More nipples when?
NO! I want more akane!
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I hate how she's been sideline for over 40 chapters.
Pic is better
Sachiko's nipples
The last franchise I played where there was a ghost Sachiko, people ended up getting raped by both elementary schoolers and fat ugly old men.
You will get another Akane toilet scene in a few episodes and you will like it.
>people ended up getting raped by both elementary schoolers and fat ugly old men.
The second never happened in Corpse Party though, only the first.
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Ghosts are extremely scary. Look at how they prey on their boyfriends. Not even becoming an isekai protagonist keeps them from getting the dick they want. Fall asleep, they rape you in your dreams.
Kizami's anus says otherwise. Only Yoshikazu's penis could've cause those damages.
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Especially Ami's nipples!
She already had her idol arc, now wait until the other girls get their turn
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Harem arc
No! I don't want to sit around for another 80 chapters. Ouka and Riho are shit. SHIT!

Especially Riho. Nobody gives a flying fuck about her trying to become an actress again or Ouka being a fashion designer. Ami also has no future.
Rei will WIN! The 6th girl introduced! She may have it hard now, but out of nowhere, she will conquer Hayato's heart! Who cares if she's a lesser version of Ami. She is cute and looks the most like Sachiko!
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Is it gay to fuck 3 tomboys at the same time?
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We need more abs and ass.
Yes. Especially if you want to fuck Ami and Tina. Ami would try to iron claw your dick. Tina is brazillian and has aids.

Rei is too naive for cock though. She's just a little girl still trying to figure herself out. leave her alone.
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reject them all for being the whores they are.
>that VN
The most unforgettable horror porn game I've ever played. No other game had a bunch of elementary schoolers gangbang a teenage girl against a wall. And the teenage girl loved it. No other game I've played had a 17 year old bishonen guy drink a 14 year old girl's piss and chase her down the hall to rape her, only to wind up getting anally raped by a 32 year old fat man. I still remember the scene where a 16-17 girl was hiding under a bed as her same age best friend was having sex with that same 32 year old fat guy on top. She heard every moan, bed shake and sound. In the wrong end she was discovered under the bed by her friend and made to join. A most terrifying scene was when an unwilling girl relives another girl's sex memories. The girl in the memory consented but the reliving girl didn't. It didn't matter that she was mentally screaming, her body in the memory did all the motions and actions as in history. It's like mind control rape except the victim was fully aware. Another scene the same girl and a friend were almost raped in a magic sex ritual, saved by the girl's older sister, and the backlash made the older sister want to rape her younger sister and friend.

The loli in this pic is freakishly lewd and once disguised herself as a teenage girl, fucked a boy until he nearly came, transformed back saying
>You thought you were having sex with a highschooler weren't you? I'm an elementary schooler all along!
And leglocks that boy, forcing him to cum inside her unprotected, when he screams in fear upon learning this. This isn't even getting into the tentacles, the gay sex, the lesbian sex, the incest, the sequel's mother/daughter lesbian scene, etc. The first chapter alone contains lots of lesbian sex scenes with an unavoidable girl masturbating in the bathroom. Truly horror is intrinsically connected with sexuality
Fuuka was so underrated, she needed more doujins (and by doujins I meant actual doujins, not Seo bonuses).
Ouka will avenge Itsuki
So I'm guessing almost all the Amagami fans moved to Mayonaka? Amagami didn't even get a dump until about an hour ago and the thread is already dead.
Amagami would be dead whether or not MHT was around. The manga has been unbelievably dull for at least the past year.
still not as dead as cafe terrace. I like cafe terrace too. It's helping me fill the void left by the Quints.
No, you can clearly see the correlation between Amagami threads dying and Mayonaka threads becoming more active. Not to mention Amagami threads having less and less of "those" posters. There's clearly some kind of migration going on, the question is how much.

At least we aren't Cuckoo threads. It's a shame since this week was actually a good chapter with Hiro confirming that she did like Nagi. I guess Hiro just isn't enough to sustain Cuckoo anymore, but I can't blame anons given how /a/ has always been largely Sachifags.
Cafe Terrace is more of a comedy. There's just less stuff to discuss. It's still a way better read than Amagami which can rarely even get a laugh.
>Seo usually ends his stories in 3-4 years.
>Cafe is already pushing to year 4
We're getting to the end soon. Seo is an asshole when it comes to endings. How will he piss us all off this time?
Another truck
Meanwhile Yowa Yowa just can't get any traction here no matter how many times it gets dumped. It probably isn't even the language barrier because a dedicated fan could have just translated the Japanese text anyway and posted the translations.
>hayato dies
>the 5 girls keep familia open to honor him
Holy fuck that would piss me off.
>because a dedicated fan could have just translated the Japanese text anyway and posted the translations.
Those kinds of threads don't get traction. I once did that for Grapara and barely anyone cared, then the whole project fell apart because I couldn't find typesetters.
Fuwa's son lights the cafe on fire and Hayato becomes comatose, his daughter was an illusion.
What if one of the girls wins but then gets trucked/dies of natural causes and that's why she doesn't appear in the flash forward?
>No, you can clearly see the correlation between Amagami threads dying and Mayonaka threads becoming more active.
I'm skeptical. I feel like Amagami threads have been dead since around the Shirahi arc flop. That's the number one killer of the manga.
Nah that would just create memes and everyone will call seo a hack.
So how come /a/ is pretty much the only Western site where Mayonaka has any fanbase in the first place?
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>Hayato is Julia
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We need more hugs. And isekai manga.
why is giku there?
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Riho will avenge Nino and Fumino.
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What they needed was sex.
The family will avenge the failed polygamists.
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>Ami also has no future
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>Tina is brazillian and has aids.
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Ami's future is a breeding sow.
I love Akane the most but imagine Seo pulling a Rei win. Now that would be something, it would propel him from meme hack writer to true legend status in one fell swoop. Most romcom readers just aren't ready for that level of based.
>Hayato is Julia
Ami used her boob-dodge technique
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It'll be tenchi muyo rage. Too bad cafe terrace isn't that popular though
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wasn't Suzuka the only series with an ending that pissed people off?
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Seo really likes sporty girls doesn't he? Another clue to Rei's win?
Or Ami's.
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I'll never forget
Fuuka deserved better
women, am i rite boys?
Chapter please
Which goddess would you want to have sex with the most?
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Riho Riho Riho
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Does Seo love or hate tomboys?
Riho or Ririka. I'd throw them around like chewtoys
Fuuka special edition chapter 10
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She deserves her own isekai spinoff.
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>Seo openly shows Ami's nipples on his Twitter account.
>nobody elses and the nipples stopped too
Explain this
Akane. Most sexual goddess but also not a gutter slut like Nega-Ouka.
Ami is the mascot so it's okay.
I remember an early chapter that says she's barely a middle schooler when she joined, iirc he was around 30 at the time
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he loves them, but loves hurting what he loves too
>Ami is the mascot
That's Ouka though. She was his Twitter profile picture for the longest time.
Nah, there's clearly been a migration of some kind from Amagami threads to Mayonaka threads. One of the most obvious signs is how a certain kind of posting has become almost extinct in Amagami threads despite being once dominant there, while continuing to flourish in Mayonaka threads.
Why does Seo like tsunderes?
>there's only one Fuuka doujin on Sadpanda
Rei has more chances because she ain't a retarded violent monkey.
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Remember the photo
What photo
>Fuuka 1.0/2.0 threesome never
>Fuuka was so unpopular no one bothered to make doujins about it
Reminder that Saturday is 2.0's birthday.

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