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How would you convince Pitou to join betray Meruem.
Literally impossible.
Should’ve waited to make this thread
I remember having a dream about this, protip you can't convince her. Best you could do is prove your usefulness and ask for her hand in marriage when he as for your reward. Which is how I did it in my dream.
Did anybody hate Gon and Pitou’s story in the CA arc?
Why would I hate the best part of the arc, anon?
Gon’s motivation was not that great, and Pitou didn’t do much beside sit around. It was pretty boring every time they cut to that room.
Spraypaint your body green, douse yourself in ant pheromones, and claim to be Meruem. She's a dumb ass cat she's too stupid to know you're lying. She's a cross between the "only stupid idiot cats get in this box" species and
the "ant spiral of death" species she is incapable of not getting bamboozled.
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HxH98/HxH99/manga mog the 2011 version when it comes to Gons motivation
It’s better, but still not quite investing enough imo.
I know you're a shonenshitter who got filtered because of this part
>It was pretty boring every time they cut to that room.
>it was boring because it was not a fight
It didn’t have to be a fight, but the whole thing was dragged out forever and kinda uneventful. Meruem and Komugi also had their story told in an enclosed space just talking, but that was way more interesting.
How would a foursome between Gon, Killua, Kurapika, and Bisky look like?
Kurapika getting impregnanted
Gon and Pitou meet in chapter 273.
We see Gon waiting for Pitou in chapters 286~288 and 295 (when Pouf tries to interfer). Chapter 300 is when Pitou finishes healing Komugi and they go to Peijin.
tl;dr you can dislike it but find a better reason to complain because it's not dragged out.
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Ideally, Pitou should be allowed to watch Meruem's last moments like Palm did. If she could see that Meruem died in peace alongside Komugi, she would not be able to hate humans since her king died as a human. That's it if you want her to join your side after the battle and Gon didn't sperg out, but betraying her king? Impossible.
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It's funny that if Pitou did watch the end she may have never learned about Meruem getting nuked and just assumed someone got to him with some poison nen, I'm not sure Pitou could forgive seeing Meruems shriveled up corpse before being rejuvenated
Pitou is the only character more loyal than Killua. There is no way to convince her,
What about Pouf and Youpi
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Pitou is an enigma, why didn't she just blitz Gon before letting him activate his death nen
Pitou's interesr were based on Meruem's feelings unlike Pouf and Youpi. If she finds out that Pouf and Youpi were trying to kill Komugi, she wouldn't think twice about asking for help to the hunters.
There is your answer I guess >>268885599
She def considered him prey until it was too late. Cat mentality. Took her time to heal herself up and everything.
How would Killua have reacted if he heard Gon say that?
What will hisokas nen after death power up be? My theory is he can now use texture surprise on bungee gum to make it very rough or sharp so that way the very act of sticking it on you or getting touched by it does damage.
She already knew Youpi and Pouf disliked Komugi, and she actually was going to ask Gon for "help" with Komugi when the healing was finished, but he shut her down immediately
In the end it worked out for her though, the other hunters kept watch over Komugi without Pitou asking
Meruem, who shared their feelings, said their sense of loyalty was so great he couldn't bring himself to kill them even knowing they were deceiving him
It was shown that now he can make more complex structures with his nen like arms and legs.
>nen after death power up
Why do retards think this works like a zenkai boost?
chorollo said nen gets stronger after death.
>Meruem, who shared their feelings, said their sense of loyalty was so great he couldn't bring himself to kill them even knowing they were deceiving him
Well, yeah. Technically speaking every one of the royal guard is 100% supporting a part of Meruem. Therefore Pouf's conspiracy against Komugi wasn't a betrayel of the part of Meruem he is destined to protect (the power and reign of Meruem as the ultimate being destined to rule over the world).
And with Pitou's doctor ability you can kinda say that her loyalty aims at the health and well being of Meruem, which in the further extent also includes healing his "emotional suffering", thus it spoke to her instincts as his guard when he ordered her to heal Komugi for his sake.

Pouf is the guardian of the political Meruem.
dumb shounenspic
I doubt that chart is set in stone.
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Three words anon: cat emperor time
I mean, Gon basically also ignores this motivation at every opportunity he gets. He is much more concerned by his friends and learning more about the world around him, ig the former is also something Kurapika learns to do in Yorknew, ig.
It is retarded but Hisoka getting more powers to fight against Chrollo would be interesting.
How the fuck is Zushi weaker than Zepairu and Komugi?
What the fuck
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He is a manipulation sissy wtf is he supposed to do against a enhancer CHAD
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Togashi giving nen users dual types like Pokemon is not something I expected.
Aren't Manipulators and Conjurers the most likely to turn into Specialist later in life?
Maybe he still has a chance........
That was already kind of established when what's his face was teaching kurapika and he explained sometimes conjurers or manipulators become specialist later in life. That or sometimes despite someone being X nen type even though they theoretically should learn the adjacent Y and Z nen types equally as fast they will learn one faster than the other.
I consider it as potential in all those aspects, like developed talent
I was thinking about making a Pitou thread, but it seems I wasn't the only one who thought that, nice.
Makes sense to me given nen isn't a magical ability you're given at birth or anything
Enhancerman with the claws made a fully workable nen clone
Netero has his mishmash statue thing
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Ryodan strongest frontliner is yet to show his skills

he will have air/nen slashes
I'd change your filename from skill to natural aptitude
>confirmed to lean transmuter
Musashi KINO is coming SOON
Uvo was Nobunaga's Yasuke all along.
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There has not been a single fair, evenly matched fight in this series and there never will be
Hisokek cope
>He doesn't always rig fights
You will never be a WIN CHAD
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Togashi confirms Roboco will appear next volume of HxH.
Damn Marione got fat
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Nobunaga is more concerned with hinrigh than he is in killing hisoka

it is even weird that he wanted so much to get his sword and now he thinks that they could go to the Char R hideout without a sword at all
Hisoka is chrollo level he needs his sword for him everyone else is fodder.
>Hisoka is chrollo level
Their fight suggests otherwise
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He achieved nen after death so he is chrollo tier now.
chorlo without one year prep and perfect conditions didn't stand a chance hahaha fuck off faggot
Where's Ging, Beyond and Kurapika (Ojos Rojos)
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>What will hisokas nen after death power up be?
he will combine bungee gum with his STRONG EN
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Chrollo cheated.
>h-he used a feint! he cheated!
This is the silliest clowncuck cope I have seen yet.
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No, he was using Machi's threads.
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Whoever made that literally forgot the entire Phantom Troupe except for Chrollo and for whatever reason Kortopi
You sound butthurt
Togashi didn't want to spoil nobunagas power level yet.
Chrollo is always running from hard fights no matter what.

Even his fight against hisoka is just a mix of hatsus that doesn't even represent that chrolo is actualy anything remotely impressive

take mereleon + knov hatsu and boom, you make an absolutely undefeatable character by just copying two skills.

the fact that Chrollo needed a whole year prep and perfect conditions to beak Hisoka is enough to prove that he was the weaker one.
>thing can be accomplished by regular fishing line
Next clowncuck cope.
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The "Netero" at the top was secretly Nobunaga Netero
it's just this list >>268885733 as a chart. Blame togashi for once again being lazy.
>Chrollo is always running from hard fights no matter what.
Yeah, like when he ran away from the Zoldycks, or the countless other examples you can provide
>Even his fight against hisoka is just a mix of hatsus that doesn't even represent that chrolo is actualy anything remotely impressive
>take mereleon + knov hatsu and boom, you make an absolutely undefeatable character by just copying two skills.
How is that relevant?
>the fact that Chrollo needed a whole year prep and perfect conditions to beak Hisoka is enough to prove that he was the weaker one.
Yeah, he sure proved he was weaker than Hisoka when he shat on him so hard he literally killed him and only got hit once kek
I agree with this tier list, if I was to change anything in it is that I would put Hisoka in S- and Chrolo in A+ but Chrolo with prep+perfrect conditions would be an S

Truth is no prep Chrolo don't have ways to beat Hisoka, the Chrolo character is more of a plot character than actualy impresive, he didn't do anything impressive so far. The thing is that Togashi can simply give him some broken hatsus out of the blue and suddenly he is ging tier just cause hahaha

like putting godspeed + illumi's hatsu = insta win no matter who he goes against it
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Wouldn't he able to see regular fishing line? I think Maci can hide hers
Or truthfully if Hisoka was using gyo the whole fight that might even work against her nen threads so real fishing line might be more practical
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A "regular fishing line" (OR SOMETHING) that neither we or Hisoka with his super senses ever see. A "regular fishing line" that Chrollo uses to perform aerial tricks without Hisoka ever figuring out how he was able to.
When Chrollo himself says he "fights as part of a team" and does whatever is needed in order to maximize his chances.
When Machi was there in the Arena, and she told Hisoka and the Spiders she wouldn't heal him.
When Togashi said Hisoka wanted to kill Machi after the fight, even though he would have no reason to do that there.
It really makes you think, huh?
bro chill, it is okay that your beloved character is a faggot, no need to get this mad
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>Yeah, like when he ran away from the Zoldycks
He was 100% sure he wouldn't die there. It doesn't count.
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We need some fanart of Macchi with a fishing pole, 8 years later and I'm not sure i've ever seen any
it would be nice if togashi give us a way to keep track of the hatsus that chrollo has, it is kinda silly giving a character "perfect condition hatsu combos" just so that he could pull off something impressive.

I would like to see chrollo as an expert in the basics of nen, ren, ten, gyo, en etc and then exploring those extra hatsus, but the way the character is used is kind of asspulls with no real impressive feats in any regard
is it true that chrollo stole hisoka's cock sucking ability?
I would let Pitou poke shit into my brain.
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How do you think Chrollo got Sun and Moon from the Meteor City Elder?
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Holy kek I triggered the clowncucks
>Wouldn't he able to see regular fishing line? I think Maci can hide hers
>real fishing line might be more practical
She indeed can, but in what universe would that be more practical than simply using a fishing line if the objective was to recover the needles?
>Hisoka with his super senses
Super senses? He was shadowed by (nenless) Gon for an entire day, got hit in the face by (nenless) Gon by surprise, and was caught off guard by simple zetsu when they fought in Heaven's Arena
>When Chrollo himself says he "fights as part of a team" and does whatever is needed in order to maximize his chances.
Conjecture and cope
>When Machi was there in the Arena, and she told Hisoka and the Spiders she wouldn't heal him.
It's stated in Yorkshin he always has at least 2 spiders with him at all times speedreader
>When Togashi said Hisoka wanted to kill Machi after the fight, even though he would have no reason to do that there.
Yeah, no reason except when he said he was going to kill all the spiders lmao
Literal impotent seethe
Are all clowncucks this retarded?
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Everyone needs to concentrate to use Gyo, even Meruem. Chrollo revealed his abilities and said he would play "with his hand face up". Hisoka didn't see anything suspicious or any reason to use Gyo among the abilities Chrollo listed.
Chrollo's lecture was total misdirection to make Hisoka focus on the wrong things.
If Chrollo didn't reveal his abilities, Hisoka might've used Gyo on the first opportunity when something was off, and maybe he would've been able to spot the Nen thread.
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Only way you could do it is altering her mind, like how Pouf was so convinced he was acting in service to the king while going against his wishes.
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Silva showing up during the palace invasion felt superfluous and too much like a fanservice move
Why is fanservice bad contrarian? It ts like 3 pages in the manga, holy shit you days complain about everything
>h-he just didn't use gyo
Sounds like a mistake only a shitter would make, doesn't it? Gon, Killua, hell even fucking Gotoh are shown doing it in combat with little prompting lmao
It made sense for Zeno to go on such a dangerous mission with Silva as backup
>It ts like 3 pages in the manga
yeah that's why its bad, it affects worldbuilding for no fucking reason, if you care about that you know
How does it affect worldbuilding, retard?
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>Super senses?
Yes, Machi and Nobunaga are shocked by his senses, calling and monster and saying his senses are "next-level".
>He was shadowed by (nenless) Gon for an entire day
This predates Nen, but even if we only work with the canon, Hisoka was not in a sound state of mind there.
>got hit in the face by (nenless) Gon by surprise, and was caught off guard by simple zetsu when they fought in Heaven's Arena
Hisoka was fighting with the handicap of not moving from his spot, retard.
It's like when Gon caught Netero off-guard because Netero was handicapping himself.
>It's stated in Yorkshin he always has at least 2 spiders with him at all times
Not only that statement reinforces the fact that he had outside help, but he already had 2 Spiders with Shalnark and Koltopi. So what was Machi doing there, if she told everyone she wouldn't heal Hisoka, and Chrollo was 100% sure he would win?
>no reason except when he said he was going to kill all the spiders lmao
After changing his expression after Machi repeated the line Chrollo said about fighting as part of a team. That's when it clicked for him.
After that, he uncharacteristically refused her help, even though he had asked for her help before.
Just got unbanned again.
Can someone explain why HisokaMachi is so disliked here? It is extremely plot and character relevant, to the point it’s a top 10 most important character relationship in the current arc.

Seriously, are you All just gay?
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More interestingly, he said "while being swarmed by other opponents" in another translation (and probably in Japanese).
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Spiderfags get extremely butthurt by it. Simple as.
That chart is from the databook that has been debunked by Togashi himself. Probably written by a drunk editor.
I would enjoy having sex with her
>Stick Dinner says he's in charge of dinner
>A few pages later Kite says he's always stuck with dinner duty
>for no fucking reasons
That’s where your retard brain gets polluted. It enforces Silvia’s strength, bounces back to his interest and knowledge of Illumi’s needle, while giving us a light hearted moment in the arc.

Not to mention, Togashi would clearly show the aftermath of Zeno after Netero left, and Silva coming to get him is a great character decision.

Do retards just find random posts to make here when they’re bored? Seriously ,>>268890941
nobody asked, but you posted this like it was some profound thought.
If you’re bored, get off the site instead of posting dumb pointless argument Shit
Chrollo guy there is butthurt and want his character to be stronger because he likes him more hahaha don't even bother trying to argue seriously

Hisoka is clrealy stronger than Chrollo in all aspects, it is just like Biske explains to killua


Chrollo simply isn't on the same level as hisoka but had 1 year prep + perfect conditions and help of other members.
>Do retards just find random posts to make here when they’re bored?
Not saying hes doing that but yes
People do that unironically
HxH's Official Power Level Tier List

Reality Warper tier: Nanika
S: Meruem
A: Netero, Gon-san, Pouf, Pitou, Youpi, maaaaybe Ging, maybe Halkenburg with all his loyal men at his side
B: Chrollo, Zeno, Silva, Morel, Razor, probably Botobai and the strongest Zodiacs.
C: Uvogin, Hisoka, Illumi, Feitan, probably most Zodiacs, Knov, Bisky
D: Kurapika, Godspeed Killua, most of the Spiders, the weaker Zodiacs, Kite, Knuckle, Shoot, most Chimera Ant Squadron Leaders, probably Royal Nen Beasts, probably Benjamin and Camilla.
E: Gon, Pakunoda, Palm, Tsezguerra, Genthru, the Shadow Beasts, probably the strongest among Benjamin's men, probably Kalluto
F: Goreinu, Welfin, Ikalgo and other soldier Chimera Ants with Nen, Gotoh, probably the Xi-Yu mafia trio, probably Hanzo, maybe a level 50 Hei-Ly
G: Leorio, Basho, Baize, Melody, and the other Nostrade bodyguards, Kortopi
H: Average Hunter
I: Meleoron, Heaven's Arena trio
J: Nenless Chimera Ant Soldier, Zushi, a level 20-30 Hei-Ly, Greed Island jobbers, farmer with shotgun, Mike
K: Nenless human

>I’ll stitch you up
That seems a bit beyond stitches
calm down sister, its not that serious
>Machi and Nobunaga are shocked by his senses
Wow, 2 jobbers? Impressive
>Hisoka was not in a sound state of mind there
He was at the start and he still didn't notice him
>Hisoka was fighting with the handicap of not moving from his spot, retard.
How does not moving from a spot prevent his "super senses" from working, retard? Does he not know en or gyo? And how about the time he hit him in the face in the exam with his fishing pole?
>It's like when Gon caught Netero off-guard because Netero was handicapping himself.
Netero being caught off-guard by Gon jumping or extending his reach with his shoe has nothing to do with his handicap, this is probably the most retarded thing you've said yet
>Not only that statement reinforces the fact that he had outside help
No, it reinforces that he has spiders with him no matter what
>he already had 2 Spiders with Shalnark and Koltopi. So what was Machi doing there
"At least 2" can also mean 3
>That's when it clicked for him.
Nice headcanon
>After that, he uncharacteristically refused her help, even though he had asked for her help before.
Yeah, because he was going after the spiders, and having a spider's ability imbedded into your wounds when you're openly going after them is probably not the smartest idea
>next to the weaker zodiacs
>not Chrollo level
>"while being swarmed by other opponents"
Did you miss the part where he was swarmed with puppets?
Clownbro here.
They are presented by the story as more or less equals. Neither is a level above the other.
that is actualy awfull
>I: Meleoron
Meleoron goes god's accomplice with a knife and sticks it in Chrollo's neck, what now?
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remains king
>Morel and Razor above Hisoka
Hisoka Derangement Syndrome.
To be honest, hisoka is stronger phisicaly, in fighting skills and in basics of nen, at least feats wise.

the thing is like I said that chrolo is not shown as an expert in nen, togashi just gives him a couple of OP hatsus out of the blue like asspulls and that is why he is strong.
if you use his real feats and all he is not that good, togashi will give whatever hatsu will solve his problem, that is how he is writen.

Yes they're presented as more or less equals but for what it is shown they're not.
>Chrollo guy there is butthurt and want his character to be stronger because he likes him more hahaha
Pure projection, I'm not even a Chrollofag
>Hisoka is clrealy stronger than Chrollo in all aspects
...Which is why he suffered one of the most one-sided, humiliating defeats in the series against him
>Chrollo simply isn't on the same level as hisoka but had [cope]
Kek you clownfags are so pathetic still coping and seething after all those years
Morel was around Netero's level before he got back in shape according to the old man
Ging is the Peyton Manning of nen
SS tier: Senritsu with a 8 string schecter hellraiser electric guitar.
that was just Netero being humble and joking around
Nobunaga is chrollo level
Chrollo is nobunaga level*
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>Welfin > Kurapika
No. Hisoka and the troupe are presented as equals. That’s the whole point of the cone out. Hisoka has a legitimate chance to kill the whole troupe. Replace any trouoe member with Hisoka in this scenario and no one takes them seriously.
But Hisoka has the troupe members scared shitless
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Kurapika has ZERO answers to deal with either of these two in a 1v1
>hisoka is stronger phisicaly, in fighting skills and in basics of nen
Hisoka was overpowered in combat against Chrollo, was utterly outsmarted and couldn't keep up with him
>at least feats wise
Chrollo fought off Zeno and Silva at the same time, Hisoka's feats are just killing fodder
>the thing is like I said that chrolo is not shown as an expert in nen
He absolutely is though
>togashi just gives him a couple of OP hatsus out of the blue
OP hatsus such as the ability to make copies of people, control them and create explosions?
>like asspulls
An asspull would be more like if Chrollo died to Hisoka but Togashi brought him back to life through controversial, contrived means
>if you use his real feats and all he is not that good
See my point above about feats
>togashi will give whatever hatsu will solve his problem, that is how he is writen
Can you provide some exemples?
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I have set this as my pc background to remind myself to be more like him
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Obviously Hisoka is far superior in strength and fighting skills. For starters he has double the Enhancement Chrollo has. And he's also taller and way buffer.
But Chrollo receives plenty of wanking from other characters, be it them talking about his speed, the Zoldycks praising him, or Hisoka calling him brilliant.
In a 1v1, Fox-only, no items, Final Destination, Hisoka probably wins like 90% of the time.
But the real world has dirty tricks, combos, and teammates etc, so in a random encounter they should have around equal chances against one another.
Chrollo is not a fightfag. He's not about homoerotic fight fantasies like Hisoka. He's a formidable opponent, not a formidable martial artist.
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Before: human ego. She didn't want to kill Gon and she even apologized to him.
During the activation: fear.
If pitou had survived would she have sex with human men?
>as long as it takes
Did beyond find nitro rice and thats why he looks so young despite being 70?
If Mereum died and she needed to repopulate the chimera ants, then yes
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Post characters stronger than Hisoka, I'll start
Maybe, most likely he’s just good at one of the Nen applications. It’s the same one that makes Netero look relatively young and fit despite being 120+ years old , forgot the name
The OG queen didn't bang humans to reproduce though
Well that’s because she’s an OG queen
Yes I agree with you, the thing is chrollo is never shown doing anything amazing with nen basics and inteligence, and his hatsus goes like asspulls instead of something that we can track and follow in a nice way.

I think the character is really bad writen to be honest
She was a bug
>this character is badly written because he obliterated my clowndaddy
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Post characters weaker than Hisoka. I'll start.
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some ants like Pike or M@chi can just passively see aura without even needing to use gyo, I guess maybe Hisoka is like that too and she would have to use In for Hisoka to see it with gyo..?
I believe he will inherit something from netero, perhaps knowledge, perhaps some skills or hatsu, I think the whole Idea of this character might be to wait for his father to die and then get his own hatsu working
Hisoka is Franklin fodder
Stop being a seething /dbs/ spic for a sec, he kinda has a point
Chrollo is hyped up but aside from the zoldyck meeting he doesn't do a lot (granted much of his screentime was nenless)
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Illumi probably would have came too but I think he was busy with Chrollo
Well Chrollo never had to show amazing intelligence or Nen applications. In Yorknew he was making plans and responding to corn lit like any good leader. Nothing amazingly intelligent but lots to comeotnece was shown in Yorknew. His only fights were against the jobber assassin and Hisoka (the plan he made with the fight is his best show of intelligence. It’s an extremely well made plan addressing every avenue of opportunity Hisoka could come after).
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Hisoka would NOT be able to survive this btw.
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Yes, of course she uses In in her threads.
>Sounds like a mistake only a shitter would make, doesn't it?
It's a mistake someone who thought was fighting 1v1 would make.
Characters don't go around with Gyo all the time. They activate it when something feels off.
Fuck my typing is horrible.

In Yorknew he was making plans and responding to conflict like any good leader. Nothing amazingly intelligent but lots of competence shown..

He also fought the zodlcyks but again, he knew his fate so he didn’t have to do much
Didn't he lose badly to that guy sitting between the mummy and Hisoka's husband?
If so, so wouldn't any of those here >>268891816
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He lost to that guy + Koltopi + Machi when he thought it was a 1v1.
Not a single Troupe member could beat razor GOD btw.
>It's a mistake someone who thought was fighting 1v1 would make.
Why would you not use gyo in a 1v1?
>They activate it when something feels off.
According to you, didn't Hisoka feel something was off? Why didn't he use gyo then?
Nah I am fine.
The thing is
Even when he faced kurapika he didn't stood the slightest chance, he didn't save no one from the troupe and didn't make a single smart move in all the saga, didn't even shown us anything related to the basics of nen.

pakunoda and uvo died because of his lack of good leadership

he just didn't die because kurapika didn't want to sacrifice his friends but he was completely surrendered and defeated from the start.

when we're watching characters like hisoka, biske, ging, pariston or even gon and killua you always see some nice tricks and ideas and even conversations but with him it is always a lot of nothing burguer, I think that the fight of Hisoka and Chrolo was kind of a disapointment for both characters.
If hisoka was a EN CHAD he would have won against chrollo btw.
>Why didn't he use gyo then?
Because Chrollo told him all the abilities HE would use. Gyo wasn't a consideration among any of them.
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she already did with kites corpse
from what we've seen, no one from the troupe has a way to deal with his voley ball indeed
and because Razor looks like he has stronger base nen he would take them all
>He lost to that guy
How could he have used his ability if Chrollo had it in his book?
What did she supposedly do besides something a regular fishing line could pull off?
You mean to tell me that Chrollo created more copies between the time Hisoka said that and the end of the fight? That's just crazy
Why don't we see more Enhancers with a Hatsu that heals people or enhances their regeneration capabilities? Togashi says that most Enhancers who are guys just focus on combat, but I feel like healing should be really useful in a combat scenario.
does it make sense to say that Senritsu's super-hearing is enhancement?
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>He forgot about Bill GOD
Why don’t people accept chrollo is a worse combatant than hsioka? Hisoka is the only genuine battle fag in the series outside Netero, and is portrayed as amazing. Chrollo is a thief first and foremost. No one expects a thief to be as strong as a fightfag. It’s not a slight against Chrollo to be weaker than Hisoka ( same goes for 99% of the living characters in the series)
she is a emitter so maybe but it's probably some emission trick
>the abilities HE would use
You're telling me that there were (at least) 2 other nen users actively using their abilities during their fight and Hisoka didn't mention or notice it at all?
>Gyo wasn't a consideration among any of them.
That's pretty fucking retarded, the series make it a point to use gyo whenever possible to analyze your opponent
I don't know to be honest, it is like manipulatin the elements like in avatar, why more people don't do it? I mean if you're using blood as a manipulator why not use water instead? isn't it way more practical and easy?
At the end of the day unless you beat your opponent you lose
You can't possibly be over the age of 18.
>Why don’t people accept chrollo is a worse combatant than hsioka?
Because he kicked his ass.
It can be both too
He didn't just kick his ass, he kicked his ass so hard he mindbroke clownfags into coping with schizophrenic delusions for over 7 years lmao
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>How could he have used his ability if Chrollo had it in his book?
Chrollo can return abilities. He used Gallery Fake onscreen literally once and never again. The other copies only started to pop up curiously after Chrollo activated Convert Hands.
>What did she supposedly do besides something a regular fishing line could pull off?
A fishing line can be easily spotted, cut, get blown off by an explosion, and traced back to Chrollo. Chrollo was 100% sure he would win, and for that he needed Black Voice.
But he gambled all the two antennas early in the fight, without a reliable and discrete way to get them back? When we know Machi was there, when we know she wasn't there to heal Hisoka, when Chrollo said he fought as part of a team to cover abilities' strengths and weaknesses?
Black Voice's weakness was that it only had two antennas, and if you sent two puppets out, you would have no way to get the antennas back.
IF ONLY Chrollo knew someone who could cover that weakness by providing a way to retrieve those antennas back...
>You mean to tell me that Chrollo created more copies between the time Hisoka said that and the end of the fight?
Not the end of the fight. Chrollo soon attacks Hisoka with Order Stamp. Once he has Order Stamp active, he can not make any new copies that won't disappear while he uses Black Voice. We see Hisoka fighting off hundreds of puppets while Chrollo uses Black Voice.
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>You're telling me that there were (at least) 2 other nen users actively using their abilities during their fight and Hisoka didn't mention or notice it at all?
If only there was a way for Chrollo to conceal their presence and help them mix with the crowd...
After making a plan where he would 100% win. Do you guys realize if Chrollo came across Hisoka after Hisoka developed a hard plan in a chosen location, that Chrollo’s anis would be teared even worse?

Or do you fags think that Chrollo could emulate the advantages and conditions of the heavens arena right in every scenario?
>fanfiction/headcanon posting
>powerlevel faggotry
Let's face it, clowncucks are the worst posters in HxH threads
>Do you guys realize if Chrollo came across Hisoka after Hisoka developed a hard plan in a chosen location, that Chrollo’s anis would be teared even worse?
Yeah, this is definitely what happened when he butt heads with Zeno and Silva who are arguably stronger than Hisoka.
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We know for a fact that Chrollo had assistance from Kortopi and Shalnark with borrowing their abilities, but IIRC the only reason Marchi was there is because Hisoka paid her
When Hisoka blitzed Shalnark/Kortopi is seemed like Chrollo still hadn't released their abilities from his book so they jobbed hard without being able to fight back. Marchi however still had her abilities so in the spirit of a fair 1v1 I feel like she would stay out of the fight just Kortopi and Shalnark did
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Zeno and Silva would've murdered Chrollo had Illumi called 20 seconds later.
Brainwashing huh, sounds like a plan. Alluka I wish Pitou switched sides.
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>but IIRC the only reason Marchi was there is because Hisoka paid her
It seems like you didn't grasp the contradiction yet.
She refused Hisoka's request and wouldn't take any money from him. And the Spiders knew she refused his request.
So she had no real excuse to be there. Unless her official reason for being there wasn't to heal him.
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I made some typos there but I'm not sure whether Shalnark/Kortopi or Machi were actually participating in the battle other than having their abilities used by Chrollo? Am I right in that assumption or was Kortopi sneaking about and doing shit during the fight?
>hisoka would have destroyed Chrollo if he didn't have a plan, him standing his ground against people who are stronger than the gay clown means nothing
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We need a re-telling of this whole fight through her eyes as a spectator so we can get the unanswered questions
Chrollo didn’t win the fight, neither did Silva and Zeno. It ended prematurely, and in the manga it was clear Chrollo was getting his ass destroyed .
The equivalent of that would be Machi coming in while Hisoka realizes the Chrollo he killed Was a fake, and stopping the fight. In that scenario, No one won, no one lost, but Hisoka was getting outmanuevered, the same way Silva and Zeno were raping Chrollo.
Now come with a better example chrollotard
>ignores the argument completely
Thanks for admitting Chrollo woudlve died had Illumi not called! Glad we could end the argument on the right stance
Clowntards are having a meltdown again...
Kortopi was the one making the copies, not Chrollo.
Machi helped with the threads.
Shalnark's help is unsubstantiated. There's no strong evidence of his involvement.
>The other copies only started to pop up curiously after Chrollo activated Convert Hands.
This is cope and conjecture
>IF ONLY Chrollo knew someone who could cover that weakness by providing a way to retrieve those antennas back...
According to your fanfiction, Machi's role was simply to provide a stronger than average fishing line?
>Once he has Order Stamp active, he can not make any new copies that won't disappear while he uses Black Voice.
Hisoka spells it out for you, he realizes copies won't disappear when marked because of the Meteor City elder's post-mortem nen
I just find it funny how no one mentions other people interfering with the fight, including Hisoka, no one notices it, nothing since the fight happened supports that theory but clowncucks absolutely insist that it definitely happened and it's totally real and not a pathetic way to cope with such a humiliating defeat
Why do all these Hisoka vs Chrollo arguments lack complete context? Legitimately it’s shocking that such a series acclaimed for developed fighting ends up with generic Shonen shitter arguments. Only thing that can save these threads is a chapter release.
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>razor vs chrollo
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs hisoka
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs phinks
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs feitan
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs nobunaga
He might be able to deflect that with his en
>razor vs machi
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs shizuku
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs franklin
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs illumi
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs kalluto
GODzor instantly nukes
>razor vs bonolenov
GODzor instantly nukes
>it was clear Chrollo was getting his ass destroyed
So true, especially the part where Zeno says he knew Chrollo was just fucking around and that he could kill him, that really showed how he was getting destroyed
Bungee gum could deal with that.
wtf the guy is really seething over chrolo hahahha wtf is happening here, calm down bro
>when Chrollo said he fought as part of a team to cover abilities' strengths and weaknesses?
He didn't say he fought as a team.
> he can not make any new copies that won't disappear while he uses Black Voice
And he only used black voice for a brief moment while Hisoka was already being assailed by puppets. Nothing stopped him from making more puppets before and after he blew up Hisoka's hand but morons pretend otherwise.
Those clowncucks are seriously having a meltdown because of this >>268889715 post I made lmao
I mean you brotherman hahaha wtf, who hurt you?
He’s talking about you retard
Reminder nen after death makes you WAY stronger.
Oh, my bad, when you said "seething over chrolo" I thought you were referring to all these posts
you made seething over Chrollo
Which current arc side character will rise in relevance like Henry?
And what are some 1v1s you think we’ll get?
Do you think it’s possible we get a 1v1v1, or even a 1v1v1v1 fight this arc?
What about a full on group vs group fight? (Usually we get groups separated or 1 person vs whole groups, not really group vs group)

>illumi vs Hisoka
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I really don't like believing that my wife would entertain the idea of cheating like that, Hisoka only thought it was fishing line because Chrollo was warping around the arena and assumed it fishing line pulling him, but Chrollo still has that teleportation ability he used on Nobunaga so we don't know for sure that she was yanking Chrollo around
all these posts are cool, you're the only one saying names and seething all over the thread hahaha wtf
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>more projection
>reddit frog
And done
Verification not required.
Ging is a "conditioner", like yyh room basically, he can create conditions without needing to conjur an object.
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>He didn't say he fought as a team.
He did.
>And he only used black voice for a brief moment while Hisoka was already being assailed by puppets.
And if those copies weren't made with Sun and Moon (if Chrollo was making them), they would disappear when he switched to Black Voice.
Copies with Sun and Moon took twice as long to make. Hisoka predicted Chrollo could have 20-30 of them + 1 every 2 seconds. He was immediately swarmed by hundreds.
Up until this rumbling, this would be the ONLY time Chrollo could be making the copies. And with Sun and Moon, they would've taken longer to make.
And since with Order Stamp they could no longer be making copies, there was no point in him stirring the crowd here.
>HxH now has DBSpic-tier power scaling
What changes?
I'm surprised gon isn't a enhancer that leans transumuter.
>Hisoka underestimated Chrollo, that means he cheated!
I'm getting second hand embarrassment anon, you need to stop coping so vehemently. Hisoka accepted he lost, why can't you?
>Which current arc side character will rise in relevance like Henry?
I think no one to be honest, I think everyone but him will survive even more because of the next arc being the DC

>And what are some 1v1s you think we’ll get?
I doubt this will happen, at best some assassination atempts and some anticlimatic deaths (there is no room for 1v1 full on battles in the ship, specialy because of botobai, zodiacs and all the context in the ship)

>Do you think it’s possible we get a 1v1v1, or even a 1v1v1v1 fight this arc?
perhaps but it will be fast and end without disclosure

>What about a full on group vs group fight? (Usually we get groups separated or 1 person vs whole groups, not really group vs group)
I think this is more likely, chaotic scenario of the troup against the the mafia or kurapika and someone else fighting some guards from the prince etc
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>AIIIIEEEEE HELP ME MAAAACHHHIIII, this insane clown is too strong and I need your threads or there's no way I'll be able to survive aiiieeeee
Is what I imagine Chrolluck said on the phone before the fight, it's why Nobunaga looks so disgusted here and she's already set her sights on the kusari yarou for her future fertility prospects
Hisoka is revealed to be Genthru tier
DBS power scaling only works when characters pull transformations out of their asses, so more Gon-san-like moments I guess
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The digits support Hisochads once again.
Chrollo couldn't have used the Teleportation ability at any point because he already had two abilities active.
The most important function of Machi's threads was to retrieve those two needles.
Black Voice was an essential part of Chrollo's strategy. Without a surefire way of getting the antennas back, he could never afford to lose both of them this early (losing Black Voice entirely).
>He did.
No he didn't. Post the page where he says he fought as a team and I'll concede.
>And if those copies weren't made with Sun and Moon (if Chrollo was making them), they would disappear when he switched to Black Voice.
He only needs to keep Order stamp active along with black voice so yes, those puppets were marked.
>Hisoka predicted Chrollo could have 20-30 of them + 1 every 2 seconds. He was immediately swarmed by hundreds.
You literally posted a sequence where Hisoka isn't being immediately swarmed.
>And since with Order Stamp they could no longer be making copies, there was no point in him stirring the crowd here.
I wonder why Chrollo would stir the crowd up to buy more time by before launching his final waves of puppets?
Do people underrate Genthru? I feel like his Little Flower is pretty inefficient (he has spend extra aura protecting his hands), yet even with that alone, he’s a big threat. That panel where he shows his Ren is very impressive
>Chrollo cheated!
>really? how?
>Machi was helping... maybe... no it's not headcanon...
Same deranged cope since 2016. It's sad, really.
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>Post the page where he says he fought as a team and I'll concede.
Pic related.
>so yes, those puppets were marked.
Ok, so they would've taken twice as long to make.
>You literally posted a sequence where Hisoka isn't being immediately swarmed.
20~30 copies + 1 every two seconds. For him to get to just 100 (and it's more), he would need some 150 seconds, which is an eternity in a Nen fight.
That's FIFTEEN Potclean procs. Can you fit 15 Potclean procs in that pic I posted?
>I wonder why Chrollo would stir the crowd up to buy more time
Buy more time for what? For someone else to make the copies?
Chrollo can't make new puppets once he has Order Stamp activated.
I think Hisoka’s is ripe for some 1v1s this arc, I just imagine them being short. Togashi is a master at pacing fights , I could easily see some satisfying 9 page 1v1s and troupe deaths.

I agree in everything else though. Arcs like Yorknew emphasize that Togahsi can write conflict without completely relying on fights. Chrollo getting captured by Kurapika is the most tense moment in the arc, at least for me, and that entire segment has no ”regular” fight.

Like, I could easily see a masterful Kurpaika Tserriendich encounter where they don’t even fight, but their conflict still gets resolved.
Imagine being an animeonly
>isn't it way more practical and easy?
I might just be misinterpreting what you meant, as I'm not sure if your last two period are referring to Hunter x Hunter. But applying restrictions to a Hatsu actively makes the ability stronger. It being impractical and hard is a part of a tradeoff for it to be powerful.
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>For example
You can highlight all you want but that doesn't magically mean Chrollo had help.
>Ok, so they would've taken twice as long to make.
All of the initial puppets Hisoka fought were marked with Sun and Moon, so his estimate is already flawed because he assumed the first ones weren't made the longer way
>he would need some 150 seconds
Assuming he was correct in his assumption which he wasn't.
>Buy more time for what? For someone else to make the copies?
For him to make copies. He can then order stamp them and then give his instructions.

Why can't you accept what Togashi said in that Chrollo said he had a plan and won? Why keep
Is togashi a fan of final fantasy? The Hunter world reminds me of how that series combines modern world with fantasy, more than any other series.
Enhancers tend to be meatheads.
yeah he likes some of the games
You're right, what I meant is that using blood sounds way too extreme and dangerous and more of a bad trade for stronger hability you know?

also if people go as far as controll blood (wich is too extreme) why not go for manipulating water?
Yes, perhaps they'll be really fast fights, the troupe don't have anyone that actualy can beat hisoka to be honest, or even hold the match for to long, the match ups are really bad for the troupe, only chrolo has a chance depending on his hatsus.

about Illumi, it might appear as some really crazy plot that we didn't expected

Yeah, it is said that Kurapika have recovered the eyes of all of it's owners without killing them, like a fair deal, perhaps he won't even bother messing with tserriendrich, but perhaps the troupe wants to steal the eyes of tserriendrich in order to atrack kurapika, afterall the troupe is looking for the princes fortune
How far ahead do you think Togashi has the main elements of the future plot thought out?

I’m go the opinion he has a general idea of now to the end of the story, since I have a hard time believing he just doesn’t outline when on hiatus. The little numerous details I don’t think he has thought, just the general baselines.
The succession war is not gonna be as long as people think it will be
exactly it will be way longer
I believe he has almost everything thought out, he just didn't planned the details, but he has every death and fight decided and who's gonna be in each arc
Nta but you don't understand his argument. Hisoka says that copies wont disappear, but Chrollo still can't make new copies while disguised AND Chrollo should have less copies than Hisoka originally predicted (and he predicted even less copies originally). Therefore, Chrollo needed to return the ability to Koltopi to make the requisite number of copies
For being obsessed with a guy with a book, spiderfags really lack reading comprehension
Depends on the pacing and how much Togashi wants to realize his characters. Will the character exploration leave us with a bunch of katsros and Genthru or are we gonna get some “is this the best written character in the series?” Writing?

If it’s the first one, we can just off most of the characters in a couple pages. If it’s the latter, it’s probably gonna be king so Togashi squeezes every ounce of juice out of some of these characters.

I’m fine with either way
Truth is in less than 20 chapters 5 princes were already dead/defeated and there are more to go already

I believe the main focus will be on the troupe, hisoka and kurapika, the princes are cannon foder, they're useless arrogant fools, all of them.
None of them have any relevance at all in the series.

in less than 20 chapters prince 8, 10 and 12 died
prince 2 camila is locked in jail rendered useless
and prince 11 fugetsu is on the verge of death and there is nothing no one can do to save her

even the 4 prince is patheticaly weak, he can't avoid anything using his hatsu because anyone can defeat a weak guy, it will be a plot like rock lee vs sasuke first time using sharingan, you can see but can't do nothing about it.
also he only serves as glue for ryodan and kurapika to meet
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Strong bussy?!
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Strong guy with a pussy
Who should be the ultimate manipulator, illumi or pariston?
Illumi was confirmed to be only genius level it's partison
illumi does exactly what every single manipulator does, he is very very generic, he is only a badass because he is an assassin from the zoldyck family
True true, Pariston it is
I wonder if pariston can freely manipulate all his ants at once like puppets
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He crossdressed as Sheila again and larped as their mommy
>Spikes a nen ball that massively explodes on impact

>sets up 20 conditions
>needs the aura of 2 other people
>needs them to follow certain conditions as well
>has to explain how his ability works in a long speech
>needs to touch his opponent
>needs 3 people to detonate his bomb
>explosion is 1/10th the size of razors

Conjorers get the short end of the stick. The only one who uses offensive conjoration well is Knickles. If Genthru was an emitters he'd be top tier.
what are some other theories from the community that were later proven false?
You say ‘other’ so I don’t know what you have in mind, but the white hair Zoldyck = Transmuter was big
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This paragraph is basically Togashi admitting Chrollo cheated. Why would Hisoka kill Kortopi and Shalnark for revenge after thinking about the fight?
Oops forgot to add shitty pic
Genthru is actually very competent, the only reason he lost to Gon is because he couldn't kill him and he underestimated Gon leading to becoming mentally disturbed and unable to focus.
How long would it take Hisoka to one shot Genthru?
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Beyond is prime netero level which is about 60% stronger then the netero we saw fight meruem.
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So are these conjured constructs, emitted ones, what?
More generally speaking, are nen beats conjured or emitted? If they're emitted does that mean they're also transmuted to acquire their appearance?
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Cutest boys!
With a really sloppy kiss that would make her fall for me
I wish the hiatuses didn't exist so we could see them again sometime. alas.
As expected.
Netero was just bantering here.
Don't think about it, it doesn't really matter.
any progress from our lazy author today?
I don't have a xitter account
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is this why Bisky effed with Killua's head saying "If you lose to Shoot you must leave Gon forever?" Ruining someone elses friendship doesn't seem fun at all, wtf is her problem
He's been posting daily for a couple of months now.
I am asking "today"
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20ish more minutes is the usual time he posts
ok arigaten
Also, Gon craziness counters Genthru scare tactics.
Pariston is so obviously a transmuter that it baffles me anyone could think he's another type
Thanks for confirming you don't understand the flow of the fight.
>For him to make copies.
Chrollo can't make Sun and Moon copies once Order Stamp is active. You yourself recognize the copies would disappear once he activated Black Voice.
The copies don't disappear because Koltopi was making and keeping them, not Chrollo.
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>>Spikes a nen ball that massively explodes on impact
Razor's ball doesn't explode. It bounces off the target just like Gon's paper. The 2011 anime added a explosion that wasn't there.
>How far ahead do you think Togashi has the main elements of the future plot thought out?
Not very far. But i think it depends on specific arcs. York new was objectively the most complete and laid down the best out of all bigger arcs after the exam.
We have too many transmuters and we need an ULTIMATE manipulator.
Transmuter is literally the least represented category.
Who cares

Pariston's personality fits transmutation, not manipulation at all
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Zushicucks btfo
Hisoka's personality test is shit and Pariston is funnier as a manipulator, I don't care
Conjured, they don't even have a standard basic design like Zeno's energy dragon.
It's not, and he's not
Your opinion is irrelevant
People who think it's not very probable that it will be the longest arc to date just can't follow a plot, like the guy ITT who thinks Camilla is helpless and in prison. More people are slowly realizing with each successive batch how long this is actually going to be, but it can help to put some things into perspective:
SW is 6 volumes in length so far, CA was 12. The Palace Invasion makes up half of CA, while SW is still setting up for its climax. CA had less major objectives and far less POVs. And while these are numbers that can very quickly change or become irrelevant, there are 11 living princes and 6+ weeks of the Black Whale's voyage left to go(with roughly 10 days passing so far).
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Because your crackship is one-sided garbage for cucks?And because you spams this shit for cucks with capslock that even the mods are tired of you?
>HMfat are 2011 shiteater
Not surprised. Very glad you're such degenerates. Retarded degenerates do not know how to look at themselves self-critically, their beliefs and tastes.. Or maybe you're just zoomers/femcels, kek.
God I want Machi to step on me
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Kusari yarou?
Ugly af
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cheeki breeki
>Hisoka's personality test is shit
Most of the time it's correct
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Best girl
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Been thinking of getting a HxH tattoo. What do you guys think about this one?
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What the fuck is this shit lol
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erase this shit and atleast make a high quality drawing
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>Nervous, high-strung, also logical
>Hotel Rafflesia works like Indoor Fish + Fun Fun Cloth
>The cage's effect is only applied through direct touch, decreasing reliance on Emission
>Fusing the piece of wood into his hand
>The hands are most likely conjured
>Basic use of manipulation, just making the hands and the cage move, much like Kurapika with his chains
>Very basic use of Emission, reinforcing the hands at medium distance
Textbook conjurer
Do you think he cut off his arm for the sake of his ability?
Possible, since the cut is so clean. It might even be that it's sealed away by the covering on it(which is the same as what's on the hands), in the cage, or something.
Could also be that he lost his arm and decided to conjure the hands to compensate for it.
he smoke weed?
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Using Bungee Gum against Razor's Ko immediately fucked Hisoka's hands up. If Razor decides to pull pic related while Hisoka attempts to send his emitted ball back towards him he'd probably end up dislocating a shoulder or two.
This is just funny meme
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we are aiming for chapter 420 after all
actualy this way hisoka can only redirect using tangencial force, this would be waaaaay easier than bouce strainght back like he did to win against razor

it is basic phisics, you're wrong, bungee gum is actualy insane counter to razor
>bungee gum catches Razor's nen ball
>he cancels it before it bounces back
Wow now what?
What makes Hisoka a spiritlet?
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He'd use his explosive aura in a real fight anyways
That attack would one shot Chrollo btw
He might be alive but probably unable to move. Probably isn't near the max Razor can output either.
Hisoka had to brace himself and stretch Bungee Gum to its limits to barely redirect a straight ball without being sent flying, tangiential force won't save him if a ball with that much force behind it suddenly makes a near 90 degree turn just because there's a slight curve to it anon.
what do you mean?
actualy Chrollo would just change Razor place to take the ball right in his face, it would be razor killing himself.

bad match up for razor
you're wrong again.

he could dodge just like he did as well, truth is the match up is just bad for razor
Clonwnsisters I'm shaking
if hunter x hunter had one chapter every 2 weeks since launch it would have 685 chapters
if togashi were to publish bi weekly from now until 70 he could publish 312ish chapters, given 50 to finish succesion war, we could have a whole nother manga worth of time to see the dark continent, and what everyone die in horrific and extravagant fashion
given this, i think a bi weekly schedule would not only be good enough, but better then a weekly one, because togashi should be taking his time writing the story instead of cranking it out. i would rather 300 SW level chapters to 600 ToH level ones
given this, there are infact too many pages, while this is great for now as he gets back into the swing of things, i hope he slows down later when he runs out of pre written stuff
We don't know how the ability works(it only moved Nobunaga), if he still has it, and Chrollo has to take out his book and go to the page to use it. But sure, Chrollo is incredibly variable based on what abilities he has available.
He is definitely not capable of keeping to a biweekly schedule.
If we're lucky, we'll have one chapter a month.
does anyone have the tonpa alignment chart
togashi has been producing at a pace over that of a bi-weekly series for a few months now
Hisoka dodged a ball that was aimed at Killua and like 10 meters removed from him when it changed trajectory. We don't know if he could've done the same if that happened right next to him, which I doubt he could judging from the way he responded to a weakened ball from Razor's minion.
>truth is the match up is just bad for razor
I'd agree with you if his apparent ace wasn't a telegraphed counter that involves injuring himself because of the strength gap.
He's been producing drafts. Actually finishing the chapters, dialogue, inking, etc. is slower.
crazy to think that in so little chapters focusin the sucession war 5 of the 14 princes are already down

I believe that this arc will finish pretty quickly and we'll get way more focus on ryodan kurapika and hisoka than anything else, it would be insanely cool if we could watch Hanzo fight one of the spiders alongside with kurapika like a 2x2

perhaps feitan and phinks

just imagine how awsome that fight would be
He's been working on all of that while the page count progresses. The heavy lifting comes from his assistants.
not to mention that razor had infinite time and a perfect space to thow the ball, even in those conditions razor didn't did good against hisoka, if hisoka is actualy fighting him or in a diferent scenario I don't see razor winning at all
maybe he will leave it as his legacy, unfinished
i would learn japanese if it was put off that far
Actually hold on, I miss that you're confused on what he's tweeting. Togashi's tweets are page that are in the process of and/or have had his main parts inked.
>Hisoka dodged a ball that was aimed at Killua and like 10 meters removed from him when it changed trajectory.
It's more impressive that he did that because he didn't expect the ball to hit him. When you know someone is aiming for you you can prepare yourself.
Good point, I just don't see how razor would deal with anythign taht hisoka has as weapon, trully hard to picture razor winning.

Against chrollo I can see him actualy doing something if Chrollo don't have that swap hatsu on, nothing in his arsenal is enough to deal with razor but that one
Again, Chrollo's "swap" ability has unknown parameters. And it didn't swap, it moved Nobunaga.
As for Hisoka, I think in an actual fight if Razor uses his Devils then dodging is incredibly hard since they catch and throw it after a dodge has been made, and Razor wouldn't be limited to a single ball. Hisoka's best bet is a rushdown.
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i don't think razor has the defence or mobility to ever beat chrollo because he would never fight fairly
razor can fight but can he deal with chrollo hiding within 10km of him sending out bullshit hatsu after hatsu?

btw the whole machi thread thing doesn't work because her thread couldn't pull a human at that length
at 1m it can handle 1kg in tension, it would need to be atleast ten meters
Just chalk it up to those descriptions with the specific numbers being old, outdated, made early on when Nen was still being figured out.
They give an idea of what Togashi was thinking, but the actual scale of possible skill with categories is no longer relevant.
All that says is that at 1mm it can support 1 ton(and with next to no durability it can go around the world).
from what we've seen so far Chrollo don't have much of a chance to be fair, Chrollo is just bad writen, it just depends on the author giving him or not good enough hatsus to deal with razor.

The way chrollo is writen is weird becuase Togashi can just give him a broken random hatsu out of the blue and everyone needs to just accept it because "no one knows what he holds in the book"
Could a Chrollo that borrowed all of the troupe's abilities and had 6 months to cook up a plan be able to beat a royal guard?
Youpi yes
Pouf maybe
Pitou no
perhaps but mostly no

use that change position hability to keep the royal guard away meanwhile keep spinning his arms indefinetly until he can throw a powerfull enough punch with phinks hatsu

This is the only way I can see him defeating pitou or youpi, but pouf would just controll him with manipulation wich he could do nothing about it
youpi is the most lethal guard though
inversely proportional means x =k/y where k is arbitrary and y is the other variable
this means if we made the length 1000 times longer, the strength (in tension) would be 1/1000 as much
in this case, it would convert 1000kg (one tonne) to 1 kg
the only question is what >>268898108 said, that nen was early then, and it could have drifted from this

the troupe don't have particularly good abilities, chrollo was just
a) working with what he could get
b) already understood their abilities in the back of his mind and had made plans with them before
No, that's Pitou
Youpi is dangerous but bad at strategizing and has no utility. It would be fairly easy for Chrollo to force him into a disadvantageous position
Pouf is much smarter and harder to deal with
Pitou is just too strong and even if Chrollo managed to kill her, Terpsichora would kill him
with nobungas hatsu he could surely take on meruem
Youpi learned strategy and gained powers through the fight, namely converting Rage Blast into a beam weapon. Pitou is a giant stat stick, and post-mortem Terp is only in the context of Pitou's desire to aid the king against an opponent that could potentially harm Meruem after after being slowly beaten to death. Chrollo wouldn't trigger that response.
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>Sex with femKaito
how? one hit from any of them is enough to kill chrollo easy and he can't keep up at all with them even speed wise because he is so far on enhancement
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x = k/y is an inverse proportion, we don't know that this is the proportion used for the ability. if we had a proper second measure we could better assume the rate, but I'm going to guess that a 12640000 meter distance would not have the strength of cotton thread if that equation held true. not to mention her feat in yorknew which kind of dampers the whole idea
40 million meters rather, assuming the blurb refers to a normal-sized Earth
>i don't think razor has the defence or mobility to ever beat chrollo because he would never fight fairly
I don't think Razor can beat Chrollo but he doesn't need much mobility when he can control his devils as he pleases.
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Nah... Maybe only Pouf.
rewatching again, the hunter exam arc is pure comfy-kino, i wish it was a lot longer with tons of different trials
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The 1999 version is longer and it's the best version.
>Can unleash poisons and hazardous seeds/plants/etc
Is there even a single character that could remotely stand a chance against Kurama in the HxH verse?
>Killua probably, he's used to all sorts of poisons
>Uvo might be able to tough out any injections
>Meruem should be fine unless Kurama has a lingering toxin akin to the rose bomb up his repertoire
pretty sound tier but morel on b and hanzo on f are mentally deragned picks. Morel is at the bottom of c with knov and both of them job to basically everyone else in c tier.
Hanzo is stupid to tier since we have seen so little of him, but just based on the fact that he was next to hisoka and illumi as one of the strongest characters in hunter exam, way ahead of every other participants including killua (by his own admission) there's no way he is F and bellow gon and kalluto. He'll probbaly be around D tier at least, although it's pointless to even tier him since we just don't have enough info.
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Where's CHADorio?
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That's a sick eye.
My Hunter Harem
>loli Bisky
my, objectively superior hunter harem
>loli Bisky
>the previous anon transformed into a 17 year old girl with nen (i will be gentle)
I just want Machi and Theta. Stern girls are hot
now kiss
This but add Menchi, Piyon and Kacho-Fuu
>7 girls
You're too greedy
yeah. also relatable. there's something easy about making a nice looking eye, but it feels hard to expand off of after sketching it out
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What will be the names of their children?
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Harems eh? OK kid here’s $20 choose wisely
"""New""" Anime Announced:
Hunter x Hunter (2025)
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I just need Machi.
Post pussy with sup or gtfo from /a/ femcel
>inversely proportional means x =k/y
In common parlance it really just means that the derivative is negative.
y=k*x^(-1) is one possible relation, but it could also be any y=k*x^(-a) where a>0, or even something like y=1/arctan(x)
I've thought about something similar.
Have a nen ability that activates after the target's death where you can collect their souls if they displayed high valor and also died in combat or some other form of contest.
Collect Meruem, Komugi and Pitou's souls, make Meruem an offer to send him and Komugi to the same afterlife in exchange for him giving Pitou the order to take orders from you as if you were him.
I think they'd all accept the deal, but still maybe not.

There's the bullshit sorted for the start of your fanfic, anon.
I am a Conjurer. This is my ability:
Hello, Sung Jin-Woo.

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