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and they were GOOD friends
And you just assume I know what this is?
a manga about two good friends
As much as she is pure sexo, it makes sense that a stoic fellow like Rihito has the wisdom to recognize that nothing lies down that path but madness and destruction.
He admits that he puts up with shit from her that he would never even dream of tolerating from others, and she's already said she'd rather die than lose contact with him, so it's coming some day, just some day far the fuck off
Wait, this is actually going to end with them being just friends.
meat cake
It was billed as a rom-com from chapter 1, so it's unlikely to stay that way forever.
>Verification not required.
Well, it's she who set the boundary
All three pictures have no matching results on SauceNAO. What's the manga called, sorry?
Noa-senpai wa Tomodachi
I guess he likes her as a noisy younger sister
While I admit that would be a funny conclusion, it's very obviously going to end up with dick in crazy
I know she's not a yandere but i feel like this is going to end up with her either raping or killing the guy or probably both, which happen first evade me, maybe she does it before and after killing him
I don't think either is going to happen, she's too well-adjusted for a menhera.
I think what's going to happen is that they're both going to get really drunk at some point, wake up in a bed naked together after making a mistake, and that will be the premise the story continues on
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>muh ex
The most unrealistic part of the manga is the fact she's actually a functioning working adult with a good position at a company. She's a toothless menhera.
IDK, she looks like a person who will bombard you with "Did you already make it, anon-kun?"
Nah the guy is already breaking a bit in the most recent chapters.
Genuinely it would be nice at this point to just be friends with a girl
It only works long-term if said girl is completely not your type and you're completely not the girl's type. Or you're both asexual. Feelings will inevitably get involved in any other case.
I'm never gonna get laid anyway so it's fine
I feel literally nothing from this dude whatsoever. He shows virtually no romantic interest at all. He just has a high patience level and Noa is the only person that is willing to milk that for all its worth.
I am like 90% convinced at this point the author plans to make him asexual or something and they won't get together.

Oh there's a new chapter
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stupid genre, they are never fucking
>Nah the guy is already breaking a bit in the most recent chapters.
dont give me hope anon
lol no
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Lo and behold, one of the worst sister character in this recent time.
Needs correction ASAP.
why is this artist like this
if a girl ever wears a miniskirt when you two are going alone she wants to have sex with you, they wear it for easy access
>why is this artist like this
the artist is an insane woman, she's got a tiktok where she post funny stuff
>The most unrealistic part of the manga is the fact she's actually a functioning working adult with a good position at a company. She's a toothless menhera.
nah, met tons of girls like her in the industry, surely they're not the best but they can still function a bit, just like witt noah is better not to get too involved with their stuff
link tiktok NOW
Her aggressive powerlevel hiding makes it feel more believable
I liked this one it was cute
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This mangaka has pretty interesting portfolio.
Gosling-kun took her words that she doesn't see him as a man seriously so he doesn't see her as a woman. Pretty fair threatment
She knows what she likes for sure
>I can't fix her, nor do I really care to: The manga
Who are the target audiences?
>I can't fix her, nor do I really care to
You didn't read it, he really fixed many things in her life, like irresponsible spending
she has fallen in love with him as of chapter 48 (raws)
this one is pure sexo
I really like her artstyle
And fashion

I wonder how ugly and fat she is irl
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>fix her
she's is LITERALLY perfect
I can admire the variety in her menhera but 3/5 have that samey male lead.
Maybe that's her type, or she just really doesn't care that much for meal leads at all.
Was it yuri plotline or so? I didn't get what it was.
She just admires her really, really hard. I wonder how would she react to seeing Noa's "other" side.
She would probably blame Ootsuka for it.
>used goods
no, she's a fangirl
But is Rihito a virgin?
>its just the tip its fine, we're friends
he is cause never had a gf
she is cause she talked about it (she's insane)
>Rihito actually respected senpai when he first met her years ago and she was the reason he worked there
>skip to now

He could tell her about friends with benefits, but physical intimacy is what scared her off from previous guys right?
She seems like too much of a pain in the ass unless they eventually get together.
This manga just makes me wish for more porn of Riamu.
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too real kek
Which of these don't end up with shit witting the fan? Might read those.
Her phone screen always being broken is too real.
>she already knows she loves him
>dude is already faltering to her advances
Its fucking over for this guy
RIP in pieces
If she opens up to sex would it be worth it? She'd be perfect for sumata and hotdogging.
>rejects a cute girl wearing a miniskirt
>link tiktok NOW
she seems to have deleted the tiktoks of herself sadly, she's a 8/10 japanese woman, slim and probably with a cute face
>the artist is an insane woman,
I was about to say, this manga is way to accurate for the author to not at least having been on the receiving end of this, some of the scenes were almost uncomfortable with how accurate they are to how people like this act
Senpai sex...sex with senpai...sex...
>I was about to say, this manga is way to accurate for the author to not at least having been on the receiving end of this, some of the scenes were almost uncomfortable with how accurate they are to how people like this act
yeah, I like that noah DOES resemble some of irl menheras that you deal with, even with the cutesy part she looks really pathetic
>He could tell her about friends with benefits, but physical intimacy is what scared her off from previous guys right?
yeah, she doesn't put out so of course no guy will ever put up with her unhinged personality, all men only stays with girls like them for sex after all
To be fair, she was filthy and dirty
>jealous dyke female character gets introduced
annnnd droped. I hate this trope
She's not a dyke tho
It doesn't go anywhere from this point
They'll break up before the end and go back to just being friends, just like Haganai.
To be fair, he's a germophobe and getting Noa-senpai clean is impossible, her very existence is filthy
You can really tell he's pretty sick of her shit
>blatanly does poses where you can easily see her panties
she's so thirsthy, at this point she should try being naked in front of him
He's literally me...
she already did like the on like day 2 while on the phone with him
It would be based if true
That stunt with stalking him to the drinking party with the other team was some fucked up shit. Then she was also pretty bad in the next chapter where he's telling her about his personal space issues and she just ignores it.
>He doesn't deny it
After he tells her to keep her distance she purposely does the opposite. It's kind of rapey considering he clearly just said he wasn't comfortable
Is that true?
It's the sort of 'would absolutely hate IRL' thing that works in manga.
Yes, and when you initiate no means yes. If she struggles keep going.
Noted. Thanks, senpai.
>Is that true?
Dependa how intimate, if you two are going to be alone in a cinema then definetely
anon 4chan is the last place i would get any dating advice
virgin robot maid vs chad aformentio
Girls like that usually aren't fat in Japan.

Though there are deranged landwhales in America that did some wacky stuff with their tampons.
So what's her pubic hair status?
and the woman who carries them
they understand women
>walking doujin with previous boyfriends
isekai with dragon and magic are more believable
The past 3-4 chapters are all about dealing with fallout from Noa's nipples getting so stiff they were completely visible through a shirt she borrowed so baby steps
She's like a child when it comes to sexual maturity.
So we know she's a virgin so she didn't get penetrated and we know she freaks out when it comes to that, but how far did previous BFs make it? If she didn't get penetrated she might've not gotten finger blasted either, but did the coinslot get polished/licked, did she get sumata'd and/or hotdogged, her tits fondled/sucked on, did she give some sloppy toppy?
Or did she get so freaked out by physical intimacy that she didn't make it past making out if she even got to that point?
Does Noa even masturbate?
At best a kiss maybe? Some dude probably tried to cop a feel but she immediately went fell autismo, called it off, and broke up the next day.
It does make you wonder why not only is sex off the table for 95% of romcoms but there’s never any other sexual activities like titfucks, handjobs, or French kissing either. Even simple hugs are rare at this point
what the fuck
i couldn't read this
it was so fucking insultingly pandering and the girl was just literally tropes stapled together
if the genders were swapped i would have thought that this was a shitty fujo manga
the artist should just draw hentai because her body is the only appeal this manga has
Every trash manga is some kid's first trash manga
Christ were Noa's thighs and ass always that big
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'Manic-depressive foil and straight-man' is usually a good combo but too many writers skimp on giving the straight-man more to offer. They usually run on autopilot because writers think 'well that's the point', but that makes (at least) half the comic boring to read if half of it's from a viewpoint character that snarks to themselves
Afraid so.
In Japan girls wear skirts all the time though, so it doesn't mean much.
In the west yeah if a girl is wearing a miniskirt its probably for a reason
>In the west yeah if a girl is wearing a miniskirt its probably for a reason
Well yeah, miniskirts are basically a dead fashion in the west, can't remember the last time I saw a girl wearing it
>So what's her pubic hair status?
Definetely shaves, she seems to care a lot about her personal image
>I wonder how ugly and fat she is irl
She is pretty slim in real life, there were some videos of her in her tiktok before she deleted them
Friend made it sound like she locks up and panics at the mere mention of taking things physical and walk when she doesn't put out, so unlikely
Good, it'd make the most fun to deflower her
They boyfriends walk, that is
That reminds me what happened to the manga where the stalker gf turned out to be stalking a guy just as fucked up as her if not more?
IIRC the guy just couldn't feel and the danger of the gf made him keep her around.
Have you read I Love You as a Friend? It's pretty short but good
picked the fucked up

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