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Doki da bes season
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Be on your best behavior.
>They hated him because he told the truth
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Nodoka da bes
*cold blooded murderer
She's definitely cuter than Mana. Stronger too.
...said no one ever
One of these is not like the others
When you marry the princess don't you become the prince?
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Don't bully her because of her pointy ears, they're sensative.
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You don’t like Precure.
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What was her fuckin' problem
Not enough church gospel music, where the tambourine shines brightest.
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>Someone said the Mofuderella episode in Maho is transphobic and should be skipped
>all it has is the old dokurokushe generals dressed up as the antagonists from Cinderella for comedy reasons
What do you guys think of people that skip the "filler" episodes? I'm a newfag but for me that sounds like a sin, I think the charm of Precure is seeing the characters in mundane slice of life situations as much as seeing them have their arcs and battles.
Anyone who unironically uses this word belongs in a nuthouse.
Obviously some people have nonsense for brains and should be ignored. Wherever it was that your interaction happened, I'm clapping for you too.
There is no filler in Precure, so the question makes no sense.
That's why I used quotation marks.
Almost every episode in Smile is filler except new cure episodes and final battle
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Please fuck off and never come back.
Filler doesn't mean content you don't like, it means content that is used to fill time when adapting another work that wasn't there originally.
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>bad-mouthing Hero Girl Sora
that was last thread, now it's filler time
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>Sora's arc is lame
>nuh uh it's perfect
>no it sux
>[autistic screeching]
There now can we get back to precure discussion?
Filler means it's not relevant to the story. None of those episodes were story relevant outside the decors, which was just a quick and dirty way to make them "relevant"
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What do you want to discuss?
Nobody said it was perfect and who cares what you think.
You hate Precure.
The word you're looking for is padding, imbecile.
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Kigs obviously
I’m back.
Cute Yui.
You still hate Precure.
I wonder if their kig shows have become pet friendly.
Delicious pits.
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Don't mind me, just posting best kig.
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yay kigs
Call it whatever you want, filling, padding, same thing
What's to discuss? The least you could do is post a kig show. At least then people could talk about it.
Your face, your ass what's the difference?
Now post worst kig (kig tsubomi)
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See kig. See kig hug.
>Now post worst kig
Sorry, I don't have any of Yukari saved.
I hate these two so god damn much...
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I may be autistic but how is that obvious to anyone?
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Sora really is Mashiro's dog
Someone get the hose.
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Wish I had more Custard Gelato kig pics.
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Hello my friend.
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Both of them are so rapeable! I want to see them get gangraped by sleazy ojisans!
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We need more civilian kigs.
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smile had no plot, therefore it has no filler
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How do you feel about kig shows moving indoors?
When does school start again, little girl?
Have they? I admit I'm not very knowledgeable about kig shows. I know they have segments during the kanshasai but aren't normal kig shows held outdoors?
Yeah, I guess I worded it wrongly. Outdoor vs indoor, what do you prefer?
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>projecting so hard
They have kig shows inside malls too
Oh. Outdoors feels more right to me.
Next you’re gonna say slop
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Feeding time.
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Da creature
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Yeah, same here. I feels better to see them in the sunlight, like it's part of having a fun Saturday afternoon.
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improvements have been made
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they can only see straight ahead
So if one is coming straight at me I should roll to the side and then she's easy?
I think that's just typical pink behavior. Custard takes those stairs like a champ.
Yep, just careful of a spinkick that might clock you on the way by
I think I can take it at least once. I'm confident.
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sneaky kigs
Laura kig?
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Has anyone here seen it?
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This is my wife.

Please say something nice about her.
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She has the lowest rates in town.
It's almost impressive being the most useless cure.
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Kig history was made that day.
cute small custard kig
I love these two so gosh darn much...
what about the recap episodes in HG and TR
TR had one right before the final arc.
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HG's was a good way to show Asumi's growth and TR's was setup for the play.
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They were a good team that got along really well, pretty athletic too.
Gelato's pretty good.
We NEED a kig cage fight
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She has to be, her fans expect a lot of energy from her.
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I will NOT apologize for saying Wonderful is a bad show, a lack of plot can be forgiven if the "fun" sol stuff is at least on par with Smile or Star Twinkle. A lack of plot, good action, AND sol is why seasons like TR fucking flop
where are the kig rears though
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The cage is for the audience's safety.
Seen what? These kigs? Yes5? A kig show? Scans of this?
Pics like that are so cute.
Sitting on my face.
>even entertaining the opinions of some tlumbr bitch
The pic is of a musical show, so that.
Mashiro belongs in the trashiro
>Filler means it's not relevant to the story.
that's the zoomer definition, moron. Episodic shows like Pokemon and Precure factually don't have filler. This is how the show works
There should be a place for the audience that's not afraid to get close.
She’s literally the one completely solid character in HS.
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The front rows of kig shows are generally reserved for children.
The Yuunagi boy was pretty good too, wish they didn't play his girl problems for laughs though.
Children, the most fearless humans I know. Makes sense when you think about it.
I love Laura
Time for my deep inhaling session.
Ageha's pretty solid. She knows exactly what she wants to do and is on her way to making her dream come true.
Sora too.
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I want to put a pair of sewing needles through her hairbun and hang little decorative flags from the needles that change every now and then.
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Total Kig Impregnation thread
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cool big sister aura
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Sango NO! Get away from her!
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Wide open!
Weird that we had dog memes with Sora, then the next year we get a literal dog.
Why? Yuri and Sango would be cool together.
It's bad influence
Anyone who gets too close to Yuri will die.
Yuri's good though. She's responsible and has fashion insider connections.
>I just realized her name is a pun
I feel like a retard right now
What do you mean
I found out that the entire season 1 of Balala Ocean Magic (aka bizarro world Tropical Rouge) can be found in aniwave with english subs, the official channel only has subs up to ep 4, it's 26 whole eps in this case, gets pretty deep into the show (but no season 2 uploaded yet)

i would but chinese sounds so awful, japanese dub when
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>Cure WAN-derful
>INUkai Komugi
Since you were replying to the OP I thought you were talking about Mana.
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Cute and canon...
seems like this show's thing is chase action with animals, i wonder if toei got the idea from kiruminzoo. they've chased two cats, a raven, the mc got chased by a cat, an ox chased them for a bit in episode 5.
No one here asked, or cares.
Fuck off
You're mean, anons used to bring up princess tutu or doremi. I've never seen either though.
Both of those are shitty off-topic garbage. No one here asked, or cares.
I didn't ask but I care
you're way more cancer than the posters you try and chase off
>I care ;_;
>I asked ;_;
>I belong ;_;
No one here is fooled. You will never belong.
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>you're the problem not me
Where have I heard this whining before?
Nobody asked for some deranged schizo to play thread janny, promptly go back.
Fuck off idiot.
Take your off-topic garbage, and fuck off.
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no, now what?
Mentally you're a child begging for attention.
who's begging when you're willing to go insane over a single post. dumb schizo cancer
>Autistic buzzword salad
Take your off-topic garbage, and fuck off.
>multiple device posting thread janny

You and your unsolicited off-topic trash will never belong.
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Inukai Iroha... what a woman.
Here's a language fact relevant to Mana. As mentioned in the Doki Doki movie, Mana's name means love. This in itself isn't really surprising, but the fact her name came from her grandparent and has the meaning of love (with even the Doki movie and that particular Fresh episode sharing plot elements), her pink outfit/blond hair Cure design, and how she represents the heart card suit all show that Cure Heart is based on Cure Peach. This isn't really mentioned all that often in these threads though, as claiming Mana is Love 2.0 or even that Doki is somehow Fresh 2.0 is misleading despite the similarities that do exist.
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Forgot pic
Don't ever try to put down Fresh and Love like that again.
fuck you bitch
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There's only 2 buzzwords in there, you need at least 4 ingredients for a salad. Something like this would be more appropriate.
>who's begging when your feefees get hurt over a single post. retarded schizo cancer
Crunchy feefees lettuce, crispy cancer croutons, perfect retarded parm, and a wonderful homemade schizo dressing. Mmn, tasty caesar buzzword salad. Deliciousmile~
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No one makes a fool out of me!
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Cringe samefagging, you think you can use 3rd grade bullying tactics, then when someone refuses you go from ad hominen to a longer string that amounts to "you're mean!".
You should get a job rather than being a NEET on pseudo janny duty doing it for free.
>The death of the miracle lights.
>a lot of scenes were cut, including super grace's actual transformation.
>not a directors cut.

this movie is the worst.
They chased an elephant and a cheetah in episode 6 of kiruminzoo I really like this show so far. The comedy is pretty good and the silly kigurimi faces in their heads are really cute
The worst movie is that Star twinkle crossover one I can't remember the name it seemed really low budget
I don't think any of those are relevant to my opinion of the movie.
This is the same trailer I'm disappointed also I think I will like red and blue
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>a lot of scenes were cut
Never heard that before.
>The death of the miracle lights
You know why they did that.
It was still a great movie.
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I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I'm looking forward to this 30% more than 2025 Precure.
Current and last season had some strange decisions, I still want to see if this is the new default or not.
Still trusting Mirai Days with less reservations though, I imagine a more easygoing Otona which would be more than perfect.
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Sorry, I alraedy got my not!Precure fix
And looking forward for when she comes back
Wonderful is doing good on all counts though.
WP is doing good for what it is, but the ceiling feels lower.
The classic formula has a higher ceiling because there's more elements in the mix, like different generals which have their own brand of more ironic or mean-spirited jokes, or how they affect the plot and their subtle rivalries with the Cures, the slow increase in stakes in certain shows when a general leaves and a new one arrives the scene, etc
It's harder to replicate the epic hero feel with the thing that WP is doing, which is alright, it's a show with a very distinct identity, but the franchise would definitively downgrade if everything after tried to copy WP (which I don't think they will, but I'm just trying to make a point that limiting yourself can make for an unique one-off novelty, but you're still not hitting as you could to bring a feel of catharsis).
>translation: muh fightssss
It's the elephant in the room, might get repetitive to point out, but it's still an elephant.
It's one in the morning, dumb it down a bit please.
Oh seriously, just fights? That is the weakest argument possible against Wonderful. Especially since they still have fights.
The best part is that Wonderful is proving that no generals is much better than having shit ones.
if doki da best season then precure da dead....
WP = You wanted to play Chess with Toei but they brought Checkers to the table instead, unexpected twist and you had a solid time, but you're ready to see horses jumping in Ls again.
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Yuri HATE. She deserved what happened to her
Cute cat.
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scans never
>When Pam-Pam says she’s an adult and then you see her human form
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Hikaru's a bitch, she's a two faced bitch
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
She's a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch
She's a bitch to all the boys and girls
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I would kiss that
But where?
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what got you so pissed at best protagonist?
say dumb thing, get easy (you)
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>best protagonist
>annoying granny voice
>shitty personality
>doesn't grow at all
She was made with love and it shows.
Directly on the transformations device!
ST is better if you think of Lala as the main girl and Hikaru as the stupid sidekick
>annoying granny voice
You're entitled to your opinion, but one of the reasons Hikaru is so beloved is because her own seiyuu is her number one fan. Few Precure VAs did their job with such passion for their characters.
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Not the best, but her personality is fun, her arc is neat, and her voice is perfect
I think Tsubomi is the best but Hikaru's very cool with her love of space.
I already forgotten about her. I only remember Lala and sexy snake lady
We heard you the first time. You hate Hikaru.
No need to samefag.
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She's not the only VA with passion for her character, but she's the one Precure VA where I can be confident her own character lives rent free in her head.
Only haters have characters living in their heads.
Fans have their characters living in their hearts.
Stop badmouthing Hikaru!!
Ok then start goodmouthing Hikaru.
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I'd give Hikaru a good mouth...
Tell her to grow her hair out again.
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*avoids eye contatct with*
I want to lick Hikaru's donut.
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Thanks for the distraction, lost little coin. Now I can go and lick her donut and put it back in the box before she knows anything.
Even if she wears that, it can’t hide her ugliness.
What an asshole...
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*touches the back of her hand*
What the FUCK
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Because I wanted to, ok?
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I think she has pretty hands.
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is the prize
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Hag sex
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17 is now hag age?
Top 5 Cures with most fanart in the past 5 seasons (with ST instead of WP):
1. Nodoka
2. Lala
3. Sora
4. Laura
5. Mashiro
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I love this edit of Laura
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Which season had the highest powerlevel?
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Who hurt her?
Splash Star, Heartcatch, and Maho seem right.
He is magically stalking Hikari 24/7... talk about creepy
I think it's creepier when an egg stalks someone.
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Nico-sama is a girl,, so it is OK
Oh Honoka you clever cutie!

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