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On a scale of 1-10 how good of a girlfriend would Kita make?
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99999999 (Limit break) 9999 (Limit break) 999999999999999999 (Limit break) 99999999 out of 10
I'd prefer Bocchi, Kita is too outgoing.
Imagine, lounging with Bocchi.
4/10. She'd be all over the Bocc but it's kinda hot.
every day would be fun, 10/10
Does she do anal?
0 I'd skip straight to making her my wife
I like a girl I can start a band with.
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For some reason she doesn't seem to be the kind to be faithful to her partner since she tries to please everyone
I would be ejaculating 1-10 times a day
Kita fucks 50 men every 2 weeks.
She'd be a terrible gf.
Those 50 men? My clones
Rhythm girlfriend
0 she's the schools bicycle.
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Meanwhile outside of the incel's delusions
she is a virgin?
>no thighs
>no ass
>no chest
Just date a femboy disgusting newfag. She isn't attractive at all
>BTR characters' legs look like sticks
Get better taste and go back
>her proportions need to be as exaggerated as humanly possible so I don’t accidentally start thinking about naked men and remember I’m gay
Just say you like boys anon, nobody really cares about you.
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Real men want bocchi
>delusional fanart spam again
She only got big boobs but has no personality at all. Bocchi can easily pass as a walking cheap coombait at this point.
>nobody really cares about you
This only works on reddit
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Planks are awesome once you finally stop thinking about naked men
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Busty bocchi sexo
picked up
she can fix me
more anime girls should wear maid outfits
1/10 she'll suck you dry until you die on your first date
10, for me.
How come?
She's got everything I could ask for in a girl.
I need a Kita girlfriend or boyfriend.
I think everyone does.
The world would be a better place if everyone was Kita.
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Retarded girls make good girlfriends

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