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Why don't we get more Sonic the Hedgehog anime?
IKR? I want more stuff like sonic X, I miss it.
SEGA isn't confident in how Japan would receive it. The positive reception of Sonic Frontiers in Japan has given them a bit more confidence, however, and they've started producing a mini-anime to go along with the new game Sonic x Shadow Generations (a bit of it was teased at Anime Expo 2024), but I don't think we'll see another proper Sonic anime for a long time.
Why aren't sonic's arms blue?
Sonic hasn't been hip with the nips in ages.
The art style in this OVA was so good. Dunno what that annoying catgirl OC was all about though.
because they can't put denuvo on it.
Japan hates Sonic and Sega of Japan resents its continued existence.
Because Sonic sucks

Bob tried. Nothing can save Chris now. Blue arms or not.

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Hopefully it will give them more confidence to produce a new Sonic anime... Man, what I would pay for a Sonic anime with the drawing style of the Sonic Riders opening
Because it wasn't successful.
Dark Beginnings is not anime. It's being made by Studio Giggex (based in Los Angeles) and Simage Animation (based in Hong Kong).
who cares sonic sucks now, ever since that gay modern design
Hasn't Sonic always been more popular in the west than Japan? There's probably a higher chance of them doing a Sonic cartoon instead of an anime
Maybe before... Currently not

In fact, I would say that it is currently starting to win over the Japanese public little by little... Slowly but surely

Yes. And Sega of Japan most likely hates how he's still around.
A movie by Marza would be cool. At least they gave us a Night of the Werehog sequel last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW3eBWQ1IyQ
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Anime is too shit now, it doesn't deserve Sonic animated kino

>Sonic Boom S3 never ever
>Sonic hasn't been hip with the nips in ages.
more like ever
Because the series isn't that popular in Japan. The Sonic OVA was made as a passion project & even then the number of episodes had to be reduced due to the series' lack of popularity in Japan. Sonic X was made as an attempt to get Japanese kids into the series, but it failed, hence the reason the 3rd season wasn't aired on tv there until 2020.
She was a typical 90s fanservice/moe character.
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Reminder that the full theme song was released more than 2 decades later after someone went down a rabbit hole and eventually asked one of the OVA project members if they had a full version of the song. Only a .mp3 of the full version was available.

Can't remember where the original .mp3 without youtube compression was distributed, if someone remembers please share, but this seems to have a copy for download.
Didn't the movie bomb?
Imagine IDW in anime form
Yeah, the story would be shit, but it'd look fucking beautiful
Because you can literally count the amount of Japanese Sonic fans on one hand.
Sega is mostly irrelevant in west.
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Because X was shit, sucks that the OVA was essentially a pilot that never got picked up
Same with Man of the Year never getting a part 2, which was also done by TMS (which would later do Sonic X)
No, the opposite in-fact.
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If I ever get wealthy and the gods see fit, I will produce a sonic/sonichu anime and hire cwc as a voice actor. It will be like peak Madhouse 24-episode adaptation if it was directed by David Lynch, incorporating surreal slices of Chris-Chans real life.
>Get Dragon Ball animators to do some animations
>Never produce the same quality as it ever again
>Because X was shit

In what sense?
Pacing, general animation being constantly off-model, the adaptions of pre-existing stories (SA1, SA2, and Advance 3/Battle) being generally lackluster. The only thing that I'd say good is characters are in-character everything they say feels natural.
Persona and Yakuza are big hits in the west
Go back
Really at this point they should just switch mascots form sonic to Kiryu
Because Sega itself just isn't popular in Japan. Some of their arcade games are, for sure, but they arguably became more popular there AFTER they stopped making consoles.
That was done by Junio. Worked for Toei, but definitely wasn't the dragon ball division
Other than that, agreed, it's kino, as was all of CD
Calm down, redditor in denial. Kino is because it certainly a tv show isn't a fucking ludo
That's why I said ANIMATORS and not Toei itself
Hisashi Eguchi and Yasuyuki Shimizu both have done stuff for Toei and DB though Shimizu has done comparably less compared to Eguchi

Nah, Sega is, Sonic isn't.
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I like the US OST more, sorry.
though I do like this remix of Cosmic Eternity
Why does Japan hate Sonic?
The fans would rather make their own.
Kiryu is a criminal. His second game you can play a minigame where he makes hookers cum before he does. He's in a homoerotic fight club relation with Mark Hamil, and he's too sexist to hit women. Just not suitable as a mascot in the Amerisphere.
Sonic's already the perfect fill for their mascot, there's no real reason to change besides his games getting worse
That one on a train was actually competent. Too bad it was a joke.

He was made to appeal to the US to begin with. Well, not Japan's version, but Sega of America tweaked him. This pissed Japan off.

Then they made the Genesis sell way better than the Megadrive, and Sega of Japan has hated them (and Sonic) for it ever since.
Japan's version of Sonic was always meant to appeal to the west from the start
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I want a Scrapnik Island adaptation and nothing else
Sega doesn't know even what to do with their games since almost all of them are completely new from their antecessor, imagine making an anime while not just letting passionate fans doing their jobs but actually taking care of it.
At least it looks like they found a formula to go with Frontiers and IDW comics so there's hope, even if both are okay being generous, but i really doubt we will get another Sonic Boom, the Sonic OVA, some anime with the Riders animation made by Wit or another more serious show like Sonic X.
I'm surprised that person had a mp3 to pass along after all that year.
If only. Sega ensured the warning from SoA becoming true; they have been consistently fading out as time passed. Remember they only exist today by multiple mergers bailing them out while wasting money on projects that fail and produce very little.

Also, most of the talent from Sega has been moving to Nintendo. This company didn't deserve one of their investors giving away his money to prevent its complete donwfall after Dreamcast, it's like they actively are working to go under
this OST had no right being so good
Fans aren't paid. Fucking word salad bots.

If i remember correctly someone posted the whole OST here with the missing songs and the thread was removed.
based, introduce japan to this kino
You got the OVA, X tv series, and various promotional shorts. The fuck more do you need?
Furry porn.
Ken Pender's beatiful comic world and characters of course!
Jesus now there's two disgusting namefaggots in every sonic thread. GO AWAY
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This? https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/152688550/#q152690181
Hopefully in the future SEGA will think about it well and can give the green light to a new Sonic anime... Even better if it's in the style of the Riders intro

Not the thread i remember but probably was around that time or 2018.
Because unless you go full tismo there's not really a lot of material to work with.
Sonic Boom fucking sucked, no amount of history revisionism will change this fact.
The tv show, not the game, retardo
What makes you think I wasn't referring to the show? We all already know the game's putrid pig shit, but the cartoon gets overrated by redditors because it takes little jabs at the sonic fanbase here and there, because that's never been done before. It's god awful justin trudeau funded entertainment, it's basically johnny test for furfags
Because the game sucked and the tv show was a success

>It's god awful justin trudeau funded entertainment, it's basically johnny test for furfags
It's more like Sonic Seinfeld
I wouldn't consider a 5am timeslot on cartoon network a success
That's what makes it perfect for anime
Think Aoi Yuuki being a Sonicfag helped a bit?
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>ctrl+F "look-a-like"
>0 results
Time to listen to this again, /a/.
Wait, never mind, somehow I missed this >>268889345 like a a dummy.
japanese sonic is shounen with talking animals
When I first heard Jack Black speak I thought it was the guy that sung sonic underground
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Sonic X scarred me as a kid. It was so good but so traumatic especially the part where cosmo had to get brain surgery or wtf
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Learn AI
Netflix literally has a 3d animated sonic series that had a new season in 2024 called Sonic Prime, and Paramound did a series called Knuckes in the CG characters in a live action setting style like the movies, also in 2024. I guess the answer is that the west likes Sonic a lot more than Japan. 2 new series in 2024 though, that's kind of crazy
That's not the same feeling as making professionals working for a famous company do it.
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They make Saturn™ anime. Does Nintendo get anime? 'nuff said.
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How can Nintendo even compete?
they won console war I against sega, and now are in console war II against sony.
other historians say that console war I and II are not separate console wars, but just one big continued conflict where sega simply dropped out and died with a wimpering sound when sony and microsoft (the irrelevant one) entered the ring.
we may never know the truth.
Fucking miss Ben-to
What the FUCK is Bento Rei's fucking PROBLEM?
If anything had to be animated from the comics, I'd combine the mecha madness and endgame arcs in one mini series.
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I would want a lose adaptation of the zombot arc. Its brought down by the IDW writers not understanding 90% of the characters yeah, but a lot of the ideas are sweet
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Its a real shame since both Prime and the Knuckles show are irredeemable garbage
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Because SEGA thinks:"If west enjoys Sonic, we should hire more westerners to make Sonic content.". Which is the kind of mindset that creates crap like edgy DMC reboot
Ironically most popular Sonic games like 3&K or SA2 are 100% made in Japan. Meanwhile west makes crap like Archie/IDW, but at least the crying lesbians they endlessly put in their comics are kind cute so whatever
Why are Sonic fans so negative about everything, even here on /a/?
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I'm not negative about everything

I'm just negative about western interpretations of sonic. Notice how despite only ever being popular in the west, the only good shit to come from the franchise was a result of Japanese hands (Baring AOSTH and Mania).
Prime is generic and boring, The knuckles show is generic and boring, Satam and Underground are generic and boring. Boom is generic and boring. IDW, is generic and boring. The movies are generic and boring (I wouldn't deem them nearly as bad as the rest however). and i dont find Archie to be neither generic nor boring, but its so far removed from anything sonic that the only thing you would lose if you removed its branding is the unintentional comedic value of the Echidna Holocaust arc

This even extends to shitty games like Forces and Lost Word. A huge part as to why sonic lost huge pieces of his soul is because sonic team made the retarted decision to value the input from western sonic """"fans"""" and Sega of America. Shit like "No more vocal themes" and "Why is the story so dramatic? there cartoon hedgehogs *proceeds to jack off Satam for some reason*" . Frontiers tried its best to heal the franchise, and it did a decent job, but notice how the director had to rewrite the script for Japanese players because he made the mistake of letting a western writer pen the first draft instead of just using him as a translation tool. Western writers just simply do not understand it

You can say what you want about the OVA, Sonic X and even shit like SA2 and Black Knight. But you cannot say that they are devoid of uniqueness in the same way shit like Boom and Prime are
>This pissed Japan off.
Japanese Sonic is way better than American Sonic
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Even with Mania, theat game worked because the people making it had a good understanding of what Japanese Sonic was, at least game wise.

People love to say things like "Sonic isn't a deep character there's no point explaining him" yet these are the first people to immediately get Sonic's character completely wrong. They just do not understand Sonic and arguably, japanese media on a fundamental level. Because of this they don't know why Sonic is appealing and because they instantly believe he's boring and has no depth they try and graft personality traits (usually from other characters) onto Sonic turning him into something else entirely.
"Classic Sonic" is probably the clearest example of how hard they miss the mark on Sonic. If you compare the Sonic in the opening of CD and the OVA to Classic Sonic in the animations since Mania Adventures it's like seeing two completely different characters.
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Couldn't have said it better myself
You can tell those people haven't even played S3&K if they insist Sonic shouldn't have a serious story.
I wish sonic CD was as good as the animated clips it had.
>Sonic vs Metal Sonic? Let’s kill any and every sense of momentum the player may have
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Another thing is that when people say they want Sonic to be "serious" it usually just means that the characters around them actually take the situations around them seriously and isn't shrouded in layers of irony that disconnect you from actively investing in what's going on.
Most people tend to not understand this and immediately assume everyone wants Sonic tonally to be like 06 constantly all the time since they view media in the most binary way possible so they reduce him to being "LOONEY TUNES", "MICKEY MOUSE" etc.

Then when people who do understand Sonic like Kiyoko Yoshimura, Shirow Maekawa and funnily enough, Naoto Ohshima the guy who made Sonic, they try to demonize them and say they hate Sonic and make them out to be some kind of enemy of the franchise in order to enforce the Sonic they made up in their head as opposed to the character he always was.
>Then when people who do understand Sonic like Kiyoko Yoshimura, Shirow Maekawa and funnily enough, Naoto Ohshima the guy who made Sonic, they try to demonize them and say they hate Sonic and make them out to be some kind of enemy of the franchise
I’ve noticed this happening a lot even outside of Sonic. People will have these head canons about these characters and whenever it’s disproven they treat you like you’re public enemy number 1. They have a strange attachment to these characters that goes beyond simply liking a franchise.

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