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do straight girls REALLY do this to their gay friends??
Straight girls do this do their straight friends.
Normal girls are as grossed out by female faggots as normal guys are with male fags.
So no.
Is this the one about the tsundere that can rewind time by taking off her panties?
I don't believe you. Please show proof that you know this to be true
Need sauce please.
No, but they do to straight friends.
This manga is fucking garbage
This artist should just stick to porn
Fuck, I thought she had inverted nipples.
My wife hates lesbians and frequently mocks them behind closed doors like they're troons or something. My wife loves gay men and wants to change them onto pussy.
Brb killing myself
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Do they REALLY
>My wife loves gay men
I guess that explains why she married you
>Normal girls are as grossed out by female faggots as normal guys are with male fags.
yeah, but only they know for sure they're dykes, my sis was from an all girls school and she bath and even shaved each other girls pubes, they also kissed as a "joke" for dares, but they would never do that sort of thing with a legit lesbian, they all are just closeted lesbos desu
>these aren't my glassses
imaigne the smell
sounds like your "wife" is hunting bifags in gay bars dude
Those are some nice tits, but where's the bush, you son of a bitch?
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only if she goes after her girlfriend next
did they announce anything new about the anime yet?
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What form of power is this?
>do straight girls REALLY do this to their gay friends??
Do we have similiar scene but with two guys?
Like one guy lands on another while having his dick pulled out and he lands on and slides it in his mouth by accident.
I have seen a similar scene in real life, kek
I bet something like this happens in Rosen Garten Saga manga.
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based cuckbro
please tell your wife i am gay
lol you won the internets today anon
This is just Horny King Crimson
Women are bi, which makes their revulsion and hatred of genuine lesbians mystifying.
Can confirm, I’m closeted so I get away with everything
they're not really bi. they'll just flirt with the gay for fun and then only date the men they complain about. self proclaimed bi girls talk more about dick than straight chicks do
>women are bi
Bipolar, not bisexual.
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>tells takamine that the status quo is good and should stay that way
Takamine is going to end up fucking everyone besides the MC by the end of the story
This is getting an adaptation? I wonder if it's going to be one of those """ecchi""" anime that's so censored there's basically no point in watching it anymore.
hate this author, he makes ntr hentai but then makes this too?!?
But sexually. Their brain functions differently enough in an aroused state that they are different people in the same body that may not remember all the other person's actions.
Having an anti-fetish that's popular is suffering.
It was an NTR chapter what do you want.
kill yourself
As long as she fucks someone I'll call it progress.
I'd say the highest likelihood is that she ends up with MC and there's no fucking shown or even any clearly implied, 2nd highest option is that she ends up with MC and the manga does in fact make it clear that they fucked, 3rd option that it's some "status quo" ending where they don't actually end up together officially and there's no fucking, anything else is basically 0 chance.
She could just rape him and turn back time to do it again.
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Take a few tries to get him hard in a minute flat.
Getting ready for Paris 2024.
But that was really impressive and out of there even for her.

Pretty clear they're padding but I doubt Takamine would be honest about her feelings to him even if Eri told her so I hope we at least keep being nice to him as the recent chapters. That alone was already a huge development.
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This picture is completely safe for work. Make sure your boss sees it.
I love pasties.
I am my own boss, so he's already seen it. He approves of my excellent taste.
Dont forget the NTR girl looks almost the same as takamine lol
That's a surefire way to know if you're gay.

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