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Why is anime/manga so lacking in the BUTT department? Boobs are great, but I'm sure the breasts department can spare just a little bit of its huge budget in favor or buttcheeks.
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Are their pussies really that close? I figured the ass would be a massive barrier between yourself and the hole
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You're my new favorite person in this website, my fellow butt-enthusiast <3
Thank God for this fat assed elf!
Nippers are quite stupid, so most of them prefer boobs.
Try Prison School.
There's a reason why
>Oops, wrong hole
exists, they're REALLY close, it's particularly noticeable if you're hitting it from behind.
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>Prison School
Nip penis too small to get between the butt cheeks
nip butt is also small, so they cancel each other out
Have you never seen porn?
What's it like to be a mentally ill spammer?
now that's a booty, baby!
>asian nations trying to mind their own business?
>trying to mind their own business
>projecting this hard
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Prison School is fucking hot.
And really funny. At least early on.
Genghis Khan will return, power through the kamikaze, and teach the Japanese what it means to fuck
>ignoring the other red nations
Hey hey hey, ass-loving is a divine practice. What's with all the commotion?
I probably hate americans more than you bozos, and I'm an ass-lover.
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post asses
>What's with all the commotion?
Mentally ill crossboarders is all
Bless ass
nta, but i hate how completely nude people look. not as in just naked, but all the holes exposed, so i never knew either
Just wow, What is your age? I have this theory about zoomers having so a strange relationship with nude bodies and sexuality that they not even know how an actual human body really looks like
that's where poop comes from
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sena's butt?
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I love ass so much it’s unreal
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Anything for you, Dandy.
In defense of the zoomies, does anyone really love the meat taco? Of every part of a woman it might be the least appealing.
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Pussy is awesome
Anal sex doesn't make babies
Yeah, when you don't have to look at it.
Neither does paizuru, what is your point?
My zoomer brother actually got engaged a while back so some of them have sex it seems
I don't think you need me to tell you what your malfunction is. Let me take a wild guess, you find the penis aesthetically pleasing.
Butts are made for spanking.
Subhuman thread
A good butt feels better to the tact than boobs and you can actually train it to maintain its firmness over time
Thats why it's superior
You don't get it at all, do you? Ass is great. Tits are great. Hips, thighs, the parts of a femoid we focus on, that we see in the annie mays, they're the worthwhile bits. You cannot compare a decent ass to what looks like someone spilled your intestines and sandwiched them between two mouldy slices of bread and think I'm going to take you seriously. Pussy serves a purpose. Aesthetics isn't that purpose.
Dicks are awesome.
So what's stopping you from going to Nipland to praise butts and try to change the general opinion?
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Also is closest to the pussy
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What a great thread...
Keijo exists.

Kami bless the corpse of Xebec and their dedication to literal fat dump trucks.
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I do, not a big fan of anal. Every ero manga should feature eating pussy and vaginal sex… unless it is gay, you get a pass with lacking vaginal sex if there is no vagina but a gender bender so there would be puss would make it better.
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There are ugly tits and cute puffy vulva. You immediately trying to make pussy sound as disgusting as possible tells us more about you than about pussies. Most pussies I saw were aesthetically pleasing.
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I'm happy for you that you saw many child pussies, anon.
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35. ive always found nude bodies gross.
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Butts are harder to keep track of than boobs for character consistency. Someone's bosom being smaller in some shots can sometimes go unnoticed since there's a lot going on in the upper torso (face, shoulders, arms, etc). The butt is center stage on the lower torso. So if it's suddenly smaller, editor man will send the draw slaves to the finger guillotine.
I have seen a reasonable number of both due to my experience in the medical field. Meat curtain is only one of the many possible shapes and innie child-like vulva is also present in adults. Not that it matters much when we are talking about drawings anyway.
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Well if you're so confident in your convictions, would you be able to provide examples of aesthetically pleasing nether regions that are shown in tajikistani basket-weaving cartoons?
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Futa is pretty great, I wish Rebis was still actively doing it.
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>series has a great ass shot
>it's literally the only relevant ass shot
Pic unrelated because Code Geass is full of good asses, but my point still stands. Anime should not bait ass people into seeing something else.
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Shut up slut, you're causing too much chaos
Just bend over and take it like a slut, OK ?
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I heard that in Japan women consider it a compliment to be told they have a small butt.
Japanese asses...
Used to be a compliment in the west too
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Butt thread?
And now its (rightfully) an insult
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Unfortunate how far we have fallen.
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That show had nice butts
>Lack in butts
>Panty shots are the oldest fanservice
Shut up.
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No. I don't know. Maybe. What gave you that idea, pal?
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I like this thread
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This woman is too horny
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Amazing thread
anon, you're gay
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Nigger have you been in japan? I was there 5 days ago
All women are chopping boards
I didn’t see single woman with slightly big breasts
They have zero ass and have the body of a doll
They aren't. You're just watching the wrong series.
That theory is definitely correct. Zoomers are simultaneously incredibly degenerate thanks to internet porn and a decline of traditional values in society, AND prudish and inexperienced with actual sex and intimacy. They are honestly just so fucked, and all of humanity will suffer for it
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It will never not be funny seeing the internet make young men vehemently deny themselves a good ass since they think it'll make them icky and black or something
nip isnt america.
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>Americans are awake
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You're right, I don't get being gay at all. Even the ugliest pussies turn me on as long as it's not like blue waffle level so I think you just have the zoomer brainrot like this guy described >>268888737
"Ugh ugly hatchet wounds, I love anime butts and boobies and thighs so cute and so pretty but beef tacos are like SO HECKIN ICKY"
Yeah, you're fucked.
Are you the same schizo who always posts that world map?
I know what you mean, there are more than enough pussies out there that just don't look appetizing at all. When it comes to doujinshi especially you need a good artist to make some good pussy. Anus on the other hand is much easier to draw well.
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Suzu's property. She spanks, squish, licks, sucks and bites those cheeks.
All those are 10/10 in america
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