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Eight CGDCT anime have gone completely yuri very recently yet some people still think that it's impossible that this could happen to any other series.
>new game
>only the shittiest couple is confirmed
fuck that series
6/8 of those are from the same publisher.
And that same publisher also makes Bocchi the Rock, yet people are adamant that nothing could ever happen. And please note that saying something could happen is not the same as saying something will happen.
I'm really upset to learn that about RPG real estate, maybe it's for the best manga translations died, I don't even usually like moeshit besides that anyway

wasn't asteroid in love yuri from the start? hence the name?

Also fucking gabriel dropout, i'm not sure if it's gone full yuri or not in what hasn't been translated but in what has been translated I hate how heavy it started getting on the yuribait after a while, I'm not sure I would even want an anime season 2
Sansha Sanyou was a better anime than Anne Happy.
>he doesn't want full on, explicit BDSM between Raphiel and Satania
Good. Yuri keeps the normalfags and gays out
Both were mediocre at best and in the lower tier of Kirara adaptations. Gabu is great however.

Ironically it attracts more than it deters.
>Sansha Sanyou was a better anime than Anne Happy.
>wasn't asteroid in love yuri from the start?
Ao and Mira have a close relationship that other members of the cast call romantic, but they never explicitly declare it such or kiss. The yuri couple that got together is the lesbian fangirl and Mira's sister.

Normalfags only like "safe" yuri.
gays are not people and gays do not understand real love. Yuri is the purest form of love there is. Hence why they hate it.
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>I'm really upset to learn that about RPG real estate, maybe it's for the best manga translations died, I don't even usually like moeshit besides that anyway
it's just the blonde and Rize couple, which was really obvious even from the beginning
>flops or went to shit 30 chapters in
>Eight CGDCT anime have gone completely yuri very recently
That's not correct. The animation didn't change at all and aside from Sarasa they aired years ago.
For half of the series the comics they are based on also ended way before recent.
>way before recent.
Their manga all ended in the past 2 and a half years.
Anne Happy ended in 2019.
He must have forgot, since Sansha Sanyou is so much better.
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Anne Happy had almost explicit ending before the author posted this in 2023.
stay mad. cute girls doing other cute girls is cute
>both of my wives together on the day they both get married to me
What seems to be the problem?
Sansha is fucking dull.
Comic girls went true yuri? Between whom?
yeah that's why i dont watch cgdct anymore
yuri is a tranny magnet lol
take a step back and look around you
smut yuri is for men, sure
but romantic yuri is for queers
The tomboy and the girl who liked her.
It all goes down to who Kirara hires, all you have to do is look at Hoshikuzu author doing drunk streams while watching the Hoshikuzu live action, she is literally sperging and screaming like a teenager calling every scene with the actresses get close yuri, she is basically your typical hardcore yurifag or himejoshi (female equivalent of fujoshi). Even Hamaji, Bocchi author isn't much different, the protagonist of her previous kirara series was also a hardcore yurifag.

Nowadays it feels almost editorial mandated that at least one of the series couple has to be explicitly involved by the end of series, though newer kirara series start building the foundation for actual romance very early on.

Koyome and Tsubasa are dating by the end of series, which shouldn't be surprising to anyone as even in the anime Koyome was very explicit about how she felt about her.
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ok, and what point are you trying to make
>it's impossible that this could happen to any other series
Nobody thinks this.
What’s actually happening is regular CGDCT watchers are trying to boot disgusting shipcuck demonstrators out of their spaces by diminishing their territorial claims by, rightfully, pointing out that the series are not yuri in their current state, and therefore there is no reason for yuritroons to be chimping out smearing shit all over the walls of their space.
Nobody gives a fuck about your featherless chicken. Seriously, this routine that you, yes, YOU, specifically you OP, in which you collect mountains of pages and panels and documents and satellites and cross references and synchronicities across kirara, is a pitiful waste of time, because the truth is that people just hate you and want you gone and wish you’d go back to your containment board. No amount of research will ever change that fact until yurifaggots magically stop being the most obnoxious people on the internet. Sadly, they’re actually just getting worse, exponentially so since 2020.
>Nowadays it feels almost editorial mandated that at least one of the series couple has to be explicitly involved by the end of series,
Not if you look at the series that recently ended.
>Suteki na Session
>Oneloli Cabaclub
>White mage dreams of zombies
>Maid is first friend
>Momoiro Montage
>Asteroid in Love
>Mer Bleue
How was the girls from Momoiro Montage, Asteroid In Love, TsumuTsuki not explictly involved? The later one had sex on panel even.
Several of these are just flat out wrong.

Hard a dark ending where the two girls became one, literally.

>Momoiro Montage
She promised to let to let the artist girl grope her again.

>Asteroid in Love
Suzu and Misa got together over the Timeskip.

They had sex and meet together in the future.
Why does /a/ love yuri so much anyway?
I listed all series that ended this year.
>Hard a dark ending where the two girls became one, literally.
No, the Tuna was never really real you dumbass, she was just a meta representation of her desire for eating tuna interacting with her and the other characters.
Why does /u/ hate their own board?
>disgusting shipcuck demonstrators
>no amount of research will ever change that fact until yurifaggots magically stop being the most obnoxious people on the internet
How are yurifags obnoxious regarding shipping if we're literally turning out to be correct by your own admission? That's not shipping; that's correctly predicting how the narrative will go.
Well yeah, but Takasa San has a girl and a guy as protagonists, so yuri there would have been unexpected.
The tranny mods are allowing offtopic content and banning anyone complaining, so what is the point of posting on /u/?
Didn't the other human girl interact with the tuna girl at one point?
Because porn boards exist?
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You could still count them as getting together. Love knows no gender.
Yes, but you are misunderstanding what I am saying, she isn't an imaginary friend which is what you are thinking of, she is literally just a narrative gimmick, an allegory, you were not supposed to take what was happening in face value.
….are there any CGDCT manga/anime that DON’T go yuri???
I legit can’t think of any that even had male characters, let alone any sort of hetero feelings.
Isn’t it pretty much a given that the MC and second main are a yuri couple in these shows?
"completely yuri" makes it sound like it was heterosexual before
Hinako Note.

If you know, you know.
>I legit can’t think of any that even had male characters, let alone any sort of hetero feelings.
What magazines do you even read?
I just read random online from scan sites like dex.
Like, usually just search by tag and read whatever sounds fun
Sure, if we are talking in the general sense and not only yuri. Too bad love however knows age, because no way kirara would have allow oneeloli cabaret to have any sort of explicit scene and we know this author would really have draw it very very explicit if allowed.
Then you don't know shit.
Do you just like take the words out of every post and then rearrange them alphabet soup style until you find something you have a canned response for?
>nobody cares about your prediction because you’re an obnoxious faggot that nobody likes
>but how can I be an obnoxious faggot that nobody likes if muh prediction…
This is obnoxious.
Are /u/ people always this weirdly haughty?
Do you unironically import magazines from japan?
>….are there any CGDCT manga/anime that DON’T go yuri???
Yes, a few, but usually those make clear early on the girls are not into each other or are interested in guys too.
>I legit can’t think of any that even had male characters, let alone any sort of hetero feelings.
People brought up Sansha Sanyou this thread for example, though that one seems like a mix of het and yuri.
>Isn’t it pretty much a given that the MC and second main are a yuri couple in these shows?
Yes, for most of them they really don't want you to think in another direction, though a lot of the time it's actually side couples that get explicit together, see New Game! for example.
>Do you unironically import magazines from japan?
How out of date are you? Everything is digital now. You can read all Kirara magazines on Comic FUZ on release date as part of a subscription.
Sorry, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you had an actual reason for finding yurifags obnoxious instead of just because we like the same series as you.
>an actual reason for finding yurifags obnoxious
Hating shipcucks doesn’t require introduction.
You keep using that word but, as I said, it's not shipping if yurifags turn out to be right.
Asobi Asobase
>Starts with a very non yuri dynamic between 3 girls
>Midway into the series introduce new girls who are clearly gay for each other, some even flirting with the protagonists
>They take over the series to the point protagonists stop showing for several chapters
>Axe your manga to instead write a prequel that is 10 times gayer with the new girls

Even the trap Kasumi kissed and is in love with turned out to not actually be a guy but just a genderless organic humanoid.
NTA but it's definitely shipping even if you turns out to be right, there is narrative subtleness in those cases? Yes. But this is besides the point.
>prequel that is 10 times gayer with the new girls
I'm not really seeing that.
According to absolutely nobody except you and the 0 people who want you or your theories in their CGDCT threads.
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I always go to /u/ to get my Comic Cune fix.
Maybe, but when most people consider shipping, they're talking about posting non-canon fanart or getting into arguments with other shippers. While I might consider that obnoxious depending on the circumstance, surely merely discussing the idea of whether a series will go yuri or not would not fall under those two criteria.

First of all, I think you need to relax on your boogieman accusations. And there are plently of CGDCT series where yurifags are welcome in the threads: Akebi, Machikado, Yuyushiki, etc. And yes, there are some threads where yurifags are shit on. But clearly it's not a universal sentiment that everyone holds.
I'm pretty sure kirara at least gets dumped here
The latest chapter has them with a male.
But /u/ uploader stopped buying cune
>infest fandom with yurifaggotry
>authors pander to you for fagservice
>"haha told you"
Stop shitting up communities you homophilic subhumans.
All those series had lesbians in the first few chapters. It shouldn't be surprising considering most of them are written by yurifags.
The point is that nothing has happened yet so you have no place in its fandom.
Go watch actually yuri series that are explicitly yuri. You won’t because they’re all trash and you know it. Not a single yuri show has ever been popular on /a/.
If a poster is only talking about the couple he is obviously shipping, whether this is obnoxious or not is relative to who is reading it.
>First of all, I think you need to relax on your boogieman accusations.
Yeah keep spamming this routine every opportunity you get for another 6 months retard. Sorry for ripping the bandaid off.
Then what the fuck is op’s point? I thought he was trying to justify yurifags shitting up fandoms for series that have nothing to do with faggotry.
>the point is that nothing has happened yet so you have no place in its fandom
Where is that line though? What counts as happened?

>Go watch actually yuri series that are explicitly yuri. You won’t because they’re all trash and you know it.
One can watch both yuri and non-yuri. And why wouldn't a yurifag watch CGDCT if they're becoming yuri now?

>Not a single yuri show has ever been popular on /a/.
MahoAko just aired and it was quite popular. There are several shows in the past as well. Flip Flappers won AOTY in 2016, for example.
Attacking hetfags for being annoying but giving yurifags a pass for doing the same thing seems hypocritical to me.
>Flip Flappers won AOTY in 2016
Not that anon, but it won /a/'s AOTY, which doesn't mean much. /a/'s AOTY polls have like a few hundred voters at most, and you can be declared an AOTS or AOTY with only a few dozen votes. Of all the AOTY polls out there it's one of the least relevant and useful. Even those Anime Trending polls from social media that keep getting spammed around are more relevant given their more mainstream demographics and samples (their votes are in the thousands). I'm not defending those polls, all I'm saying is that /a/'s AOTY polls are irrelevant.
>keep spamming this routine every opportunity you get for another 6 months retard
Do you honestly think that I am the only one who brings up whether anime go or yuri not? If you complain so much about yurifags infesting other threads, do you not think that they would bring up a series going yuri if it happened?

Well of course, that's just one metric. The series also had several maxed out threads per week despite it being an anime original with no pre-exisiting fanbase, which is quite a feat of a series. And of course, there are multiple other yuri series that are also popular on /a/: Yuru Yuri and Saki are the ones with semi-frequent generals. Dragon Maid too, if you count it as yuri, I guess.
Those same anons get shit on /u/ for doing the same shit, since /u/ also does not want to see people talking about romcoms, harem or series where the girls are into guys because of some random fanservice scene
I know you’re aware that I can recognize you so this line of questioning just serves to further validate my belief that yuri is astroturfed. You’re not that clever midwit.
>despite it being an anime original with no pre-exisiting fanbase
If anything, that's actually something that can help ensure a fanbase here on /a/. /a/ usually LOVES originals, even the non-yuri ones.
>since /u/ also does not want to see people talking about romcoms, harem or series where the girls are into guys
We're talking about the CGDCT genre here where 99% of series do not have heterosexual romance.
>yuri is astroturfed
What exactly is being astroturfed here? I'm not >>268894238 trying to make a claim that all of /a/ or Japan loves yuri or something.
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Yeah, the teacher show up for 2 pages lol
Sure, but I don't think that anon was talking especifically about CGDCT.
Did you seriously just cut 3 alphabet soup words out of my post and then ask me for more context?
Modern /a/ is some discord fags+reddit. So what modern /a/ says about anything isn't worth listening to. I love hand holding yuri girls and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

>the fandom
Case in point. Anons don't use such fag language. Anon has refined taste.

No you can't come to the cool kids board where we hide away from you.
> What counts as happened?
Official confirmation of homosexuality
> One can watch both yuri and non-yuri
You can but when you watch non yuri don’t try to make it yuri.
> MahoAko just aired and it was quite popular
Seasonal shit, nobody will remember this next year.
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Would you prefer if I made it about myself and asked your schizo ramblings on my posting style? Either you want to have a conversation or not and if I'm this terrible samefagger whose trying to shill yuri on /a/, why do you even bother continue talking to me?
Heterosexuality is a natural law, homosexuality is degenerate garbage.
>natural law
Don't care.
Chaos for life.
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>Official confirmation of homosexuality
That's where you define it, but the whole arguments usually extends beyond that with people arguing if the feelings will ever be requited or not.
> Those same anons get shit on /u/ for doing the same shit
I wish.
/u/ can’t shut up about series like Madoka or GuP simply because the main cast is female so "they must all be gay even if the opposite is directly stated or shown"
Actual yuri series always flop because yurifags are a small (but loud) niche, and even they prefer infesting straight series because they want to piss people off. They love getting told to fuck off, makes them feel so hecking cute and oppressed.
They also like the thought of "corrupting" pure, straight girls with degrading homo shit.
>muh terminology
So where were you to call out retards using twitter tourist slang like "het" itt?
There are yuri spin-offs of GuP though. Ribbon Warrior, for example.
I don’t care.
If homosexuality exists canonically then at least yuri shit is somewhat on topic.
For series like Madoka homosexuality straight up doesn’t exist in its canon yet it’s full of yuritrannies.
Non canon pandering that was there specifically because yurifags were already shitting up the fandom.
If anything that proves yurifags infesting communities is actually a big deal and can corrupt the material itself.
>can corrupt the material itself.
Ribbon Warrior was awesome though. Even most non-yurifags liked it.
It was good despite yurishit not thanks to it. Would have been better without.
You should stop responding as soon as you realize your opponent is a schizo.
The only obnoxious faggots I am seeing are the group of schizos who constantly moans about big bad yuri and yurifags in every fucking yuri threads

Like seriously 99% of all yuri threads are just them spamming their shitposts 24/7
Stop speaking to the mentally ill already
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If you've already read one yuri manga and enjoyed it, won't be too long now before you become a regular yurifag.
You can guess where they're coming from based on the words they use and it shouldn't surprise you in any way.
That’s because you only go to yuri threads.
We wouldn’t give a shit about yuri if yurifags didn’t infest our threads.
>Homura literally says it's more than friendship right before her iconic "Ai yo"
>homosexuality doesn't exist!!!
Nobody with a job has ever heard of any of these
She says it’s a feeling that is hers alone and only she could understand it.
She says this to Sayaka, the only character to ever be canonically romantically attracted to someone.
So her feeling is different from romantic love (and is in fact deeper than that).
Also, yurifags have been latching onto Madoka even before Rebellion.
>you need to be holocausted for a joke
That's enough internet from you.
Gay sex jokes are a tool used by degenerates to put the foot in the door and get people to accept their garbage ironically so that they can then force it for real.
Meds. Now!
Vesperia deserved a full anime adaptation ten times more than Zestiria desu
>shilling big pharma poison now
Why is yurishit still allowed on /a/ anyway. You trannies literally have your own board yet you come here instead. The entirety of /a/ hates yuri and yurifags
What are """your""" threads?
Serious question.
The ones I’m the most active on are Madoka threads.
>Why is yurishit still allowed on /a/ anyway.
This is the real problem, isn't it?
Dumbfucks like you who really don't want to see yuri anywhere because you think girls liking girls is an attack on you personally.
>these count as yuri in 2024
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So just so I'm clear.
You're complaining about yuri in......Madoka threads?
Again, I wouldn’t mind if you kept it to series that are actually yuri. But you don’t.
Please understand, Anon. These people are deeply, mentally ill.
Tranny janny kill yourself and let us have a discussion. It’s on topic for this thread.

because it's based and /a/ has good taste
>Complaining about yuri in Madoka threads
That's like being in a JJK thread and bitching about yaoishit.
All CGDCT is yuri. One day soon, the time will come when it doesn't need to pretend otherwise. Yurichads will stay winning.
/a/ hated yuri. It’s a few /u/ tourists spamming.

>complaining about something that doesn’t happen in a series being shoehorned onto it with no basis in canon whatsoever
How is that wrong?
This but reversed.
All CGDCT is straight and they will stop being ambiguous about it when they realize yurifags are an extremely niche demographic and yurishit doesn’t sell.
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>/a/ hated yuri.
Back in 2005, My Otome was the biggest series on /a/. Given its arc, I can't imagine it not being shitposted to death if it aired today.
The real tourists are yurihaters like you.
>yurifags are an extremely niche demographic
CGDCT is a niche demographic already, so yurifags who are into it represent a large portion of the fanbase.
Yes, series with kissing, girlfriends, lesbian marriage and even with the characters calling themselves lesbians do in fact count as yuri in 2024
No discussion allowed without the approval of the discord moderators
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>Complaining that threads about shows with a cast composed entirely of characters of one gender has a bunch of gay shit in it
No. It’s always been /u/ tourists shitting up the board.

Yes? When there’s nothing gay about the series itself, why wouldn’t people complain?
All female cast series rightfully belong to waifuCHADS.
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I'm so tired of OP
This was a skeb commission
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So was a lot of the Hinako Note stuff and it's considered canon. Also doesn't help when this is how the manga ended.
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>homestuck fan
That's worse than being a tranny, /pol/fag, redditor, twitterfag, tumblr-reject, furry, and an internet lefty combined.
/pol/ will never be a boogeyman
Why did she mean by that?
We don't know, even Hibari wonders about Anne meant by it.
>this happens
>meanwhile the red haired girl whose entire personality was being gay got nothing
It's not fair!
The universal law of Kirara series right now is that only couple gets confirmed.
Politicalsperging should be frowned on, regardless of alignment
I agree, and that includes yuri, since homosexuality is inherently political.
Almost a 95% guarantee of those two spergs I don't care to tell apart shitposting back and forth. Ahh good evening, yuri thread on /a/
You reap what you sow. Yurifags constantly shit up every other thread on this board, don’t complain when people get tired of it and counterattack.
>proud of being associated with that fag
Lmao even
>Man yuri threads on /a/ are so shit
>Let’s keep making them here instead of moving to the yuri board
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I won't deny Anne being gay, but using such images as proof isn't right, especially since she had another skeb for Hibari x Gakkou Gurashi's Rii
Isn't she calling them friends here?
きらファン is short for Kirara Fantasia.
So is heterosexuality by your logic
>natural laws are political
If you believe this that means your existence is inherently political, and as such you posting is already politicalsperging by default.
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"I'm glad they became close in KiraFan...", which is referencing the event where they basically raise a child (a talking flower monster thing) together. The request text is also basically "These two had a relationship where they raised a child, so I'd like to request them in wedding dresses", of which I'm sure you can infer the implications of.
Again, not to say that Anne Happy isn't yuri, but rather that using commissioned images as proof seems deceitful
>yuricuck posting sampleshit
Can’t make this shit up
That's the only public image that exists retard.
By your logic it's political because it shows your alignment with "tradition" and opposes the "other side". In fact, since you think yuri is political, that would mean your entire yuri-hating personality is politisperging.
It’s politisperging in response to politisperging.
I'm pretty sure the 30% female userbase of /a/ make up shounenposters
Never knew so many hispanic women posted on /a/

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