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>df 5 is most likely to release Fall 2026
How do you cope with this anons?
And if you need reason to know it’s delays
>Yesterday guppie local fans had interview with gup sound director.
>GuP sound director is confident that the movie will end before 2030. The reason why the movie screenplay is not that long, but the slow coming out is because the studio is small, but the animator and CG team have too much work on the action scenes. For example, one line of the scenario has thousands of picture cuts. They say this is too much of an animation director's passion, so they should wait for a great work to come out.
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I will not die before 2026.
I simply live with the garupain
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That's right x1
By reading all the GuP manga back to back in a month so I am truly left with nothing
Please help
Shame they're wasting their resources on an incredibly generic fantasy anime in the meantime.
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I feel this on a spiritual level
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I'm caught up with Rabu Rabu Sakusen and read it monthly. I still have quite a few GuP manga to read as well other than that because the only other one I've read is Ribbon Warrior.
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>no translation past 70
Guess I’ll just reread the first 70 chapters I guess
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I LOVE the Onion
What does the BC in bc freedom stand for ?
and what extremely generic fantasy anime would that be?
Some retarded french word.
It of course stands for Best Character (is Marie)
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That's right x1
Marie fat
Playing tic tac toe on Marie's forehead
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And that's a good thing.
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Just learn Japanese bro
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It will show up in a sehshado match. One day
Brown Cutie.
Muy bien
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Anon please that shit not possible for a gaijin like me
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What will we learn this thread?
Todo un rebaño de vacas
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live 2chan GuP thread:
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Hopefully that anons can show a valid argument towards GuP in any subject
But will you die before DF6 in 2029?
>producing a turbo-autist with Shiho's last egg
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Miho's ass destroys chairs.
If I answer that, would you say "what about der film 7 in 2080 then?"
We knew that Das Finale was six parts before part 1 even released.
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12 hours to Alisa day.
Her ass shatered my pelvis when she raped me last night
And my face
I’m ready to spill as much seed on the 29th for my hag queen
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Okay but Alisaposting is forbidden as of this notice until her birthday so that you can blow a bigger load when it arrives, whoever it concerns
no pan
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>Noriko and Shiho the last weekend this month.
This will destroy /a/.
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No one faps to boys
I do especially noriko pinga
My brother
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Uohhhh hit me with the bat Arisu Chan
Anchovy is a lefty?
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oh well
Dammit anon
Anchovy is a tummyslut
DF5 entered storyboard stage in early 2022, and that was completed last december. Now pit is possibly in animating stage.

As of now DF5 is known to have more slice of life scenes. Possibly similar to DF1 where the first half focuses on SoL, and the remainder focuses on the match.

Since DF4 was almost entirely combat and took 3 + 1 quarter of a year to complete, from 2020 summer to 2023 fall, DF5 may be finished with a faster pace if all other conditions are same as before.

So DF5 for next spring~ summer isn't farfetched unless director intentionally delays production.

Plus DF6 entered storyboard this January. So release is possible for 2027.
Big Coochies
>Ogin with spats
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>next spring
>6 in 2027
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its alisa's birthday also wani wednesday
Is that good?
Sex with Alisa, but with disgust with every thrust and not me enjoying! Solely because she’s easy to manipulate to cheat on her anon!
Anon... she tricked you. There was no other anon, except (You). Now you are trapped.
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No getting out of it, Kay and Naomi are setting up a shotgun wedding.
God those thighs are so fat.
>that Kay face
She wants to be Alisa's emotional support, but she's so fucking done with this shit, isn't she?
No it’s the “I fucked anon behind her back” face
She tries her best, but Alisa is a bit taxing on the nerves.
>help! Ojii san came on my hair again!
Little slut
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you choose
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My wife
Nilgiri my beloved...
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Peko easily.
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Vanilla chan to bully my prostate
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I want Pekoe to hug me like that.
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That’s right x1
The name's the game anon. Handholding and kissing by dimmed lights only.
Pekoe will make her school worse, she is leagues below Darjeeling
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And that’s a good thing
Age of pekoe > age of slag
Is this accurate?
But Peko is a slag too.
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Wani > all
Pekoe>Assam>Arisu>Darjee with meat>>>>>>>>>>>>>>candy from the strip club>>>>darjee
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Used napkin>wanita
Napkins can be pretty great though
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Wanita Hemi
>Wani mention

POST WANI, I fucking love Wani
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Lukulili > Hippu > Assam > crusader retards > Peko > Alice > slag
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Everyone loves wani
I like this ranking
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>ermmmmm excuse me??
>I asked for extra spit on my latte
>this is light spit
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You are wrong. You love wanita as well
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It is officially wanita Wednesday
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In the midwest it is indeed.
Wani board!
Wani world!
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Wani Wednesday!
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キタ ━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!
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You amateurs, we Europoors have been living in Wani Wednesday for hours. Imagine how many Wanis I've already Wednesday'd
I imagine not a whole lot
4ch/a/n is a U.S. website sir
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>wani doesn't live in anon's head rent free
Can't spell vanity without Wani!
>pictured: Wani has found her target at the bar that night
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It's actually Maho Mittwoch for the Europoors because the Krauts decided to be different and stopped calling it Wodenstag.
I didn't say that.
Anyhow, wani yo tabeyoooo, wani-cunny tabeyoooo. Wani wani, waniii.
Well you should’ve said that
No need to thank me
Go on…
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Anon no
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What went right?
>wani is actually being posted
Great thread
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I actually prefer little lady wanita
Tomboy wani is the wani we deserve.
I have GOOD taste in women/teenagers.
Bratty wani>tomboy wani
Bratty tomboy wani > *
Who's the most likely girl to reduce swelling on those "swollen clits"? (futa cocks)
Ukulele sucks noriko dry
God i want to breed those retards so badly.
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Bratty wani in pink clothes>little lady wani>any other variant
Wani thread
wani board
wani world
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But this bratty wani is already in pink clothes.
Wanishing existence.
The world is a peach.
100000 billion dead tanks.
This girl is too erotic for GuP, what they were thinking?
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>too erotic
Is that why they gave her only ten seconds of screen time?
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A waniverse so to speak
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Too powerful
I wish British women were real.

I'll come if there's displays of panties.
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Rosie is strong.
>assassination classroom, but with GuP characters
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Wanita only wears the standard KMM panties
As seen here
So no panties?
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She won't be wearing them for long.
The Maus knows what's good.
For me, it's Noriko.
Futanari rape.
For me its Yukari
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Yukarin is a cute!
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A shame her popularity fell off so hard
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Never forget your roots.
People just realised she's annoying, and once the honeymoon phase wore off her autism started filtering them. Also she has abhorrent tank takes. She's appealing to neither normalfag nor tank autist and only secondaries end up liking her long-time.
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The autistic anti-wehraboos just can't handle Yukari spouting the truth about the Panther being the best tank of WW2
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The best tank is the one you have.
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The wani manga has been turned over to the international post office
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>"You got a mighty purty mouth"
The best Yukari is the Yukari in GuP
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I also have a mighty purty fist, wanna kiss it?
God, I want to IMAGINE Noriko so bad
>for GuP
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Cute Senpai Earl
>he doesn't know
Am I going to have to read that doujin again?
It’s a good thing that Noriko is a girl then.
Probably not but there are enough official images (and at least one figure?) that I’d question if she’s somewhat ambidextrous. I prefer using a knife and fork left handed so maybe Chovy just likes holding the bat the other way around.
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my cute wife, Rosie
I’m a slut for Chobi’s tummy.
Shiho has done it 850 times with her husband, yes.
That husband? Me.
Yeah me
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Yeah. They’re for me.
wasted quads
Imagine lusting after a main guppie when you can cherish a quaternary one.
Blessed quads
Deserved quads
>its literally same shit we post
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Desperate older women nearing menopause are solely for me
The main guppies get almost no spotlight in these threads it's always sidecharacters like Alisa or Eclair or a certain boy
too much hopium
>it's always sidecharacters
Even worse. It's literally borderline background characters that have a single line.
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darjeeling unironically
She has clients
She doesn't apply. She actually has 0 lines.
bleh bleh bleh
why the slag
simple as, she isint one
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Her actions speak louder than words.
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I love Kay so much! I love her because she is smart and funny and cool and nice and kind and loud (in a good way) and a good friend and a good leader and she always tries her best and leads by example and is always in a great mood and is probably really good at cuddling and giving nice soft warm hugs and she has a great sense of humor and nice gold hair and bright blue eyes and a good sense of fair play and a nice laugh and her jacket is cool and her personality is great and her hair is pretty and her eyes are pretty and she’s pretty and probably smells really nice and her body is probably super warm and very soft and great to hug and squeeze and kiss and cuddle with on the couch or in bed or anywhere really and she’d be a great mother and she’s great and I love her and will always love her forever and I want to cuddle with her forever until my dying day
And still she speaks nothing.
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i'm afraid you're mistaken anon
i dont know what you mean, Darjeeling is a cute maiden that just has a specific personality
m-miho got tami powers!
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fucking older men for money isn't a "personality"
what a scary combination!!!
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She saved the franchise!
bullshit made up scenario you conjured in your porn rotted brain
Main characters lose to side girls without a name in popularity in these threads
No u
>i cant deny it but n-no you!
As it should be.
Oh anon
You must be a good boyfriend to let darjee be a good slag for impotent old men
What does she smell like in each stage?
That’s right x1
>good characters shown in GuP
>never get more than 10 seconds of screentime
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Pic related
what is wrong with you, why whoud she ever do such things. stupid fanfiction
Sorry you got to find out this way
that's just a drawing, if i post a pic of (your guppie) drawn as a whore will it make her a whore? no, thats meaningless
it's different because darjeeling is a whore
Darjeeling is a whore though
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mindless bullshit with no real claims
Hold hands with me in public, vanilla!
I can't wait for the models to get updated so we get Vanilla sloppa
Make eye contact with me and smile at me, vanilla! UUUOOOOOOOH
Spit in my mouth vanilla chan!
Step on my scrotum Vanilla sama!
The WarThunder zoomers all like Anchovy, Erika, Darjeeling, and Jouko.
Let's cuddle on the couch, vanilla!
Imagine Vanilla stepping on your balls and just being like, "Why do I have to do all these things to you? I just want to cuddle". She's not called Vanilla for nothing after all
>Gently holding Vanilla and stroking her hair whilst she bawls her eyes out over the things people say about her
Two more weeks!
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Consider: Mibolin
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I would like to consider miholinoum
Reminder that no guppy would support pre-marital sex or contraception. They would only do sex for reproductive purposes.
Strange that the unholy chimera that is the English language has more of a structure for its days of the week than the German language that contributed to it. Who thought ‘mid-week’ (but only if you consider Sunday to be the start of the week) and ‘Sunday eve’ were improvements?
It’s not femcel day yet
How do we know the fifth crusader is banana?
Wait katyusha is almost as tall as Arisa? Since when
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It’s actually mahomile
We don't, because it's Mahomile
Why do they keep making movies? The war is over.
Arisa sees other men behind your back you know
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Also consider Little Loaders
The war has only just begun
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Love me super human strength loaders
>someone posts a guppie and say he likes it
>this retard says this guppie is a whore
unbearable ammounts of such cases
We discussed this the last few threads already that arisa gets charmed by anons easily due to her femcel nature
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Das ist gut
>I love gupping
wrong, arisa sees the men behind his back, but literally, there are men behind his back becuse they are raping him and she is watching
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In fact, just consider small guppies regardless of their role in a tank crew
both of you kill yourself
There are too many (maybe just 1 or 2) mentally ill ntr fags here. Not much can be done about them, apart the usual report and ignore or they kill themselves.
Does your number include yurifags
Jesus Christ, those hips
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What can she do to get a boyfriend?
Be real and ring on my door.
I cant believe anon >>268899898 has to be slandered like this
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Consider Arisu
im not a pedo
She’s twenty years old AND in university though
Which one?
she isint
all little pedobaits
My wives
Rough Wani correction
they are retarded i know, why target me????
Tender love in the Tiger 2 only. Her gunner and loader have to ventilate the tank after we are done.
> correction
But she did nothing wrong?
reminder that Andou is for breeding
All guppies are
yes but she is even more for breeding because she is brown and that's hot
i mean that's what has to happen and it's a burden im willing to take
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>kay became too violent and was sent to live on a farm.
Even Asparagus?
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Beau Cul
Pepperoni and Carpaccio's secret job?
Does Earl Grey count too?
Alisa is gonna do something special
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your brain is beyond saving
Oshida please
Hina chan is Yor bc voice actor reference. But why is Pepperoni Ubel?
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Orangee pekoe is a girl!
And what a girl she is!
Because they both crap
Darjeeling la Puta
Looks like her target is that beer mug
Darjeeling la perra
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For me it's any guppie with white legwear
I want to make her moan
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>The main guppies get almost no spotlight
I'm a proud member of the Mibolinmafia
Plz gove me link to sloppa gen wbbpage. I want to make chibi and hodamari guppies by myself
She’s asking for two balding old men isn’t she
No. That costs money.
This is another evidence thay supports why GuP is the anime equivalent of Thomas, Cars, Transformers and any other franchise thay compete with characters.

Too many unnecessary minor characters have been made for profit, and that resulted in a split fandom plus hindering main characters who are important lore wise overshadowed by crappy fettish and obsession
Someone gen Earl Grey Hidamari and cute Chibi Earl holding an umbrella please
I need Brown Guppie sex
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>"Shizzy want upsies!"
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someone gen Darj sloppa just to annoy the spammer
Could be her, could be any other blonde.
This may or may not be Earl
Darjee meat?
i gen them on my own pc
why are they doing this to arisa?!
poor girl
Cute! thanks so much

Had that scene from Saga of Pravda in mind but this is still great
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Looks more like Nako-chan
I can put her in a suit

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