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Starting Today We’re Childhood Friends by Obiya Midori (Kyou Kara Hajimeru Osananajimi; 今日から始める幼なじみ)

Previous thread >>268650167

It's that time.
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Volume 11 Chapter 107: Childhood Friend and Future Paths
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[END Chapter 107]
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Tomoka actually says BOOMERANG ブーメラン. I wasn't familiar with this phrase (other than an actual boomerang), so I had to do a little research.

When I first read it I was really confused. "BIG BOOMERANG" what the hell is she saying? I guess you could say it threw me for a loop
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Tonight's "re-run" Volume 4 Chapter 32: Childhood Friend and Mom
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Oh shit it's Tuesday again
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[END Chapter 32]
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Chapter 108 next week Tuesday July 23 around 22:00 NY time. Hope to see you then.

108 Spoiler: it's a callback to Chapter 6
shall we go home together? = do you want to marry me?
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When a person is captured just right and their beauty is amplified.
Thanks OP
This chapter focused a lot on Nono and Tomoka... someone tell Obiya that their spinoff is DEAD
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she wants to ride kouhei's big boomerang
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she's the sexiest friend
Osananajimi Tuesday is the best day of the week
I was wondering when you would appear. Thanks as always OP

Holy japanese wordplays, Batman!
Maybe you could translate it as "You of all people got me embarassed this time! How the tables have turned!"?? Still sounds kinda lenghty for a kid to say it, but it could work.
(Then again, would this BOOMERANG joke be something that nippon elementary schoolers would use in the first place?)
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I keep forgetting they're still in middle school.
She wants to be take home gently.
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You know you're a chad when you can make the smug one lose composure.
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did maiposter die?
That would be nono
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Oh the humanity
The teaser got teased
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Man making sure his woman won't be hanging out with any other guys
What a beautiful and mature child.
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"Hey Ma! Sis! I think I'm about get laid! Lock the door behind me!"
she's the sexfriendiest
Nono's gf is so beautiful.
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I'm just Maighty busy
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Thank you for posting.
>"That feel when your dyke girlfriend so high maintenance you want to be dicked."
>"I feel you."
>"I feel... the need of getting dicked?"
>"High maintenance girlfriend. I will do the dicking."
Is this NTR?
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Nono really needs to discipline her gf.
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The angle here really capture her Iwais. It’s so leeeeewwwdd!!
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summertime and the livin is easy
>Kaede-chan told me it's got a wicked curve .. show me
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>just finished work
Aww yeah time for childhood friends.
I want to fondle them.
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This panel makes it look like Tomoka is going to confess her feelings to Kouhei.
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Childhood friend bump

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