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Read the guide: buyfags.moe
anyone want to see a picture of my figures
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Kuro tummy...
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I was messing around with my lightbox some more today
Sure, but show me your favorite pantsu
9s and 2b
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Post results
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I tried to get that bokeh with some tin foil but it didn't work out that well
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I was messing around with a cube light and some wallpaper as well
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consider this rabbit.
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The plastic black background still reflects too much light even with diffusers. Granted my diffusers are what came with the lightboxs and paper towels I wrapped around my light cube.
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With a bit of work in post I can get it to look a bit better
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She's so close to release..
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The crazy thing is these so far have all been with my pixel 8 pro and some touch ups in GIMP
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fat thighs with a puffy cunny would be so hot
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I am finding out I really should read the book on my camera cause me just finger fucking the settings isn't productive.

As for today I was just messing around using cold overhead lights and a warm light from the bottom
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Here is the only picture I took today with my camera that came out ok. I have the stock lens but I am finding that I like using my fixed lens more. It is fixed to F8 so getting any bokeh in the box may be hard but I just find it easier to use. I guess cause I don't have to worry about messing with my F stop so I can focus on other thing. However I do wish I could get the background not to be so sharp
Anon, are you shooting in RAW yet?
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I am shooting in RAW but I don't want to use Lightroom on my phone to edit photos. If it was free on pc I would be more willing to use it, but as it stands I just don't want to edit pictures on my phone. Right now I am messing around with darktable but it is a lot to take in so I will keep looking for a better lightroom substitute
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Think this is the lewdest Kanna figure irl, I wish Q-six did more lolis and some shotas too. Practically zero shota figures OTL
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I can fix them.
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Hate when good concepts are stuck in JOINT form.
>If it was free on pc I would be more willing to use it
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Or just get Photoshop, it comes with Lightroom
people hate on those who have rooms of shonen shit, but given most on this thread don't even have figure let alone display them I can't help but respect them. I mean they know what they like and are proud enough to show it off. Granted their displays could use some improvement a bit too cluttered for my liking, but this guy is killing it.
I posted my display, got like 3 (you)s
Right one is missing an arm, middle a leg, what about the left?
>given most on this thread don't even have figure
people come into the one thread that mainly focuses on figures and NOT own figures??? I don't believe that and I don't want to believe that.
I hope we'll get Shouta figure at some point. Regular Shouta or something like that, not in the dress.

Also maybe new Kanna from GSC will be the lewdest figure of her. Her thighs are massive.
It's just anon upset about people not posting their figures
True. Especially from Q-six.
I want to post my figures but my setup is a clusterfuck dogshit rotten piece of trash.
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I keep figures in my closest since I have no room to display them all
I have a lightbox but it's too small for most figures and I'm too stubborn to buy a bigger one
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my figgies are at the post office, I'm gonna get them tomorrow. Honestly I love driving there while blasting my anime playlist
Time to download a new house anon.
better than being an unboxedfag
All of the nice figures I ordered are arriving next year...
Anyone buy glass display cases off of amazon? Any recommendations? So hard to navigate this shit now with all these shitty paid revues and Chinese garbage.
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I want to buy it but every single fucking time I get jointshit I hate it so fucking much.
Oh god this is too erotic, what figure?
Ikea Milsbos aren't half bad.
Tall version: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/milsbo-glass-door-cabinet-anthracite-30396448/
Short version: https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/milsbo-glass-door-cabinet-anthracite-90452304/
where did you get those display cases/boxes that you can stack like an ikea tower?
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Search Acrylic Cubes on Amazon
They're okay but the edges are too fat
dont shoot glitter if you dont know what you're doing retard
>wasting money on expensive figures without any critical thinking as to displaying them in a way that is pleasing to the eyes
I can buy a shelf later
I may not be able to buy my figgy later

Simple as
wtf is amiami not working? I can get to checkout
One day I will complete my shelves and all my figures will look glorious
Should be fine, I have mine in a regular shelf with no doors so I'm trying to get something that can get the dust off my figs as much as possible. Compared to that, it is an upgrade. Thanks.
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Also this, I PO'd this, if I wanted it later I would be paying out the ass
I've mostly slowed down new pre-orders since I need to figure out more display space. Maybe one day I will win the lottery and not have space constraints
figgies > space
Is there any crueler formula?
Yet another 2B that doesn't meet my standards...
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what's wrong with this one?
Right leg looks weird at certain angles
Pod rod too obvious
Maybe boots are too glossy, would have to see it in person to confirm
i like kuro so much (ToT)
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>no shoryuken
shit figure
>Monday: Dolls
>Tuesday: Joints and 2B
It's actually fucking over
Fumo-gods, tommorow is our day
buyfinder has gone to shit need another site like it.
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Reminder that boxfags pay to be amichan's personal warehouse!
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Kinda cute for a bookcase
the doll posts are making me hard
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Have you made space for when the big migu drops?
All my figures have been delayed to the 2nd half of the year I'm sweating bullets at the oncoming invoices. There's one month with over $1k worth of POs I am feeling dread.
sleep with her in bed like a plastic teddy bear EZ
I'm a straight man and I don't give a damn about Prisma Illya
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Ami isn't loading. I hope she's okay.
I don't get what he's trying to film here
That’s the joke
20 minutes is long enough. Why isn't this brat loading?
You’re doing good, anon.
Of course there’s room for improvement, but you know this, so there’s no need to give you some “AKSHUALLY” bullshit like >>268890946
Just keep at it. You’ll be your own harshest critic, so listen.
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bocchi is the first ball joint doll ever to come with sweatpants!
Bocchi's grannypanties...
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New to figs. Is using cleaning wipes when dusting safe for figures? Does it damage the paint over time? There was a spot I couldn't clean with just the brush
I would use only a damp rag and water only
Use a anti-static brush/makeup brush/ detailing brush
If you left the dust (or cum) caked on too long use a damp cloth
get a makeup brush , they are great to clean figures anon .
The Dakimakura section in the guide goes into great detail about which inner pillow is the best and their respective differences.
But isn't the main factor what they're stuffed with? Can't I just buy a $30 chink inner and fill it with actual high quality stuff instead of spending $200 for a Japanese inner and $200 more for shipping and handling?
To the water post, make sure you use distilled water. Tap is likely going to damage your plastic butts.
Resins statues are so fucking tacky.
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You are worse than boxfags.
Yes. people use dakimakuri is fine supposedly
what in the fuck? I just got hacked
сука блять
What is it about nendoroid dolls that makes them so adorable?
*cough* *cough*
>Best type of figures
scales, nendoroids, doll hybrids/bjds
>Worst type of figures
resin scales, bandai chibi arts, figma, most prize figures
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Remi's coming home to me
Do the colors come off if Soaked in Semen? Or like If you just cum on it, and then clean at a later date? Asking for a Friend.
they're dolls but they're cute and easy to customize and aren't the samefaced 1/3 scale high maintenance surrogate daughters that weirdos buy.
I was reading a manga or hmanga that had some l line about not cumming on your figures. I wish i could remember the name.
No, just rinse it with cold water first, soap, rub it carefully and rinse again with lukewarm water. Dry it with a towel and that's it.
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I wouldn't mind owning a mini dollfie, am I still a weirdo?
makeup brushes can leave hairline scratches on acrylic
Don't you guys hotglue figures though
>high maintenance
??? you don't do any "maintenance" unless maybe you change the clothes or whatever
its possible
having to brush the hair every time you move it is high maintenence
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NTA but I remember someone mentioning that you had to put protective tape on sailor moon's tiara and I saw someone else putting a protective body suit on Rena.
that takes 2 seconds
maybe you're not familiar with the practices of dollfags when they go out with their dolls, they bring them in dedicated cases and spend a long time posing them for pics, any time you see a cute doll pic, tons of effort went into each shot.
I am aware
but none of that is maintenance
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Your cum is acidic? bro...
tell your frend yes
official cast off when
Never, she's still underage.
Yes, there's literally no difference, don't fall for shills. The "skin" of the inner pillow doesn't matter unless it's made of nylon (which it won't be). Just find some good stuffing that you like or has a reputation of being premium and use that instead instead of throwing 300 dollars just for a pillow that doesn't even have a cover. Dakimakuratards will buy anything at any price as long as it's from Japan or some shit.
Good job for actually reaching the smart conclusion. You can even adjust the density of the stuffing to your tastes if you do this. There's literally no reason not to.
>Can't I just buy a $30 chink inner and fill it with actual high quality stuff instead of spending $200 for a Japanese inner and $200 more for shipping and handling?
dakimakuri.com inners are top tier and only like 120
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Hello buyFriends. How are we all? Got some stuff.

I actually really kinda want this migu: https://myfigurecollection.net/item/2336847 I adore the colours.
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Had these for a while but never posted them. They're cute and quite nicely detailed for being cheap nothing figs.
Stop buying so much Kemono Friends merchs, you'll be addicted!
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Genbu, the turtle god of the the north, and Mallard Duck. I really, really want the Genbu keychain, but I just can't find it anywhere, so I gave in and got a bookmark instead.

Too late. Send help...and by help I mean more money for Kemono Friends stuff.
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And lastly a bunch of keychains for the collection.

Japanese Otter, Black Tailed Gull, Okinawa Rail, Japanese Hare, Orca (super cute), Okinawa Habu, Iriomote Cat, Daito Flying fox and both of the left and right Shisas.
You also need to clean the joints. I'm not a dollfag but I would use a bit of grease on the joints to avoid wear
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Oh and if anyone is curious, I'm actually working these into a binder. Had to use sleeves meant for garden seed packets, it's the only thing that fit these.

It'll look good once organised properly, but if anyone has better suggestions for storing the, I'd love to hear it.
It isn't the 2010s anymore. Chinese vendors have stepped their game up big time and bootlegs are almost on par with actual Japanese dakis. Covers have gotten really close to matching quality and the AliExpress inners are actually decent now, especially since they no longer stuff them half way. But yes, as you said you can just buy a super cheap one, empty it and fill it yourself with the good stuff japs use anyway.

Not shills, just oldfags who are used to no one being able to replicate dear dakis. As technology improves so do the bootlegers'.
idk bro
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>not showing the ass
How the hell am I supposed to know if I should PO or not?
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Learn to love it. Embrace mecha musume, the kits are fun.
missing her hymen
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Not sure why they decided not to show it for the promo pictures
There's no point of collecting, why are we doing this?
Doing what
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Im not
>moved home
>too scared to unbox my figures and see if there's any damage
The point is that you enjoy it. If you don’t then just quit.
Wait, so this is the fun part?!
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Buy Nagasaki idol.
Ive never bought a figgie in my life I just like the pictures people post here
Its also one of the few comfy /a/ threads left
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Hm, big tits? I'm buying.
and you never wanted to own at least one figure?
oh noes I'm crying ;_;
I own some old ones from games I use for decoration but I dont really want more specially the erotic ones, its just not for me, Id likely regret the purchase.
And I live alone thats not the issue.
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I see, it would be hazukashi to show your figures to all the ladies you bring home, Mr. Chadman
No I just dont like them as decorations even for just myself thats all
Collecting is the fun part.
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Uh... okay...
Collecting is fun, paying is :skull:
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Buy and build plastic model instead.
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fuck on
so im getting two packages today but was supposed to get three. apperently the one went to a different state even though it was AT my local postal shipping center yesterday. i might still get it because US postal is fucking awful at updating tracking but its annoying. least i get the other stuff.(frieren figure and some figma clothes)
I'm getting a package today and I'll have to pay duty on it
You're a friend who's good at collecting!
I will consider it, thank you.
>maybe buy 1 fig a year
>keep buying hentai dvds and doujinshi
ive fallen into a weird spot in life
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iya, jeki da
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>Oh nice, a flat ches-... DAMN
>Model girl
>give her a penis
This should be punished by stoning.
>Model girl
>give her a penis
This should be endorsed by licensing
removing any loli pics from mfc even with nsfw++++ on is such bs like where the fuck is >>268889657 from?
What do you like for decorations?
Small German sperg moderator, please understand
Just don't pay? lmao
Wouldn't that be Australian and not German?
If I don't pay they wont give me my package. I need my figgie, anon.
I see what you mean but in this specific scenario there's an overlap. The Australian wishes to accuse everyone of being a pedophile unless they share his specific proclivities, and the German wishes to create unnecessary rules just to feel powerful.
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Take down the courier.
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Peak female body
developed just enough
Thighs not developed enough, hopefully her butt is cute
perfect development

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