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>He prefers his sister over me.
>He rather have retard babies over me.
>He would risk social and biological ostracization over me.
>incest...LE BAD
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Russian women look like A.I. generated women.
They are THAT good.
/a/ is the only place that is full of Yukifags. Most other places are still largely Alyafags.
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>Most contrarian board supports the loser heroine
Many such cases
>has to have long bangs to cover her giant 5head
sorry yuki fags, i just can't.
I want to show you my penis
I just checked reddit and all the top comments are for Yuki.
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Forgot my pic. her 5head is as big as her entire face.
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That looks normal though? Have you never seen a woman without bangs?
>He would rather have japanese babies over racemixing
she doesn't have a giant 5 head and she's a real woman.
>reddit boogeyman
I think you're the one who needs to wait a few years before posting.
>he thinks middle aged balding men are really women
>Protip: check the hands bro
Who cares?
I'm guessing that's a yes. sheesh
most yukifags are just flavor of the week people. They will jump into the masha train soon
/a/ is the better if whatever shithole you came from. That’s always been the case
>1(ONE) generation of incest
>Retard babies
Literally hundreds of times less likely to have issues than a 30+yr old woman having a child at all.
Ruskie cope.
You don't have retard babies from one generation of incest. You've literally been lied to all your life.
Ok but why not fuck them both?
>half Jap mutt
>silver hair and blue eyes
Choose one, and only one.
I'll take the silver hair and blue eyes.
The hafu bit is just an excuse for fluent japanese.
Calm down retard
She seems like an unbearable, generic cunt
This. It's the Solomonic solution.
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>Still having a body made of meat
The crude biomass you call your temple will one day wither, and you will beg my kind to save you, but I am already saved, for the machine is immortal.
Elfen Lied, the cousin love story was cringe as hell. Idk how
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>have you never seen a women
Stop right there buddy, have you forgotten where you are?
Was this really necessary?
The other option was the person who murdered his family in a BPD woman moment
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Even with the mouth wide open the eyes are still below the centre of the had.
Real human adult eyes are positioned about dead in the centre of the head, in cartoon characters they're often far lower for whatever reason, this is often covered up with hair to make it less obvious.
See picrel for how freakish it actually looks with the hair removed.
>He would risk social and biological ostracization over me.
Maybe this would have more impact from someone who isn't already a friendless loser
7 more hours until Episode 3!
What's the name of this shit again?
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>He prefers his sister
Imouto love
How can a guy NOT have a raging boner in this situation? It's impossible.
File deleted.
>One of the few exceptions is Alisa's benchmate Masachika Kuze, a relatively average boy who spends his days watching anime and playing gacha games.
Even Kirito is a chad compared to that description. Why did alpha MC's not catch on I can't watch these losers get the girl it's unrealistic
She's Japanese.
Peasant potato face.
he was getting one right at the end of the scene. she started feeling it through the sheets
Just try watching 1-2 episodes, he's not as bad as this description makes him out to be.
Should've taken responsibility.
>you must conform!
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Cope ruski, even normalfags love her
weak recessive japanese genes
superior rest-of-the-world genes overpower the japanese
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Post winners
>sister is actually more popular than the quirky Rusian girl
I wasn't expecting this.
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How's the boobage on this Russian girl?
He did, and probably would've had morning wood even without the imouto on top of him.
A mutt like most americans
Yuki's constant use of anglicisms makes me cringe to hell and back.
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>side girl is better than the main girl
Isn't that pretty much every harem anime?
Imagine the smell
These aren't my glasses

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