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Chapter 255's out.
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Melon snek.
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Evil grin snek is best snek!!!
mommy converts it all into venom for her venom sacks
>this shop's curry is good
>therefore other curry shop must be destroyed and their owner slain
What the fuck is this logic from snek mommy?
>Fat snek dropkick
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why is that snake so fucking fat
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Mommy's getting bored. She needs someone to sleep with...
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>See this.
Wat do?
Jashin-mommy is too hot. It's not fair. And now she gets Pekora?!
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The end.
Where are they going...
She said she will kill the owner of this shop so that other curry shops don't go out of business.
Thank you. For once, instead of Poor Pekora, I can say Lucky Pekora.
Right. But why?

Well fed.
Jashin-chan once said the same thing.
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poor little nendo snek
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Mommy is back!?
Fuck Per-chan!
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This is an amazing chapter
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>her show got a mid adaptation by a mid studio instead of a God-tier adaptation by God-tier Doga Kobo
>her show only manages to get extra seasons by lowering itself to being a 24 minute tourism advertisement
>she's not popular enough to be the mascot of a 4chan board
Holy shit Snekfags and iToddlers BTFO
I don't think Snekfags can recover from this.
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My Yurine Nendo finally came! She’s got a very cute faceplate.
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Jashinchan’s got her pudding waiting for her.
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And they can hang out with Dejiko and Gema
Mommy Snek is tall.
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Is this the snek thread?
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is it ok to like waitress
Fake snek. You cant fool me with that ear.
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Yes. Also known as the Yurine hate thread.
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Looks like AI generated snek to me.
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Only if they knew...
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Well yes, with two noses I'm sure it did to you.
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I want to be Pino!
Fat anime/manga characters should be illegal.
That Elf-san show should be illegal.
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what about fat-tat anime characters
>No 100% beef
Not my cow.
Depends on the fatness of the tats. Minos is fine. At some point (think Meiko Shiraki) they become too large and disgusting and comical looking and those should be illegal.
Yukiwo does a pretty good job of keeping things perportional.
>That Elf-san show should be illegal
Have you seen how gross the animation is?
No. Why would I download a fat chick anime?
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we need to go fatter
So is the slow loris her lunch or is Jashinchan the slow loris' lunch?
Snek-mommy is cute. And tall.
Can fat sneks dropkick?
They do sumo
That's Pekora.
kek poor Pekora
I just saw clips posted. It was too gross to save. Even as a joke.
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Whats gross about this?
It was the three fatties dancing. I'm still mentally scarred.
Wearing a shirt that says I love grease is pretty disgusting.
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episode 3
Couldn't be me. I was aroused

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