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Look at this beautiful woman!
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Am I crazy or is her hair color actually different here?
actually still silver there.
it just seems blonde because of the background.
did this ever go anywhere interesting
i stopped reading when the guy confesses to his friend that the bodyswap was happening
Very cute fruit.
3 men, maybe less.
They are going to the beach and filming a movie next chapter. One more person knows, but no real progress.
I love this bitch.
>One more person knows
Who? The girl who's totally not gay for Lemon?
Imagine if this was actually Sunao
Yes, and she got it from just observing them. Such is the power of the stalker.
We know, Sunao.
I hope she loses
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Well, I hope Lemon gets together with her or glasses then.
Sunao is for Nanamin only.
I find both these possibilities to be extremely unlikely.
Why does she have to lose?
so there is still a lemon fanbase...
maybe dumps should come back at later times
With good sales and views, Lemon never get axed
One of the few instances were black hair girl is better than the white hair one
what other instances are there?
Kurumi is better than Origami, can't think of any other example
The best chemistry of all is between Kogahara and Lemon in Sunao's body. That's my ship. I don't care how straight or gay it is.
For me, it's Lemon (Sunao) x glasses x stalker 3p
She deserves to win

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