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What kind of thoughts or emotions would you say this image inspires in you?
Haremshit for females
Haremshit for males:
>Beta cuck who panics and runs away at the first sign of being sexually approached
Haremshit for females
>Triumphantly looks into the camera while dominating and flaunting her possessions
Malebros, did we lose?
Rape all of them, steal the blond boy and escape to another state.
What is it with oneeshota doujins and scenes where the shota sucks the girl's breast and acts like a baby? What's the appeal?
women arent really different from men.
Does not exist. Women are deathly afraid of appearing like sluts. When they write harem, it's still just a dozen women chasing after one guy... because guess what?

"Male" harem is actually just written for women
Getting your breasts sucked I would assume.
You do periodically get your massive anime milkers sucked don't you anon?
sad because a retard translated it
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I’m not a mentally ill yurifag who seethes over harem. And also solar beams.
>When they write harem, it's still just a dozen women chasing after one guy
You are such a retard. Reverse harem isn't even niche.
It's very niche. In fact, we even had that one LV 99 Villainess or whatever it's called that shits on the girl for having a harem
>LV 99 Villainess
Sounds like you're talking about something that's regular otomeshit where reverse harem is the standard
and your stupidity is so strong that it distracted me from your even more retarded claim
>"Male" harem is actually just written for women
>only weak feminine shotas
>not even a single one of them is black
She had one job. What a shit taste, honestly.
I imagine most of the doujins' readers self-insert as the shota rather than the onee-chan/mama.
Probably not the readers of the titles were that happens.
That having been said it made a lot of sense in this one at the start because it was actually from their perspective but once it actually started to arrive at the foursome part it's hard to still justify doing that.
>Seducing cute younger boys: hot idea
>Being seduced by hot older girl: hotter idea
>Foursomes with three now well-trained cute younger boys all day while they pleasure every corner of your body: conqueror of worlds
>Sharing one hot older girl with your two best friends while you're merely taking turns and are mostly delegated to nipple licking: ahahaha, have fun if that's what you want.

It's a strictly worse deal for them right now.

Yeah there's one weirdo, at least I hope not multiple people are this insane who keeps saying that and that muh catering to femoids is the real reason for the evil harem disease.
Contempt, both because this is implied femdom and because it's harem garbage
It's the truth. The format started with Rumiko. Again the key idea is the male tearing down rival women to reassure the "real" self insert girl of her worth.

That's what harem is for
I don't really care. Women can have their fantasies if they want.
I want to have sex only with the males in this picture.
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>Haremshit for males:
I don't know what to tell you except to watch more anime.
I will if you source me.
It's okay if woman is the one doing it ;)
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>Muh muh age gap.
Anon they're like 2 years younger or something and they all attend the same high school.
It's funny you mention Rumiko since she wrote her fair share of reverse harems too. In her format, both the male and female leads have multiple suitors.
The point is, the romcoms and harems you see are actually attempting to pander to women, inherently
>one of the mangaka (among several) who was influential to the romcom and harem genre is a woman
>this somehow means all modern romcoms and harems are pandering to women
Insane logic
Yes. Because it follows the same formula and never stopped reusing the same characters. It's a genre with no originality whatsoever.
>What kind of thoughts or emotions would you say this image inspires in you?
Should be at least 120 mg for each of them.
There should be more reverse harem series.
It's really hot. The artist is a master at eroticism.
I hate it because the boys should be with each other.
so, one of them is her brother? step?
All the athletic boy focused chapters are 10/10
the blond one
It inspires the urge to tell you to go to >>>/h/ in me.
one of the best collection of /ss/ work outside jairou recently. Needs a better gangbang chapter or femdom crossdress one though.
no homo.
Woman can only be impregnated by one male at a time. They are direct rivals for the lottery. Unlike female harem members.
need more ero where the two shotas also do yaoi together but the girls also included.
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Yep. The author is definitely a female ephebophile although it's even more obvious in her other works. The FMCs are all featureless generic bimbos in all her works while the boys are exquisitely detailed. Also 90% of body shots are on the boys' bodies.
theres that other artist that comes off like this as well, the one where the shotacon bimbo isekais into shota-only world and becomes queen by fucking them all.
Did the kid end up paying for child support?
No, and zero fucks given.
He just fucks his sister in front of his best mates and they all accept it like no big deal as well.
She actually has sex with them instead of getting strung along only to settle with the lamest one off screen. No fair.
>What kind of thoughts or emotions would you say this image inspires in you?
average elusive samurai fanbase
Fatigue at yet another innit thread
Nice art but it's wasted on group shit. She should stick to making one guy one girl series.
He'd better, it's not the child's fault the boy choose to fuck'n impregnate a grown woman.
Would would you want one when you can have three at the same time. The foursome scenes are the best part.
She's too cocky. Watch them have huge dicks and she can't handle it and breaks mentally.
It's gross
thats what makes it hot
The sex scenes in the last chapter where the very zenith of art.
>Changes her technique each time she approaches one of the boys.
Girl is a master of her craft.
groomed and groomer
>it follows the same formula
I wish they were more similar to Rumiko Takahashi's work. That way there could be more good ones.

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