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Golden Time... now that's got to be the best romantic drama ever told in an anime.
cute girl
Ghost Banri
What was his name again?
Tada FUCKING Banri, you CUNT
...until ghost banri appeared
worst* The drama was especially shit.
Wish the author went back to writing LNs
Her books are ok but I feel like she could continue writing LN stuff, hell one of her books got a movie adaptation recently.
the ghost really had to prevent it from being so good
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Linda >>>>> big Taiga
Linda a shit.
This and Toradora.
>that character who cut heir hair
Will never forgive.
Kouko was good.
Her name is ____
I can't remember anything from this anime but the name Tada Banri is forever burned into my mind for some reason.
it sucked
toradora also sucked
the trap banri grinding scene was pretty hot
When did Taiga hit such a growth spurt?
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Tada Banri
I watched this but can't remember a single thing about it
mental used goods

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