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Does the mask really need to stay on when Hibiki is with just his lads?
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He doesn't want people seeing his scarred face, not sure why he wears the full getup and not just the mask though
>not sure why he wears the full getup and not just the mask though
Right, I missed the fact that he's still wearing full clown suit there.
Jesus, Hibiki, get your shit together.
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Can't D just turn to dust and fly away?
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Seems like he's having enough trouble trying to hold himself as is. Turning into dust cloud might not be such good idea.
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>Hekiru got rekt again
The false leg probably can't and he'd probably like to not lose that
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>D showing up has the whole blue batallion, the second red in comand on the move
and he has so many rivals
my guy is such a big shot, so proud
Best girl!
I feel kinda bad for giggling at this page.
I swear blud midget looked edgier and more emo every time she showed up after Blue died.
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usukubo your horndog stop hugging him
You are the queen, dummy!
>D being saved by his wives 2 times in a single day
New record.
Is that big blue jacket?
aizome is gonna end up becoming taller to hold all that edge inside her lmao
thanks for the dump
When will she learn the real enemy and switch sides?
oh so yellow giant "beam" wasn't a beam, its a giant cross made of light you can summon on different sizes and do whatever you want with it
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ENTER lord D first executive
Perhaps he's got more to hide than just his face. He's had a year to experiment after all.

His Death Messiah stump follows him like a homing pidgeon so no worries on that. Problem seems to be that Ruuna used a bonafide divine replica with anti-footsoldier properties.

This played through my head watching that news dude https://youtu.be/CABSbUX6dPk?si=OU7bYmG6CQ_bHrlh
D stop being friendly with tokita, its gonna cost you one day
usukubo used "swords of revealing light"
now D can't be damaged for 3 turns
first akebayashi appereance as a red
female red get
yellow sure enjoying the show
>everyone going in
this turned into a bigger deal of an arc out of nowhere
was expecting a short one like zoo
>all these over single mook
Dragon Keeper has fallen.
Angel and D literally orchestrated the destruction of her life from the very beginning of the manga.
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and don't forget it
Bravo Negi.
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>punished soisei still unaware
soon he will join the D fan club too
>D existence triggers 1/3 of the ranger forces any time he shows up
go overlord D, go
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Volume 15's out
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>Usukubo still has two eyes and stops jobbing

Oh nonoonon
>angel shit isn't a friend
i smell betray
Who the fuck is the rabbit and why the fuck did she behave like a girl?
best yandere
she's part of the dumb couple who fused to become an executive last arc
the ship is sunk
but she will always be D strongest stan
god D strongest soldier
God a good long hug after saving D.
We're eating good.
Yuck. At least try to behave like a monster for fuck sake
and i told you that D will die and Sakurama will take care of her, shizukiri and hisui.
D's wife is so badass.
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oh that left an scar
officer there is a invader sniffer on the lose
So her hair is just gray/black?
no, it's brown.
D's wives you mean.
a chapter with hekiru getting humiliated is a good chapter
Is Angel First Class level?
Is she stronger than Hisui?
She definitely has higher raw power. But fight experience-wise I believe Hisui still comes out on top.
depends how much of a drawback that internal damage the replica gives her is
oh shit both of them are on aizome shit list, she didn't forget her name
Four Way Battle this time?
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Tokita is paraphrasing what D said back in the Three-Way Battle arc

D smiling is basically him saying
>yeah this guy gets it
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>luring shippo with protein
Welcome back Banjo Ryuga
Aizome will probably have the blues on her side, mostly at least. They'd probably go for the kill themselves instead of leaving it for her which could create a chance for D to escape from some inevitable pinch.
>One of our girls is so fucking BEST compared to the others it's not funny, should we tone her down?
>Nah lets just work on making the other girls BEST too
D has the best harem
i will be honest, i hope aizome dies, i don't see the point i her character anymore.
Count the Cartridges!
The Cartridges the Rangers currently have available are...

Red Battalion
>Red Keeper (Sousei Akabane)
>Shun Tokita
* Salamandra - Yamato no Orochi -> the dragon-shaped fire blasts

Blue Battalion
>Blue Keeper (Keisuke Souma)
* ...
>Aran Hekiru
* ...

Yellow Battalion
>Yellow Keeper (Shinya Kiritani)
* Jormungandr - Hono Ikazuchi no ookami -> thunder cloud cloak that shoots lightning
* Jormungandr - Ama no Hagoromo - Invisibility
* Jormungandr - Takemikazuchi no Kami - Laser sword
* Jormungandr - Tsukuyomi -> "tv remote"
* Jormungandr - ???

Green Battalion
>Green Keeper (Chidori)
* Fafnir - Ookuninushi no Kami -> "earth bending"
* Fafnir - Sukunabihona no Kami -> size changing
* Fafnir - Amatsu Mikaboshi -> gravity well (i.e. Naruto's Chibaku Tensei)
* Fafnir - ???
>Kanon Hisui
* Fafnir - Ukemochi no Kami -> reality eating
>Footsoldier D
* Leviathan - Ame no Fuyukinu no Kami -> freeze things (water, reality, etc.)

Pink Battalion
>Noa Hagino
* Naga - Ama no Tajkarao no Kami -> Acceleration
>Masurao Nadeshiko
* Naga - Amaterasu Omikami -> full heal with 5 sec. cooldown
>Chiyoko Entan
* Naga - Omoikane no Kami -> sonar
>Ichigo Sangoshō
* Naga - ???
>Shōko Sumie
* Naga - ???

> General Knight 03 (Ruuna)
* ??? - ???
>Juuji Sazan
* DT2.0 - Ukemochi no Kami -> reality eating

>Muko Suzukiri
* Salamandra - Hi no Yagihayao no Kami -> the "jet boosters"
* Salamandra - ???
* Salamandra - ???
* Salamandra - ???
* Leviathan - Umibozu -> giant face that shoots water
* Leviathan - Ryuuguu Otohime -> fish bubble bombs
* Leviathan - Kuramitsuha -> acid body
* Leviathan - Hiruko -> sphere of water
>Angel Usukubo
* DT2.0 - Takemikazuchi no Kami - Laser sword
>Komachi Aizome
* DT2.0 - Umibozu -> giant limbs??? (DT2.0)

Wait is the sword what the Burst Form are based on?
where is windy?
Most of the Yellow Battalion aren't the fighting kind. During the dinner Suzukiri describe them as "shut-in"

And those that do fight are dead (the two rankers from three-way war), quit (Suzukiri) or Yellow Keeper
Is it just me or is this story hard to follow sometimes?
Thanks for dumping, OP. Anyway, I'm betting everyone shown is gonna end up chasing after D and it's gonna be Ramger Reject's wacky races arc.
So Sakurama was fine with playing into the Ranger's façade for now and even killing an invader that isn’t D. I wonder when exactly he plans to whistleblow on the rangers.
I also wonder if he only went along with it because he thought S was actually robbing the bank and endangering people of his own volition.
So angel will eventually go blind due to overuse of this thing then.
There's actually a good feeling of weight and momentum in Angel's swing here. And it's only using two panels to do it. Negi is improving.
I mean her right "eye" aren't actually an eye
I feel like there's a reason she's still around. I do hope it's not just to be a regular thorn in D's side and that there's something more done with her in the end.
Every one of them takes a chunk out of him before he runs to sky fortress to combine with the other footsoldiers.
Sousei being with the Neos is interesting.
The last time he interacted with Sakurama he didn’t seem to be cooperating with him at all, but now he’s in his HQ all of a sudden. The easiest explanation is that offscreen he went back to Sakurama and has been in contact with him for shelter and support.
The more interesting explanation is that Sousei has been completely independent this whole time and after reuniting with Chidori has been incorporated into his plans to take down the rangers, so is hanging out with the Neos temporarily as they are also a part of it.
It's time
D is uncomfortable around Angel because she's too nice.
Tokita is his real best friend. There like two old buddies who keep ribbing each other with good ol' murder attempts.
>angel summons a perfect christian cross
Bibleschizos get on this.
Probably junior first class level. Hekiru got his spot fraudulently, but Tokita will be a good match for her.
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I feel like D's new leg has an auto-defence feature. It looks like HE didn't even know it would kick here.
It jumps around sometimes but it fits together upon further scrutiny
ペルトロラ (Peltrola)

ヤコブ x2 (Jacob x2)
チャコブル (Chakobul)
ヤケコカブ (Yakekoab)

アンデレガ (Andrega)

フィリポ (Phillip)
フワリポン (Hwalipon)

マガティア (Magatia)

マタイ (Matthew)
エメマタイ (Emematai)

トマス (Thomas)
トドマスク (Todomask)

ユダ(Judas) イスカリオテ(Iscariot)
ユリメリダ (Yulimerida)
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Sousei is so fucking cool.
FInally, It never made sense to me that the supposed rabbit executive had nothing resembling rabbit features had the "wise monkey" powers.
Protect your wife, hibiki
I love the contrast between the two when it comes to dealing with D calling them third-rate, says a lot about both characters

Oh shit she's turning into Miku
Uh... are her hairpins multiplying?
So this too was foreshadowed.
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I always wondered why Red’s design included the mole on his face. It can’t be seen when he’s wearing his helmet and it always remains consistent regardless of if D is imitating him or if he’s been cloned a million times.
Seeing this panel I think it was supposed to be a representation of the fact that Sousei is his own person. The only unique feature of his face is now on full display instead of hidden by his costume.
Every keeper has a distinctive facial feature that allows the reader to tell if which colour they are at only a glance of their face, which is helpful in a black and white manga. But Red’s defining feature was not having anything exclusive to him. That’s why after D kills him it’s unclear whether the replacement is just some random guy or if he was somehow still alive, which made discussion really around his death really enjoyable.
There’s also the fact that he now wears cloth around his neck. This allows only his mouth to be masked which is a recurring motif for him (also shows up in Ch. 132 as a blood splatter). It covers the opposite of the ranger helmet showing his opposition to them. It also links him with D and the other dusters as a replaceable actor in Yellow’s scheme with them all wearing fabric around their necks. This idea is similarly reinforced by both D and Red now having a female companion.
Overall Red is just a fun and fascinating use of character design.
Why doesn't main character just do what every villain at the end of every power ranger season does and just throw hordes of enemies at them until they're depowered. Is he stupid?
Huh, I thought Hekiru was just stealing the credit like the coward he is, but seems he legit thought he was the one who finished Hwalipon. Now I want to see Hibiki and Shippo break the news to him.
I feel like this arc is building up to D's "death" and eventual rebirth later in the story.
>Everyone has their eyes on him
>the amount of executioners keep increasing
>he can't fully reform right now
>the actual person he sinned against is coming for him next
>Usukubo's already whipped out the giant cross and the path of kings shit
D is going to be reduced to next to nothing and be revived by either Suzukiri/Chidori or the Neo-Rangers(who he will then betray ala Kamen Rider)
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Tokita, aim for the fortress's floatation device!
Concubine, she is not equal to D
Biblefags, analyze the foreshadowing behind Usukubo's words.
He's just trying to scare Angel since she was IRA
Sakurama is being played like a fiddle
Aw yeah, here we go.
Thanks for the dump.
I think her hair's just disheveled and unkept so now they're all over her face along with the hairclips. Looks silly but at the same time it reminds me the kind of person Aizome used to be, there's a sad feel to it.
animeonly here, does the d have 5 wives yet?
Foot soldiers die to divine replicas
Always thought the girl named after the moon turning out to be the monkey was a nice subversion, but yes it makes much more sense this way.
>Again the Neo rangers as shown and no sign of Shion.
He totally got Peltrola'd, didn't he.

Also they aoutright called him HIbiki, so that means Urabe must already know he was being friends with the disguised D. I'm curious about how he took it.
Hey, the Blue instructor has a better hairstyle now.
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I'm too dumb for this
>Also they aoutright called him HIbiki
Good catch. I thought that the clown mask was partially to hide his identity even in his own group, but I guess he told them everything.
My guess is Big Blue bought her several. So now she's wearing ALL of them.
Way way earlier Urabe mentioned to Sousei that when he heard Hibiki's name and saw his face "everything made senses" or something like that
Do any sort of references to Gotoubun appear in this?
He either got Peltrola'd or he's running around offscreen as Peltrola's new acolyte to recreate the cult incident that killed Hibiki's parents
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>D literally has an entire army wanting his head now
I fucking love this
>Shippo has to be lured out of whatever dumb shit he's doing with protein powder
I fucking LOVE this
D, you cheeky little shit
And this, this is great. I'm glad Angel have her moments of badassery and not be just an accessory piece for D at this point.
Yeah something's up here. Hibiki's naive in a way, but he's not an idiot. Either they were forced into this for some reason, or maybe they assumed this wouldn't cause a problem until Ruuna got reckless and they saw D running around.
The "anti-ranger" motif he's sporting is so interesting. As you said, now his defining features are visible that hep him stand out from the rangers. He's no longer Yellow's puppet, he's living the life he wants.
I have to wonder if original Sousei was also just a puppet at this point.
Oh good idea. May as well keep up with the Christian allegory, D's death and resurrection (is Angel going to be the woman who discovers the figurative tomb has been disturbed, which I would only guess would be on the fortress?)
she's the blue squad rep in D's harem
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Maybe Hibiki views it as a necessary evil to get the public on his side before he reveals anything.
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>Hekiru gets rekt
Now that's a good chapter
There is absolutely a purpose to Aizome. Her purpose is to get mocked by Hekiru who thinks he's better than her and then show him who's boss, shattering all his confidence and making him shit himself.
I want to see the aftermath of whatever Angel did here.
usukubros... i don't feel so good...
How did she survive the fall last chapter?
Am I misremembering, or did the gun not have a scope before?
She seems to be pretty tough. Remember when she survives a point blank car explosion while inside the car?
Hisui has boobs?!
I guess she grew up a bit.
>midget's suffering hasn't ended
NOOOOO why do they gotta do her like this?
I love how Hekiru is the still the biggest jobber in this fucking manga.
And he deserved every bit of it too.
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Could be that both Hisui and Ruuna doesn't know anything and were just going along with the flow
But damn, Yakekokab, these were supposed to be your fellow invaders, you're a cold one
Considering how Kiisu reacted, I do wonder if Ruuna was just going with the flow for sure. Outside of the heat of the moment I get the feeling she'd be a lot more perceptive and probably wouldn't have made the same mistake.
by me
Red Renren spotted!!
Sosei hasn't got a new suit and yet he already looks damn coole
Usukubros we eatin good
Punished midget yandere, nice combo
Cool chapter, thankee for the dump!!
If you think about it Hekiru is the reason why the Blues lost all their divine tool abilities because he couldn't kill D
>Rellana and Messmer
To be fair, who can?
Wait, is she Yakekokab or Chakobul?
Yakekokab. Chakobul is Kiisu
She's Yakekokab
Kiisu is Chakobul
Originally the one on the flashback was misname as Yakekokab, but was corrected in the volume

This means we haven't seen Ruuna's original Executive form
To be fair to Hekiru a bunch of people failed to stop D that arc
>Tokita lost to golf clubs
>Red decided to play with his prey instead of win
>Big Blue fell to a dynamite fakeout
Thank you anons.
she's yakekokab
the monkey guy is chakobul
the name on yakushi's flashback was wrong on the first publication, negi got them mixed
even if she learns about "yellow the big bad" thing there is no way around angel leading peltrotla to bailong, and D being part of his death even if he didn't get to do it
she's still gonna want to kill both
like the best ending for these 3 is that after some forced cooperation to stop yellow they ignore each other forever afterward
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What if the storm wasn't the IRA arc, but D's mere existence on the battlefield again causing everything to collapse
She has to take every chance
There are two wives left, i think D will need saving two more times
>But damn, Yakekokab, these were supposed to be your fellow invaders, you're a cold one
Footsoldiers are literally designed to be expandable slaves and meatshields. Literally the only one who ever gave a shit about them was the Ram exec.
Yeah, makes sense for the 'storm' to be about the manga's future direction in general. D didn't exactly made his accomplishments well known in the 3 way war.
Its beacuse she isnt a friend, she is a simp
oh shit urabe/D reunion soon
and glasses don't be a bitch, yeah he faked being your oneitis, but he saved you from magatia contrl
love it, almost cathartic going from hurr you're just a grunt why would I need reinforcements/go all out/even look at you
to a glimpse of D showing on a camera and the whole blue battalion is on the roll out
also wonder if the noah panel implies her investigating the noise
or that pink battalion is sitting out this arc
noah in keeper suit debut soon(?)
also this turned into a way bigger scale arc than I expected
I found funny how Negi sunked the ship with a tweet
I can't believe we got out of the slums before seeing the Emematai or Windy.
you wrote emematai twice
We are at 4 now
I looooooooove the way she looks in the top panel here
just like yontoubun no hanayome
Ryuujin made sure to hide D/green squad's accomplishments during the war, but now there's no hiding that enemy number one is out and about
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Ruuna could be in on it too, executives are dicks
I think Kiisu is Runna's moral compass, when she is alone she doesnt care that much
Just throw more of them. Look if the PIRANHATRONS could forever destroy the Command Center I think they can beat these nerds
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That was Yellow firing it from behind and Chakobul catching it (while the footsoldier got hit)
It's funny that the Keepers mention love here as Chakobul becomes completely obsessed with the idea later on.
>wearing blue's casual jacket
being midget is suffering
Ah didn't quite realize that when I read. Thought that was actually Chakobul's doing.
Give D a Piranhatron or Quantron upgrade, do it Negi

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