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Tick tock ratfags, he is going back
I didn't expect the anime to go all out for him, it was a good surprise.
jika the damned will return, only low iq readers think he is dead
Last surviving Vegapunk, #07
I'm here because I fucking don't want to be in the other thread
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Shanksu death soon
This is the thread. Fuck Bonney pedoshit.
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Animated soon
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>it's too early for the big reveals, be patient and wait another 5 years, Oda has it all planned out
How are these retarded redditors going to react when it all comes crashing down after 30 years of buildup?
fuck bonney
The best part without question of Egghead.
>it's too early
>final saga
Are they really this damage controlling?
Considering that Law is likely on his way to Elbaf as well, it would be crazy if Kid didn’t return. I realized that if Elbaf security is tight, Hajrudin would know Law and get them in. Let’s just hope Kid learned his lesson, he was only scrap to begin with.
>How are these retarded redditors going to react when it all comes crashing down after 30 years of buildup?
Accept it and spam peak on xhitter while lying how it broke the internet while no one gives a fuck, the last few arc are gonna be awful storywise
>Considering that Law is likely on his way to Elbaf as well
Zou seems more likely, Bepo has a vivre card to Zou and they don't have any ship left
Good point on Zou as a possibility. I think the setup in Wano that shows Elbaf as the island between Law and Luffy’s routes, plus the chance that we find the last poneglyph hint on the island makes it more likely than Law waiting for the final arc with to return with the Minks. Unless the Minks are returning sooner than I think.
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People defending the state of the manga use that exact same mentality to justify Usopp not doing anything for 1000 chapters, ie if the ending is good then it somehow totally justifies the journey being pure shit
I want them to go to Elbaf.
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>Are they really this damage controlling?
Not any more, observe their latest spoiler thread
>This arc in the anime will be about 30% reaction gifs at this point.
>Dragon "......"
>Imu's reaction : ...
>The reaction piece Is real
>This shit is the equivalent of those reaction videos people used to shit on where the person just stands there blank faced while the video plays. "....." with a neutral expression is not a worthwhile reaction, it's barely a reaction. It's definitely not a multiple chapter worthy reaction.
>At this pace the Sunny jumping will be the new Namek exploding
>Reaction piece once again
>nice, another 2 weeks of talking about "it" or "that".
>I think I’m just kind of done with one piece at this point. See you all in 5 years when we enter the “Final FINAL saga” and chapters consist solely of flashbacks and plot progression comes to a complete halt. Fans are still wondering what happened during the void century, why Blackbeard can have multiple devil fruits, who joyboy was, etc
>holy shot im so early. luffy sending gorosei flying should be a drinking game
>This ain't even mid it's straight up ass
>Oda is really dragging this..
>You must praise one piece and never speak out against it. Didn’t you know a comment like “9 out of 10 chapter” will have you downvoted to hell and everyone telling you why you are wrong and it’s a 10 out of 10 and you should just drop one piece.
>I honestly think the people who think this is good writing and are hyping up the last 6 months of one piece have to be new fans who binge the series and have only recently caught up so it’s all super fresh and they just got so much content with out any of it slowing week to week. As someone who has been following the series since 2006 I can say I’m so sick of Oda being the least productive guy in a weekly magazine. Break Break Break and for what more reaction piece?
Wow, these sound more what you'd read on pirate folk. It really is sad to see a vocal majority turn on Oda, but he deserves it for this absurd pacing that's only gotten worse as if his health is unlimited.
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He'd be stronger than Zoro if his captain wasn't retarded
How does that make any sense?
>I didn't expect the anime to go all out for him
You didn't? Why not? I thought they would milk it even harder.
He is on the same level as Zoro if you remove Oden's sword haki and his special god swords, Killer just uses spinning blades and his intelligence to win
I don’t see the problem. Is it that the arc is going too long for that Vegapunks speech isn’t satisfying enough? So long as we wrap up the arc in the next 2-4 chapters, I’m cool with the pacing. The Gorosei got on the island 10 chapters ago, at the very end of the last volume.
Morning /opg/
Why does swordsmanship matter when you can pick up a random potted plant, double ended dildo or broken bottle and infuse it and your own body with enough haki to totally overpower your enemy's gimmicks?
>So long as we wrap up the arc in the next 2-4 chapters, I’m cool with the pacing.
I'm of the belief Oda extended the arc with padding on purpose
>Killer just uses spinning blades and his intelligence to win
And his ability to project gigantic versions of said spinning blades via haki or whatever.
He only did that against Kaido granted Hawkins was a weak opponent relative to him
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I been elsewhere for a while. the full summary out yet?
Nothing happens, Dragon broods, break next week
So what would you cut from Egghead? Would you cut from before the Gorosei land or solely after?
>He only did that against Kaido
So what you are saying is, he did that?
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Detailed spoilers from Redon coming soon
Matchups if Law, Kidd, and Luffy all went to different islands

>vs. blackbeard, ez win since it was half a crew
>vs. Shanks, no fight

>Egghead, could have ROOM'd the chips out of the Seraphim's heads and had Bonney turn them into adults to fight the Gorosei, wouldn't have freed Lucci or Kaku
>Vs. Shanks, he would have negotiated or not attacked the territory

>Vs. Blackbeard, probably would have drawn. If he fired on BB's fleet the only one who could have rushed him the way Shanks did would have been Auger, and Killer could have stalled him not even counting that he can stop bullets. BB is a fat retard and wouldn't have been able to reach Kidd before he fired off his gun
>Egghead, would probably have destroyed the place and stole the robot and fucked off before the Gorosei even arrived. Seraphim were metal, he'd probably even be able to tear them apart on his way out.
reminder that
kidd is a better pair for a match against BB than law, kidd is stronger than law by definition
>coming soon
You lie
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Are you looking forward to nikawank the arc?
>BB is a fat retard and wouldn't have been able to reach Kidd before he fired off his gun
BB has long range AOE, so who knows.
Where were god's knights when fisher tiger was freeing the slaves?
Where were god's knights when kuma was invading mariejois?
Where were god's knights when sabo was fighting the admirals?
Why didn't god's knights have doflamingo whacked or take over dressrosa?
Milk it yes, milk it well though? No. But I guess we can thank Saudi Arabia money and Ishitani for that.
doing super important things that will never be mentioned
The actual Elbaf's outfits will be shit, won't them?
So if you could have one of each fruit type what would be the most OP combo to solo the grand line? Not just combat but functionality too. I'd go with:

Phoenix easily. Birds don't get lost in the weather of One Piece canonically. You can fly over the red line. You have flight and immunity to disease and massive zoan stamina. You have flames you can use offensively or for cooking, and birds are good at hunting so obtaining fish is easy. Zoans also get strength and speed boosts. And you're practically invincible on top of that and can heal others.

Light. You can have top level speed on top of your flight, can apply speed to your attacks, and now have access to ranged attacks and sword attacks.

Strength fruit from Jesus. Marco got smacked down by Garp. Kizaru's speed at a strength as high as Garp's paired with near infinite Regen would be hard to stop. Plus you can carry a bigger load in your flight.
I look forward to shitposting about how Princess Hel will be the final nakama
Honestly it's so conspicuous I do expect a good explanation.
The fact that Ginny met one at all + the punk hazard dragon having been named by one both seem to suggest they usually wander around the world (maybe even space) as they please. Hence why "mobilizing them" matters.
Dragon zoan with the hana hana no mi and a magma logia. Imagine being choked out by dragon arms made of magma.
oda is dying
Mirror Mirror paramecia + Diamond Logia + Inu Inu model Kyubi
>Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika: Eaten by Joy Boy until his death and later eaten by Monkey D. Luffy. Allows the user to transform into Nika, with their properties as well.
Can you imagine showing people from 2011 this wiki line?
I can't imagine reading the wiki in any era
Kuubi no Kitsune. Impersonating people is incredibly useful, especially for disappearing into a crowd. and QB's have a whole slew of other abilities you should be able to learn too.
Gas gas gas. Being able to turn into different types of gas gives it massive utility compared to most logia
Soul Fruit

imagine sneaking into an enemy fortress, flooding the place with sleeping gas, animating the building itself to crush everyone else inside, and sneaking out
or disguising yourself as someone, walking up to your target, emitting laughing gas to null their sense of pain, then having their own clothes lethally stab them without their noticing
There is literally no excuse for the ancient kingdom's name not being revealed in Vegapunk's speech other than Oda's autism.
with luck Vegapunk will Jensen Huang it and say "one more thing, the ancient kingdom name is THAT PLACE" but we all know the message will end soon without anything actually being revealed
>Strength fruit from Jesus.
Based, he truly is our savior
Kidd could technically have destroyed all BB Pirates by sinking their ship with Damned Punk, none of them even have future sight, the Shanks fight never would have went the way it did if Shanks hadn't had future sight
>none of them even have future sight
That we know of.
Kid could also annihilate the marine Buster Call.
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Law really drew the short straw for his second in command.
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>The author is literally making fool out of his readers

>there are retards defending this hack
hello jeremy
If Carrot is in it with Kid.
new hint
>luffy is reckless in challenging an emperor
>is rewarded for it

>kidd is reckless in challenging an emperor
>gets btfo
>Lend me some Nika, Bonney. This is Base Saturn we're up against!
you forgot that Luffy is the MC
I've invested 20 years of my life into this manga, so you better start calling it the greatest story ever written, it's perfect, flawless, and nothing can compare to it. You just don't understand Odas vision, you must be a speedreader, yes, everyone is a speedreader tourist.
>Kidd is trying to kill a bunch of people
>the narrative punishes him

>Luffy is trying to protect a bunch of people
>the narrative rewards him

It's all about the framing.
I look like this and I talk like this.
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>Mid Piece
When it’s all released it’ll be a breeze to read, though the manga definitely isn’t like what it was in parts like Jaya when they would have Luffy hunt for Cricket’s gold, re-introduce Buggy, and introduce the Gorosei in one chapter
Imu vs Sabo is my personal favorite
What about Law?
off screened because it's impossible to come up with a believable scenario where Law loses to anyone.
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>Chad Vearth mogging hard all the other moonlets
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>pov Rocks freed you from slavery
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>The legendary heroes were the villains all along
Say the faggot
Yuki Yuki no mi, instead snow but actually created hydrogen though haki
You can only do that if the skill gap is big, having decent gear does give you a boost in performance
Yamato is hot when she is hurt
Jobber fruit
Arc princess
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>What the GOOFY? Why did I wake up in SEA PRISM HANDCUFFS?
>USOPP? Thank Nika I'm saved!
>W-what's wrong Usopp? Why aren't helping your captain?
>MUTINY? Why I oughta-
>Wait, say that again
>You tied me up, killed Zoro in his sleep, turned Sanji back into his true queer tranny self, and roasted Jimbe on the grill?
>You cut Chopper's rumble balls with fishman power steroids, sending him on a rampage that took him off the boat and drowned him?
>You stabbed Franky in the back?
>Oh man Ussop this is NOT cool, I am getting really mad!
>You did this all, to have robin and nami to yourself?
>You are going to BLACK nami and robin ALL NIGHT LONG
>Not only tonight, but EVERY night until this ship inevitably runs into a marine battle fleet, the crew now too weak to stop
>But that could be months as we're just sailing aimlessly as you FILL every one of Nami and Robin's HOLES with your PENIS and NOSE?
>And you kept me alive so I can watch? My good buddy and friend Ussop?
>Wow Usopp...that sounds....
Doesn't the fact that there are multiple moons kill all the moon based chronology theories?
What if the Red Line is a former moon which got vaporized during Void Century and its remnants settled down over time in a circular strip, kinda like the like rings of Saturn. Earth + Rings = Strawhat!
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BB with Marco's fruit is already a god tier combination. No idea why he wanted earthquake unga bunga powers when he could already do pic related.
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Was he fighting shanks or el hermano?
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Luccikino soon
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Egghead peaked here and Koby became the real protagonist instead of Nika God asspull shit
>best part of egghead is when we're not on egghead
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Kiddposting was soul
Kidd and coby posting ending up the way they did must be some karmic justice lol

Like not only did it not happen they literally got assufcked
What kind of sick bastard came up with this?
That just makes it funnier
I have a question but seriously why in the actual fuck does Oda think for even a second that anybody wants this much Reaction Piece? Does he think it creates tension by showing literally every fucking character?
Kidposting is fun and based, meanwhile 1 jobless dbs refugee posts shanks 24/7
>got a warning for posting a screenshot of the schizo having a meltie about bludposting
what did jannies mean by that?

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