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Episode 3 PV is up
How come the mangaka never revealed Rin's birthday?
Why do you need this info, MKL?
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>everyone dropped her show
Rin is cute!
>ended in 2021
Huh. Weird that it’s getting an anime now. Was it a natural ending? Sucks that there’s no English manga.
It actually went on a fair bit longer than the traditional end point. He even went out of his way to say I know what it looks like but it's not done yet.
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What does this feel like?
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I want to release my DNA in Rin's pretty mouth
It might continue in the future?
Nah it's definitely done now, but there was an obvious final chapter that turned out to only be halfway through.
Will I ever know?
How did it end again? I read it but forgot. Your usual "we have to part ways to go to different unis"?
It baited that but they ended up at the same uni and carry on their bit. The next chapter is a timeskip to them working at the same place, he proposes and they get married.
Huh, I only remember the l "we have to part ways to go to different unis". I guess it's so common, I just default to it in all romcoms
Cute Nana Montana.
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If I remember right there was something up with the upload on mangadex and a lot of people never even saw the actual last chapter.
I want her to swallow my DNA and break it down to fuel her own body

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