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New information for the Ranma1/2 remake


Starts 18:00JST
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My husbando Happosai better get tons of screentime.
It's going to be shit!
>Ranma1/2 remake
For what purpose?
They're just going to censor the nipples and fanservice, and get rid of the god tier OPs/EDs.
everything gets a remake now, you will get one too
this, it literally doesn't need a remake
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Ukyo /ss/
You didn't buy new original anime, so now you will eat the remakes of series that sold. Business 101
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We get a dance OP/ED but choregraphed for the tiktok crowd.
I'd like to see the un-animated later content animated
stream link is live
It's time
there were some leaks yesterday
I don't remember this scene...
Based Nabiki for getting such a scoop!
Missing half of the manga stories and the adapted parts where riddled with fillers.
Updating for the Modern Audience™
>4 minutes late
first episode animation looks good so far
yeah, this looks nice
lol it's really MAPPA
>eyeliner still there
the animation looks fine BUT

they changed her eye color... its over
Looks fun, some of the voice actors sound really similiar
Since it's on Netflix. Will it be uncensored?
Wow no seiyuu change
Damn that looks really good
wtf i had a youtube link and it didn't show shit and i was like how are you guys watching anything
The designs look closer to the manga in terms of being skinny rather their more plumb selves from the OG anime post S1.
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can't wait for the Ranma gets blacked episode
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Are those the same voice actors?
Oct 5. This year.
UY remake looked better
mappa confirmed
>Looks pretty good
All the /a/ seeting for nothing KEK
havent kept up with anime in years
is this a bad thing? I saw plenty of clowning on them during CSM
I really like the blue eyes but red eyes were present during color panels of the manga. Might take some time to get a feel for it.
That's really cool, thanks!
Not sure if this will be good, especially with Mappa involved. But at least new doujins of Ranma will come out of this, so that's a plus.
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Why Netflix?
did UY get anything from its new anime?
Different director, solid schedule, dw bout it
Do you not want it uncensored?
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Assuming they are keeping the fanservice and nudity, that would be the only way of keeping it. No TV censors to go through.
Looks good. Only thing I'm worried about is Netflix Stone Oceaning it and dumping all its episodes instantly. Our threads would die on day 3.
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>no Nipple
you had ONE job
Yeah, in the front of my pants
184.7K people watching the live stream.
I hope it gets to stuff that didn't make it into the old anime. Particularly the Musk arc. But there are some fun stuff left too.
Wow, tons of nippleschizos on there...
Might be me coping. The Netflix version will be uncensored. This is a promo and are probably holding back that nudity...
Shampoo look cute, that's all I cared about
to groom a new generation of troons
Those fight scenes look pretty good
They better keep Akane calling Ranma a freak
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it actually looks good, wasn't expecting that
the change in VAs is gonna be a downgrade no matter what but they seem to at least be trying to match the energy of the original somewhat

what i'm not looking forward to is this hitting the mainstream and having people talk about it in today's socio-political landscape
>Ukyo dress is Purple and not Blue
I have conflicted emotions
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i want the asuka vs kodachi chapter
Netflix means nothing, it all depends on the studio and the director
Bastard is on Netflix but doesn't have nipples for example
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>Ukyo will be one of the few characters with a new seiyuu
I have one emotion and it is deep sadness.
>the change in VAs
aren't those the original ones on stage
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that's a big panda
Ano san. Oh boy. Could be good, could be bad.

Didn't expect it to air this soon
no idea who this ano is
what is her role
Anon ?!
Well meme tiktok song confirmed.
She's singing the OP.
Looks like they're still gonna stick with Chinese music. Series mainly takes place in JP but the big fat panda and Ranma's clothes always did make it feel rather Chinese too
Hope i can finish the original anime before the remake comes out.
Ukyo OG VA died, right?
She did that one CSM song. Was it the frog song?
her original VA died, anon
The chinky one
well that's a shame
gonna miss the senou azusa et al performances
Hope i can finish the original manga before the remake comes out.
Can't wait for Zoomers and younger to say Ukyo with a blue robe is inaccurate or Ranma with blue eyes is also wrong.
Yes, that is exactly my point, thank you, sherlock-tachi.
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Eh is this Rumiko's art? Looks a little off
it would have been honestly hard to tell if you already knew in this day and age of zoomer-sans
She forgot how to drawn during Inuyasha
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Lmao, it is nice to have confirmation of the remake removing all the naked butts and nipples this early tho
The OP will be a cover of It's Love by YOASOBI
>All the effects around Ranma
I hate modern animes are they trying to give me a stroke?

This one.
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More accurate to the manga
I doubt there's gonna be nipples though
Yoasobi. Please kill me.
I expected it, this is MAPPA after all
Why not just cover the original OPs then?
>More accurate to the manga
fuck that
isn't this the first movie theme
the memories of this song from the trailer at the end of the Pokemon VHS are engraved on my mind in a way few things are
do we know how many episodes? Gonna be at least 48 or something based on the big picture showing all of the characters
black hair female Ranma hits different
>The chinese guy is colored yellow
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I expected this, they would need to get really creative to censor all the nudity in the later arcs since Akane ends up naked during the final fight and Ranma finds out about the fake Akane after he sees her naked
Rumiko art just got worse over the years
12, 2 seasons so far
some are some aren't, but also they are old
DoCo or we riot
Looks nice, missed out on the Urusei Yatsura remake when it came out so might as well watch this. How was it compared to the original anyway?
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magebros lost...
Akane looks like Nanoka here
Very surprised they're keeping so many voice actors but both of Ranma's are literally still voice acting in ongoing series so I guess that make sense
The designs look really nice, and more importantly nowhere as flashy or same-y as nu Urusei Yatsura.
>shill praising this
Could you not make yourself so obvious?
All the budget went to hiring the OG VAs, they probably couldn't license all the music.
Mage is such a god tier Ranma 1/2 artist holy shit. Hope they churn out more great stuff with the new series on the horizon.
lol wut
Director: Konosuke Uda
Series Composition: Kimiko Ueno
Character Design: Hiromi Taniguchi
Chief Animation Director: Hiromi Taniguchi, Takeshi Yoshioka, Yoshiko Saito, Nao Otsu
Main Animator: Nao Naito, Rie Aoki
POP Artwork: Minami Kitamura
Art Director: Chihiro Okawa
Color Design: Yukiko Kakita
Director of Photography: Atsushi Kano
Editor: Keisuke Yanagi
Sound Director: Konosuke Uda
Sound Effects: Takuya Hasegawa
Music Selection: Makiko Kayahara
Music: Kaoru Wada
2 seasons, or 2 cours?
Or dead...
RIP Ukyo's and others.
Why does akane look kind of off? The Ranma designs look fine but there's something weird about her.
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What other Rumiko manga are worth reading if I liked Ranma? I couldn't really get into Inu Yasha or Rinne. Is UY the closest thing?
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One positive. It seems to have or at least attempts to have a style. It doesn't look completely generic like the Kenshin remake or that awful CSM adaptation. Whether this style will be good or not is up the air but I won't avoid it completely like I did with the Kenshin remake.
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The UY one wasn't as good as the og anime, but was a fine adaptation and sometimes was better than the OG anime on specific episode/moments. It's biggest fault was being TOO manga accurate. I have more hope for Ranma's remake, looks good and the animation seemed great too, and the Ranma's manga was good even with the anime since it was filler heavy, while the UY manga was good but wasn't as good as it's anime adaptation.
Leaks were right https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/268118179/#q268118729
Do you prefer Pink Ranma or Red Renma?
Ranma (male and female), Ranma's Dad, Nabiki, Akane, and Kasumi's VAs all play recurring roles in Detective Conan funnily enough
UY yeah, it's more episodic than Ranma but a lot of characters in Ranma are similiar to UY, with even some like "Ryuunosuke" being a Ranma prototype
Looks good, nippleschizo is going to have the melty of his life lmao
Guess I'll give it a look then
Going through the recent Ranma storytime threads I think I enjoy the comedy more than the action parts from Rumiko
Damn, I hope they've got a solid commitment for more because all they've shown so far is probably stuff from the first cour, and NETFLIX really concerns me.
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VAs mostly reprise
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80s/90s female character designs were peak. She had a "fuller" face in the OG. Her short version isn't too much of a downgrade here compared to the OG though.
Why is she pink now?
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*shows up again and steals almost all of Gosunkugi's roles*
called it

i bet Ranma is a troon now and has a dick even in girl form
Why does it look so washed out? Are modern anime just afraid of color?

Also the character designs are a downgrade across the board and Ranma's tits are too small.
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Where are their boobs? Where did they go? Damn you MAPPA!

what a trainwreck
ill just rewatch the original series
Well we know ukyo will at least be in the anime, and assuming they don't just do an "all stars" type adaptation like UY, there's quite a lot of arcs before we get to her so there should be a lot in store until then at least.
Shampooooo She is perfect, noooooice
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So the 2008 OVA is now the last animated Ranma media in history with uncensored nudity, can't say it was a bad way to go
That's quite the cope indeed
The new Ranma 1/2 anime being a full reboot while still keeping most of the original cast makes me roll my eyes at how pointless it is, but whatever, I'm never watching it since it's MAPPA anyway.
>Series Composition: Kimiko Ueno
Really wish the best episode writer around would stop wasting time on manga adaptions.
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You could enjoy UY then, the comedy is it's main focus with the same style of slapstick comedy Rumiko does in Ranma.
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did they just... cancel us????

where are the boobs? where is the lingerie? where is the fanservice and the cute girls???
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I liked Konatsu when I read the manga way back. I thought he was funny

I absolutely dread modern audiences reception of him. Both people screeching about him, and people projecting modern shit onto him.
Animation looks good
Netflix dumping it all at once would be the best thing to happen to this remake
Was expecting happoshit to get deleted but sadly he is in the key visual, albeit very small kek
She look like a modern Rumiko drawing, she's weird looking
Canonically sexier than Akane btw
Modern audience sensibilities aside, how would China react? With the current tensions and anti-Japan rhetoric and sentiment, and the show having Chinese themes and aesthetics, and a Chinese girl falling for a Japanese boy(no not that 80s Aneka song) what will the CCP do? Will they ban it or re-edit it to show Chinese superiority?
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Akanebros. How we feeling?

Me? 3.6 Roentgen. Not great not too terrible.
There's an arc where the premise was Ranma and Akane's boobs have grown larger at least but that's far down the line

He's just the Paper Mario Vivian situation all over again
But first, we need to get through Tsubasa kek
Ukyo in the first 23 episodes really wouldn't require much to be skipped or re-arranged.
She gets introduced in volume 9.
Holy shit, same. This, Kimba and Dog of Flanders are stuck in my mind because of a Pokémon VHS tape about the Paras crab learning not to be a bitch in the OG series iirc.

Yup, sure surprises me. I ask why not just use the first OP but I do like this song at least.
If you liked the longer more serious arcs then you might like Inuyasha until you get bored of it because it keeps dragging on too long.
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Why the fuck would I care about any of that nonsense?
She had Dr. Tofu looking similarly off in her art to promote the live-action special, looked more like Miroku.
Is the mythical modern audience with us in this very room anon?
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Would he even appear? Not exactly a significant character.
I'm betting they initially designed her with the short hair in mind and this is just a side effect.
Doesn't China spy on almost everyone these days?
It looks like they just grabbed a random still image of her. Look at how fucked up her feet are.
i hope they at least fix her personality in the demake
That makes sense. Even in the OG full hair Akane>>268897556 had a slight different face than short hair.
That movie's animation was absolute kino and nothing MAPPA can do it top it 30 plus years later.
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Looks soulless. Why are the colors so pale and cold?
>3.6 Roentgen. Not great not too terrible.
Similar situation with Akari as Ryoga's love interest but for Ukyo I guess. Both introduced too late to really be a part of the main cast, but they still did show up frequently in that short period before the end
They basically got all the original VAs except for those that are dead or retired, they are clearly trying to “match the energy of the original”.
Isn't Yaiba getting an anime remake too?
I wonder how that'll turn out.
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Akane cute
It depends if they even really get that far
I think Akari only showed up once after her introduction arc.
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Oh wow, they really didn't do a complete recast
Guess Urusei Yatsuras "brand new all star seiyuu cast" marketing didn't pay off huh
off the top of my head there was the one chapter with ranma trying to guide ryoga to akari for their park date and another short arc where akari and akane visit ryoga's house
WIT passion project
GIGAstaff assembled by husband-wife team of Yoshimichi Kameda (Character Design, MP100) - Maiko Okada (Animation Producer, Ousama Ranking). Director is Takahiro Hasui (MP100 S3).
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We truly live in a society
Since when? Holy shit I’m absolutely certain DC wasn’t meant to get dragged on for so long, what the hell happened?
Yeah I was thinking of the date chapter, but I don't recall the latter at all.
Not a fan of the pink hair. It's better than the black hair of the original manga (that just looks boring), but the bright red of the original is still superior.
She gets two stories after her first one, and shows up in a couple of others including the final arc.
But she is a late manga addition to basically give Ryoga some pay-off without taking anything away from Ranma.
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I fully expect anons to not only say the remake is better than both the OG anime/movies/OVAs and Manga, but also say that it has better OPs and EDs
they always do that with remakes
At least Happosai's, Cologne's, Ukyo's and Kuno's VAs are all dead, they were spared from ever seeing this remake
It was announced in May.

The original anime didn't adapt the whole series so I wonder if this will.
Basically, dw about the Yaiba remake; it's more in the bag than any other remake. Actually, expect a sakugafest with Mob-esque direction
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Happosai was worse than any flaw the remake could have. If anything, this would be an instant improvement if they minimized his appearances.
doomposting doesnt make you special, just shows you're a miserable faggot
The main difference is that most of the original Ranma cast are still active seiyuu (Even if it is mostly Conan)

I was still surprised, my money was on Miyu Tomita Ranma.
>Actually, expect a sakugafest with Mob-esque direction
Is this supposed to be a positive?
We'll see how many episodes NETFLIX gives them. The nightmare is if NETFLIX pulls their usual shit they'll cancel it right in the middle of the series yet again.
Would've been funny if Ranma's original male and female VAs went to Genma and Nodoka instead
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I was hoping for Barbie doll anatomy, but it looks like I was coping too much, I have no idea how they're going to pull off some of the chapters with lots of nudity unless they skip them, but that would mean skipping a good chunk of the last arc unless they just make all the objects float around the screen to cover up the nudity or just use faces/chibis to censor
>But she is a late manga addition to basically give Ryoga some pay-off without taking anything away from Ranma.
Classic Rumiko giving breadcrumbs out of nowhere, like Shun getting Asuna out of thin air in Maison Ikkoku
I personally think it should have been a darker red like the 2008 OVA.
Take it how you will. They got the Mob S3 director and character design, so it's a natural assumption
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Based Happosai poster
Yes, leaked (sorta like Ranma was, correctly)
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They can use soap in the bath house chapters
The thing I am most worried about is just how much are they gonna adapt? Are they gonna only focus on story important chapters? Adapt a few manga only shenanigans? I haven't watched the UY remake, how did they fit like 300 chapters into 49 episodes?
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Weirder because in the animation she looks much more as Akane.
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>Can you please stop pinkwashing the red-haired characters?
Ginger erasure is more universal than I thought.
Urusei Yatsura was mostly faithful to the manga, with a few cuts and changes to streamline the story. It was not a direct adaptation though. I expect the same with Ranma.
Yeah that's my major worry right now too. I haven't watched the UY remake either but from what I heard they pick and chose certain arcs to be adapted into about episodes. I hope they don't mess up the pacing for this one.
It's going to be so censored it's going to look ridiculous at some points.
Everyone has their animal form small next to their human form except Genma. Because his main form is the panda.
Hey, Gosunkugi was so pathetic it took until the 20th volume for him to get a story actually focused on him. Sasuke has way more potential as Kuno's personal minion.
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Aside from the censorship
>Scenes from chapters that happen after they meet Kuno, Kodachi, Ukyo, Shampoo and Cologne
They're fucking speedrunning the manga
There is nothing to fix, anon.
Kek imagine a Ranma western live action adaptation.
>Gets splashed with cold water
>Transforms into a black kween
Yep, Im thinking doomposters and in particular nipple schizoid lost bigly
>also a complete personality switch
>hijinks as Ranma has to deal with his kween half
>I haven't watched the UY remake, how did they fit like 300 chapters into 49 episodes?
They didn't. It was a 46 episode 'greatest hits' collection. Which only adapted about 1/3 of the stories, and left out quite a bit.
It was all the character intros, a few focus episodes per character, a few big stories the old series left out, and the finale.

Speculation is that David Production will do more in a few years for UY's 50th.
They definitely have enough 'greatest hits' stories for another 12 or 23 episodes.

With the original Ranma VAs on board maybe they'll re-do the intro stories and then jump right into the deep end in 2 seasons. I really doubt they'll do the 4 or 5 seasons they need to do the whole series, but I also doubt the VAs would sign on if they weren't guaranteed adapting the ending.
Takeshi Maenami (also on chara design), Takayuki Hamada, Kiyotaka Oshiyama, Kosuke Kato, Hirofumi Masuda, Takeshi Honda, Kenichi Fujisawa, etc.
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>more hentai of Akane
How can you tell if they're good at episode writing or not? Pacing? What they cut and keep in adaptations?
this is gonna have so much QUALITY
Honestly? He's literally Nagisa 2.0; he shows up so late and he does so little that you might as well drop him entirely. Nagisa at least had a personality and an interesting mixture of feminine and masculine personality traits, Konatsu is just "what if Kasumi was also a socially inept femboi ninja?"

...I mean, okay, Kasumi as a ninja or even Konatsu as Soun's brain-fucked eldest son who retreated into femininity after being scarred by Happosai has interesting fanfic potential, but in canon Konatsu's a nothing-burger.

That's Konatsu. Akari got two or three stories and some cameos, but honestly, she really wasn't handled well. She'd have been way more interesting as a cute farm girl who's also a stupidly strong sumo wrestler because she trains all her farm's sumo pigs, and so her dilemma isn't finding a guy who can beat her champion pig, it's finding a guy who can beat HER and/or who doesn't freak out at how tightly she tends to hug guys she likes. Thus Ryoga is her dream boyfriend because he's the only man she's ever met strong enough to handle her.
Why did they give Jewbiki a hag's voice?

I hope the english dub fixes this
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You think you can just come to this neighbourhood and post shit like this without consequences?
As the only thread even remotely related at the moment, might as well ask here: has anyone heard anything about the Urusei Yatsura remake getting either a) an English dub, and/or b) a blu-ray release?
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/co/ would love it and defend it
I don't see anything from the Dr. Tofu arc. Do you think they'll omit him entirely? He was kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things outside of his introduction.
Yeah, this is nowhere near as sovlful as the first cours of the OG series.
I guess the idea is just to rush through the early stuff so they can adapt something new.
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Gonna miss her being plumb.
Also Akari likes Ryoga pig form
So basically we can still hope for uncensored goodness? I mean it's on netflix so maybe... just maybe...
But I'll be honest here, the trailer at least looked better than expected, even if my expectations were rock bottom. Definitely gets +2 points from me simply for bringing back the old voice actor cast. After all, Ranma without Hayashibara or Yamaguchi is no Ranma.
Was there an entire event? Did someone record it?
yeah these designs suck
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the animation actually looks more fluid than the original anime, less clunky
that said, without the nudity it's soulless and DOA
>has anyone heard anything about the Urusei Yatsura remake getting either a) an English dub
Already does for the first 23 episodes.
Second half is supposed to be dubbed starting this fall.

>b) a blu-ray release?
First half already released on Blu-Ray in the US. JP Blu-Ray is 3/4 of the way though with the 4th due out in the fall.
US release of the second half will be once the dub is available.
yaiba is a shit manga like mob so not watching that either by the way
Mob is forced animation.
Not as good as I'd hoped, but not as bad as I'd feared.
Not making female Ranma look stacked as fuck is missing the whole point. Ranma flaunting her boobs before Akane was one of the first gags in the entire manga.
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>no nudity
i blame zoomers for this
Thanks. Now I just need to wait for them to throw us Aussies a bone and release it down here...
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The preview video had a single image from the Musk dynasty arc in it for a split second.
So it seems confirmed.
Speaking of that do you think they'll get back the old Ocean VAs for the remake? I know a few of them still do VA work but last I heard Akane's actress retired or something.
nerfed booba? I don't remember Ranma tatas being this small.
It will be all Ranma doujins and you know it.
Was the live broadcast just the PV or did they do an event with the cast?
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>Ranma is a pink slut now
Good spot
Gosunkugi is such a wimp the only true endgame for him is Sasuke
Nipple censorship started during the 90s and 2000s, you can't blame zoomers for this one.
So since it's being done by Mappa we can expect this to be 1-2 cours max right?
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Event with the cast.
This is all early on. Where Ranma isn't that big, and Akane is canonically flat as a board.
There is actually a story later where Akane's boobs have gotten bigger, but Ranma's have grown so much Ranma wonders if Akane's boobs shrank.

Hopefully they actually get there and give us the canonical character growth.
Ranma with tits smaller than this is unacceptable
I mean episodes for anime originals. That's why working on adaptions like this or Dungeon Meshi is a waste.
>日本テレビにて毎週土曜日24:55〜 放送スタート! 日本テレビ系にて順次全国放送
24:55 is the same time as Urusei Yatsura, but afaik UY didn't air on NTV, right? Anyone know NTV's stance on nudity?
There was a live event, they revealed the singer of the OP (Ano) also panda showed up >>268897136
Did you record it or did they upload it to yt yet? Really wanna see it.
>Ranma's have grown so much Ranma wonders if Akane's boobs shrank
Woah wait, I don't remember this. Is this not just the mangaka changing character designs over time but actual, canonical boob growth?
He's very relevant early on since he teaches Ryoga the Bakusai Tenketsu and he's the catalyst for Ranma to learn the Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken
MahoAko aired only a few months ago and was basically softcore pornography. I don't want to hear excuses, they can put nipples into the show, they just refuse because muh modern audiences.
nvm if japs have no hope then...
when will we see Ryoga's new design?
it's the bra arc
>akane's tits have slightly grown but nobody notices
happosai forces akane's new bra on ranma but it's too tight on ranma
>ranma thinks akane's boobs have shrunk which pisses her off
>ranma realizes his tits have grown too which leads to some bra shopping
>rest of the arc was nodoka shenanigans and ranma trying to take a peek at akane's tits to prove to nodoka he's a true man
That's like the exception to the rule. A show like that only happens like once or twice a decade.
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Yes. Ranma experiences real character growth throughout the series. Nabiki points it out.
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her khazar milkers didn't make sense in a japanese context

most of them are build like fridges
I have no issue with him.
How many kids became trans thanks to this show? How many kids will become trans by the remake?
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Don't get excited, the art doesn't reflect it in the slightest.
Akane is canonically a fridge. Ranma has big tits and wide whips.
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But why pink all of the sudden?
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Compared to early chapters they're definitely bigger later on.
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That's a mighty feat, money wise.

I hope the dub brings back Sarah Strong. Absolutely will be livid if Ian is reprising Ranma (his Inu Yasha voice never fit Ranma)
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The music feels off. This sounds too much like an Inu Yasha feel.

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Basically the worst case scenario.
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Yeah, her head and chin shapes are way off nowadays. Everything is too angular.
There's no way we're getting a faithful adaptation in this day and age.
Long haired Akane = best Akane
The show will create more activists and angry Chinese Communists than trans folks. Maybe China will make their own version where Japan is the big bad and their Japanese curses will be cured by almighty Traditional Chinese medicine!
Holy fuck. Just kill yourself, shroommeister
Looks pretty good.
Not here. Her face is suited more for short hair.
YOASOBI bros we just keep winning and eating
Are we gonna get all the UY remake haters now saying it's a misunderstood masterpiece?
This so much. After Inuyasha she forgot how to draw rounded faces. Or backgrounds. Or perspective. I guess drawing THE BEES one million times killed something inside her.
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>his Inu Yasha voice never fit Ranma
I liked his Ranma. Sarah's voice never really fit his personality imo. Also I was looking through the dub VA's and just found out Ranma 's girl voice was Blackarachnia and Soun was Megatron from Beast wars, wtf?
what did they see
>I liked his Ranma. Sarah's voice never really fit his personality imo

You must live in bizzaro world then.
Pregnant Ranma
Pink hair looks weird
Yeah, I would have preferred a darker color palette for them. At least they didn't go full glossy and shiny like with the UY remake.
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It's a 90s thing. You wouldn't get it.

English VA's actually had SOVL then.

> shit, washed out pink hair

fuck off. Mappa did this with Makima too.
>I liked his Ranma.

Literally no fan of the original dub has ever said this. The change was too jarring.
>All the /a/ seeting for nothing KEK
actually it's because people complained that it turned out to be promising
Just because you're nostalgic about your childhood doesn't make it acceptable. We laughed at you people in the 90s too by the way.
It's the same group that first did DBZ as well. How was Ocean able to capture the charm that modern dubbing can't?
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The face and eye shape here are more reminiscent of the old anime, while the hair shapes remind me of the manga.

It'll probably be Ian, but I'm willing to be surprised. I saw someone mention that Sarah's aware of the reboot and is willing to return if asked. Apparently, she said so on her Instagram or something, wherever that is.
>Be anime fan in the 90s
>dubbed VHS was $24.99
>Subbed was $29.99

Hey, there was a reason for it at least back then. Now? No excuse.
Their scowls look much cuter in the old anime.
>. I saw someone mention that Sarah's aware of the reboot and is willing to return if asked.

I really hope they reached out to her.
I still can't believe Kasumi's English VA was 14 when she started voicing her. Oldest sister, youngest actor on the show.
Why do they have to whitewash the image like that? Wtf do they have against saturated colors these days? It's like they cost them more or something
Watch Happosai and Cologne's new VA be younger than the main cast
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Side by side it's incredible how much worse designs and color palette are.
>Was there an entire event? Did someone record it?

They said they will upload an archive later.
>The change was too jarring.
I agree with that. I didn't like how they decided to change his voice like a third of the way in but I found it easier to get used to then when I heard Sarah's voice in the beginning.
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and why the eyes become pink too?
Happosai's English VA is still very active. He reprised his role from Inuyahsa in Yashahime and was also in Ocean's recent dub of Dragon Quest: Dai. They can totally get him back. Cologne's doesn't hasn't voice acted since Ranma, but she was apparently in a TV drama called A Million Little Things, so she's still getting around, I guess.
The first anime literally didn't adapt half the manga.
Also, most of the original anime's filler was horrendous. Go back and rewatch it, it's no UY.
>Censor all the nudity
>Still add a callback to the OG anime at 0:16
Cringe, I don't get why they would censor it if the show is airing past midnight
Akane did THAT?!?
Speedrunning the manga plus censorship is basically the same as the Urusei Yatsura remake
Netflix JP
Knowing netflix it'll be dubbed day 1. So we'll see anon,
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Can't believe that they nerfed Ranma's booty, it wasn't even that big to begin with
It is true that Ranma was more popular in the west than in Japan?
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I wonder wh-ACK
>pink hair
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Broadcasting on twitter? Why?
It is waaay more popular than Lamu, while in Japan the later is the most beloved one.
Akane looks chubby
It doesn't help they also dubbed the OVAs much earlier, so you'd hear Sarah there
Ranma 1/2 literally was the best romcom in 1990's
I don't know about that but Ranma did sell much more than UY at least (55 million compared to 35 million). I don't know if most of those sales were from overseas fans or not though.
Because they can.
Designs look good, trailer looks good, animation looks good, VA is great, I'm definitely going to enjoy it.
HOLY TOURIST why don't you crawl back to the shithole you came from
For a romcom it sure is lacking in the romance department
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Will there be pee?
I know right?
Ranma! Won't you please help me before I'm married to Kiran!
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What's that bitch on the right doing here?
I guess I should've said, some hints of romances...
No, Ranma is old school gender bender, made by a woman to boot, not humiliation fuel for AGP sissies like modern GB.
Why are you calling panda a bitch?
Megumi looks really good for her age
>Happosai returns
We're back, baby
>Sarah Strong
Sarah Strange you mean.
Is she still even active as a VA?
ranma get ipad
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She has some boobies in this part of the trailer
It's very inconsistent, but most of the time they're small.
Is it weekly or a big dump again?
ill wait for a mexican dub confirmation.
>most iconic redhead in anime
>change his hair to pink
This has to be a war crime
No, but it was the first Rumiko series in the west that gained significant notoriety
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Mage single-handedly turned me into a female Ranma x Ryoga shipper. That art is so god damn good.
The colors are pretty awful in general...
It was popular in Southeast Asian countries that they did their own English dub in their Animax. Lots of reruns throughout the 2000s. Even showed the movies on their Cartoon Network. Philippines even changed the opening theme to Soul Revue performed by Pizzacatto Five

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These two deserve each other.
She deliberately simplified her style in order to decrease her workload. At least, I've heard that before. I wonder how true it is. But yeah, everything she draws now is in the post Inuyasha style.

Her drawings of Ataru are particularly rough.
The art style and designs are horrendous. What are you fags smoking?
I remember that GMA also used that song for their Ranma commercial
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Maybe Takahashi chose it. The covers had this color scheme a few times.
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Is MAPPA worse than what UY got?
Mappa isn't bad, but I like their animations
>Air Date: October 5, 2024 (on NTV and Netflix)
>Animation Studio: MAPPA
>Director: Konosuke Uda (One Piece, DAYS)
>Voice Cast from the original anime returns!
Does look like the scheme they went with even looking at the other characters. Shame, pink hair Ranma is my least favourite. I would've even preferred the anime's red, even though I'd been hoping for black.
Fucking soulless shit
They also went for this color scheme in the pachinko design
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I hate to sound gay, but male Ranma is pretty cute.
Behold Animax Asia's English dub
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>blue-haired hinako
Please, no.
>funny girl
>not pervert
Who will they get to voice Ukyo?
Ranma's voice doesn't sound fit to him..
Aya Hisakawa
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The more I look at it the more I hate the colors...
Everything is so desaturated
This was the final chapter's cover spread so it's the last official colored material from the series' run
Wish I could find a better quality image of it. I guess I could take a photo of COLORS, but my scanner isn't yet up.
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Oh god that looks so much better, it's not even funny anymore! Why is japan destroying their content on purpose like that?!
Personally, I like the new palette. It's softer and, let's say, Rumikoesque.
The old saturated one is more striking, for sure.
They did for Yashahime so who knows?
Weird, the new color hurts my eyes unlike before but I do prefer her red hair...
I thought it was weird that at first we had two women voicing male and female Ranma. Why not just have one of them voice both?
Japan is melting down as badly as here
The 2chan threads 404'd and this place's reaction has been pretty casual, what's going on? Is it about the nipples or the colors?

All the comments on youtube were about how happy they are that the cast is returning.
2chan is almost always the same as 4chan
I think anon's just pulling shit out of his ass.
>this place's reaction has been pretty casual
There's like 3 or 4 ranma threads at the same time
What do you think she'd look like with purple hair?
It's relative. Back in the 90's, anime was catering to a much smaller demographic in the west. Ranma was definitely bigger than Lum and Maison Ikkoku, but later on Inu Yasha was easily the most well known and successful Takahashi series in the west.

In Japan I know UY is a bigger deal to them.
Well /a/ did have a similar reaction to the new anime, at least until the latinxers woke up that is.
I think it'd be better because it would at least stand out a bit despite the muted colours.
It's an Anything Goes, Martial Arts, Love Triangle(s) gender bender comedy. It's got a lot going on.
It's a comedy with romantic elements rather than a romance with comedic elements
archived threads

just hit post limit
The martial arts are Bobobo levels of nonsense
Saotome School Special Art!

Running the fuck away
Oh, you just meant they are excited. Yeah, me too. The multiple threads of the exact same reactions is a bit whatever, but that's how it goes. We have nothing to go off of.
Martial tea ceremony
Goddamn, they really wanted a new voice cast.
Japanese will screech if VA gets replaced, but also screech if the VA's are fogeys. Unless this is a newer crowd of Otaku who don't mind new VA's taking over legacy roles? (though probably they just want younger idols for fap material)
>1px outlines
>Bright colours
>Terrible shading
Would WWE/AEW/TNA make a gimmick for a wrestler based on a character from Ranma?
That's Reed Tucker's special
I think its a weird situation.
Since they have the old cast back, they could have done their best to reproduce the old look, and continued on from where they left off. Yeah it would have left new fans a bit confused but they could have caught up quickly.

The new visual style and starting over from the beginning makes it not really feel like a continuation of the old series. So if they were going to need to replace VAs for a new generation this was their opportunity.

They tried to do both and I don't know if it worked. I guess we will see. Biggest problem is just if Netflix tries to kill this after one or two seasons leaving yet another Rumiko adaptation incomplete.
There's no way they could ever properly adapt all of Ranma in the current anime landscape. They'll pick and choose the most important bits from characters introductions, rush to the back half of the manga, emphasize it's more action-oriented parts and call it a day. 50-60 episodes, tops.
This but with Nabiki
looks like shit. take your firetruck red ranma somewhere else
I really like Right. When is AI going to be good enough to change specific colors on an anime?
You can keep your onitranny ranma all to yourself
u first
Female Ranma's hair color should change every episode to be accurate to the manga volume jackets
With the indication they're going to do a remake of the whole series and get to the end this time, I don't know how you can do that with Ranma in less than 6 cours.
Especially with what they've shown so far. If they were rushing to the end I don't think they'd have done the figure skating story.

With Netflix funding the series based on the Western popularity, 6 or even 8 cours might be possible.
There's just the risk that Netflix will lose interest quickly.
Mage sucks because he doesn't draw enough Kodachi.
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UY but I don't feel like it made the splash they were expecting so now they're doing something much more low-key with much less effort into it.
I remember how much of a big deal they were making out of the UY remake.
u first
Yeah, its a trend in modern anime: everybody are flat by design or D-size watermelons, there isnt middle ground
The only good thing is the manga being re-released, and possibly in a 2-in-1 format where I live
God, can't wait until Kaguya.
Don't care about anything else. I just need more Kaguya.
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Female Ranma's hair should've been black like every colored page in the manga.
Kodachi has a gymnast physique, it doesn't appeal to his hog love.
that kuno looks like shit
>I remember how much of a big deal they were making out of the UY remake.
It was a massive deal in Japan because of how much more popular UY is there than it is in much of the rest of the world.

Recasting the Ranma VAs is less necessary because they are a mostly a generation younger than the UY VAs. But a new series starting from the beginning with the old cast is a weird choice.
A new audience wouldn't have cared about a new voice cast, the returning audience doesn't care about the early stories and wants the second half.
Maybe that guy trying to make that Ranma's Declaration of Motherhood will finally complete his project after decades
So when are they finally fucking uploading the archival stream? I want to see the fucking event with the voice actors!
is happy the most powerful fighter in ranma?
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Wanfuntoshi has you covered
It's been up for hours now

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Uh, yeah, obviously. We don't need a chart from the editors to prove that.
Both of dad's voices were replaced
stronger than saffron and herb?
Yeah. He's like a two hundred years older.
I've been waiting YEARS for this you assholes better not ruin this.
don't worry, wojack spammers will target the airing threads just like they did with onimai
You can always close 4chan and enjoy the anime as is.
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I mean I need people to watch this so I can get more seasons
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>no idea who this ano is
Live action Memcho.
fuxk, i cant believe we're getting the same old cast
In the manga edition where these stats are present it's said that he's tied with Cologne.
Sabato is one of Rumiko's shittest fathers.
I feel like the "reception" isn't gonna affect its longevity.
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he would die to hokuto shinken

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