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>give Spy X Family a chance
>boring as shit
>only good thing about it is the beautiful (rule34-worthy) Yor
AI sloppa with uneven heela
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You know what. I think I like this one better

Nothing wrong with AI art. I actually think it's great!
nice yor pic
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i found it by googling: spy x family yor lewd
i hope you find more pics you like, luv <3
We're currently on a 3 month boring arc about side characters no one cares about
total AIfag death
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Kill the brat and put a baby in Yor
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people impressed by ai art are like plebs who consider mcdonalds real food. they can't afford high cuisine and it would probably be wasted on them anyway.
Damm Loid should breed this woman already.
Also you got filtered if you think this is boring, it's just not a manga or anime for you.
PYW then.
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>anime is perfectly fine
>ruined by degenerate pornholic lolicon fanbase
Old /a/ was never this bad
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>ruined by degenerate pornholic lolicon fanbase
>Old /a/ was never this bad
I don't know man. I remember /a/ being known as the pedo board
>pedo board
That's /tv/.
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vacation and not much on this laptop. still, have a sketch of my beloved clock, because the recent anime reignited my love for kurumi. (btw, criticism welcome, i'd rather correct anything flagrant before starting colors and shit.)
There was a time where pedobear was a mockery of certain losers, not an identity to embrace.
that's a double whammy of kys
Ai art sucks, I'm sorry Rajesh but it's a long ways off still
Old /a/ was better because it didn't have blacked posters, by far the worst cancer to ever infect this site and I say this as someone who's been around since 06.
He was never a mockery, just a joke. Loli, guro, shitting dick nipples etc was always treated as jokes or spammed to scare off gaiafags
>Nothing wrong with AI art
>AI art
AI is not art, as it is simply automated plagiarism by a defined set of rules.
>He was never a mockery,
He's right that he wasn't an "identify to embrace" or a sign of approval either.
you have brainrot

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