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New Characters revealed AT LAST!!!
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Cute and powerful.
Is she an existing species or something new? there's a good bit of supplementary material I haven't really gotten to
I really like these dudes
>flat as a board
But why? She won't thrist after Goku like Bouquet, right?
Apparently they are both from the demon realm.
I think all these characters are demons, as in Daima explores the dimension Dabura is from
>flat as a board
Toriyama loved lolis of all kind.
So this is basically a DQ team?
Martial Artist or Hero
Priest or Paladin
>Daima girl
Truly a kind of a man he was.
Loli pits.
So this succubus is going to lust after married man cock?
Why does she need a bra if she's flat?
My HERO, Son Goku is gonna get this pregnant?
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She is aware of the Space Deer.
Apparently she's called Panji and the dude is Glorio.
That buttcrack tho ToT
Banji Jump
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Bejitabros!!! It's time to ToT
Huh, cute. Is this a demon I wonder?
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It's literally just bouquet if she was a demon.
True, but Bouquet had boobs and I don't think they will have Panji stalk Goku (r-right?).
She will give Goku's first on screen kiss on the lips, as a gag.
Wtf is wrong with you faggots? Why would Toriyama cuck Chi-Chi like that?
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It might not play out like that but that's easily in the range of scenarios goku's character can fit in.
This killed the hype.
Because it's fucking FUNNY. He was a gag person at heart. If it's stupid but FUNNY. It's Toriyama's style to do gag shit like that.
It's fucking FUNNY, snowflake.
>all the cuck spam impacts reality via meme magic
Kek now I want this to happen.
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Goku is a chick magnet, even Pan crushed on him at times and she was his granddaughter. You think an alien girl will care that he's married?
You fuckers are sick in the head. Unironic cuckholding is disgusting.
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this kind of idea is perfectly in line with what toriyama thought of character progression (it doesn't exist). He was perfectly willing to throw in concepts that he wanted to write 40 years ago with goku and chi chi but the context of the story and competitive manga industry wouldn't allow him to effectively.
There is a big chance this girl won't know that Goku is married and maybe even that he was an adult. She may naturally develop a crush on him and Goku will just go along with it.
yeah, everyone would know she wouldn't succeed, the routine is more important than the result in that kind of story.
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Panji BUTT
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of course toriyama could have been going the other way with this story and pansy is somehow distantly related to goku (PANsy), though that would be even more off kilter and wacky. That's also the kind of thing he did in sand land anime.
She's blue, no way she's related to Goku.
>There is a big chance this girl won't know that Goku is married and maybe even that he was an adult. She may naturally develop a crush on him and Goku will just go along with it.
I wonder if we're get a scene in which Goku says he may look like a kid, but he's actually 40-50 (depending on when it takes place) only for her to say she's 1000 years old herself (demon aging shenanigans) and not understand that as a human he's already middle-aged and settled down, way too old for some puppy love.
The only relation they have will be their resulting half-breed.
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Toriyama should have left Dragon Ball in Toyo's hands sooner.
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I hope that Kid Goku will do some oblivious stuff that will make Pansy blush. It's a trend in his family and girls.
>leaks apparently happen because some insider got mad about lack of marketing
>Daima gets a stage together with Sparking Zero at a Jump event 4 (four) days from now
I'm not really buying that story. I mean, if it happened a month ago, it'd make sense, but now?
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What's with the blue bag?
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My hero.
Scat is my favorite.
>literal toddler shit rehash of GT
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I love how Kid Goku is always so much smaller than the little girls surrounding him, it's cute!
>rehash of GT
I don't think that's a good angle of looking at it. The point of GT was to be early DB rehash, Daima is probably not GT inspired as much as it's old DB inspired. Bringing together aspects of both the start and the end of the original manga run.
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God fucking damn Chichi was so hot, shame they didn't bring this back for Daima
>demon realm is being explored instead of space
>pan and trunks are replaced by demon companions
>buu rehash
>new SS4 like form from the leaks
>demon realm is being explored instead of space
Well, the world was being explored in the original arcs on DB as well, like I said, early DB rehash.
>pan and trunks are replaced by demon companions
If anything, that's a point against it being GT 2.0, since they aren't established characters but new ones, contrary to how it was done in GT. And again, Goku was traveling in a team during the first DB hunt as well.
>buu rehash
Yeah, like I said, early DB meets Buu saga, not GT.
>new SS4 like form from the leaks
Wasn't the source of that "leak" literally Reekdom seeing that he will admit Daima is GT 2.0 *if* there is one, but he doesn't think so?
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Yeah, no. I much more prefer action-oriented Dragon Ball with jacked aliens fighting. This isn't for me.
Pan barely appeared in Z, she was as much of a new character in GT as this girl here.
GT pan was absolutely a new character in GT.
You knew that Pan was Goku's Granddaughter from episode 1, we don't know anything about this girl.
Still, she was an existing character Goku knew. And he already set out on the journey with Pan and Trunks. Meanwhile here he's starting just with Shin and is gonna meet the others on the road, just like during the first arc where he started with Bulma, then first Oolong and later Yamcha and Puar joined him. So it's already more similar to OG than GT. Time will tell just how much similar it's gonna get, to completely rehash early DB, Pansy and Glorio would have to start out as villains.
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Literally just Dragon Ball GT minus blood and shota nudityu
>minus blood
Blood was already confirmed in the first trailer.
>and shota nudityu
They wouldn't DARE!
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Pan's character was already established in the EoZ.
In fairness you posted Granolah, who is a retread of the Tuffles. And the antagonists of that arc are the not-Bojack gang.
Pretty sure the guy wasn't even paticularly fond of Chi-Chi in the first place.
He already cucked her out his kiss.
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GT Goku a cute
GT Pan is nothing like EoZ Pan, not for a long while, at least.
TRACEnga also did Blue Cell, nu-DB in general is rehash piled upon a rehash, and if anything, TRACEnga is even below the average here.
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Cute goblina
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Tien goes hard as fuck
Would her spawn with Gokek have more potential than Gohan?
Dragon Ball Daipa
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Is Kid Goku going to fuck her?
...into another man.
GT Pan is nothing like EoZ Pan.
And Super Goku is nothing like Z Goku, that's not the point. The point is that both Pan and Trunks were preexisting characters Goku knew when they set out on a journey. Glorio and Panji are entirely new characters Goku will only meet on the road, thus making them more similar to Oolong and Yamcha.
>doesn't know what strawman is
>admits that Daipa is a GT rehash
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Goten is cool
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Actually, they are both the same character.

Watch the EoZ and GT.
GT was DBKINO so that's a good thing
>Twink emo Han Solo
I don't like this...why can't we have Pan again instead?
Because Pan is shit.
>Kid Goku
>NotPan (still shit probably)
>plus the useless faggot known as JOBoSHIT
This is going to be massive shit.
I have defeated GoKEK once again.
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Imagine the sex
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Tien refuses to break his calorie deficit today.
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I gave you a chance, moeshitter.
Even Saiyan scholars are paying attention to Tenshinhan now.
>a girl going through puberty has a different personality than a preschooler kid
Call the presses!
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fuckable little bitch
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Daima? Not GT.
More stick limbs
Why was Pan so embarrassed?
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>literal nu toriyama stick-limbed moe garbage
Remember cunny is more powerful.
>attack bejita tanked
> Buu arc
> SSJ3 will be the solution
> No, fusion with Gotenks will be the hero for the arc
> No, Ultimate Gohan will be the hero for the arc
> No, fusion with Vegito will be the hero for the arc
> No, regular old Goku will be the hero for the arc

What a weird arc.
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Pan was a tsundere for her shota grandpa, always blushing when he gets naked!
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The age of MANime is back. Sadly, Dragon Ball isn't part of it.
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>pretends not to stare when Goku is looking
>stares at him when he isn't looking
>tags behind to look at his cute butt all the way through
It's a reverse of Cell arc. It seems like it knows what it wants to be about until around the time Bejita dies with a strong focus on new generation, afterwards it starts running multiple plotlines which really just lead to a power up for Buu in the penultimate fight, and only Satan/Buu bonding has some pay-off. Whereas Cell arc was all over the place early on and neither you nor Toriyama had any idea what's going on, but once Goku woke up, it focused "surpassing Super Saiyan", it went through Bejita's and Trunks' attempts, Goku's seemingly successful one and finally Gohan breaking through all the limits. And predictably, total chaos early on with some shape revealing itself after twists and turns is much more satisfying then a seemingly coherent storyline devolving into absolute chaos.
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Is it actually confirmed to be on the TV? I want to believe there will be blood
>Shota Goku and Bejita on the same page
KEK the memes write themselves
Okay, scholars, place your bets: whose butt is going to get more focus in Daima, SHOTAku's or Panji's?
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>moeshit for pedophiles
thanks doc
I recently finally got to watch the baseball episode and was surprised how much blood there was compared to regular Super episodes. Censorship is truly unpredictable. Anyway, we see Bejita bleeding during his sparring with Goku in the trailer, so it won't be completely sterile.
We literally see Bejita bleeding in the first trailer.
Nice overview. That's true that the Android arc was all over the place in the beginning. I actually did like that.
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Here lies Worthless kid diddler, Piccolo.
probably Panji's
Daima's artstyle doesn't feel like Goku will be getting naked in it, we'll be lucky to see him shirtless.
SHOTAku is gonna slap Panji's ass on episode 2.
The thing is, Toriyama was utlimately a good writer (though some people would get an asthma attack when seeing it because one needs to add philosophical references or a social commentary to qualify for the term for them), so he managed to tie everything up neatly in the end even while winging it, with everyone getting some satisfying resolution in the Cell arc. But he was seemingly burnt out by the end of the Buu arc, so it ends up looking like something two bickering 10 years old would do while playing with action figures.
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>Daima will go the old Dragon Ball route of allies starting out as antagonists
>Panji will be a brat whom Goku will need to correct
Let's fucking GOOOOOO!
I can't see it but i'll trust your word on that one, hoepfully it's not restricted to just some light blood and the actual fights are proper bloody, still just some light blood is a step above super
Look at Bejita's forehead here:
I wouldn't expect going old DB route with people having gaping bloody holes in their torso, but I think we'll be getting them bleeding from the mouth when punched and stuff like that.
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Torishima won.
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There were those who probably thought the same for ann and beelz but then the show did it anyway.
CHADock can only spawn male children.
That's why Toriyama fixed it, by introducing Panji.
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Canon Mira and Towa?
Canon and improved.
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Oh I see it
Yeah I doubt it will go to the heights we have seen but i'm still pretty glad to have just the level in that trailer.

Still I want to hold out hope they can really push it for the end of the granolah arc when they finally get to that
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It's glorio and pansy, original characters. Toriyama wanted to get away with reusing jessica's design in a major role yet again.
It's Daima.
Literally who.
Girl from dragon quest 8.
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NEVER was the case. There is a reason that both Pan and Perfection start with P!
the super manga and the parts of the super movies the manga doesn't cover are canon
daima is canon
episode 69 of the super anime is canon
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>Grandoise Taco lost
>SHITper lost
Yup, Daima won AGAIN.
Daima is Toriyama's masterpiece.
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doesn't seem like the japanese fanbase has really seen these designs yet. only see westerners talking about them.
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Yup, yup, yup.
>Panji is taller than Goku (more or less same height as Shin)
Shotabros, we live on!
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Which one is Panji?
>actually putting a lot more (effort) into this than usual
Superbros... we are just napkin notes...
>battles that are cute and powerful
We were the moefags all along...
Its canonicity status is below even Heroes.
Daima is for moeGODS.
Super is for powerlevelfags.
GT is for pedophiles.
The girl I think. Have read some people use Pansy, which might be the name used in dub.
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glorio's the guy, pansy's the girl.
>Super is for scatfags
FIFY. Everything else is spot on.
That also covers GT.
Dragon Ball Evil
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He deserved better.
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>"due to a conspiracy"


GT never had any conspiracies..
He is on Sandland as a serious character, he got justice.
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Xenoverse is becoming more canon by the day
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Some random women?
Always was.
>jobbed to Mafuba
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Prime Toriyama would have given her titties. That's my only complaint.
> Toriyama was utlimately a good writer

I agree. I'm always impressed by his ability to dive deeper into the universe of Dragon Ball and create a fantastic character 30 years into the story (Beerus) and simply make really likable new characters far into the story (Gamma 1 and Gamma 2). I would say there is a negative to that and to his writing. He has a tendency to forget older characters to newer characters.
This franchise is becoming moe. This has to end, full stop.
>is becomign moe
It always was.
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Lewds when?
I keep refreshing twitter, but nothing yet.
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Too much clothes on.
Prime toriyama would've made her chubby. She would've been like early Chichi shaped
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not necessarily true, his girl designs varied
Fair enough, but he rarely had flat main/side female characters in Dragon Ball.
What wish would (you) ask Shen Long to grant? For me, it would be the ability to sense someone's perfect romantic match. Not only could I find my own ideal gf, I could help everyone else find theirs too. Get filthy rich as the world's best matchmaker
Arale, Pan and Bra are pretty flat!
Fuck, you are right. I just had the idea of a Bouquet clone this whole time, so it messed up my expectations.
Getting the ability to teleport into any anime world of my choice whenever I want to!
Those are children
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Piccolo. The best character out of the Fraudku, Bejita, Piccolo trio.
Perfect Shapeshifting
So were Chichi and the Blue Dragon girls desu.
That's not a high standard as both those diaperfags peaked on Namek arc.
Bejita and Piccolo were highlights of the Namek arc. Bejita slowly climbs through the ranks of Frieza's army, getting revenge on his former fellow Frieza army subjects. Piccolo becomes the pride of the Namekians and fights for his people. I like the Android/Cell arc but Namek/Frieza really was DB at its best.
>Mira and Towa but turned into children
Makes sense now. They're trying to canonize DB Heroes slowly. Towa being the younger sister of Dabura and all.
>Freeza was DB at its best
I used to hold the Buu saga as my favorite saga as a child kek then I re-watched Freeza saga later on and I had to change my preference.
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Saiyan Arc clears.
Canonically 40 btw
I consider it part of the Freeza arc.
Yup, our scholars will definitely LOVE Daima after seeing this.
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Just funny how the narrative acts like she's in her early 20s, when chronologically she should be within a year or two of Bulma's age. It's just another example of Super not even knowing Dragonball's own lore.
smol Piccolo is cute
>Older woman acts like a younger woman
This is a problem because...?
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It's in the pudding.
God I love being cute
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We know, Chi-Chi.
Me too. They're extremely interlinked. It's one, long, epic saga. Toriyama-sensei has flaws, but he is the master.

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