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My anons, we will circle around all pages and attack on page 10. Operation starts now!
Code Gease was the worst thing to happen to anime since Gundam Seed. You "people" are insufferable.
I'm genuine curious why?
You latch onto a garbage idiotic mecha show, try to say it's intelligent because you're an idiot and won't watch anything else because "Unlike other mecha this one is about the character." Fuck you.
Post more intelligent show then
Don't answer on behalf of me you faggot.

It's because you people latch onto a garbage idiotic mecha show, try to say it's intelligent because you're a creatively starved lot and won't watch anything else because "Unlike other mecha this one is about the character." Also, you all like anime for the wrong reasons and you make the genre worse by demanding more slender cookie-cutter stick figure characters with zero personality traits. Fuck you.
Code Geass is great because it's some of the most fun I've ever had watching a show
That's funny, I hear Naruto fans say that too because "it's what got me into anime".

Creatively. Starved. Lot.
Gatekeeping niggas are d worst, fr fr gg bro
God, she's so hot. Glad she got a role in the new show, even if it's a minor one and doesn't really make sense.
While I do agree CG is overpraised and isn't peak of writing you are overreacting. It's decently written series, especially compared to today standards.
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You won't hit page 10 on my watch, big sister.
las tetas britanicas
>While I do agree CG is overpraised and isn't peak of writing you are overreacting. It's decently written series, especially compared to today standards.
>today's standards
You had an argument until you set the bar lower than code Gease. Jfc.
No. You faggots have ruined anime quality by letting anything and everything NOT be gatekept. Quality control is long overdue and I'm not backing down on this. This is not just a Code Gease issue.
Ironically you are acting like a Lelouch fag now.
Even outlaw star was better than Code Gease, and that's saying something
Seriously? Time to pick it up then.
She's only shown up for, like, a minute, and hasn't actually done anything. Don't get too excited.
Woaw now, don't start gatekeeping now. We don't do that here.
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You're a real piece of shit, huh?
It especially is fun, it wasn't even trying to be some giga brain-deep writing, it was just trying to be fun show, which it achieved.
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>he's not a Lelouchfag
He's literally me.
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I like big mechas, simple as.
Someone please impregnate her before her eggs go bad
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tee bee aytch, Lelouch should have used his Geass to impregnate all of his sisters. Gotta continue the bloodline somehow.
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Shitting on something popular in order to distinguish yourself from the plebs without even realizing the majority of plebs now agrees with you is NOT a sign of intelligence.
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any chess fag can confirm if this is winnable?
Black has mate in 1 or 3 depending on whose turn it is
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Gatekeeping is the dumbest delusion of all.
You can't influence any of this shit unless you pick up a stylus and start making anime yourself.
No one's going to listen to some irrelevant faggot like you.

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