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I confess, I only started finding Misaki attractive after Nogi started drawing her
Nah to be fair that pairing got alot more support back in the day, it's just the threads are pretty quiet now.
She does look the best when drawn by him but I still find her good looking in other styles.

Well except in the anime. There her hair and boobs look weird
She looks great in the LN as well
railgun better than index
>railgun better than index
Everyone knows that, without Railgun and it spin-offs and the girls in it Index franchise would stop existing years ago.
Perhaps, but i was recently struck by how much better it was. I felt i must express it.
I do enjoy Railgun more but that's mostly because I find the Magic side (with a few exceptions) pretty boring.

Academy City is just more interesting to me
Technology > magic
What are they doing?
How many men does she have to have sex with to become a level 6?
Bullying Fiama.
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