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I'm probably the last person on Earth to realize this but these movies? Pretty good.I should watch anime films more often.
Ghibli slop is for normalfags
Pretty good for an Isekai.
Until you watch all good ones and you will just continue searching for that cool dopamine spike. But in the end, there are very few anime movies per year which are not part of some franchise and have any quality whatsoever.
Based. A local cinema will be showing a bunch of Ghibli films this summer so I'm excited to see some of them on the big screen for the first time. I haven't seen Spirited Away in like 10 years so it'll be nice to see it again
>another midyazaki bandwagooneer
truly a diamond a dozen
honestly you watch one of them you've seen them all
Yes cause Ponyo and Princess Mononoke are so similar
Sometimes....widely regarded films......deserve to be.
>cherrypicked point to hopefully divert attention from the last 10 years of ghibli
Don't listen to the ghibli haters, they are just contrarians chasing clout. If you like ghibli you should see Satoshi Kon directed films, they're also classics
You should watch more anime, normalfag.
Controversial but true. Sometimes good things are indeed good.
Ok, Tale of Princess Kaguya and Boy and the Heron then. Clearly the same
Shame thats become "controversial"
Still bothered by how Kaguya got snubbed but at least Heron won last years.
Seriously, watch all of them, even the ones nobody talks about. The majority are legitimate masterpieces, and of those remaining, in addition to uniformly strong productions, each has its own special intrigue that will appeal to a different subset of the audience, so each has strong favorite potential. There's a decent chance you're depriving yourself of seeing a favorite anime if you don't watch every Ghibli movie.
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>the last 10 years of Ghibli
So 3 very different films by 3 different directors?

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