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>calm and composed
>not an idiot
>doesn't have annoying catchphrases
>doesn't have weird eating habits
>wants to be a doctor and help out in his old man's clinic rather than achieving some selfish, far-out dream
>only does the shinigami stuff when he has to, prefers to live a normal life
>actually looks and acts OLDER than he really is instead of younger
>one of the very few shonen MC's who is voiced by a male VA
>has decent fashion sense, doesn't wear clothes that he looks like he sleeps in
>didn't have a messed up childhood, his mom died and he got over it, no drama
>mostly makes decisions based on reason, not emotion
Even if you didn't like Bleach, you have to admit that Ichigo is one of the best shonen leads of all time.
All the things that he didn't have actually made him stand out all the more from other shonen MC's.
Ichigo is too based, and don't forget he married the bread girl, too based
You forgot that also he's not a manlet
Literally who?
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>having your mom die is no big deal, lol
I had a messed-up childhood, but thankfully my mom didn't die during it. She's alive and well. It's worse to have your mom die than to have an abusive and neglectful childhood.
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>didn't have a messed up childhood, his mom died and he got over it, no drama
you fucked up with this one
What do you mean?
Tl;dr: He has no personality.
Lol, he's the Walmart version of Yusuke Urameshi.
God, it's like it's 2009 again
Better than the Walmart version of Goku, tbf
His arc is also pretty good. He starts out as a good hearted 15 year old who has been brought up well, but gains a ruthless yet still pure hearted side the more he accepts his instincts and love of fighting (white). His acceptance of OMZ is also him acknowledging the worth of his life instead of something that needs to be thrown away. He is the most mature shonen MC and is written as such.

I also like how Kubo is most willing to shit on his characters for their beliefs and personalities than most shonen mangaka dare to do. Perhaps why Lost agent arc is one of my favorites.
Yusuke was interesting until his series became dbz lite.
maybe compared to some complete spazzes like luffy. ichigo has constant outbursts, he isnt calm
lol no
>only does the shinigami stuff when he has to, prefers to live a normal life
his monologue in the beginning of the FB arc is a contradiction to what he speaks of - he lied. he desperately wants power to win.
>no drama
he copes well
He wants power to protect his friends and family. That was why Ginjo and Tsukishima started targeting his friends in order to convince him to join the Fullbringers.
He was a pretty neat MC early on but over time his personality got weathered down to "must protec friend". He's inoffensive, but not anything to go nuts over.
More like they exploited that fact about him.
Since day 1 has his goal with being a soul reaper been protecting his loved ones. What are you talking about?
That was his personality from the beginning. He gained an edge over the course of the series.
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>calm and composed
>not an idiot
the first thing he did when they got to soul society, run towards the enemy base like they are in a picnic and not to save rukia
you just described all the reasons why he's boring, there's nothing larger than life about ichigo which is why he's bland and unfit to be a shounen mc
It's not that it wasn't a big deal, the whole family just worked together to get over it.
Being a cloud rip off will do that for you.
Just like a typical embarrassed teenager. He tries to peek at Rangiku's boobs later on.
He is going over to the soul reaper district to look for Rukia
Sorry bro but

>>only does the shinigami stuff when he has to, prefers to live a normal life
>>didn't have a messed up childhood, his mom died and he got over it, no drama
>>mostly makes decisions based on reason, not emotion

Ichigo is still my favorite MC
>>not an idiot

"Sorry i wasn't myself during this fight, cut me up before we fight again (and thus ensure your certain victory) so we're equal"
Ichigo really hated his hollow at this point
he didn't had a troubled childhood but his mother death tortured him until the final arc, he always blame himself too much because of it
Early Ichigo is based, then he started becoming less and less relatable.
That's no being an idiot, that's him being emotionally unstable due to what happened
Modern manga MCs are pitches or children in general.
It's why I've turned to Korean webcomics. Greatest Estate Developer and Ember Knight are among my all time faves.
so before the third volume?
One of the top anime this season has a protag who's a 32 year old man.
>no character development
>no goal
>only one move
>one of the best shonen leads of all time
bleachfags man...

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