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Studio: MAPPA

Guaranteed that it's censored garbage.
Does MAPPA even do nipples?
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can't wait for the falseflagging and shit after onimai
Director: Konosuke Uda
Series Composition: Kimiko Ueno
Character Design: Hiromi Taniguchi
Chief Animation Director: Hiromi Taniguchi, Takeshi Yoshioka, Yoshiko Saito, Nao Otsu
Main Animator: Nao Naito, Rie Aoki
POP Artwork: Minami Kitamura
Art Director: Chihiro Okawa
Color Design: Yukiko Kakita
Director of Photography: Atsushi Kano
Editor: Keisuke Yanagi
Sound Director: Konosuke Uda
Sound Effects: Takuya Hasegawa
Music Selection: Makiko Kayahara
Music: Kaoru Wada
>Inb4 some newfag calls this tranny bullshit
Meh I will never understand why this boring MtF/GB shit was so popular, it must be Ranma boobs for the then young male audience as selling point.
If they won't show the nipples in the remale then this work lost all meaning behind it.
What's the point?
All remakes are just cheap cash grabs nowadays and show how stale anime business became when they can't create something new and just repeat shit.
No, I don't at least remember. I doubt they'll be in BD either.
>Inb4 some newfag calls this tranny bullshit
A boy gets changed to be a girl, you tell me what it means.
Why are they making remake of old anime now?
where are the nipples?
It was fun. And Ranma being an asshole carried most of the plots.
This isn't the "Wouldn't it nice to be a girl" crap you get so much in genderbender.
Ranma with nipples? Have you gone insane?
I don't think they've EVER done nipples. Not for adult anime like Vinland, not for ecchi like Idaten, not even for adult anime airing on netflix like Dorohedoro.
I'd say being able to literally change yourself into a female version manually is very different from getting a surgery to cut off your dick
zoom zoom
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>It was fun. And Ranma being an asshole carried most of the plots.
You can bet remake won't be like that for correctness nowdays, nipples also be gone.
And you can bet in this Akane will want to make out with female Ranma too and they gonna cave for "yuri" fanservcie moment.
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Result as fiction goes is the same, most tranny supported anime are MtF GB stuff which have nothing to do with actual rl operation deal.
You can bet many /a/ transexuals gonna love it here and on other boards like they did with Ayakashi Triangle.
Dead on arrival
The male version of the character doesn't go away though.
It has more in common with drag queens than actual troons.
Creative bankruptcy.
When are we going to get a Galaxy Express remake. Shouldn't we try to preserve and remake the older anime first?
Same shit.
pink hair? why
>almost exclusively washed-out pastels
Woo-hoo. Fantastic sign.
No it's not.
One acknowledges gender is unchangeable, and the other doesn't.
It's over...
>a guy who wants to become a girl to be fucked by guys properly
>a guy who crossdresses as a girl to be fucked by other guys
Same shit anon.
What are you arguing, exactly? Yeah weirdos have been misappropriating female anime characters for a long time, and they'll be all over the Ranma remake because of gender-change theme. So it should be cancelled? Or what? What's your point?
no nipples allowed looks soulless as hell
This isn't even crossdressing though, it's a male character switching between two different versions of himself.
It shouldn't get any remake, none of GB crap should.
Same with harem crap or isekai shit or CGDCT crap but here we are, anime is shit.
>he didn't watch the show
>the show is probably twice as old as him
And other version is a female, so a guy gets changed to be a girl so it is trannyshit in nature.
It's really simple.
Pretending to be a newfag tourist isn't as good of bait as you think it is.
Does it matter?
Even if a guy can change back to become a girl and end with a girl as a guy the shit is still done.
Looks good
No nipples, no fun.
It's like making Utena remake and removing Akio from it or turning him to be a woman.
What isn't?
So you just don't like most anime. It's far, far better than what's produced in the west though.
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The marvels of modern anime.
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Pink = the color of femininity.
Also, when your colors are washed as fuck, her hair will be the same color as her clothes because there is not enough saturation range.
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>Genres that I don't like shouldn't exist
So what are we left with, anon? What are the approved genres?
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I pity the Zoomers who never experienced watching Ranma in the early 2000s.

It's just so... sad. They've been so spoonfed by the internet they can't enjoy Ranma for what it is now: a funny, and endearing rom-com with tropes that were novel at the time.
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There is a lesser amount of soul
There's plenty of new in the anime industry though?
As expected from MAPPA
>Guaranteed that it's censored garbage.
It is: >>268899697 look at the bright side, they were nice enough to let us know that it was going to be heavily censored right from the first trailer instead of trying to hide it
It was always tranny bullshit
Into the trash it goes
>Inb4 b-but wait, look at the trailer
I watched the first 20 seconds of it, they managed to make the animation stiff and bland as fuck, at least the urusei yatsura remake managed to capture someway the dynamism and exaggerations of old Rumiko cell anime adaptations. This one is just an abortion.
he's gonna say dragon ball and video game adaptations
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>shonenshit remake #179
Nipples censored, titties shrunk, discarded out of hand
Pretty good animation though
Your father is tranny bullshit
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As someone in the other thread pointed out, it's closer to the manga. But there's still no way they're doing nipples, even though they could easily do so through netflix. MAPPA has never done nipples, the faggot cowards.
This is the original tranime and it's a fucking disaster that they are remaking it for the "modern" audience, which is mostly bandwagon mental illness advocates.
Twitter trannies consider Ranma and every other gender bender manga aside from Onimai to be transphobic oppression, you absolute fucking tard.
why did they keep the ugly original character designs?
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I'm more concerned about how washed out everything looks, to the point where it's even hard to tell Ranma apart from the background.
No nudity. No thanks. Also tsundere is not the trend right now so why are they doing this shit? Nobody is asking for more Akane...
Yeah this is an even more fucked up color pallet than the Urusei Yatsura remake had
It's called having an artstyle.
Pink hair is even closer to Takahashi's artwork
"fucked up" is not a style in and of itself
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Anime designs > manga designs.
Almost all anime nowadays do that. Why do modern viewers hate saturated colors?
I was hoping for black hair at least, as a mangaonly
It's kind of depressing to look at
i like it. feels very japanese. considering i watched the original dubbed, this will be a great watch. animation looks p good.
fuck off retard, rumikos drawings are a work of art.
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>pink hair
>male and female ranma have different eye colors
Just like the pachinko.
Manga design would be black.
After they "fixed" Lamu's hair in the UY remake, I was hoping for correct black hair here. But they fucked it even further.
>rumikos drawings are a work of art
Didn't say they weren't, Mr. illiterate. I just have a preference.
Never read the manga before, how different is it from the anime?
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Ukyo /ss/
There are storytime threads ongoing, check one of them out
>some newfag
even worse, the crossboarders replied
>not a single bare tit
Into the trash it goes.
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It shoulda been passione
This is the biggest travesty
Might as well also give him blue hair reflections
When's the last time you saw a trailer that had bare nudity in it? Even for anime that have nudity, they don't put that kinda stuff in the trailer.
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Don't remind me.
Ranma had pink hair in the manga anon, you anime only faggots are a real pain in the ass you know
Mappa, Wit and Toei (One Piece team)>>>>Everyone else in the industry right now.
She had black hair normally. And all kinds of random colours in the colour pages.
I hate to say it but it looks pretty good
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>colors in a black and white manga
Yes, female Ranma.
In the manga girl Ranma’s hair color was never consistent, it was red, lavender, or even remained black. Like JoJo’s colors Rumiko just wanted to color whatever she felt it was fitting for that specific cover.
So this type of washed out garbage is new fomo for sakugapigs
They've destroyed Urusei Yatsura, now this...
I'm not feeling good, /a/nons...
Mappa really thinks this is worth investment in?
Looks like nostalgia bait boomer slop. easy skip.
The original UY is not watchable
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If this remake pushes for more manga accuracy then waifufags from the original anime will be mad, the manga is more action oriented and all the "harem" teases with side chicks like Shampoo and Ukyo were anime original, they are more antagonistic in the manga, while any sliver of romance is centered around Ranma and Akane.
The original UY was perfectly fine. Ranma on the other hand...
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History repeats itself
I'm just not gonna support any remakes.
The original Ranma was so much better than UY that they are not really comparable. Better direction, better action, better animation, better all around. You're probably just mad that Ranma had filler but the filler was all great
I don't think you've actually read the manga if you think that
The manga is unreadable.
The anime filler like the amnesia episode are the best part
> mappa
so it'll look nice for the first 3 or so episodes and then fizzle out?
>pretending to be this retarded
Kinda looks like the Ranma pachinko design
Saying ranma had canon colors is like sayimg jojo has
Find it funny zoomers are trying to shit on Mappa when the studio that made the original (Deen) is considered the worst studio in anime history. Kys low iq zoomies.
>popular ip gets popular studio
What is the issue exactly?
Reminder that MAPPA made JJK S2, the most well animated anime of all time.
There's a discord group who wants to attack mappa. It's called insecurity.
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Only retarded millennials who got into anime in the mid 00s believe that DEEN is bad.
Second to Toei's One Piece team atm*
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>Better direction, better action, better animation, better all around.
Absolutely not. Only the first few seasons and OVAswere actually high quality. Don't let your nostalgia taint the reality of the anime.
Why is his hair pink?
>The original UY is not watchable
Fuck you.
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>kid trying to fit in by talking shit about DEEN
>he doesn't know classic DEEN
The color palette looks weird
lol, what point are you trying to make here? deen certainly isn't great nowadays.
>animation looks worse than original
>character design looks nothing like Rumiko
>keeping aging VA
>no nipples

Worst remake ever
Ranma has black hair in both forms. Female Ranma only got red hair during the fancy color pages where everyone gets weird colored hair. The anime used red hair so viewers could quickly differentiate. The colored chapters have female Ranma with black hair. Here's your (you) for being a newfag retard who probably never even read Ranma.
>not red hair
Yeah, no.
You guys clown on Mappa but the animation and artstyle are unironically good. The only two true complaints are the color palette, which is a matter of taste (looks decent to me, much better than other, more heavily postprocessed stuff they did) and the lack of ecchi/nipples, which let's be real they weren't going to put no matter who did the remake. Times have changed.
it's more like Inuyasha, way more story and shonen fights
Stop spamming you faggot. You doing this won't suddenly make whatever low tier studio you think is better more respected and higher regarded than Mappa.
Also, wasn't Akane a bigger bitch in the anime than she was in the manga?
Jesus christ this looks horrible. At least with david produciton you can tell they actually tried
> higher regarded than Mappa.

Please be a joke
That "DEEN is the worst studio in anime history" can only be spouted by a retard since if you look back at their catalog from the 80s and 90s you'll see works that are leaps and bounds above any of the slop CRAPPA ever made.
Who gets more publicity than them? Remind me please.
you mean the studfo famous for literal slave labor?

The people who say that are the ones who picked it up from the Fatetards constantly masturbating over UFOtable, so their opinions should be immediately disregarded anyway.
The anime looked great throughout, it's an absolute staple of 1980's anime
Studio Deen is irredeemable shit and no amount of psyops will change that.
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Not looking good, who the hell watches Ranma only for the plot
but it started in 89

a studio can get worse, see Madhouse
As a 41 year old with boobs and a dick would be an understatement to say I am excited for this.
>david produciton
Literally just watched fire force the other day the animation was very ameture compared to Mappa.
It should have been Passione...
Deen is the greatest and worst studio at the same time. Absolute cinema in stuff like Kenshin, then QUALITY. But their direction is still top notch
Yeah, they made Akane meaner & made Ranma, Shampoo & Ukyo nicer in the og anime. My guess is that the director of the og anime didn't like Akane that much.
>No nipples
>No pubes
What's even the point?
rumiko is cursed in people not liking her selfinserts
I've been ocasionally keeping up with the storytime (hate the schedule) and it really is different from what you people made it out to be
This is almost 40 years old, you can't argue anything
When was the last time you watched a trailer that showed nipples? They don't even do that for ecchi anime.
You're thinking of UY. Ranma was notoriously on a tight budget. It's why the anime got cut short at only the half way mark of the series.
Doesn’t look cute, red hair isn’t red enough, doesn’t make you question if you like the guy or the girl. Remake is a mistake, everyone should buy the VHS instead like the original creators intended.
Urusei Yatsura has a weird, slow, old vibe, it does not stand up today
the og anime started in 1989.
Yay we get the final three arcs or so of the manga! We can finally watch how it ends, and the VA are back. Now I can only hope the original dubbed VAs are coming back too.

Ranmas dub was famously good for a 80's anime
The same autism prevails in anime for remakes like it does video games it seems. Kys.
>granny and gramps vas
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i dont recall a shot as pretty as this in the old anime. mappaGODS are gonna deliver HARD.
Mappa isn't gonna fuck you, anon.
>Now I can only hope the original dubbed VAs are coming back too.
Didn't the og dub constantly change VA's like 20 times over the course of the show's run? Why would it matter if they got new VA's?
How are people coping that this looks bad? The fighting animation looks on par with modern anime despite it being a remake, that almost never happens, and Ranma's figure looks extremely sexy in the leotard, the direction looks spunky and soulful, the washed out aesthetic is perfect for Ranma. I have high hopes, this isn't gonna just be a seasonal slideshow like the UY remake, it's gonna be a certified shonen anime
And the old animators that made the original won't fuck you either.
They removed the gun grabbing bra and many perverted trickery by Ataru. The entire remake was Ataru getting everything for free.
Only retards in general think that brand names are indicative of quality. Learn2staff
you can't just call it a staple of 80s anime when it was mostly done in the 90s
OG fans are always the worst.
Didn't know we had a resident Mappa schizo

Must be a Jujutsu fag
Looks good by Nabiki and Kasumi look way less unique
>Netflix Japan
Can anyone clarify: What role Netflix served on anime's production? Is it a simple license? Is it investor? Was there a deal between them before production?
If Netflix was involved even a little bit, this means this series is ruined. Expect idpol shit.
The fighting looks good. Not flashing light beam shit or random closeups. Actual cheoreographed fights
i already love the pastel coloring, the designs more true to the anime, and her pink hair. is more feminine and emotional, more rumiko, this is all very good. bet itll deliver great romance scenes.
Makes sense that dubfags are the only ones looking forward to this
WSJ fags really think the world revolves around them. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.
>to the anime
*to the manga
anon, netflix in japan usually is just a producer and streamer, it's not like they have any say in what they do in anime itself

That said, it looks like shit
The manga is from the 80's and it's all very 80's styled
>bet itll deliver great romance scenes.
We'll have to wait for Ukyo and Shampoo for that
You will never, ever convince /pol/faggots of this.
No, these were the only changes.
The first female Ranma left after the 6th episode/first OVA. The first male Ranma left after the third season. The male Ranma's had very different voices.
Nabiki's VA left during the second to last season to focus on finishing medical school. She was temporarily replaced by her older sister who sounded almost exactly the same.
Kodachi blew through 3 VAs over the course of the show. Each one of them went for a similar thing, but they sounded different.
>The Guide and Tofu
They got new voices in their later appearances. Tofu's was a pitch-perfect voice match, The Guide's was in the same ballpark as the original.
The pastel coloring is a perfect match for a tгans anime.
I must hear yappapa yappapa!
Ranma fans should be thankful Mappa is wasting their time with this.
No Shampoo boobs = shit, everthing else you said is irrelevant.
are we getting OG Opening or no? cause if not i'll be angry
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>Censored shit
Hard pass
Ranma never had any pubes, anon
Ranma fans wouldn't want a modern remake at all
UY had the fist op as OST (no lyrics), my guess is they will do it again. OP and ED needs to be new songs for marketing reasons
I mean, with Inuyasha being considered basically a classic in the USA and the Urusei Yatsura remake being pretty successful, Rumiko is a real big name among anime, this remake might elevate Ranma to be a seriously profitable series. I hope they make some modern Urusei Yatsura and Ranma movies, that would be cool
The gun grabbing bra was an anime invention. He just accidentally boob snagged in the original manga.
I'd rather keep the lyrics (or even let the VA's update it)
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Super nostalgic for ranma so I'm exc-
The monkey paw curls. How can you even do this series justice without nudity. It's nonsense.
I kinda wanted at least the final arc to be animated, too bad there is a huge chance this will not reach that point
If it's 50 episodes they would have to skip some content
Stop samefagging
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I literally just woke up to the news stop being schizophrenic. Not everyone who disagrees with you is the same person.
yikes mappa reddit shills are already here
Looks pretty good
They made Nabiki cuter than Kasumi.
Bones and Madhouse alone shits on all of those, newfag-kun
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The majority of Ranma's fanbase, when it first aired in Japan, were women.
so heres my thoughts
>Bit better choreography than the original
>Trying to stay closer to the manga than the original
For the original
>Color pallets looked better
(this one is my opinion) Red hair Ranma is better
>less of that newer expressiveness in anime with the background for jokes
>(imo) nudity isn't censored

I guess i'll still watch it but Original Ranma >>>>> Remake it looks like
hopefully all that mermaid fanart gets in
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>Bit better choreography than the original
>Trying to stay closer to the manga than the original
It hasn't even aired yet retard, what do you know about this?
looks fucking great
>what do you know about this?
Considering it's a remake and the animation looks a bit better than the original you could already tell from the trailer. It's how this usually works with updated stuff.
For the whole closer to the manga, again remake and not only that they went to change Ranma's colors to the mangas.
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>It´s necessary to watch something to talk properly about it?
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they will project themselves into it no matter what
can't wait for the inevitable meltdown when the anime remake doesn't cater to their mental illness
>Considering it's a remake
>the animation looks a bit better than the original
Based on what? There's nothing impressive in the trailer what the hell are you talking about?
You must be either
-both at the same time
-both while pretending since you are so retarded you don´t notice.
That's how remakes end up working retard like UY (though that remake was a bit better than this would be)
>Based on what? There's nothing impressive in the trailer what the hell are you talking about?
The current flips in the air from this ranma vs the OG you're acting like i'm saying this is gonna have the best animation ever when that's not what i said. I said it just looked a bit better than the originals thats it.
that looks a hundred times better
MAPPA needs to be dealt with at this point.

How can they keep getting away with destroying so many series without retaliation?
See: latest pokemon games and their "body type 1" and "body type 2".
most cursed series there is
>eyeliner is red/skin-colored
one job
>netflix in japan usually
No, its ALLWAYS just the one who pays for streaming rights or hires a team to make an anime for them..
>That's how remakes end up working
This is just what you think it will be
>The current flips in the air from this ranma vs the OG
So you are saying that this is going to have good animation, even better than the OG because a couple of mediocre animated flips used in the trailer that usually has the best possible animated sequences to attract people to the series, ok.
What does that have to do with Netflix having a say in anime or not?
If you're referring to female nipples, then they did it once in Garo first anime
Uh Oh.. it's trans retcon time.
>bet itll deliver great romance scenes
there are no romance in Ranma, just the usual "battle shonen" with orbiters fighting for Ranma´s atention.
Probably the only that could be labeled as "romance", its probably the older sister of akane.
>comparing late 80s/90s Deen with Crappa
Lol, lmao even.
>How can they keep getting away with destroying so many series without retaliation?
Ask Pierrot too
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>rumiko draws promotional art for new anime
>uses the old colors instead of the new ones
tells you all you need to know how involved she is in this project. she probably hasn't even seen the pv
It's gonna be redeemed if it's an AU where Akane is a lesbo and Ranma stays a girl forever.
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I can recall plenty of shots from the original with far more beautiful colors
>This is just what you think it will be
It's how i've always spotted remakes but again you're taking me out of context
>So you are saying that this is going to have good animation, even better than the OG because a couple of mediocre animated flips
I said SLIGHTLY you fucking mongoloid, comparing those to the OG's you'd fucking understand. Quit trying to make it sound like i said the animation is gonna be so so so much better! When thats not what i said at all.
What's up with this place trying to psyop anons into think mappa doesn't have talented animators on staff?
>Ranmas dub was famously good for a 80's anime
>no nipples
nobody cares
God I understand she's old but her nu-art is just sad to look at
>Checking out how people online react to this
>Almost Everyone seems to be excited about this including gaining back the original voice actors
>4chan(/a/) is the only place that’s complaining largely filled by one guy screaming about nipples
Using the OVAs is cheating.
Shouldve done an AU where Akane keeps her long hair(she always looked much prettier with long hair than short hair)
They get more attention than shitty studios they like more.
Akane with brown hair isn't "old colors" if you're refering to the old anime colors by that though
Try harder

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