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The strongest human
We hate PEDOccolo here.
‘s boyfriend
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More like the gayest.
No new chapter
No new anime
No new anime

There's nothing to discussing in this thread, i am leaving
...is Master Roshi.
I feel like you tell the same guy saying this every thread.
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See you in October
>more kid characters being introduced
and some people thought they would get reverted by Episode 2 or something kek
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Alright, let's get this out there: Tenshinhan, or Tien, is the strongest character in Dragon Ball Z. I know, I know—you're thinking, "But what about Goku, Vegeta, or even Broly?" Let's be real for a second. Those guys get all the flashy transformations and god-tier battles, but Tenshinhan is the unsung hero who embodies true strength and resilience.

First off, Tenshinhan has one of the most diverse arsenals of techniques in the series. The Tri-Beam? It's an attack that can level entire landscapes and even hold back beings way above his power level. Remember when he used it against Semi-Perfect Cell? Tenshinhan was outclassed in raw power, yet he managed to pin Cell down repeatedly, buying precious time for the others. That’s not just strength; that’s strategic brilliance and pure determination.

And let's not forget the Multi-Form Technique. This guy can split himself into four, each as powerful as the original. Imagine the chaos he could unleash if he went all out with this! While others rely on brute force or transformations, Tenshinhan masters the art of battle with skill and cunning. He doesn't need to turn blonde or blue to show his worth.

Moreover, Tenshinhan's martial arts mastery is unparalleled. He trained under Master Shen and later the Crane School, learning techniques that push his body and spirit to the limit. Unlike the Saiyans, who rely on their genetic predispositions, Tenshinhan's power comes from relentless training and an unbreakable will. He’s a human who stands toe-to-toe with gods and aliens, proving that raw determination and skill can surpass inherent power.
And let’s talk about his character. While the Saiyans often get distracted by their pride and personal rivalries, Tenshinhan remains focused and honorable. He consistently puts the greater good above his own desires. In a series where strength often gets measured in flashy power-ups and giant explosions, Tenshinhan's stoic perseverance and tactical acumen highlight what true strength really is.

So, next time you marvel at a Super Saiyan transformation or a godly battle, remember that Tenshinhan is there in the background, holding his own through sheer grit and skill. He might not get the spotlight, but his strength—true, unyielding, and deeply human—is what makes Dragon Ball Z's universe so rich and compelling.
It can't be...
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Goku’s jizz.
The emote used to represent Goku looks more like Jesus than Goku.
…is still stuck in his balls while Bejita’s is all over Chi-Chi’s face.
You will never be white.
poa da poa da poa poa poa da poa da poa
poa da poa da poa poa poa da poa da poa

furofushi motome namekku sei idou
sensenfukoku tamini ninau
senryou shihai kuroi kemui
moura "kimi chiri tamae"
Nigemadou muteikou minzoku
Hirefusu mono sae subete yakitsukusu
daigyakusatsu buryoku dan atsu dokusaishugisha
waratte fumitsubusu
Raditz Nappa RESTORER
Kiwi sama akenaku sokushi
doumou Dodoria oubou
sono ni ude pink pink pink
atama no naka sick sick sick
fuyuu shita vehicle
sentouryoku go juu san man
Meikyuuiri HISTORY
NO chitsujo kunikari
JUSTICE nana tsu tama
koppamijin ni keshitobasu
sono mushikera obikidasu
SCOUTER kurutte kurasshu
Ima...miseyou...shin no sugata wo...
kami gamo taru henbou
koukai nado osoi
biri biri biri daichi ga yureru
zuki zuiki zuiki kizu ga itamu
biri biri biri taiki ga uneru
Sono furue wa DARK SIDE
Hadou ooana GALAXY
Yudan wana PARASITE
Obienaku wa warera min
rankaku ranbatsu rankaihatsu
koko de kurikaesareru shizen hakai
gyakutai goumon jinken naku
Uetsuketa no wa PROPAGANDA
Nigemadou muteikou minzoku
Hirefusu mono sae subete yakitsukusu
daigyakusatsu buryoku dan atsu dokusaishugisha
waratte fumitsubusu
sono ni ude pink pink pink
atama no naka sick sick sick
fuyuu shita vehicle
sentouryoku go juu san man
Meikyuuiri HISTORY
NO chitsujo kunikari
JUSTICE nana tsu tama
…unlike Chi-Chi when she’s covered in Bejita’s cum.
Who is this fag? Is he going to introduce the strongest human?
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holey crap
hi @ajz092
>This guy can split himself into four, each as powerful as the original.
It's obviously a copypasta but it's funny how it managed to get this wrong.
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To think that all my heroes are manlets. With 2 inch shoes I'm damn near 6'5. Meanwhile SHARTku is 5'7 and Bejita 5'3. They are like children to me.
Bejita is 6'8.
Do not question CHADgpt-sama.
...is what you'd think if only meassuring his dick.
Mario's devoted bro'd never
Experts in Several Languages OWN these halls.
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Goku just walked in on ______
Your mindbrokenness
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He should shower, I can literally SEE the stench coming out of his body
>OG DB: Goku is the sole protagonist
>beats every major villain, at best assisted by others
>DBZ: Gohan appears and becomes a deuteragonist
>now both him and Goku beat main villains, he even gets some movies to himself
>DBS: Bejita replaces Gohan as a deuteragonist
>doesn't beat a single major antagonist;
Gohan gets a movie when he kills one again though
To be fair, Goku only beat Freeza "solo". He had way more solo victories in OG.
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>Kidnaps a child after killing his father
>Beats him and forces him to get naked and play dress up
Piccolo is a menace to society
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Gotard doesn't care whether he got cucked or not, bejita would cry if bulma touch another man
Universe-warping SEX with Bejita...
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The unreachable pinnacle of power.
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Ten is a faggot and a cuckold.
Sex with Gigi
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...the jobbing competition.
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Tenshinhan? A Hero in these Halls.
...in my insane headcanon.
Pedoshinhan? A hero of nothing. He's forgotten and nobody in Japan likes him.
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He will defeat the Omni King and become the ruler of the whole multiverse. He promised it. Just watch as the mad lad actually goes and manages to pull it off and becomes the one who ultimately defeats Zeno. It's only a matter of time.
Zeno's head is too big for him to schlurp.
>He will SLURP the Omni King and become the Fellatio Empreror of the whole multiverse
…is me. I’m currently looking at the weakest human.
....when I look into a mirror.
Favorite literotica story?
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This strikes fear into the Gokeks heart
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>arguing with a guy about Goku vs naruto, luffy and ichigo
>eventually his argument becomes "the big 3 are faster because Dragon Ball does not have any concrete FTL feats"
>my counter is that Roshi and Krillin did a bunch of movements in 1 second back in OG and characters have gotten much much faster since
>he replies with: "if dragon ball characters are FTL then why did time passed when Broly, Goku and Bejita fought? they started fighting in the morning and the fight ended at night"
>i have no counter
>i stop replying
I'm sorry scholars...
Dr. Piccolo's Extra Heavy Dosage.
It's OK, Tardkubro
Do humans usually have three eyes?
>Daima won
It's over for Toyokeks and Superkeks...
Do humans usually shoot ki blasts and fly in aird unsupported?
>if dragon ball characters are FTL then why did time passed when Broly, Goku and Bejita fought
that's a stupid argument because time also passes when characters in bleach, one piece and naruto fight.
by that logic basically no character in fiction is ftl.
Best friends.
...and SHARTku.
The strongest human
>Mr. Satan
Savior of the universe. Defeated Cell, Bojack, Kid Buu and Beerus
One of the strongest contenders in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Held his own against Semi-Perfect Cell and Majin Buu

Every one besides those two are weaklings that should not be taken seriously
Vegeta would not eat greasy junk food with lots of fatty content, he would have a healthy diet that adheres to the food pyramid.
Shittyen Shithan.
> Vegeta
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That THIEVING little fuck...
TenShinHan could've obliterated the shit out of Freeza, the Androids, SS Bejita and fused Piccolo with the same Kikoho he used on Cell. He was the strongest character in that point of the series.
I'm short and I feel represented.
If he's human why does he have 3 eyes instead of just 2
Bullshit. You saw him gorging on a bucket of instant ramen.
>TenShinHan could've
But he couldn't because he's a jobber and a cuckold.
>With 2 inch shoes I'm damn near 6'5
Look at this fag who likes wearing heels
Instant ramen is nowhere near as unhealthy as a gigantic battered up fried lamb chop like in that picture. He would not sully his body like that.
Goku is 5'9 and he's my height.
Just because characters are faster than light doesn't mean they can't also be fighting for hours on end.
instant ramen absolutely is dogshit. even if you ignore the sodium and empty carbs, it comes in a plastic container that you pour hot water into.
Didn’t the Broly fight happen on another planet anyway? That’s pretty retarded to take as an example since we don’t know how long days are there.
Oh also the fact that it’s quite literally noncanon.
The motherfucking reigning monarch of every single Saiyan to exist is more powerful than a mere cup of instant ramen. That stuff does not even AFFECT him. It goes right through him harmlessly.
That alone was a better feat than anything Yamcha or Cucklin ever did

Nah, DB ended with the third tournament. Son Goku, as the monkey king rip off he originally was, is the strongest human or rather mortal. Screw saiyans and all that alien shit. Embrace classic DB.
Tenshinhan was weaker than Yajirobe at the point of his introduction.
...on opposite day.
humans don't have 3 eyes
But subhumans like Ten do.
You know what else goes right through him?
>The motherfucking reigning monarch of every single Saiyan to exist is more powerful than a mere cup of instant ramen
But not strong enough for lamb chops apparently. Fucking retard.
Ten is shit.
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Death beam.
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Finally, someone of taste enters this thread
Ten is garbage.
Ten is a pedo.
normal summon robina
Ten is a faggot.
HunterDEITY... I kneel...
Ten is a jobber.
Ten never wins and can only sin. He belongs in the trashbin.
The PEDOccolofag is mindbroken over Tenshinhan again.
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Kek this is canon now
Everyone hates your three-eyed jobber, trash.
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Shame on you, Krillcuck. You continue to post cuck fantasies. You are the only reason it keeps corrupting these halls. No one else does it. You must be punished. No wonder 18 fucks Tien.
I like Vegita because he's a manlet full of rage just like me
K, c.
Toyo won
Toei won
/dbs/ lost
>that jobber
>that post

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