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...for another Mai-Hime series?
No. The cop out ending ruined it all.
You had Otome.
Didn't they say there will be one? Like in 18000 years or something?
Otome ruin the franchise. Otome manga was better.
New Mai-Hime series has been on the planning stages for a very long time. Sunrise has been talking about this for a while.
The ending wasn't THAT terrible.
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>Sequel to the biggest Yuribait series of the 00s

>Plot is about a girl who wants to fuck her father
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>Plot is about a girl who wants to fuck her father
I know, right? It's perfect.
Otome isn't a sequel dumbfuck.
Yes, I want a new Mai-series.
Give me more Mai fanservice, no more bullshit.
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I like Otome.
>I like Otome.
You're the problem.
Mai Hime movie is fake trailer.
If they do Natsuki's prelude anime I will watch it.
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No Shizuru no watch.

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