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>classic VN / eroge / bishoujoge nostalgia pandering
>character designs by Tatsuki Amaduyu, veteran leaf/aquaplus artist responsible for ToHeart2, Dungeon Travelers, Utawarerumono, etc
>extreme PC-98 autism
>anti-gacha sentiment, laments the state of modern bishoujoge in general
>pokes fun at American media for being full of ugly girls; major plot point around this
>calls out AI art (and AI in general) used for making games as soulless; major plot point around this
>cutest protagonist(s) and best hetero romance in years
This anime was made for me. No one can convince me otherwise.
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Correction, character designs by Mitsumi Misato AND Tatsuki Amaduyu. They work on most games together and their styles are pretty similar, but you can tell them apart by their eyes. Right = Mitsumi Misato, Left = Tatsuki Amaduyu.

You can tell Konoha was designed by Mitsumi Misato from her eyes.
>their grand plan to revolutionizing the bishoujo scene and making the game of her dreams is to make a shitty gacha moege but on the PC-98
Nah it was trashy
it was trash that had nothing to do with eroge besides 10 minutes across the entire show dedicated to talking about cg coloring
I’ve always hated eroges because 99% of them are exactly what Miyazaki has described stuff made by people that are too afraid to interact with other people.
I liked the manga's greater focus on the historical evolution/development of the eroge industry.

Konoha's time travel hijinks actively detracted from the plot.
The anime was shit.
kill yourself
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pure cinema.
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You first, faggot.

could have been good if it actually focused on retro or better yet on old VNs instead of whatever the fuck
So, I'm not the only one that liked that show, nice to know. I was there mostly for my retrocomputing autism and bc it was cute, though it was nice seeing it turn more towards sci-fi near the end.
>become a rich old genX chad so he can financially support his time-travelling zoomette wife and their many children
an absolute legend
>anti-gacha sentiment
>mc literally pops up a gacha in her phone and seethes -because- the American got a hold of it
Yeah, it wasn't made for me. maybe if you're the type to pretend to hate gacha to fit in then play them haha but ehh.
Good taste.
This was the only show to come out in the past half a decade to hook me in enough that I spent 4 hours late up at night marathoning it. I thought /a/ would love it to death, but seeing that didn't get much attention reminded me that /a/ was dead.
You sound young and unfamiliar with the subject. I suggest you stop posting about it.
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Don't forget it depicts an age gap romance.
Disprove what I’ve said. Miyazaki was right about all of this otaku trash
You might be retarded if you liked it, it was the same modern shit but they mentioned old PCs lol
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Disprove what? You made a misquote out of context, that's all.
This anime was buried for telling the truth about Windows and Microsoft
It was like reading an essay on the roots of bishoujoge, what it's like now, and what it will be like in the future, put into anime form. And they were spot on. If you didn't realize that then you're just unfamiliar with the subject.
Nope, I gave it a context. What Miyazaki has said is a problem that affects all otaku media, which disgusts me.
>Shitty modern digital drawn/colored moe trash
Yeah fuck off
Yeah, that was fun.
>>pokes fun at American media for being full of ugly girls; major plot point around this
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it said nothing about visual novels besides hurrdurr gachaslop and f/go exists, faggot. Namedropped a few mediocre old games and thats about it. Wasn't even an accurate view of the industry.
Genuinely kill yourself. Even the oldge its supposed to praise were more than just "lmao cute girls" - that describes modern garbage. Either a larper imbecile or your brain's rotten
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Am I supposed to care about the opinion of someone who plays English translations of visual novels?
Neutral party here, you’ve won.
>no argument
>im smart because I MTL and read at a gradeschooler's pace
kek even worse you're lkely SEA
And thats assuming you didnt just switch the language to take a screenshot, loser.
kill yourself
what does it make for itself?
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A bishoujo game getting wildly popular in the US caused the industry to move there, henceforth making games and heroines that appealed to American tastes (not unlike how SONY and CAPCOM operate today).
Given the way anime is going to cater to the West and is using AI its safe to safe to say 16 Bit won in that Cuu won.
16 Bit is also what Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers wanted to be but unlike the former 16 Bit didn't hate its audience and wanted to tell a good story and warn the audience which it succeeded in both.
very Cuu
it was not bad, but left me wanting more. Still kinda annoyed the other characters didn't ahve more screentime
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It would've been great if we could get a second cour with more buildup and info on the Echos. Unfortunately 2-cours for an anime original is almost unheard of nowadays.
>anime original
Mamoru-kun FUCKING WON
>Rich as shit
>Managed to revive PC-98
>got a young cute wife at 40+
Not that anon but the anime is pretty much an "anime original" it barely has anything to do with the manga
Dropped it after the dishonest kusoge shilling in episode 1
Mamoru won.
I miss her squeaky voice
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The ending left a lot to be desired, both in that it felt rushed and because it could have been happier. I wouldn't have minded if the merger plot was dropped entirely to give more time to Konoha's game and her trip back to 1999. Also, despite Konoha's efforts to restore Akihabara as an otaku hub, Alcohol Soft still moved to America? What a bummer.

>larping as an enlightened oldfag while relying on fan translations
You're incapable of reading anything but the most popular of popular VNs that were well-liked enough to receive a fan translation, yet think you can speak on what is or isn't an "accurate view of the industry"? You can't even give an accurate description of the game you posted, you're reading fanfiction bro.
I've hated it because we don't have a time traveling retard, we are stuck in the shittiest timeline.
>16bit thread
>no mention of her pits
It was good and had a pertinent message but the message of the anime and bolt on to the manga was a mess.
Did you know NEC dabbled in "laptops" back in the 90s? The had a line of computers called pc98 note, that were portable only in name, really. Big clunky machines that still needed a mouse, but did have an on-board battery, built in keyboard, and floppy drive.
I was able to pick one up and am working on repairs right now. It's a cool bit of the 98's history.
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>character designs by Tatsuki Amaduyu
>anti-gacha sentiment
Incredibly ironic
It was made for me actually.
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This statement is very ironic considering that several iconic PC-98 eroge have themes that are very critical of the medium and their audience, >>268920537 even posted a screenshot from one
No use reasoning with retards. Good writing is lost on them.
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this could have been you if you had just rejected windowsu, anon
>calls out AI art (and AI in general) used for making games as soulless; major plot point around this
The scary part about this is that when it was airing, using AI art in games was barely happening. Now in just the span of a few months, the amount of games using AI art for promotional material has skyrocketed, and it's only a matter of time before AI art being used in games is the "standard".

I have no idea how to stop it.
spinoff where Mamoru-kun travels to the past to prevent the widespread adoption of Windows when?
>tfw you will never have a cute young wife who groomed you into the perfect husband when you were a teenager
all I got for rejecting windows was a neckbeard and loneliness
sorry bro that one ends up with Japan getting nuked a third time
I hate the fucking soulless retards that keep masturbating at the thought of AI art replacing everything.
Meiko should have been the mc of the anime and they should have adapted the manga straight
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I'm still angry I was tricked into watching this garbage.
Yuri plotline for no reason... my girl was scorned...
Humans need to be replaced on every conceivable level.
Many creators are married they also go to schools and meet fans. Now fuck off.
It didn't really poke fun so much as it illustrated the difference in depictions of young girls in American media. They're tough, cool, Amazonian women. The Japanese version of Saber, on the other hand, radiates youthfulness and sexuality while also being equipped to fight.
New tech is being used the horror. If AI evolved ad used as a tool to make it easier to draw it wouldn't be a problem.
You don't get to stop it in games. You don't even get to stop it on this board. I'd say all of the big shounen series' threads, and half of the other threads on the catalog are being filled with AIslop. Go into a Girls Und Panzer or Lucky Star thread even, you would think oldfags would have some sense and rail back against this but they seem to enjoy having one person come in and fill the thread with garbage so long as Konata or Darjeeling has their armpits exposed or whatever, like you can't find a million non-AI images doing exactly that. AI is taking over and people are fine with it
There are really only two good outcomes. Either A) humans stay involved in all fields or B) we somehow imbue AI with soul.
The latter is possible but the trajectory isn't good at the moment. 16bit is where we're heading.
The age gap gives old men like me hope we don't have to settle for used up old roasties with blown out pussies
Yeah, all you have to do to land your zoomer bride is to become the bajillionaire CEO of a tech megacorporation. Seems easy enough.
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I loved the ending.
Creating a new dev team through procreation.
I forgot to mention that I'm from reddit, hated the age gap, and trans
It was funny that this anime had the same garbage plot just like your average VN.
I hated the second half of this because it was scarily accurate to what's starting to happen to the anime and Japanese game industry right now.
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stop bumping your own shitty thread already, no one liked that garbage and you'd have better luck forcing "muh AI bad" elsewhere
maybe on planet retard
post the planet and lets see if I belong
good morning saars
That's moe as fuck
My dad, at 55 got a 25 year old gf from a micro-island outside Africa and now live happily together with their child.
You just need to put in the effort to
age gracefully and some luck.
oldge were just better.
Get fucked
Should have ended with MoT, it lived long enough to become the villain
Miyazaki is a narcissistic boomer
I don't care that he won an award or two or made some good anime
he's the type of person that doesn't appreciate others work no matter what. I bet if his own work wasn't critically acclaimed, he would do everything to bring other artists down.
The fun continues, they teased a new Uta on their youtube for some anniversary recently. Surely an actual game without multiverse gacha cancer.

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