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Chapter 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73: >>268615062
Chapter 74
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Yo opchama
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end of chapter
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Thanks opsama
cake feet juice
he got it
thanks, OP
You look very warm Nono-san
Kind of wondering if we'll get a chapter from Senpai-san's POV. Obviously we root for Haida-san, but I'd like for once to see that sort of complication where two sympathetic characters have opposing desires.
Thank you for posting.
I'm trying to sleep.
The ntr doujin tainted this wholesome series for me, its vile how the art is to similar to the original manga.
just don't read it
I don't understand what just happened. I am too autistic or too male?
There isn’t any though. The only remotely similar artstyle to Ojiro’s I know of is Arai Kei’s and the only NTR they did was the one with Chion-san.
Not yet.
Thanks OP!
You look very warm Nono-san
You look very warm Nono-san
He commented on her arm control few pages earlier, basically she wants pointers on how to throw better
You look very warm Nono-san
Thanks, OP. Haifa’s fallen and he can’t get up.
You look very warm Nono-san.
Can someone please make an AMV of this with this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTWqwSNQCcg I feel like it would destroy me
I don't have the skills.
Then why didn't she say anything earlier, rather than running off? There's a significant chance he would have come to the conclusion that he was bothering her and just let her go. Did she decide she wanted to play catch on that exact page? If so, why did stumbling after her saying "Why..? Tell me..." change her mind?

You're like 15 years off, time traveller-kun.
Maybe she was just fickle like a cat.
This series always cures mine
This time I will defeat insomnia.
Did you tell Nono-san she looks very warm?
makes sense if shes seriously locked in and unless hes serious about whatever he's yapping about I'd ignore him too. I guess he proved himself by chasing her until she finished her workout.
keep in mind hes not well liked to start with iirc
You look very warm Nono-san
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Chapter 75
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You look very warm Nono-san
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Jealous Kani is jealous
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>Mayo beam
Kani channeling her inner Aru. Zannen
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end of chapter
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>Squid ink
Ika noko noko noko
So fucking smug, i love her
that's something, I guess
thanks opsama
Thank you for posting.
What a funny looking deer.
Cute fashion.
This crab needs to get a boyfriend.
>14 years
>married with kids
I sure fucking hope so!
Thanks, anon. Kani has a cute butt.
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That's a cozy looking sweater
Time to sleep.
Go back to the end of the first chapter
Nice catch.
wakey wakey
I got some sleep this time.
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Evil Kani needs correction
Those rice chibis are so odd.
I can't get no sleep.
Watch me shift this baby into oversleep.
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Don't fall asleep now!
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Does squid ink taste different from regular ink?
we didn't sleep all night
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I... geso
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Chapter 76
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Yo opchams
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end of chapter
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Oh shit, they found the Doom Train!
Thanks opsama
Thank you for posting.
So fucking perfect! I love her so much
The art in this series is damn wonderful
I'm going to challenge insomnia and win!
I feel it.
I did not win...
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Holy shit!
Why so violent?
That wagon must have many stories to tell.
Jealous Kani is jealous
How long has it been there?
Since the 7G incident
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This railway line was shut down in 2005, so around that time. The train is no longer there btw, it was removed in 2022
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>it was removed in 2022
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It did...
Sunday is a good day for not getting any sleep.
But can the Doom Train play Doom?
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You look very warm Nono-san
around the same time the anime got popular, no? If thats the case then it checks out
Damn, that's cold.
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Chapter 77
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Yo opchama, happy sunday!
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end of chapter
thanks opsama
He really is determined to become a heart surgeon.
Thank you for posting.
I am experiencing it in real-time.
Same, I don't feel tired right now but I haven't been able to sleep more than like three hours a night for the past couple days
One day we will win.... but not today.
I am awake... but at what cost?
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She is not quite a doe eyed in the anime. I guess it's the difference in mediums.
Thank you, OP.
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I take back what I said. It was spot on.
You look very warm Nono-san
It's pretty much a requirement for the job.
Ready for some Dork girl feels?
why doesn't he try to sleep now? didn't he always have the best sleep with her?
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Looks a little less cozy than in the manga.
looks like he doesn't have time to sleep now
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Chapter 78
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yo opchama
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end of chapter
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
No clue, but it does taste weird as fuck if you ever had dried squid.
Very cute dork

Very flustered dork

Poor dork
thanks, OP
the best
thanks opsama
I feel bad for her. I volunteer to be her bf!
>squid ink
jojo storytime when
was this manga set in ishikawa specifically so that this eclipse could pass over it?
or was the eclipse unknown to the author at the outset, and only found out about later?
oh my goodness graciousness
Haida is such a bro.
it's already raining
I thought Shiro's knees were something else in the thumbnail...

He's no Ukegawa, but he's really grown on me
Grab a brush?
hey your crush is here with their partner...
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Thank you for posting.
You look very warm Nono-san
I don't think you trust in my self-righteous suicide
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At least you're using weird and not terrible.
Very comfy girl
I get her, shit hurts
What a dork.
Does Makein have any association with Kimisomu's author/anime staff in some way? I know it has something to do with another anime I watched, but I don't remember which one.
Anyway, I haven't watched it, does it have yurishit?
>does it have yurishit?
Haven't seen anything yet beyond the standard "two girls talked they're clearly in love" mental gymnastics stuff. Only on the second episode though.
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It's just a coincidence I think. Here's a relevant excerpt from an interview with Ojiro

>"Kimi wa Hōkago Insomnia" began serialization in 2019. Please tell us about the concept that led to the creation of this story, and how Ganta and Isaki were born.

When I was planning my next work, there were several keywords such as "insomnia," "secret base," and "high school students by the sea." I had always been interested in Noto, and when I visited Nanao City for local research, I found that it was the perfect setting for the story. Furthermore, I found a high school with an astronomical observatory, and decided that this was the place for me. The "astronomy club" element was also born from that astronomical observatory. Isaki was the first character to be created. At first, she was tall, but I expanded on the image of Vanellope* to become the Isaki we know today. I had never drawn a protagonist with glasses before, and I wanted to try it, so I included Ganta this time.

*seems like that's a character from a Disney movie "Wreck it Ralph"

the rest is here: https://kimisomu-anime.com/news/post-staff4
Thanks. Having multiple girls, a show in 2k24 raises more red flags than the people at Chinese New Year, so I thought it was best to be wary, especially after the last season. I'll try it and hope for the best.
how soon is now?
When will then be now?
Maybe we've passed now and need to go back.
OP is fucking dead.
He's just sleeping, I know it looks like someone died when you've got insomnia but he'll wake up eventually
So you're saying OP will rise from the dead like Jezus?
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Chapter 79
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I love how often he’s visiting her even through the thick of rain.
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end of chapter
you look warm nono-san
>japan is unique: we have 4 seasons
>the area with the largest snowfall only snows in december
thanks, OP
It’s a subtle portrayal of setting and respecting boundaries here in this scene that I really enjoy Ojiro’s experience as a writer. Ganta respects the space Isaki wants but wants to stay close to show he still cares, so there’s a compromise. He’s genuinely a great kid.
thanks opsama
Thank you for posting.
thank you
Ganta, you fucked up

love that chapter
You missed a page
OP needs to ask us a damn question already.
The author understands these dynamics so well.
Very cute.
It's not a pleasant taste. If I had a choice, I'd rather they removed the ink sacs from them.
Yeah, there’s just a certain maturity between these two that really makes me attached to their relationship. Like they’re mature for their age but it’s grounded where it shows they’re still kids. Some series really lean on one side or the other too much. For example, as I much as I adore Skip and Loafer, some of the conversations really take me out of the scenes due to how unnaturally mature they make the characters sound, where it should be experienced adults saying those things. Of course there’s the opposite case where teens are way too immature, in which the authors don’t give them enough credit to be straightforward like how Ganta and Isaki are with each other. Teens are still young but they are near the stage of adulthood so you can expect to see some signs of maturity.
Is it an option or is it integral to the dish?
It's a fine line but she manages to stay on it. I could never write this stuff myself. And of course the paneling for it is perfect.
That's such a specific thing to call out.
Thanks, OP.
Great chapter.
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Gonna stop lurking innathread to thank OP for the dump for once. Remember to eat your food anons!
oba gyoza
wake up?
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He's sleeping
Soon for real
My sixth sense is telling me OP is near.
My sixth sense is telling me OP is dead.
Looks like he also missed a page here: >>269132376 >>269132464

Also, why are her parents cool with him visiting her? I thought they hated him, but it seems like this manga just sorta treats them like they don't exist.
Right now.
Clearly not afflicting OP right now.
OP why have you forsaken us?
>inb4 OP had a congenital heart defect and died
OP was too busy making Gyoza to post here.
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oh fug
It's time for us to speculate baselessly on what might have happened to OP.
Russian Sleep Experiment
I have no idea what that means but I totally buy it.
Do you think we'll ever see OP again?
In our dreams
Is that where the new chapters will be posted? Sasuga.
This time OP will make it.
He's just gone out for some smokes
OP was so embarrassed about missing those 2 pages he ran away.
When shall we start the process to elect a new Opchama?
And it's not even how it works, not really
someone post the chapter while op is back from wherever he's at
where is op?
Anyone wanna take bets on what board/thread OP was shitposting on to earn his vacation?
that would explain a lot
Wake up!
Sleep... while you can.
He really did get a 3 day ban, didn't he...
I nominate you.
>3 day
Let's hope there isn't a zero at the end of that...

If drafted, I will not run; if nominated, I will not accept; if elected, I will not serve.
If he got banned I kinda expect a phone-post letting us know.
Here lies OP, he never dumped
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RIP, OP-kun
I'll post those 2 missing pages from chapter 79
Page 4
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Page 15
Do you want me to temporarily take it over? What's the point in bumping the thread if we don;t know what happened to OP?
Post the 2 missing chapters.
>Do you want me to temporarily take it over?
Yeah, get us caught up with where we'd be today
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OK, here chapter 80
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End of volume 9. It ends with 2 preview pages with some spoilers, don't look if you're reading it for first time
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That's it for now. I'll dump chapter 81 in about 8 hours if nothing changes
>I'll dump chapter 81 in about 8 hours if nothing changes
This was the last post ever made by new-dumpy. Researchers are still trying, to this day, to decipher its cryptic meaning.
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Don't you call me d-word ever again
Whatever you say Neo-dumpy
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Dumpy would never lie to us, right?
Thank you for posting, stand-in OP.
Sure, as long as you keep dumping.
You can always trust dumpy, no matter what he says.
the brow is essential
Mani is so cute.
i used 3 action points to check in on Dumpy, and nothing will change until tomorrow, so everything is in your hands Dumpy the second
I believe in Dumpy Deux.
Now the parents are really using their brains.
This right here is how you show intimacy.
Of all the times I think they looked so married to each other, this is the one that stands out the most. When I say there’s a certain gentleness to this series that latches like a vice to my heart, it’s scenes like these that remind me how really in love two people can be without the giant explosion of emotions and excitement that I feel many read romance series for, though that’s completely valid in itself. Just seeing a couple like Ganta and Isaki vibe and melt into each other like this really changed my perspective on romance when I first saw it. These teens are quite ahead of the game as a high school couple.
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So cuuuute
The dumpy is dead, long live the dumpy!

>Shiromaru chapter coming up
Good. It's been to fucking long.
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Chapter 81
And you'd better behave, No-dumpies
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kotatsu neko
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OK, that's it. I'll be back tomorrow, same time...
...Or will I? Who knows, maybe there's actually a CURSE that makes everyone who dares to dump Insomniacs on /a/ suddenly disappḗ
I knew it, all of this time it was Candlejack who's behind the dumpy disap
hopes for the future
thanks opsama, please don't disappear
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Dumpy the second, you should be able to relax, Dumpy mama will return
>that note
Yeah, he’s fucking smooth with it. Thanks dumpy 2.0, stay safe from the curse with my prayers.
>stuttering in text
Thank you for posting, dumpy n2.
>replying to every post
Fucking why? Be better.
dreamworks face snowman
I love that cliche
I agree it's pointless, but I don't think we can be very choosy if we want this daily to continue.
Fatass catloaf
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Neko no otera no Chion san is my favourite manga from this mangaka. It turned me into an anal fag. Be sure to marry your big busted long distant cousin living in the countryside /a/.
It's like the snowman is embarrassed by him.
>Big busted
I'm not disagreeing but, when I think of Chion, her bust isn't the part of her anatomy that immediately comes to mind
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sou desu ne

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