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Let us continue, Nadekochads! Let's support our favorite mangaka! All five sides of her combine into one big heart.
top 3 dumbest characters
1. karen
2. nadeko
3. ononoki
these are also the hottest ones
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what are n-words opinions on tokyo ordinance
who is nishio's favorite character?
for someone whose 11, snail sure shakes her ass a lot
ononoki isn't dumb, she's quite smart actually
I wonder how Karen would react if she finds out Tsukihi's oddity
people might say that purely from recency bias
shes not that dumb in previous seasons
what if her dumbness was covered up by kagenui
Catfags shall prevail! Catfags reigns supreme!
How bad is it to be Ononoki anyway? I know "Would you like it if a wizard turned you into X?" subjects are usually pretty trite, but in this case the degree of satisfaction of various oddities with their own mode of existence is explored in the show. If a wizard turned you into his immortal corpse doll shikigami what would you make of it?
>you can be an immortal little girl but you have to always speak in monotone and sometimes you have to let an older woman step on you
sign me up
twin tail or mirror short hair math?
mirror math 6 days a week, terminally depressed math one day a week to keep things fresh
what if mentally ill math finds out you're cheating on her with mirror math?
i meant in the same body, but imagine the maths fighting over you (they're both mentally ill just in different ways)
Well, you'd also be room temperature and that older woman's slave. Although Kagenui doesn't keep Ononoki on a short leash, Ononoki made it clear she would be forced to follow an order to fight Araragi.
how is mirror math mentally ill? she seemed quite normal
she's more obsessed and slutty than slut nadeko and every time koyomi backs away in the slightest she's clearly panicking
Liking math is a mental illness all its own
t. measure theory student
she's just a maiden in love and under the effect of the "real' koyomi
that's fair
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she won. how do snakesisters cope?
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Nadeko is a positive force in the universe!
canonically by not even trying to win
snakebros have 5 wives and you only have one
crab is a trad jap women who doesnt care if his husband cheats as long as its not serious
thats why araragi has a blonde loli slave and is allowed to kiss girls under 15 without punishment
also crab does remarks like "if a better guy comes along I'll just hop on that train" because a jealous possessive woman would just lie and say "Im 100% dedicated to you forever so you must stay pure as well"
so snakesisters are unfaithful and don't truly love their partner? for shame, sister, for shame
is etoile and et toi supposed to sound the same? I don't speak French so they sound very similar if not the same to me.
they're all the same wife. it's not cheating. dedicating yourself to the same woman in 5 different stages of her life simultaneously is the purest love imaginable.
I didn't know kizu had a vr thing. I feel like VR can be a good medium to experience the series
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>girls under 15 without punishment
Hachikuji Mayoi is 21 years old
there should be a law to protect that smile
Nadeko isn’t the prettiest.
Or the biggest.
Or the flattest.
Or the shortest.
Why does she need rape correction the most though?
Oh nisigod and shinbochad, VR for all episodes while the given characters do the commentaries right next to you when?
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The scene of Araragi desperately trying to come up with ways of saving Hachikuji from the Darkness is probably my favorite Monogatari scene. It's just so touching and so sweet in such a sad way
hachikuji is too fucking pure for this shit world. even though she's passing on, she still reassures araragi it's okay and he should head back to spend time with senjougahara
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My goddess Hachikuji deserves nothing but happiness
May your days be blessed, fellow Mayoi protectors
she deserves everything. it would've been interesting had she somehow reincarnated as araragi and senjougahara's daughter.
her kissing araragi made me cry
She's way too stupid this season to ignore though. So many colossal fuckups.
I feel like the music and excessive crying were a bit over the top
in the novels araragi was just hyping how spectacularly shed bite her tongue saying his name for the last time
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>a bit over the top
She was literally going to die. She was being punished for the crime of wanting to live without hurting others. She did absolutely nothing wrong and because of that she was expected to die. How could you not cry? It's so unfair that it makes me physically sick
which one do you like more?
the harp rolls and echoing clapper are trying a bit too hard for an epic feel, but i'll still take shide no tori.
the music is awesome though
I feel a connection to Nadeko as one of the few anime characters that shares my birthday.
weird how the composer can casually produce such an iconic theme for low budget anime series
are you also a horny JC?
speaking of music, I'm here to shill /a/ band if you don't know about them
which band?
It's not particularly low budget
I just linked it
they do orchestral renditions of anime songs
I think this is their most well known piece
Now that she's the god of the Shirahebi shrine that won't happen. Also I doubt they'd want to have children anyway considering it would be some half human half quasi vampire abomination.
>Also I doubt they'd want to have children anyway considering it would be some half human half quasi vampire abomination.
it would be cute. a story about koyomi and senjougabara being parents and shinobu is just there
call it 子ど物語 or some shit like that. my japanese sucks
pretty sure they'll have a child in the future
They managed to make hachikuji's openings sound beautiful, I'm impressed
Do you think they'll do character openings for yoi, amari and ougimonogatari? These books don't really focus on one of the main girls. I think it'd be fine if they don't force more character songs on these books
>153cm 38kg
Nadeko is as tall as me!
are you also 38kg?
reminder that oddities are merely pataphorical expressions of psychological abnormalities
so no, she's not 11, and no, she's not actually dead
anon she's fucking dead, if she's a metaphor for anything it's in araragi's head.
her oddity is "dead", not her herself
she's not Araragi's oddity, since she actually existed/s in the town
I still don't understand why they removed the IP count
So i could samefag more easily
secret normie conspiracy to turn everyone into easily identifiable tripfags
I cummed for the first time in four days and it didn't really feel that good. Maybe I should stop fapping all together....


Also why is the first ED still the best one ?

ED 1 is prime feelslop, but it's odious feelslop that feels like it's only relatable to yourself and not to anyone else, and that's why it's the best. Oh and Ueda is a genius
>he doesnt know what happens in mitome wolf
I dont want it to be adapted bros
but why? Punished Hanekawa kinda based ngl
Captcha: mdyks
I remember when I held back on ejaculation for 30 days, that the first time after that felt like pure pain. Sadly it's not as pleasurable as doujins make it out to be
How does it feel to see that you could have become a stacy?
I haven't ejaculated for 13 years and still haven't gotten the balls cancer everyone says I'm going to get
Granted, I haven't gotten anything else out of it, seeing as I'm wasting all that surplus time talking to you fags
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H-how old are you 伯父さん?
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28, started lurking in 2007.
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No nut november? But yeah, I'm kind of a chronic fapper, twice a day usually, so going for four days withoout I was expecting something more. It did actually feel a little more uncomfortable than usual and the ammount was higher, but eh....
How does a healthy 15 year boy decide he's not going to fap anymore. And you said ejaculate so that means no wife, or gf as well...
I got exposed to some nasty scat porn as a prank when I was 9 and from then on, all porn merged into all the other dark shit that I hunted for entertainment at the time, thus all sex became just haha and not a desire. Had sex at 11, tried fapping a few times during high school because I was persuaded by peers that I should. Not exactly healthy I guess, but I consider it a win, looking at modern women
>Scat porn ruined all porn for him
Weird, it gave me a scat fetish instead.
Well I don't think it was just that. The timing was bad I guess? Or maybe I'm just extra weird.
What is known about Nisioisin's personal life? I wonder this about Japanese authors in general but especially him. How do they acquire so much wisdom when they've probably had very easy/privileged lives? At least with post-WW2 authors like Miyazaki you know they seen some shit.
Oddities are not "ataphorical expressions of psychological abnormalities". Your headcanon is not canon.
You don't have to be an old man to know how to read a book.
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>Punished Hanekawa
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well your headcanon is less interesting than mine, so guess what my answer to that is, bitch
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Nadeko butt
Commentaries are their own canon I guess but Karen said she's fine with it
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>snail expresses hatred and love to araragi
>snake is closed off + love
>crab is tsun + dere
>hanekawa is pride + love
>monkey is exhibition + love
>bat is aloof + love
>bird is psycho + love
>karen is dumb muscle + love
>math is dependency + love
>doll is straight man? wants to eat araragis muscles

gaen is a plot tool
kaiki is a swindler with heart of gold but lies about it
meme is the wise negro of the jungle

Did I miss any key characterization thats more relevant?
He probably have read many books
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I love yandere Nadeko.
shino 2 that reveal about kaiki's and oshino's curses sure was lame
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well, what were the curses?
kaiki gotta lie and oshino can't stay at the same place for too long. Especially kaiki's curse seems very vague. Hopefully nisio will talk about their curses again in the later books
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That's my birthday too
Nofap only feels good for about a week. Cumming for the first time in 5 or 6 days is heavenly
gaen was so sweet to fund nadekos mangaka tool purchases
What is Doll going to fuck up next?
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>Anonymous, you have been deemed at high risk of creating an oddity due to his lifelong virginity. I have been tasked with getting you a girlfriend. Unfortunately, as no real girl would ever date you, it seems we will have to construct one of our own
The titles usually (except for zoku for obvious reasons) are 3 kanji, so at most you can take the ko which already means child and add the monogatari, but that's not sophisticated enough
I fucking hate argentine ants
Every other country has ants killing themselves but local ants are literally ransacking my whole garden
>t. argentinean
Finished Zokuowari yesterday, is this going to be any better than that?
So far it's definitely been at least much better looking than Zoku Owari.
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>reminder that oddities are merely pataphorical expressions of psychological abnormalities
That interpretation held some water in Bake, but it's untenable from around Nise onward when they start becoming real characters with agency and have roles independent of humans
>Doll makes you draw your ideal gf in Paint
How do you respond, anontachi?
like who, for example?
shinobu was a real character from the start. She also has an oddity, ie her vampirism
eg. Hanekawa has the cat - just because she changes forms does not mean she is not there as a character also...
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>Also I doubt they'd want to have children anyway considering it would be some half human half quasi vampire abomination.
Araragi is basically human again after Owari, that was the whole point of Gaen killing him and resurrecting him, to purge the excess vampirism he got from going full vamp every day for three months when he was trying to fight Nadeko.
As long as he keeps living as a human without indulging in the power he gets from his bond with Shinobu, he'll stay basically human and live a normal human life. There's no reason to think his kids would be dhamphir like Episode, or that he himself will live a supernaturally long life.
Didn't the vampirism give him a muscular body, how is he going to explain his flabby stomach next time his imoutos try and molest him...
Slutdeko should kill normaldeko and become the new currentdeko!
Also, new opening tomorrow.
you're right that was really lame
they do kill each other though, had an epic battle in my patio between black ants last summer.
always thought they were the same colony until they met near some crumbs on the floor and just filled my patio with the fallen. maybe they just didn't notice any neighbors
someone who's more fluent can probably come up with a better title
That's the magic of argentines. It's all one colony. Everywhere across the world.
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Math feet
except in argentina itself though, when abroad it's like araragi and firesisters going on a mission to repopulate the world, but in SA the diferences in genetics are enough to have them behave like any other, which is why black ants are a thing too.
slut nakedko is so good
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was it ever explained why kagenui cant touch ground?
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Would you let Godess Nadeko sacrifice you?
She and the other two people who created doll got cursed to never be allowed to step on the ground.
yeah but why? was this explained in tsukimonogatari?
Because her and Tadatsuru worked on her legs and both share the same curse.
Izuko was cursed to know everything. Kaiki and Meme also got cursed, but we don't know their curses iirc.
Something to do with how the universe works, it being a form of 'balance' as they technically resurrected something. Kind of like how The Darkness functions as well, as simple natural law.
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do you really think that this season is at the same level of bakemonogatari production-wise?
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>Izuko was cursed to know everything
wow, what a curse
we'll have to see how it progresses, but it's been pretty great so far. Bake fell apart by Nadeko Snake and I remember parts of Mayoi Maimai being rough as well.
It functions more like a constant calendar going "_____ is going to happen in this location", so she has to constantly micro-manage hundreds of different happenings at the same time. It also gives her encyclopedic knowledge.

But human actions are spontaneous enough to fuck with it. Like it's a big plot point in one monster season arc that she's trying to hunt down a vampire that was formerly human. If it were just an oddity, she'd immediately know how to deal with it. But there's a human emotion element in the mix that's completely fucking with her ability to analyze the situation.
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I have been listening to kimi no shiranai for the last two hours on repeat....
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This Nadeko smut I'm in the process of commissioning started as something I wanted to spend 60 dollars (price dictated by word count) but the more I imagine it the more I want and I'm actually considering spending more like 150 to 200 on it. Most of my work day today will be going towards this.

She's just too cute...
The displeasure I felt when I learned it wasn't sung by Hitagi was immense
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He's back to how he was at the start of Bake, he stays in peak physical condition and quickly heals from injuries, but he's still essentially human. He might live to 100 but he won't live to 150.
Imagine Suruga getting to pitch in on a familiar.
Imagine her getting the can't get nude curse.
Imagine her bathing in her clothes as she tries
to mask their strong scent, the mix of her sweat and perfumed bath water
will we get cursetard tomorrow?
Same, I don't know why I just assumed that. I really thought it was her for years
small studio, prease understand
W-what would the ritual be like?
the ops will be bd-exclusive
So it gave her savant autism?
It's an absolute banger, and It always reminds of the AraragixHitagi parts of the anime which are one of my favourites.
I also like listening to music that makes me happy while shitposting for hours, hehe
Resurrection is forbidden. If you don't like it, then take it out with god. Ergo the darkness
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She gets to eat you to become more powerful, you get one nipslip while she does it !
Honestly a short glance at one nipple isn't enough for me.
how come crab is the only one that got 5 ops?
crab isn't only araragi's wife, but also nisio's wife
Perks of being the domina in the Araragi harem.
Main girl is best girl, like always
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too soon
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When does Araragi come back?
>but also nisio's wife
is she nishio's favorite character?
shinobumonogatari, the last arc of this first cour
no idea, but if i had to guess i'd say hachikuji is his favorite.
Oh, that's the one with the slumber party isn't it?
That'll be fun.
no his favorite is nadeko
no that's my favorite
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Shinobu is purely an accessory to Araragi in Bake, she doesn't even speak. She can easily be construed as representing Araragi's self-harming or suicidal tendencies in this limited role. But as the series goes on and she gains her own characterization, agency, and history, it becomes impossible to interpret her as purely an abstraction of Araragi's own problems and actions.
Invoking Shinobu as a human herself only leads to further complications, like her variable physical age, her being bound to Araragi's shadow, and the fact that she is 600 years old, with her actions performed hundreds of years ago and on different continents still having direct consequences in the present day. It is impossible to contextualize Shinobu's character without invoking the supernatural.
Once again, the "oddities as metaphors" interpretation kind of worked in Bake but simply does not hold up as the series goes on. The oddities in Bake are obvious analogues to real problems that teenagers might face, and oddities in general are contextualized as being born and shaped by human experiences, but they are still very much real! Bakemonogatari is a story about ghost and monsters and the supernatural, it's right there in the title!
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Nadeko is everyone's favourite snek
>replying to bait unironically
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Nadeko would do that
>it is impossible to contextualize Shinobu's character without invoking the supernatural
For you maybe
>"oddities as metaphors"
I said pataphors. Pataphors create their own context
>story about ghost and monsters and the supernatural
refer to Hachi's speech about what the supernatural is in the context of the series (notwithstanding all the hints dropped by Oshino here and there)
>not metaphors, meta^2phors!
If you want to push some interpretation of the arcs at least go ahead and do that in a reasonable amount of depth instead of just insisting it's possible and wanking over a term.
Do it for her anon
I like to think Yotsugi is hitting the griddy in this pic
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>For you maybe
A six hundred year old eastern European princess living in Japan as a little girl in a high school boy's shadow is not something that you can coherently explain without invoking the supernatural. It is impossible for you to do this without ignoring or rewriting key facts - not supernatural events - in the narrative. When you attempt to do so you are no longer interpreting the story, you're writing your own fanfiction.
>I said pataphors. Pataphors create their own context
Imagine my hand making a really exaggerated jerk-off motion. Elbow rotation and everything.
>refer to Hachi's speech
You denied that Hachikuji is even a ghost and claimed that she's actually a living human affected by a ghost oddity, which is simply not true and has zero basis in the text. I don't know why you think you get to pick and choose which parts of the story to listen to and which ones you get to just make up.

Nademonogatari is a story about Nadeko becoming a young woman and finding herself, both in the figurative sense of developing her identity and deciding what she wants to do with her life and in the very literal sense of "she created four magical copies of herself that she has to find and confront." I don't understand how this is a difficult concept for an adult to wrap their head around, that something can have both figurative meaning and still be a real factual thing or event that happened.
Where do you get such short-sleeve zip-up hoodies?
How will they translate this one?
The BGM they use in these previews always reminds me of Stewie following fat people with a tuba.
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>black bar over her eyes
My fucking dick
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big if true
>black bar
The sex edits make themselves
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gyat DAMN nadeko is built like that?!
>ass that big
the weight crab got the rest of her body's mass
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is this supposed to represent araragi meeting nadeko?
we'll have to give our thanks to the weight crab then
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who is this "we"?
all snake appreciators
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She's a big girl
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And why should "all snake appreciators" thank the weight crab for reducing all of her weight besides the weight of her ass?
are you asking me to explain the appeal of 38kg?
I can't FUCKING handle more Nadeko. My BALLS can't FUCKING handle Nadeko. It's like I'm back in the New Years Nadeko thread. I'm too obsessed. MORE CUTE NADEKOS FOR WEEKS? NEW LEWD SHOTS? FLOOD OF NEW LEWD ART? ALL OF THIS FOR NADEKO *AND* YOTSUGI? FUCKKKKK
>The way it tightens at the bottom

Why do I still have to be at work.
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Wouldn't more mass being slammed into you be more enjoyable too, in a sense?
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does she actually know everything or is she just taking about her network?
Yes but the portability
there is certainly a point where she would be too light, but unless your fetish is being the one that gets tossed around, she hasn't reached it.
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that is true. a portable nadeko is fine too.
i would like to be slammed into the ground by her weight.
what will happen when you reach 0.jpg?
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Anime does tend to have a hilariously bad sense of height and weight so I don't take it seriously.

There is WAY too much fat and flesh here to only be 84 pounds.
This is such a cool way to delve into Nadeko's character. I kneel NisioIsin.
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Sadly it doesn't work like that. The numbers probably are the "seconds" value of when I took the screenshot I think. Have a snek in return for the disappointment.
something feels off this season but it looks amazing though
It feels off because you got used to Itamura-slop Monogatari.
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I get it... Off Season! That's the one we're on!

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This is Nadeko's Tsubasa Tiger
Ever think of how most of the people animating each and every frame of Nadeko's supple thighs are like 40 years old
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dumb snail needs to be bullied by my dick
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for me it's Shinobu forma hag
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>Nadeko becomes a goddess
>stops wearing underwear
>Shinobu was a goddess
>doesn't wear underwear
I have a theory
You won't get this joke, If you haven't lived in Japan for at least 13 years
Can someone who understands the monogatari series answer some questons about it for me ? [SPOILER]
-Why did Hanekawa try to find Oshino Meme ? Why did he come with her? Why does he care ? Surely he must have more important business otherwise he would not leave in the first place.
-Why was the part where the main character literally went to hell handled so casually? No screaming, no lamenting, the MC treats this as a minor inconvenience. You would think that going to hell is the worst thing that can happen to a man.
- What was the deal with the origami guy?
- What happens to Yozuru Kagenui ?
-Why did Yotsugi Ononoki help Nadeko make 4 familiars in the latest episode? Ononoki is the familiar of a oddity specialist whose job is to prevent the city from devolving into chaos , and helping common folk with using magic methods they know nothing about seems counter productive. Call me a lazy retard if you must , but i don't know these things and don't feel like watching 60 episodes to remind myself. [/spoiler]
i messed up the spoiler tag im gonna kill myself pls do not put me in your cringe compilation
You tell me
>Why did Yotsugi Ononoki help Nadeko make 4 familiars in the latest episode?
she said in the episode that it would work as both of a test for if she can be useful in dealing with other oddities, and as a test for if she is can be controlled or she needs to be exterminated. she also said, or rather ougi correctly guessed that she said, that she didn't expect all 4 to work.
>Why did Hanekawa try to find Oshino Meme ?
Because he's the only one she viewed as being able to fix the problem. And he does care, that's part of why he left. He wanted Araragi to grow so he could handle this stuff by himself.
>What was the deal with the origami guy?
I don't remember an origami guy. I assume you're talking about Teori, in which case he's a puppetmaster or something.
>What happens to Yozuru Kagenui ?
Fucks off to fight polar bears.
>Why did Yotsugi Ononoki help Nadeko make 4 familiars in the latest episode?
Because Gaen told her to.
You fucked up the spoiler AGAIN?!
<spoiler>it's really hard to figure out</spoiler>
many of your questions will be answered in the future
>- What was the deal with the origami guy?
He was part of Izuko's occult research club and took part in creating Ononoki.
He wanted Ononoki, but , she chose Kageuni. He died sometime ago and ended up in hell, but he still can control his dolls in the material world. since he doesn't work with Izuko anymore Ougi chose him to attack Koyomi, but it's the exact reason why Koyomi was able to learn that they put a hit on him, without them knowing.

Would Goddess Nadeko be better with pale white skin?
Spend even more, do it for all Nadekobros
How did ougi convince teori to work for her?
I kneel, snailgods
tummytummytummytummy. I didn't remember this happening. Holy fuck I've never been so jealous of a character. I would kill. Why did this get to happen to him and not me? Fuck
arararararaagi tummy
you peeked!
By hiring him normally. It's his job.
am I crazy or does Ougi has a different artstyle compared to everyone else?
He's in hell, the fuck will he do with cash. And how the fuck did ougi make the money? Sleevejob prostitution?
I hate when people give her hands instead of just using sleeves
I mean he has a different outfit, you're just confused
Shut up, yotsugi
Spare parts don't grow on trees, and gaslighting is a very good way of manipulating the stock market.
God I need to learn how to create sloppa like this so I can make the nadeko harem bukkake I want to see
>willingly, not accidentally, but willingly revived snek
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>Why did Hanekawa try to find Oshino Meme ? Why did he come with her? Why does he care ?
Oshino Ougi is an oddity using his name, he can't really avoid being connected to her even if he doesn't want to get involved. He also does care about Araragi, even if he wants him to handle his own problems.
Hanekawa also sees him as a competent authority figure on the supernatural, and strongly sympathizes with his philosophy of neutrality and peacekeeping.
>Surely he must have more important business
Oshino is a wandering bum, he's not doing big jobs for Gaen or anything, he just collects stories from the places he visits and cleans up messes he runs into.
>Why was the part where the main character literally went to hell handled so casually?
He's killed before he can even react, and when he wakes up he's immediately reunited with his closest friend who tells him that there's a plan to rescue him. Not much time to process the situation.
>What was the deal with the origami guy?
Tadatsuru was part of Gaen's group who created Yotsugi and another specialist in immortal monsters like Yozuru. Ougi hired him to kill Koyomi, to force a conflict that would lead to Yotsugi killing him to protect Koyomi, which Koyomi would resent her for and breaking their friendship would isolate Koyomi further. This doesn't work because everyone realizes they're being played, and Tadatsuru's weird doll skills let him keep working for Gaen even in the afterlife.
>What happens to Yozuru Kagenui ?
Ougi forces her to "get lost" (basically using Mayoi's power, Ougi can do that because reasons too much to explain here) to neutralize Yotsugi after she's stationed in Araragi's house. After Ougi is dealt with she's fine, she's just doing other things while Yotsugi is monitoring the town.
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>Why did Yotsugi Ononoki help Nadeko make 4 familiars in the latest episode? Ononoki is the familiar of a oddity specialist whose job is to prevent the city from devolving into chaos , and helping common folk with using magic methods they know nothing about seems counter productive
Yotsugi's specific mission is simply to monitor Tsukihi. However, Nadeko's history with oddities and the ability she demonstrated when she created the Slug Tofu mockup for Yotsugi put her on Gaen's radar as a potential threat and potential asset. Yotsugi hanging out with Nadeko is something Yotsugi genuinely wants to do, but also served the purpose of monitoring Nadeko for Gaen.
As Yotsugi explains, getting Nadeko to make four shikigami was an opportunity to test her abilities for Gaen. This was a lot to ask of a complete amateur, but Nadeko unexpectedly succeeded with all four attempts, which resulted in Nadeko losing control of her shikigami and Yotsugi losing control of the situation.
It should be noted that having four extra Sengoku Nadekos running around is not exactly a major incident that should be beyond Yotsugi's ability to handle. Even Goddess Nadeko is just an imitation of the real thing, Nadeko can't create a genuine god out of ink and paper. If Yotsugi believed the situation was really beyond what she could deal with and Nadeko or anyone else was in serious life-threatening danger, she would call for backup and face the consequences. She's not being selfish or overly negligent.
I really like snail's yukata in terminal terminal
how does crab not believe in the afterlife when hachikuji exists and araragi went to hell and came back to life?
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>Hachikuji exists?
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yes. she's a god now
Since Hachikuji is a god now, doesn't that means she should be visible even to non-oddities?
probably only believers can see her
the crab was a god and was invisible to most people most of the time.
did Araragi act as Jizou Bosatsu by bring Hachikuji back from the dead?
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how many more hours until the next episode drop?
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>she's a god now
And she's very smug about it.
snail is asking for it
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she's asking you to put it in
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It's more like she can appear to anyone, but gods don't tend to make themselves known
more like kick her into a void
I would like to put it into her void if you catch my drift
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298円 should cover it, yes?
Hachikuji cute
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is nadeko draw right after zoku?
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why are there so many close up shots of crab's lips
That's more or less exactly what I thought they were. Especially Kaiki.
have you ever been on a date using senjougahara and koyomi's itinerary
I don't like Senjougahara.
try-hard dates are dumb, one thing + food is fine
>having sex with Hachikuji while on a date with Senjougahara since she can't see her
>my girlfriend will never find out i'm getting a blowjob from my tulpa while she's looking right at me
>eastern European

Wait, what.
But she's been drawn with hands. There's that art of her in the black dress.
so you're telling me they had sex before they even called each other by their given name
they have not had sex yet
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If you mean novel order then no, Orokamonogatari and Wazamonogatari come before it
If you mean chronologically then still not quite, Zokuowari took place in mid March while Nademonogatari takes place in June
>walk me home gently was during nise
>given naming calling was during owari season 2
what are you talking about, anon?
ignore snakefags.
do you think crab would let araragi raw dog her?
only in the butt
I should give more love to our current Nadeko. She's still our Nadeko. But mental stability isn't as compelling.
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If you don't love current Nadeko then you don't love Nadeko
I just forget when I'm surrounded by other Nadekos. Angry Nadeko I had completely forgotten though.
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It's just an assumption, but vampires have their origins in Eastern European and Slavic cultures and have been associated with them since the medieval period. I think the whole "Princess Beauty" story also makes more sense if it's happening in some disorganized backwater fiefdom rather than in the middle of France, for example
I know the Kizu movies threw in a lot of pretty French words as part of the aesthetic but I don't think that really means anything beyond "yeah she's a blonde European woman alright"
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We should love every Nadeko, but especially the Nadeko that loves herself
She's still incredibly stupid for even thinking it would be a good idea.
Her detective getup is adorable
>skirt flipped up to make sure her ass gets covered in sand
Right, but Princess Acerola wasn't born a vampire. Deathtopia was and is definitely Romanian. Acerola also refers to some beef soup she's making with a French word when she offers it to her. And Etoile et Toi being a duet sung by young and adult Kiss-Shot, and both of Shinobu's EDs are in German.
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Will this adapt every story arcs?
I've heard it might have some chronological changes.
I hope they adapt every arc
snailfags, which of her 3 op is your favorite?
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This is only 14 episodes, so no
We're definitely getting more though, they titled it "Off & Monster Season" for a reason. There's 10 novels of material for them to work with.
>I've heard it might have some chronological changes.
Off Season is much more loosely structured than the previous seasons were, Orokamonogatari and Wazamonogatari are basically collections of short stories. It's not like there's no continuity, but they have a lot of flexibility in how to approach it. Nademonogatari, which is a more traditional Second Season style novel with one arc ("Nadeko Draw"), was one of the key arcs they wanted to tackle this season, so they adapted Tsukihi Undo from Orokamonogatari as the first episode since they're directly related, establishing Yotsugi and Nadeko's relationship and Nadeko's drawing ability. The other two arcs from Oroka, Sodachi Fiasco and Suruga Bonehead, also have some contextual relation to Nadeko Draw but not that level of direct continuity, so they've been skipped for now.
Wazamonogatari, the second novel of Off Season between Oroka and Nade, is being adapted after Nade because it focuses on Shinobu's storyline, which will be continued with Shinobumonogatari, the first novel of Monster Season, skipping Musubimonogatari, the fourth and final novel of Off Season.
These changes are just moving stories around to form a more coherent narrative focusing on Nadeko & Yotsugi in the first half and Shinobu & Deathtopia in the second half, you're not missing out on any essential information and we can be confident that they'll come back around and adapt the rest of the material eventually.
owari s2 one is obviously the best
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Is there more crab?
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Actually, yes
I saw above that Musubi is going to be skipped, why the fuck would that happen? Isn't she featured there, hard?
the only good things about cat are her pair of tits
Kaerimichi because of that video
what video
massive stupid fat titties are a downside. it's a good thing she's smart.
How would one convice Nadeko to do a naked dogeza?
The 10 year old cosplayer dancing to it
We know that they're covering Tsukihi Undo, Nadeko Draw, Wazamonogatari (probably just Acerola Bon Appétit) and Shinobumonogatari
There might be room for one other small arc like Tsukihi Undo in there, but definitely not a full novel story like Musubi. This 14-episode batch is definitely just the first part of a larger project, it will be adapted later. Talking about Musubi specifically, I wouldn't be surprised if they saved it to be the last story arc adapted overall.
You'll still see Crab this season though, or at least hear her
>Talking about Musubi specifically, I wouldn't be surprised if they saved it to be the last story arc adapted overall.
I think "tsuzura human" might be the last arc they will adapt for off&monster season because it leads to araragi and senjougahara getting married
it's this one bigly
I'm very tempted to buy another shinobu plush. someone please talk me down
your mom would make another concerned facebook post about your shinobu plushie with onahole stuck inside it
naked nadeko
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what is Tsukihi's future looking like?
i want to sakanade sakanadekos nadekos
It's so fun!!
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Let me just preface this that you might be correct and in-universe it all might be just about the literal supernatural. What I'm talking about is the narrative meaning as translated into our world. However, the narrators can do that in reverse. If we take the literal interpretation and they are just describing what they're witnessing, that makes everyone a lot less interesting.
Now I chose the oh so special term because it was convenient. By creating their own context, I mean that they extend to the world and narrative itself. The formless space of empty streets that does not describe anyone else but who the characters focus on. Time itself can become a tool to describe something else - even with the series chronology.
>push some interpretation of the arcs
Let's describe some characters generally. Shinobu first. 600 years as mentioned above is a thing that is talked about. It does not necessarily have to denote actual time, but the magnitude of what is being talked about. Think like something that you can't remember when it entered the general subconscious but seems like it was always there, but now actually measured in said magnitude. Vampirism is the oddity formed of being a person in power. It's what it does to your brain. Nisio probably wanted this to be more than just "hurr durr power corrupts" so he made an oddity to talk about it. Vampires "feed" and stand on the power of others. What this would translate to meaning would be a celebrity or specificallly a japanese idol. Shinobu's royalty - even that does not have to be literal, and she's a special case - she has such charisma that she can even "feed" on people with oddities. Koyomi catches vampirism by merely associating with her (is fed on but specifically turned).
Let's go to Hachikuji. Here I want to recap something. Denoting oddities as psychological abnormalities was done on my part to distinguish them from mental problems, ie. something that is known and can be described by cont.
cont. modern psychology (yes, a soft science), therefore not fulfilling the conditions of supernatural. I suspect that this is to push against the notion of generalities in psychology and fully explore the notion of individualism - as in any mental state should be possible - I return to that lower on, on a reply to another post. Eg. Math has severe mental issues, but no oddities. Hachikuji's accident does not have to denote her death but an obstruction that prevented her from seeing her mother ever again. My personal interpretation is the death of the mother, and the inability for Hachikuji then to use photos and other personal belongings to "solve" her not remembering her face. This leads to Hachikuji's oddity of part of her personality remaining her childhood in stasis - something from the past that remains "unresolved" to the satisfaction of the given person that follows her, and they cannot do so if she can't, because they would in empathy deem it impossible for themselves as well. It would be more than regret and an oddity as it has a profound impact on her personality and life. This leads into Hachikuji being promoted arc. She stayed the same for Araragi, even though metaoddities are not "allowed". Her becoming a god merely means that childhood as a concept can be worshipped.
>eastern European
this is unconfirmed, and does not really matter, but given the visual references (Ononoki in Liberty leading the People, for example, when talking about the Princess), her middle name and Kizu song, I rather think of Shinobu as French
You "might" be correct. My problem is that this severely underestimates Nisio, and authors in general. Unnatural narratives do not have to be absolute like Felipe Alfau's Locos (there are actually much better examples of books that have of absolute unnatural narratives, like no plots whatsoever, specifically one where the main "character" only beeps, but I can't remember the name, fuck; To return to individualism, there is for example great struggle in science-fiction to describe aliens that do not act like humans - their mental states evolutionarily do not depend on love, or even the aggression of looking for substenance - the point here is that humans have much more options in what they become between nature and nurture, but it is rare - an oddity) or just a tack-on on the ending like Gravity's Rainbow - it can be a spectrum. Therefore I invoke the death of the author until you interview Nisio himself and he confirms everything you're saying.
I hope you're feeling as good as I am.
>you denied...
this has nothing to do whatsoever with and affects not the validity of Hachi's speech about the supernatural being behind the scenes
>and still be a real factual thing
except it isn't; it is fiction, therefore there is great leeway on the in-universe interpretation, especially with narratives like this; but yes, as I mentioned above, my figurative interpretation of meaning can remain just that
I thought kaiki and oshino also created doll and got cursed in a completely different way. Do we have any explanation of how and why people were cursed differently?
>Nadeko isn't the prettiest.
Stopped reading right there, even Bat acknowledged just how pretty Nadeko is.
>ougi forces her to "get lost"
Eh? Isn't she just training in the northpole? I don't think ougi had anything to do with it
atheists are stubborn
But that's why it makes no sense to leave it ambiguous for so long. I feel like nisio unironically just forgot that he never gave an official reveal for these two and just did it in a quick sidenote
what about Kagenui?
>t. gentle walker
I finally get to date my mom (teen version)!
https://youtu.be/ijYMC3od1rU?si=Ap6I9_3AQej7BwsY these godly nobu rips. And does anyone know why the comments are so negative?
I think jewtube shadowbanned it, I can't find it anymore
>But mental stability isn't as compelling
She's a shut in who genuinely believes she can become a pro in one year if she doesn't sleep, she's still mentally ill but in a different way.
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Would you be willing to share it with your fellow Nadekobros?
Who's the artist?
I'm also not really sure how those curses relate to arms.
She outright said she doesn't believe that though
Because they each focused on different parts of her body. Kagenui and teori focused on each of her legs. That's why they can't walk on the ground. Gaen worked on her head, that's why she became "omniscient" and oshino and kaiki worked on her torso. Their curses are not revealed yet, but what do you think their curses are?
shes the enforcer miniboss
also developmentally behind as she plays floor is lava as an adult
>massive stupid fat titties are a downside.
Gayest thing I read today
In shino 1 it's said that deathtopia's castle is located in romania. Araragi then uses only a single of ononoki's super jump to reach acerola's old castle from deathtopia's castle. He calls that distance between both their castles a "short-distance trip". I think it's very safe to say that shinobu is Romanian.
This guy

anon...both of these posts are mine. I just wanted him to think about it
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The gang
Huh. Okay then. Bon Appetit made it sound like Acerola was from much farther away.
Where's everyone finding all this Nadeko AI art from?
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I like her more this way, I don't find mental illness appealing.
reminder that it is canon that araragi fondles and kisses his sisters
Ah, I see you are a fellow menhera enjoyer as well.
Which channel plays it? ATX?
oh nvm it's abema got it.
wait...it airs in an hour...? what the fuck i thought it airs now
I love my retarded failed mangaka wife!
I hope the opening will sound good and that we'll see sexy nudeko
5 mins

get in here bros
op time
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kawaii op
cute OP
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It wont be a hit like plat disco or mousou exp
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was the op really called caramel cursetard...
>kana hanazawa's range
i wanna pregnant her already..
popular nadeko mogs regular nadeko so hard it's not even funny
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did the op sound good
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ougi is so cool...
is this solely a nadeko ep
monkey spotted
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jesus christ
Why does she have the bandage
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ougi butt
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>math and snake
>2 of the worst girls
>with the worst haircuts
end me
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nani the fuck is happening in this episode
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math is looking real motherly with that haircut and dress
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>the nadeko op humming
based and kino
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>mogs literally every single girl in the series
Holy shit, she's gorgeous
sodachi is mid
is araragi dead or something?
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He's off at college or working as a cop or something at this point.
How old is Snek in this one, like 16?
Pretty sure they sad she was 15 in the first episode when she was talking about manga volumes.
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>dad needs me to do housework
>Birdfag is a kid
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She ate it
>no crab
>no cat
>no bat
>no nothing
>only monkey
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B-But snek though...
>worst girls
zzzzzz i sleep
Opening goes hard... No, I worded it wrong, opening is hard... It isn't quite right yet... How should I say it...
Oh, I got it, the opening makes me hard.
I want to ravage multiple Nadekos, I want to be ravaged by multiple Nadekos.
That's the true.
>still flat
it's over for her
Have 5 sneks instead.
How was the episode? Is the new intro good? Does it have a clickbait tiktok dance to bait zoomers like half of modern anime OPs?
Do you have a single original thought of your own?
I have, I just wanted to talk to someone before watching the episode. I'm sorry, I know I suck.
You shoudl talk to a therapist
>How was the episode?
>Is the new intro good?
>Does it have a clickbait tiktok dance
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She's 15, it's like three months after Owari
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I'm not that bad.
I like it, even currentdeko looks cute here.
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Asserting dominance over the living dead
its out!
huh, it's certainly unique. I like it, I'm glad that they didn't try to make a renai circulation version 3
snake overload, do you think they'll add more details to the background in the BD for the opening?
I think it sounds very Renai Circulation during the middle part, it even had a せ〜の.
I'm first in the line of anons
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What did Nadeko mean by this
buy three
Nadeko Nakadashi!!
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What did she mean by THIS
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nice to see greendeko again
Rough mating sex with Sodachi.
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Nadeko back to back impregnation order

wrath>shy>goddess>short hair>lust
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How is Ougi such a good biker
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Ougi is so cool, I want him to be my boyfriend.
(s)he got it from Araragi
Unfortunately she can't be your boyfriend because she's my wife
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>1. karen
take it back
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I love that background track that arranges both Ren'ai Circullation and Moso Express.
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>nisemono sonomono nandamono na
Hairy arms.
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It's probably not clear in English, but here Nadeko was going to apologize with a "sumimasen" like the meek Nadeko always does, but she stopped herself.
In spanish its more clear as she stops herself at the "lo" of "lo siento" (I'm sorry) before changing it to a "lo hago por gusto" (I do because I like).
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>she said two seconds before instant loss
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Ougi so handsomu
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I like how normal she sounds while giving quite bad advice
anyone else got a boner due to marina inoue's soft voice or just me
Fuqqq I need to download this new shit.

Love Monogatari. Love doll. Love snail. Love snake. Love math.

Bird is a retard weirdo though
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two ruined girls. Math is particularly terrible now
She's right, schools are just future wagecage slave creation centers.
thats not bad advice
Going to middle school is very important, anons
What a nice directing this episode had.
>math is the only one that got cuter with short hair
Doodlebob arc has been fun so far.
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I like the OP, I really enjoy Doll's monotone singing
snek selfcest...
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>nadeko draw
>hitagi rendezvous
>tsukihi undo
what else is an unserious arc where there isn't anything at stake?
Cute OP. Nice animations too with all the sneks. I'd put in the middle of the pack. Maybe I expected more?

Despite being less animated the thematic call and answer between Renai and Mousou still can't be beat. They elevate each other basically. And they're generally catchier songs too.
i smiled.
There's no need for a line anymore, nadekobros! Rejoice
They all look like they're getting fucked to different degrees
Me with the one in the back that looks extremely bored, like she's barely feeling it.
It's all Koiomi's fault.
Twintails, of course. Both Mirror World Sodachi and current Sodachi look beyond neutered. Her whole appeal was her unhinged menhera energy, now she looks and behaves like a plain bitch.
Sure but that's not the point though. The point is life won't end if you quit school.
This is what the scene was supposed to look like?
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>snek and math are talking
>Renai Circulation starts playing in the background
I missed this so fucking much
would eat nadeko's cursetard

its key animation but they may as well have censored it afterwards for the book
>now she looks and behaves like a plain bitch.
That's just the light Nadeko sees her in. I assure you, she's still VERY schizo.
So why did Araragi went to college if he wants to work in police? Do you need college/uni degree in order to work as officer in Japan or something?
>censoring the infamous bandage scene for a keyframe artbook
lmao aren't those supposed to be more uncensored usually?
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Lots of cute Nadeko this episode
That would be kino. If it's not a menhera it's not my Sodachi.
Hope thats true, this math was pathetic
I'd argue Nadeko's future is at stake here, especially if something the sneks do get caught on camera
The muted colors, thick outlines, and looping animation remind me a lot of very early SHAFT ops. Just without the trippy visuals.
Wait suddenly Math isn't a waste of screen time, Nisio finally found something interesting to say with her lol
You're gonna absolutely love Sodachi Fiasco. Aka "90 pages of Sodachi's headspace". Every couple of sentences she swings from talking about how she holds herself up to high standards, to having a breakdown about how much she hates herself, to randomly bringing up Araragi for no reason so she can screech about hating him. The plot itself is basically just an excuse to give Sodachi shit to overthink, but it's carried entirely by the writing style. It's amazing.
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tokyo tower!
I hope so. Heard some anon saying it won't be adapted this season, but I hope they do it like with Hanamonogatari and eventually adapt it even if as a standalone.
Fresh Baked Bread
So, Sodachi Fiasco, Suruga Bonehead and Musubimonogatari should get animated later on, but since we do not know for sure, they could get entirely skipped?
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