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Today is Sacchan's birthday. Say something mean about her.
her album sux
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Sacchan doesn't have a dad
What does her mom do with the bananas?
rapists of adults
Happy birthday, Sacchan!
She's average
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Happy birthday Sacchan
best girl
wait I'm supposed to say something mean
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Sacchan is CUTE
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get pregnant
Yui should simply not wear panties. Then Sacchan wouldn't be able see them.
>Oh! I saw Yui's vulva.
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Sacchan should spread her legs so I can dick her into womanhood. Then she will stop being a pesky little brat
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Happy birthday to Ms. Average who certainly won't make it to modelling
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>talking to himself again
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she smells
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Chapter 56: Intellectual Colors
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Sacchan is actually my favorite color, so here's her birthday bonus.
Chapter 71: Saki Kise
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Done. Sacchan a best.
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>making Yui get naked in the clubroom
Were they trying to turn her into an exhibitionist or something?
Thank you, chapter anon.
This post is poop.
why is mom so zannen?
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kotokeks envy this
>double feature
Oh boy.
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She's cute and funny and cunny.
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The thread suddenly became contaminated with poop. It's as if an unwanted lolicon had somehow infiltrated our thread and scattered poop everywhere, much like a patient with a psychotic disorder.
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She really is the punching bag that keeps the team from turning on eachother
You've got to watch your step when you're on /a/.
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>Sacchan a best
She is the color of healthy pee.
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Please remember to stay hydrated.
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If that sort of stuff turns you on, then you must be very lonely or something isn't quite right with that poopy brain of yours. Maybe you flushed your brain cells along with the rest of the poop when you flushed the toilet this morning.
I think Sacchan would be happy to be found cute/attractive.
rorikons go home!
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I like bread girl.
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That's not necessarily true. It depends on the person giving the compliment. If someone suspicious approaches you outside and calls you attractive or cute in a creepy way you're likely to feel uncomfortable or even disgusted.
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Colors threads used to be home to rorikons. Where did you crawl from, newcomers? And why?
nevermind rorikons have abandoned neo/a/ years ago so now it's just the daddyfucker. A sad state of affairs.
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Nono is extremely hairy.
I'm not giving the compliment to you. I'm giving it to Sacchan, an immature little shit that is still cuter than you.
Now go, continue being an immature little shit.
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I bet she smells awesome!
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>you must be very lonely or something isn't quite right with that poopy brain
Where the hell do you think you are?
Teaching the colors sex ed with Nono as the model.
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I still remember the day my dad told me he found all my 3boshi dojinshi in an argument
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Poor thing, he must have felt heartbroken. At least now he knows why you're not bringing any girls home.
Think a little about those who love you and stop being such a disappointment.
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You should have called him a hagfucker.
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Who is your dad's favorite Color?
That title is reserved for """anons""" who are so pathetic that they feel like they actually need to do it.
I don't think his expectations were very high in the first place. We're both weird.
His first wife was 16
"the yellow haired one is funny"
>thinks poop is funny
It's over.
bet she reeks of yeast
from her bread of course
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Consider this a mercy killing.
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Well, cringy coomer or not, I'm glad it didn't break anything between you and him. I think everyone deserves a good family regardles of their flaws and you are probably just stupid so there's always hope for you to be better.

Nta but my dad likes Sacchan, says she reminds him of a certain outgoing and high-energy menace when she was little. Didn't tell me who it was, so no idea.
His ranking is Yellow>Red>Colonel>Blue. Didn't watch much to be honest, just bits.
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Total shit taste.
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I'm not sure that's strictly true. Cremation is not uncommon and I don't think anything eats bone remains.
Agreed. Colonel, the true leader, reigns supreme above anything and everything.
The Earth, our home, will eventually eat us no matter how long it takes. We will be consumed by the ground regardless of where we go, and one day we will be part of the intricate web of life, possibly returning as beautiful flowers, algae, or a tree. I'm fine with that.
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How does Sacchan feel about anal, given her obsession with poop?
that's just made up stuff
The anus as the source of poop is a holy place and must not be desecrated through misuse.
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Those are just my thoughts. I stopped believing in God a long time ago. Instead, I find the idea of harmonious coexistence with nature to be a beautiful concept. The notion of merging with the natural world, becoming one with everything, resonates more deeply with me, perhaps that's the most authentic and realistic heaven we can hope for: a place where we all reunite and become one with our loved ones and ancestors, without awareness, but still.
I'll shut up now, I don't like thinking about death.
>cringy coomer
You do realize speaking like this is directly analogous to trying to make a point in baby speak, right? And are you the ONE dude on /a/ who doesn't jerk off to anime?
>be better
Holy shit kill yourself you condescending fuck. I hope the next time you do anal with your three boyfriends one of their phimotic cocks perforates your sigmoid colon and you die of faggot-induced sepsis.
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The fact that you get so angry over so little says a lot. Sorry for making you feel exposed, I'll stop bullying you now.
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Her butt is stinky!
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Don't talk shit about her butt.
I want to watch this show cause the lolis are cute and fuckable
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I like that it's a good example of tourism anime. The backgrounds are all drawn from photos in and around Ueno Park, but of course what really makes an anime like this good is not just the background reference photos but actual good entertaining characters and stories, which the Colors provide. Everyone was going to go to Ueno park anyway though to be fair. But looking for locations around the park that the Colors visited might boost the local economy somewhat...
Yeah, they did a good job of including other places, like the zoo or the gunshop, or etc
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Poop day is over. Post best Color
whoa! nice ass!
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Ueno park does feel very alive. Like there's something happening every day.
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She looks like grown men shoot her with rocket launchers.
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She's the worst of the three!
It's true.
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Sacchan cute!
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She'll understand when she's older
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fuck yeah time to hit the chuu-hais
How can someone be both so cute and so cool at the same time?
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she's the alpha female that carries the show HARD
I like how she immediately challenges her.
She probably farts a lot.
Blue needs kisses.
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where did Koto learn to talk like this? was her mom a raging misandrist? I will never forgive Katsuwo for wrapping the series up before showing us what Yui and Kotoha's home lives are like
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Perhaps it was her dad who gave her nad gaming genes?
There's no need to explore the supporting characters' personal lives.
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she's pretty shitty
Efficient teamwork. Yui's morning drills must be effective
In the end it all returns to unko.
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Dumb schizo poster.
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Was this made for her birthday this year? Very cute.
cool it with the shitposts
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I'm a turd, sorry I won't dung the doo-doo again.
Science has gone too far.
If the rumors this was secretly written by Barasui are true, he did the same thing in IM
Rainmaking dance
What about... another color?
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An alien could be green. Little green men.
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a well oiled machine
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He colors: gone
She's gonna take his kidney, isn't she?
Sacchan's dark secret. And by dark I don't mean the color of... anyway.
They're all pink on the inside.
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Blue is black inside.
Please don't rip open the Colors.
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I'd like to see someone try.
pink, not yui
Leadah is so cool.
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post merch
alpha retard
I've been looking for a black tshirt of the show I bought a few years back and then lost inexplicably. The guy I got it from on eBay doesn't sell them anymore and I can't find a reference picture cuz the original listing's gone
I think it benefits from just where Ueno is
Anyone who's a nerd who'd go to locations from anime is already going to go next door to Akiba at some point so yeah
she has the better music :^)
I am a little jelly.
Low inhibition is associated with success by sheer number of opportunities taken.
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Nono strong!
Made for enkou
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does her hazel long-haired bitchfriend have a name?
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You can always request a restock :)
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Enkou is unko.
setsubun, but with semen instead of basedbeans
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I like this costume but she needs the big iron spikey club thing too.
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The forbidden color.
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And then you woke up.
I don't think he's capable of that.
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I'd buy this if it didn't look like One Coin Sacchan was sucking something big and long. Pic related goes pretty hard though.
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I'd never buy clothing from japan. don't trust the nips to make stuff big enough to cover my big american bellh
I've bought anime merch in Japan, same size as back here in the states, and it fit the same.
Good to know.
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But also dangerous.
What are The Colors?
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A necessary evil.
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"You can't call (Nonoka's thing) that food."
Thanks for the TL.
How can kids be so cruel
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>Nonoka's thing
She's a futa? What a shocking development.
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Nonoka is full of surprises
Late happy birthday for Sacchan
Why would I say anything mean about the best Color?
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bread girl
I just can't take my eyes off that stupid dog in the background
Why does the girl in the background have two heads?
>stupid dog
It looks like there's two of them
She's the worst of the three
All keions are best keion. All colors are best color.
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I prefer it when Yui shines
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2 mouth = 2 poop
I can't believe Colonel Monochrome is fucking dead.
try not to be jealous
why would anyone be jealous of someone who is dying?
Because only the dead can be free from this nightmare.
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please do not call yellow a nightmare. it is still her birthday thread after all
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imagine the smell
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I’m gonna need to have Bocchi-san call it.
based blue

kek, underrated post

Intellectual Colors cutest Colors
The old-school lolicons moved on, hid their powerlevels, or killed themselves. All that's left are you tryhard weirdos.
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Sacchan is crucial the Colors. Without her they have no drive to try anything crazy.
POV: Sacchan did not like your post.
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I know this is a Sacchan thread and poop jokes are allowed, but that doesn't mean that you shits are welcome.
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Please take your dumb lolicon drama elsewhere.
>Where did you crawl from, newcomers?
What is your problem with this thread?

Are you anti-lolicon?
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Yui is the cutest colors.
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Sacchan MUST suck my balls
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Wrong thread. Go back to your thread that never lives long.
Now, now, there is no need to mock the utterly incompetence of others, anon. Maybe that poster is just a poor boomer with alzheimer's.
You're dirty. I recommend a good bath.
I know the colors aren't for lewding but I still get sad we saw no shot of Yui stripping during on Halloween. Twice no less. I wonder what kind of panties she wears.
I know the colors aren't for lewding but I wouldn't mind seeing them naked.
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I'm anti-troublemakers and dislike incels, yes.
Just because there’s literally ONE schizo IM poster that comes in the colors threads doesn’t mean we’re all schizo. I love the colors and the marshmallows. Now if you want me to leave you’re gonna have to ask the bocchi posters to leave as well
It's a deal then, bye-bye Bocchi poster.
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>posts Yellow
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You got me there. I just dislike incels then.
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yeah, I fucking stink
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We're all proud volcels here.
I can't believe the Colors are fucking dead
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The last you see before total disaster.
when the yui sees red...
>your autistic gf
feeling blue
yellow candy
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Adorable like punk.
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Kotoha gives birth to Anonymous
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What is a size chart?
Replied to what?
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Colors making serious crime money.
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>360 panda
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Hair down Yui deserved more appearances.
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Yes, she did. In fact, all ggolerz should have had alternate hairstyles in a few episodes
Entering this thread because of my preference
Your mom, probably
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imagine fighting the colors.
you would lose.
I 100% agree.
Why would I fight them? I'd help them instead.
Ashes are fire poop. There's no escape, Anon.
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But it would be a damn good battle.
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Couleurs !
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it's legitimately and unironically a jam
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last bump
Yeah, it's a top tier character song.
That's a really cool robot.
One day that wave will break and the robot will sink into the sea, but until then yeah, it is a cool robot.
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Are color bros okay? Seems like there is always a morbid, underlying tone of mortality in these threads.
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All of these endless slice of life threads have depressed alcoholics I heard.
It's an old Hidamari meme but those posters are no longer around.
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oh wow so that's where that song is from
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I wonder if nuDoom is too difficult for Kotoha.
worst color btw
Every man goes crazy for a sharp dress lass.
and why wouldn't it be?
whale factory is permanently closed
; _ ;
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Would she play Brutal Doom instead?

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