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All Color Manga No. 1
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Hey, I remember them voicing this chapter.


>Neighborhood aunties even tried setting her up with prospective husbands
Oh boy.
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I like Renge's description. I wish I could produce one whimsical phrase after another.
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stream in a half hour
Thank you, I was waiting for this all week.
this one i think most people already saw from the video of the VAs voice acting it, but next week will be one most people haven't seen before.
I'm still surprised there's "undiscovered" NNB content.
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It's time.
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the more i search, the more limited edition special books i discover.
All color! Wow.
more like rengay
lewd natsumi
They don't have enough students to fill all the roles.
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>final episodes
One more week...
Isn't this the last episode?
Hey Faggots,
My name is Suguru, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the dodgeball team, and starter on my rengeball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
there's an ova that adapts 2 chapters from remember
Rewatch of the last episodes + OVA and the extras
It's official content?
yeah, it's another special booklet from okinawa vacation of the picture diary renge made
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I wonder if Aoi is in it.
All mangas should be in color. If America can do it, why can't Japan? Stop being lazy, mangakas.
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it's in there, there's even things you wouldn't expect, like this very spooky ghost
That's too spooky for me.
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>She was born on December 12th.

so I was living a lie this whole time
no, that's right, that was a mess up on my part
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nii-chan is so based
are these "localised" during translation?
i don't know, does translating ryoukai as gotcha count as a localisation?
i guess having natsumi say "whaddaya got" instead of "what issues do you have" or translating student council preisdent as prez is a localisation
natsumi can work extra hard doing all their jobs too.
A bump for the Biyoris.
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I wanna marry Hotaru...
you have to be under 140cms tall
I want to see Aoi-chan play badminton in a skirt.
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hotaru started a crafting channel. all she does is make the same komagurumis everyday, but for some reason it's still popular.
Are Natsumi and Hikage friends or rivals?
It is. it's a specific phrasing that isn't at all universal amongst English speakers, although television might make it seem that way.

The one that really bothers me is using a southern drawl for anyone with an accent. Especially when the accent in question isn't even a rural one. It doesn't make any sense to make everyone from Osaka sound like they're from Texas.
She's 11.
Cute Hotaru.
I remember when this meme was fresh.
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>thanks she's popular for her crafting skills or enabling others to learn it
>it's only because of pedophilic c**mers g**ning at her
Imagine her shock and disappointment when she realizes.
Konomi needs to teach Akane the basics of sex
This series seems very comfy, I love the Japanese countryside setting.
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>Natsumi's feed and seed (formerly Komari's)
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It won't disappoint you.
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Good, but it's missing the random lettered T-shirt.
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>they lost
Flatty-san is forever.
I love Renge so much
That's really cute.
Thank god for that. It would've been insufferable had they won.
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natsumi learned what happens when you let your guard down in the rice fields.
The power of a sosunser.
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it just sounds a little too much like natural flowing domestic american-english.

unfortunate because one of the greatest things that makes anime/manga so cute, endearing, interesting, special and enjoyable to me, is how the obvious, the sometimes awkward, usually funny, way that the unpolished, un-localised direct literal translations come across like.
At least bump, you stupid cunt.
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natsumi is also testing
Natsumi is right. She deserves at least 1 point for not messing up her own name.
Were it so easy...
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cute dorks
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This is the power that keeps the inaka, and by extension humanity, safe.
The temptation was too strong.
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>Hikage am I going to be arrested.jpg
Renge is sexy
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Thank you, OP.

go up
na non.
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Why did the Renge thread get deleted?
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it's still summer
i guess that was her problem
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Who is the blue blob?
a slime waiting to be defeated by renge's leaded sword
no non.
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down down left right left right B A start
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konomi is shedding
hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime girl
Natsumi, Hotaru, Renge and Komari are all lesbians
Anons, do women like Dagashi-ya even exist irl? Every 21st century woman doesn't have 10% the maternal affection she had for Renge.
Kaede is a virgin
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Anyone got that edited webm which implied Kazuho molested Renge?
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SHED! Konomi San!
not on nii-chans watch they aren't
Always get a kick out of clicking on this one.
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>it's dangerous to go alone
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One day I will have these nendos.
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You gotta dream bigger
Are the insides of their skirts properly modeled?
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there are 1/7 scale versions of those figures, and they appear to have pantsu, the lifesize ones should be the same. i don't think anyone will ever be ballsy enough to go for a low angle shot of the lifesize ones on display though.
something else i learned while looking this up is that komari's lifesize figure is 137cm tall
>i don't think anyone will ever be ballsy enough to go for a low angle shot of the lifesize ones on display though.
If there's no one else around, why not? I once stumbled into a mini exhibition room for NNB Vacation and the room was empty, so I would imagine the same thing might've happened to these life-size figures too.
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the small scale ones are definitely modeled under skirt.
and the fullsize ones should be as well, i can't imagine paying 1.6 million yen for a fullsize hotaru, and them skimping out on that detail.
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why did renge do it?
I really really shouldn't lewd the biyoris.
Rare combination.
She understood that violence is the way of the world.
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grabbing okinawan kani is dangerous.
The fact that they all posed for a photo with it makes them a gang of delinquents.
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Thinking hat.
what came first, the chicken or the renge?
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Renge is older than the chicken but chickens have existed long before Renge did.
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all glory to the hypno fatty
It's perfect.
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imagine being born on renges head
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The Konomi code.
An official crossover would be great.
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non nanon
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dagashiya always brings renge the best candy
Dagashiya has that TSMC connection.
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Is that... the legendary sword? Masaka...
Out of 10
I know what you did last summer nanon.
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Hotaru would be the cutest wolf.
>pichi pichi..
Why did you let Koma-chan's thread die?
We have answered all there is to answer regarding that OP's question
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I was asleep.
I was in this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2iIW9FrMzQ
it was her time to go
That's really cool, anon. Thanks for sharing.
>MGS section
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the quality of this is stunning
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What do snails do with salt?
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life is harsh, cruel, and salty
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Looking for this too.
is cute!
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what's hotarun doing?
She will forever regret that decision.
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wazzup my sosunsas
Mexican staring frog of southern Sri Lanka.

Wtf is this real?
Nice! What a great find.
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ok, i will admit it, i want to have sex with Komari
Stop posting, Hotaru.
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It's hard work being a teru teru bozo.
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highschool renge
Not sukeban enough.
God I want to see her grow up, following that I want a comedy anime about her work life.
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What is this a reference to?
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Sleepy thread.
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She could be a keion...
I prefer living there compared to where I currently live. Can't go wrong.
final stream today
Do you like bugs?
No but my current place that I recently had to make a move to is bad enough that I'd consider the switch.
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What makes the new place so bad?
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The stream starts in 3 hours.

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