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Chapter 45: Crazy
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Last thread: >>268949612
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Funny thing is, that’s exactly what ends up happening
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How about both
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matsuda has a good plan, i'm sure
talking to Misa is like speaking to a robot. I half expect L to catch her in a paradox and make her brain explode
that's a really nice cliffhanger, recontextualizes the entire scene
>not again...
>Misa: Misa would do anything
why is she suddnly talking in 3rd person?
That rule about all the people dying of a heart attack if they are mentioned in the specifics of the death was actually an important point in the first Death Note live action move
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I need that middle bottom panel well stitched
Interesting. I guess she really loves Yagami the person.
Well at least L is straight
L's facial expressions are the best.
L will never take off the handcuffs as long as he still suspects Light... Hmm, gotcha...
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>yeah bitch you do
>I couldn't live in a world without Light!
>yes, that would be dark.
I really didn't remember this part, it had been more than 10 years I guess and I just skimmed thought the anime because I just wanted to see Light with the death note again. . Now I actually like this part and Death note more.

If anything, with this accurate deduction, I really wonder why L let Light even touch the Death Note
the last panel is really fun. L knew that the room was under surveillance, so everything he did just now was one big performance for the police officers. He really wants to work with them, but he can't stand being constantly interrupted by the Yagamis and their moralfaggotry, that's why he put himself in a situation where they pretty much had to listen to his words without being able to say anything themselves.
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Thanks OP
He didn't. Light saw L paralyzed after touching it because L was burning through possibilities from the second he saw Rem and only realizes he isn't holding it because Light already took it.
And L dies no one follows up on this
Why's the taks force so retarded?
>the second part of Death Note is almost half of the manga
Because the one thing they all believe is that L is insane to keep suspecting Light, which he kind of is given the contradictory evidence.
One of my favourite pages.
Misa has two boyfriends now
The first one here is such a useless rule.
"You touch the book you see the shinigami"
No shit
I just noticed, but L is oddly unconcerned about where the second Kira's powers went, even though they're much stronger than the first Kira's powers.
Thanks, OP.
We have the benefit of knowing L is absolutely correct, but to anyone else it looks like he is obsessed with Light. Granted, the Task Force is retarded to pretend the whole deal with Raye Penber is completely invalid and forget about it. Or the fact that Misa unquestionably had to do with the tape shit.
Or that Kira hacked into the police database, and Light is suspiciously good at hacking.
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Same energy as the "I look like this and I say this" meme
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L doesn't care about people dying?
Why the fuck would the Yotsuba Kira give so much intel to the whole group? They didn't need to know such specifics. I was going to write about how the retard didn't mention the act of writing, but yeah... I guess it's so stupid that even he would realize the others would figure out it's an object you write on or an object that can be used to write, therefore he is vulnerable to being cucked out of his power.
Misa is so nice.
They will never test the note. Fuck them.
I'm surprised L doesn't investigate further into that "language description" part. The fact that you can't "mention" a second name in the killing process is a hint about the method of killing, it could be a chant or something that must be written somewhere
I really hate Soichiro's attitude. Thousands of people died and millions will eventually die if they miss Kira, but saving one guy takes priority.
Good answers
>on anime, 1st part was 25 eps
>2nd part was 12
I almost got it right before checking, thought it was 24+13, and I'm not even a DN cultist.
rare Light giving a shit about Misa moment

Little bitch
He cute
How many MisaL shippers out there?
I don't remember Mogi being useful even once.
It is a good question actually. Why should "regaining memories" automatically lead to returning to previous state? Instead of this fatalistic outlook, L should have program Light to not kill people even if the memories return to him.
?? He was called MVP a few threads ago. He tailed Light and found Misa (although only on her second visit, which was already a BIG oversight)
His attitude is quite basic ethical stance, I really don't understand what is hard to understand there.
Surely you should think utilitarian when the scale is 1 to 1000 000. Especially when he barely contributed anything and Light/L did most of the investigation
Yeah, using this + the reference Matsuda did about Aizawa's words, how Kira wouldn't bother killing the FBI if the method of killing left no evidence, it's pretty easy to figure out it's either writing or speaking, rather than just internal thoughts. It would be natural to assume the power comes from an object, or can only be used through an object, for instance: having to record your spoken words or take a photo of your written words for your powers to manifest. This is important because it could either be that the power comes from the person itself, so the object required to use your powers is ordinary, or the object itself is special. From the investigation perspective, the later scenario is preferable.
Which means Misa should have a lot more monitoring. Why is Light the one handcuffed? They know she sent the tapes.
Even as utilitarian arresting them would be better. As far as they know, Kira being one of the seven is much more likely than being someone else. Anyone can awlays speculate that Kira is behind 100 proxies because 100% certainty is just impossible to get or too expensive.
Sure would be crazy if that happened haha
You would?
In a world where the death penalty is apparently legal everywhere? Without a doubt.
>surely you would abandon your principles when number go up
I dunno man, Soichiro's instinct is correct but L's rationale is too; yeah, arresting them COULD stop Kira, or it could alert Kira and lose them their only leads.
It's pretty much the concept of ignoring or letting go of a small fry from a criminal organization so you have better odds of getting someone high on the hierarchy, if not the head. They're dealing with supernatural powers and got disgustingly lucky with the Yotsuba Kira and Matsuda striking gold, one or two lives pales in comparison to catching this magical murderer or at least getting info on how his or her sorcery bullshit works.
>one or two lives pales in comparison to catching this magical murderer or at least getting info on how his or her sorcery bullshit works.
That's your opinion, anon. Soichiro disagrees and thinks every life you can preserve is worth the effort to preserve. Letting someone die to prove that they have the power to kill is nonsensical, because as you said, they got disgustingly lucky. They heard the entire plan and even got them to delay killing. Soichiro's MO is to stop the killing, catching Kira is the means of doing that. L's MO is to catch Kira. They're fundamentally on different sides, and as we know the last time Soichiro argued this, L's still holding onto hope that Light is Kira and that he can be right. So Soichiro's plan to catch Kira3 by abducting the Yotsuba members throws a wrench into that.
Also naturally we know that Soichiro's plan would succeed the same way Light's incarceration did, so that obviously can't happen, and even so, L's appraisal rings true regardless of the proof or not; even if those people die, they STILL have no further knowledge about which of the seven, if any, is Kira, and the same problem exists. Soichiro is right to argue here, because L's argument doesn't actually address Soichiro's concerns, it cushions his own designs.
> Letting someone die to prove that they have the power to kill is nonsensical
If there is no proof, what are you accusing them of in the first place?
Conspiracy to commit murder is also a crime, anon.
Death Note isn't about Kira trying to escape the law. It's about L making friends.
theorically, how big fucked would Light be if L did woo Misa
Light just grabbed it without waiting for L's input.
And L had no idea that just touching the notebook would make Light get his memories back.
That was literally L'd last move. Why wouldn't they do it?
Logically, they should have had someone willing to do so, but the problem is L's thesis is based on what the others considered a flawed premise, that Light was Kira. Like you said though, if L dies right THERE then he must have been close. Just because the shinigami murdered L doesn't mean L was off-track. I think the reason they didn't was meta: if anyone tests it, Light has to kill them 13 days later. If he does, then they would never question the notebook rules even when Near does.
That would imply theres much of a brain to explode. She left that thing behind after her introduction.
The smart thing to do would be to at least wait for the next meeting. They'd want to be able to see if there is another kind of meeting for when the killing happens. Maybe they have to open one of their laptops and send a message to Kira. Maybe one of them has to send a letter. Maybe they have to actually do something together to kill. Maybe something happens after the killing...

Basically they got to see the planning part, but they'd want to see if that's the entire thing. Not just one small part of it. And then they can probably try to put cameras in every suspect's house, especially during one of their meetings. If they succeed and find the physical evidence Matsuda is talking about then it's the true victory they really need. They can always arrest them after this fails.

It'd be understandable for Soichiro to start wanting to do this if he was useful but he really isn't. He put pressure on L with his situation as Light's father too. Soichiro should start respecting L more, he really isn't in a position to speak to him.
Kinda funny the only things of value Soichiro did was driving a van into Sakura TV for tapes and getting Mello's name since the latter snowballed into Mikami's fuck up.
Ok but they know now that Kira needs to write on an actual physical object and that L wanted to test the note to verify whether it made Light and Misa innocent.

How about this.
Soichiro, finally connecting his justice drive with his last remaining braincells, understands that L wanted to test this rule and verify his son's and Misa's innocence. He also remembers that Kira's murders restarted right after they let Misa go UNMONITORED which I'll never stress enough is fucking stupid.
Soichiro therefore decides to test the rule and while testing it, keeps Light and Misa in detention for 13 days. They can't kill anyone now. If Kira's power changes hands again it'll be very obvious, they know about shinigami and such. No prep time for Light either.

There. It's that simple. It's checkmate. They tested the rule, disproven Light and Misa's innocence and managed to suspiciously stop all the murders. They also KNOW that the DN has to kill and can't just manipulate, so Misa is DEFINITELY in the red for sending the tapes.

Light gets turbofucked by anyone with enough common sense to do what L asked them to do. The task force is cancer other than Mogi
They already established before the time change that the decision to kill had happened and they had less than a day before it would happen. That's why Soichiro and Light panicked, they both wanted to prevent deaths. There was no implication of other meetings for the death itself, just the decision for X to die tomorrow.
>they can bug everyone's house
That's much more difficult depending on the levels of security every other house has, especially if one of them IS Kira and is very defensive, and either way, that takes time they don't have before someone was going to die. That was the concern and cause for the argument. Proof existing outside of the deaths is possible, but knowing that doesn't change the circumstance of a death being imminent.
>It'd be understandable for Soichiro to start wanting to do this if he was useful but he really isn't.
Being useful isn't a prerequisite for having reasonable morals to abide by, autist-chan.
>When another person's name is brought up in the language,
I understand why Kira 3 danced around the word "write" because he wouldn't want to reveal that his power is a notebook, but this line still stands out as a big clue and I'm surprised L doesn't consider it further. It reveals that Kira's power somehow pertains to writing/speaking/some form of communication.
Off the top of my head, besides the conclusion that we know is true:
>Kira's power is a magic pen.
>Kira's power is a secret code/language.
>Kira's power is a genie that he needs to make wishes on.
>Kira's power is inherent but requires a writing implement.
>Kira's power is inherent but requires speaking out loud.
At the very least, this proves that it's not ESP. Kira can't just think really hard about someone dying and they die. There's room for lawyering and being specific, because if it was just thoughts, it would be possible to kill someone on accident by imagining them in someone else's death scenario.
Also it's kind of insane that L and the entire task force are showing their faces (names?) to both Light and Misa, and removed the Watari=L and other Ls safety measure. What if Misa somehow regained the Kira powers and did a clean sweep? I guess she still has to find Watari but that's all that's left. Or maybe she can just kill L with an accident and no one could prove anything. Why are they lowering the meager security measures they have when they know she sent the Kira tapes? At the very least Kira can manipulate her. Just let Soichiro handle Light and Misa.
>everyone acts completely logically and ignores their existing feelings of Light's innocence and Light can't ever do anything to stop their actions and we have no more story
Thank fucking god you aren't the writer, anon. You don't understand people at all.
Misa is so easy to manipulate that it's ridiculous.
It's this or she somehow gets +100IQ buff.
Also the fact Light didn't know Mogi existed. It's what fucked him when Misa got arrested. He's hanging around like normal in the skyscraper when before he always happened to be missing from the meetings after the first until the second Kira became a thing.
>There was no implication of other meetings for the death itself, just the decision for X to die tomorrow.
They don't know. It's possible the next meeting could have something else happen. It's possible for them to meet at another time to do something. They don't know if they saw the full repeated process or one part of it.
>That's much more difficult depending on the levels of security every other house has, especially if one of them IS Kira and is very defensive, and either way, that takes time they don't have before someone was going to die. That was the concern and cause for the argument. Proof existing outside of the deaths is possible, but knowing that doesn't change the circumstance of a death being imminent.
It's about managing to actually capture Kira, not getting more proof. If they fuck up, they'll fail capturing him. In real life, tons of police and special forces investigations are letting crimes happen if it can help them cast a bigger net. Anti pedo task force have actually uploaded CP on a seized pedo forum themselves to keep running it and getting more culprits before arresting them.
>Being useful isn't a prerequisite for having reasonable morals to abide by, autist-chan.
It's not his investigation to handle. He's a subordinate at best and not a useful one. He should listen to the guy risking his life on the frontlines and responsible for every single step they make towards catching Kira instead of believing that this time L is wrong and this is the time Soichiro has to take action for him. He'll never even finish what L started by testing the note and that makes it even worse. Also fuck off with the name calling you obnoxious cunt.
>we have no more story
It's something Ohba has to write around, not me.
The issue is that if anyone in this building starts doing his goddamn job and follow through L's last plan instead of screeching "how dare you still suspect Light, L? He's such a nice guy! Why don't you take the rule at face value?", Light is completely finished. This is both a plothole and a stain on the characters.
It really should be a much bigger deal than it is, yes
Don't forget L never interacted with anyone directly, and kept his name and face a closely guarded secret out of pure paranoid principle. However, after a mysterious supernatural method of assassinating people is discovered, he abandons all that, makes friends with the prime suspect and shares all his information with him.
>instead of screeching
THEY HAVE NOTHING ON LIGHT, ANON. I don't know how this keeps evading you. L's the one maintaining that theory, literally every other task member is convinced he's innocent.
>why don't you take the rule at face value
You're already acting as if the magic rules written in a murder book are somehow not reliable. Only L believes that because he CANNOT HANDLE being wrong. It's CONVENIENT sure but the existence of a written rule in a murderbook that demonstrably makes you see a demon isn't a normal play. L's coping hard and was willing to die if he was wrong. Nobody else entertains his idea because none of them want to kill someone just to prove the demon-vision notebook works the way it must, given the existing conversations about the functions of Kira's powers.
>fuck off with the name calling you obnoxious cunt
Where will Sally look for her ball, anon. Is it where she hid it, or where only you know it is? You know Light is Kira, but you can't fucking IGNORE that and treat the characters as the characters who KNOW ONLY WHAT THEY KNOW and BELIEVE WHAT THEY BELIEVE.
>THEY HAVE NOTHING ON LIGHT, ANON. I don't know how this keeps evading you. L's the one maintaining that theory, literally every other task member is convinced he's innocent.
I wont even start with saying how insanely suspicious Light is due to Penber AND having met the second Kira Misa literally the day after Aoyama AND both Light and Misa having no recollection of how they met. I don't even need to go that far. L is convinced Light is suspicious. That's more than enough. If L says so, then it has to be done. End of story.
>You're already acting as if the magic rules written in a murder book are somehow not reliable. Only L believes that
This is so funny. If "only L" believes that then surely we can ignore it. It's just L after all! The guy who's done literally everything from the start.
Besides, the shinigami just kept giving weird non answers and then disappeared in a pile of sand. I'm sure shinigami and death books must be perfectly reliable!

Surely, we shouldn't bother to stop the coffee break and test the note. I mean, it'd take us like... 13 days! You know what we could do in 13 days? Or 7 years? Like... Nothing? Can't wait for a dude who's not even part of the task force to come 7 years later and from an outsider perspective just casually deduce how fishy this is and call us fucking retards for going along with it!
>Where will Sally look for her ball, anon. Is it where she hid it, or where only you know it is?
What are you even talking about? Is it actual autism?
>If L says so, then it has to be done. End of story.
L is not their god nor their commanding officer. He is the benefactor of the investigation and the lead investigator but he is by no means in charge of commanding them around and nobody treats it as such. L has shown flawed reasoning countless times. You are mistaking him being correct as him being right because you know the outcome.
>The guy who's done literally everything from the start.
And been wrong about his prime suspect according to everyone. You're casually putting L on a pedestal despite him being obviously treated as flawed by the narrative and other characters. Nobody else entertains L's paranoia about Light. They take the facts and weigh them against the contradictions. Penbar was a 5% fucking leap of L's that L used to gain more insight about Light which gave him something to go on. Nobody else thought L's deductions were founded or accurate but allowed him to pursue it anyway, until the point where Light was proven innocent - and remained innocent once the notebook was recovered. L's the one who takes his bias into the Notebook to use it to prove it's Light because he can't fucking accept an alternative.
>someone else should just risk their life and kill another person to test the insane theory only L has ever focused on
Great idea, sociopath-san!
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>L has shown flawed reasoning countless times
Now, L is a shit investigator who totally didn't lead them to the one who sent the Kira tapes. We can totally disregard his plans. We don't have to enforce the plans he started right before dying: we can just conclude he was wrong and never do anything else.
>someone else should just risk their life and kill another person to test the insane theory only L has ever focused on

I give up, you are either talking in bad faith or an actual autist, likely both.
>strawmans a lack of faith in L's ability to disregard his own pride into "everyone thinks L is shit"
>throws around autist as the insult after it was used on him; ironically, classic autist behavior
Sure, par for the course with your intellect demonstration.
You're ignoring every panel around it that shows literally nobody was cool with the idea.
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The more time passes and the more I realize part 2 is better written than 1, but nobody remembers it (or watched it)
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or read it*

Near's no nonsense attitude is a breath of fresh air compared to the task force's uselessness
If you were going to ask that, it should've been when he lost his memory, why would losing your memory remove all your murderous tendency? At this point we accept that they come in a package
I'm looking forward to it. I never read the manga but even I heard that the anime abridged the second half a ton.
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The setting change is also nice. I suspect it backfired because it's not as comfy as part 1 with Light's family life but it really differentiates it from part 1.

It's also pretty fun to see Near and Mello caaarefully walk the task force through their reasoning and why the current L is suspicious (pic related, it feels like >>269017822 from today's chapter)
Obviously the anime left that part out because no fun allowed
I love Near, he's all of L's best traits wrapped up into one cute little cinnamon bun
so hating near and mello is a litmus test for people who haven't read the manga?
Definitely might be. Or fujos who only cared about Light and L.
Misa is not a good friend
As easy as it is to blame the task force for being so grossly incompetent, it is partially L's fault for not having better allies in the first place.
L probably would've won if the task force were replaced with Near's 3 glowies.
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Yeah, but find this instance >>269035264 especially funny because Aizawa's deflecting by questioning the fucking ink of all things
Aizawa's line of reasoning isn't wrong, but it's ignoring the obvious possibilities. At some point I think that's less of the characters' failings and more of Ohba's inability to write not-autistically, meaning someone has to say something wrong to be contradicted even if the mention of it does not actually change the scenario at all, it just shows "yeah I thought about that one readers, see!!".
It could've given Aizawa more credit if he answered his own question instead of Near... but I also like Near just contradicting him in the same panel, it's like "come on guys use your imagination a little"
Yeah, while L is more charismatic and fun to follow, Near's no-nonsense is very good and likely what helped them cut a lot of stuff short in the adaptation.
As far I know, talking in third person in Japan can be seen as a sign of cuteness. There are several characters in japanese fiction that own this trait. Most of them are cute young girls.
is there a characteristic reason why Light couldn't have just told Mikami to secretly keep a spare page of the notebook when he should be well aware by then that keeping parts of the page hidden on your person is/was foolproof? Even Near was surprised that Light still had a piece of the notebook on him during the final confrontation and he only realized it because Light was basically shoving it in front of everyone's face.
Not really, the only explanation would be that Light was baiting Near to think Mikami would have to use a page from the note so Near would replace it but Near shouldn't bite realistically
Light couldn't get in direct contact with Mikami after Takada died.
He definitely should have told Mikami that at some point earlier, since Light at least anticipated the possibility of the notebook being taken or switched and had Mikami make a decoy (but didn't anticipate both the real and the decoy being switched).
Yeah, it was really just stupidity preventing Light from telling Mikami to always keep a scrap of real death note on him at all times to use in an emergency.
He even had Takada keep a scrap, so it's not like he never considered other people doing it.
Light starts actively and willfully not going the extra mile after L's death, because he refuses to entertain the notion that anybody but L is worthy -or capable of requiring- his full scheming intellect and maximum effort
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Thank you for posting.
bad writing
Wololo wololo
I've been converted to your side.
misa misa
desu noto
I wonder how bad L smells. He never changes his clothes and he probably never showers.
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Chapter 46: Ill-suited
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This guy's hilarious, his first solution is always killing people.
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If Shimura were on the Task Force he would have been the most useful after L detecting all the plot holes.
>I sweat here
how? how do you do that?
uh oh, ntr
>Misa was smart enough to not get her fingerprints on the video tapes but still retarded enough to tell people she went to Tokyo to meet Kira
It's funny that Mogi is only comfortable around Misa when he thinks she's Kira
Shimura is actually pretty smart
He's talking too much
I love Mogi
How can I land the Aiber charisma?
It's called dedication to one's craft
>Misa refuses to date 30 year old men
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It's a pro secret.
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I like how Misa is acting like she's acting (badly) here
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What did she mean by this
Now that I think about it, if L agreed with Soichiro and just captured all Yotsuba members instead of doing that, Light would have never touched the DN again
you can't if you're not born with it
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Death Note is just a Buraiden Gai fanfiction by the way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIl1KAfg1Yo
Thank you!

Same. Like American Psycho, playing a performance. Bale's co-stars thought he was just a bad actor cause they didn't get it.
>Hello strange lady I have never seen before in my life. You don't know who I am correct?
>She let's her guard down after a few drink
>She also gives some good head
As if sweating on command is a thing
She's never heard of the notorious hacker known as 4chan.
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>that weird foreigner
>it feels against the rules, but there is no specific against it
Feels like a meta commentary from the author about how he is about to pull some bullshit but don't want to hear shit over it. I don't remember stuff about this part of the story, so I shall see.
Shimura seems to stress over pointless details. He needs to chill more.
kek poor Mogi
True but Light was still acting out of innocence when he grabbed it.

On another note, it wasn't as clear to me as a kid that L knew *exactly* what was happening to the point of seeing his own checkmate not far away. I knew L saw Light for what he was but didn't read too deeply into those "I don't have much time," "we will be parting ways soon" statements.
kek she fooled me
This is pretty funny
I don't know, L not telling at least Watari to fuck off in another office seems like a really stupid decision.
Can't Shimura stop doubting and just enjoy the ride?
This plan was elaborate
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To be fair this was like 2005, right before someone like Misa would have gotten an internet smartphone
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>Can't Shimura stop doubting and just enjoy the ride?
Shimura and Dragon have a standoff.
Shimura is too good for this shit
mogi is so moe
It was a different time
If Death Note were written now Misa might have had a fantia where she posts saucy pics
woah L, not cool
Oh no no… light got ntr’d…
he wishes
It's fine he's gay or asexual anyway
The second part has a decent hook, but I think the pacing slowdown once everyone returns to Japan hurt it a lot. The worst part of this being Near deciding to wait 23 days without doing anything just to rule out his ally got affected by the Death Note.
Huh, so 4channers noticed.
>Near deciding to wait 23 days without doing anything just to rule out his ally got affected by the Death Note
Is that part long in the manga?
Strong NTR energy.
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Misa is a little bitch, trash talking and shitting on every guy that isn't Light
I assumed that Misa doesn't even have a sister and Aiber/L made it up as part of their keikaku, Aiber being a professional conman would likely do this, it's not like the Yotsuba people are going to try and verify it since that's Coils job
Misa is too pure.
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She setup her friend to send Kira tapes and was fine with killing her...
Wtf, he is still working as her manager?! Or at least still playing that role.
this anime would be more popular if the girl wasn't a disgustingly ugly slag
It's unfair, Misa is tiny.
Yeah, pure evil.
He's a detective, not a professional mind breaker.
Nobody's watching Death Note for the girls, don't worry.
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L does change his clothes. They're just all identical. And while he doesn't technically shower, he does bathe.
She really is like Christian Bale.
Intentionally bad acting + sweating on command.
I wonder how quickly she could gain and lose weight if Light told her to.
A normalfag in 2005 not using the internet seems pretty reasonable.
This would've been pre-iPhone.
>Higuchi jumps to killing instantly
>Higuchi is the only one without a thought bubble
I'm not sure if this means he's Kira, or if it means he's not Kira because he's such an obvious red herring.
This is true. But L had no way of knowing that.
And L had no interest in doing that anyway, because Light's guilt/innocence would've been permanently up in the air and their game would've ended in a draw.
pic-rel Lidner 4 hours before (wo)manhandling misa
this is more gay than fujoshi shipping
i cant believe hentai lied to me about oji-san energy and their magick dick powers... i did suspect something was off, but still...
What is "an internet smartphone"?
I mean you're right and it's a good anime but everyone likes a cute anime girl, and this one was pure ugly.
Naomi who is the hottest dies early on so yeah.
You must be at least 18 and human to post on this website, bot/minor-kun.
>Human washing machine

an interesting aspect of the manga's ending that the anime doesn't get to capitalize on is that due to matsuda's conjecture that near used the note on mikami to manipulate him, questions like this or matters like "there's no fucking way gevanni was able to acquire and duplicate the note in a single night" can be conveniently resolved with "it was only a matter of appearances, near had already won and only needed to worry about concealing his use of the note, and anything light could have done by then was futile"
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basically any cell phone that came out in the summer of 2007 or later when the iphone made traditional cell phones obsolete
It was normal for girls like Misa to not be an internet user until 2007+
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I think this was also a side effect of "current trends" / fads, like how Misa had 3 cell phones already but any of them either had 0 internet access or a really pitiful browser, so people like Misa would upgrade to the new sleek cool iphone and now they have a very serviceable internet phone but they didn't exactly upgrade from flip-phone to smart phone just for better internet access, but simply because it was the hot new trend
Back in the before times, the long long ago, smartphones couldn't browse the internet in the same way a computer could.
At best, they could receive e-mails and faxes and shit, but it wasn't anything like what we have now.
>make a basement dwelling otaku character
>don't make him be a smelly and unwashed weirdo like he'd realistically just to please the fangirls
Pussy writers.
doesn't he have that butler from the orphanage?
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L takes natural god-given showers on rainy days only.
Mogi's whole shtick was that he stayed hidden in the shadows and did things off-screen, that's probably why. He was L's ace in the hole because he was the only investigator Light didn't know about. He doesn't cause any drama, he is just extremely reliable and fulfills any task. I like him.
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remember when text messages used to cost money kek
expensive texting plans 30, 40, 50 bucks for like a couple hundred texts per month and if you go over that threshhold it's like 10 to upwards of 35 cents for every single extra text. Those business practices were almost as evil as Kira, some might say worse
I would impregnate sayu for 5000 yen
I remember commercials for ringtones like Crazy Frog and phone games.
It was like smartphone apps but much more expensive.
>I wont even start with saying how insanely suspicious Light is due to Penber AND having met the second Kira Misa literally the day after Aoyama
people keep forgetting that the only reason Misa even became a suspect to begin with was because of her connection to Light. The police had pretty much no leads on the Kira-2-case, all they had were fingerprints that didn't even belong to Misa and the places the tapes were sent from which were intentionally scrambled to hide her wherabouts. Misa was no more of a suspect than any other person in Japan. The reason they got her was because the police had Light as their prime suspect for Kira-1 already. They concluded that Kira-1 and Kira-2 had met, they saw their prime suspect meet this new girl secretly and out of nowhere, and upon further investigating this new girl they found proof that she was Kira-2. The chance of Light being innocent and dating the actual Kira-2 by pure coincidence is so astronomically low I'd imagine even a real life court would find Light guilty.
>You want me to participate like you guys and have myself filmed by the cameras at the yotsuba offices? and be in the same position as all of you in the event that we are caught?
Kida really isn't good with people, is he
There is an internet outside of smartphones. I don't have stats for Japan, but over 80% of 18-29 year olds used the internet in 2005 in the US. College aged normies like Misa used AIM and myspace. It's honestly pretty weird that someone social like her wouldn't be online and the fact that yotsuba/Coil accepts the excuse without pushback is where Ohba's boomerism is showing (or, meta on how yotsuba are all older. But I don't think Ohba is smart enough for that).

then they evolved into thousands of minutes and messages and like 1 or 2 gb of internet only, often adding a single gb with a cost increase out of nowhere. also they charged youbevery 28 days

here we got lucky that a company came with an offer that was like 50 gb for 5€ with unlimited messages and minutes. it completely changed the panorama and 10 years later i am still on it
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The way she looked like in her first appearance she seemed to be one of these girls who visit paranormal sites and ghost hunting sites from the early 00s.
I miss these kinds of sites.
All mystery disappeared with smartphones and the ability to film everything and post it on social media.
That's entirely wrong. They arrested her and blindfolded her and all that but let Light do his things because they had damning evidence about her being Kira 2, but none for Light.
We also used to get fooled by scammers and charlatans a lot more. Not to mention all the people brazenly making claims and inventing stats in regular conversations.
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it's not wrong, that's specifically the sequence of events presented to us. In Chapter 31 Mogi sees Light with Misa, doesn't know who she is, and in chapter 33 she is already in chains. We're told about the evidence against her like that the paper in her diary matches those of the letters, but those are not leads. You can't track everybody who ever bought a specific kind of diary. The lead that made them aware of Misa's existence to begin with was Mogi tailing the prime suspect and seeing him meet this suspicious new person.
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That's not me saying it, that's L and Soichiro
He never said that shit in the manga, if he was so sure of his own demise then no way would he interact so casually with Light. Honestly that whole Judas nonsense + L feeling doomed in the anime is pretty forced and OOC imo, in the manga the literal moment L realized he was in danger he decided he'd do anything and everything to kill the Kiras (aka Light and Misa). That kind of quick, desperate decisiveness (instead of anime!L's blase attitude toward his own death, seemingly already having made peace with it) is why Rem killed him

Considering he thinks he's genuinely innocent, I dont blame Light - I'd punch him too
Yes, if L was aware something was going on he'd at least tell Watari to fuck off to do his job afterwards. Actually there's no reason why Watari should work in the same building as them and there's also no reason why Misa should be allowed to see anyone's face other than Soichiro.
Imo it's more that after Soichiro's death Light becomes so reckless that it's almost like he's trying to get himself killed or at least pushing the limits of what he can get away with, it's self-destructive
I don't agree with that because you can see Light being really frustrated multiple times when confronting Near and Mello, he's forced to resort to obvious tactics that everyone can see through, basically he's getting outplayed (sometimes).
Honestly her most competent moment, need the AU where she lives long enough to become Japanese Meryl Streep
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Chapter 47: Impertinence
ai is ushering a new age of scams, they just stopped targeting nerds
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Wow, fucking spoilers Rem!
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pajeets and nigerians are also the cause of a lot more scams but their scams already existed 10 years ago
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It's Matsuda
I stll prefer Deathnoteless Misa|
L is a master thief in his free time.
>I can tell youre not a stalker
How is this the first thing you say to giant demon thing?
This is the point a lot of Kirafags gyrate on, that Light was more graceful as Kira and understood accidental deaths and didn't kill indiscriminately. Because everything reported about a case on the news or in arrests must obviously be accurate.
That's one of the reasons why Rem hated Light Yagami.
>Light was actually secretly a board member the whole time
heh... keikaku
>Now that I have feelings for Light Yagami, doing so would cause my own death
ok, so it's really not about romantic love. General respect is already enough for the shinigami-death-clause to take effect, that's good to know.
I was gonna mention how psychotic it is that misa is so cheerfully talking about murdering L after dancing with him in joy two chapters ago, but I just remembered misa doesn't even know L and Ryuzaki are the same person.
>I don't exactly want to be loved by a shinigami...
He was Mido all the time. Actually Mido is Light's twin brother and they've been fooling L from the start. THAT's a good twist, yes.
Or, like L said, one of the members merely had a connection with kira. An anal connection. I can see Namikawa and Light goin for each other, yeah. Going HARD for each other.
can't believe Aiber was the third Kira this whole time. He's really playing the long-con
If they are twin brothers then that would mean that Mido is 18 or 19 during the Yotsuba arc.
How did he get that position in Yotsuba if he is actually 18 or 19?
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The true third Kira is the true Hideki Ryuga who had a Shinigami and a Death Note before the whole story began.
It's all part of his secret plan and Light and Misa were just pawns.
Ryuk himself is also an agent of Ryuga's shinigami.
Nepotism. He's the son of a big shot in the police. Also he's an evil genius, like his brother, big corpos need evil geniuses.
is it true the vice president of yotsuba is smarter than L and light?
>the keikaru is doring
It's actually surprising that for years Ryuki's feeling for Light didn't see to change at all since they first met
Shinigamis live hundreds if not thousands of years. When you live so long years become very short for you.
Ryuk can sit through all the time except when for his apple addiction.
cute Misa in the last panel :3
>it is what it is
I like Rem
>Light is Kira?
Rem already mentioned that, Misa, pay attention.
>Misa, the author has written himself into a corner, I'll have to reveal who the 3rd Kira is.
> the author has written himself into a corner
death note is full of this(hell misa and rem themselves are glorified plot devices) but this time it isn't the case they could have found higuchi a million other ways, they end up bugging all their cars and houses anyway IIRC and namikawa assumed he was him too so they could have gotten it from him in fact you could cut this entire chapter and everything would play out the same in the end
Huh. Turns out Light didn't just spam kills and did a little research.
Just as planned, lightchads.
> fuck third Kira in particular
In this chapter, Misa gets an IQ buff.
> can't tell who is kira
> but allowed to point him out
lame rule
isn't kira suspicious about Rem disappearing for the exact duration that Misa was in the bathroom? Does he think shinigami need to pee as well?
*fujos have a melty*
shinigami dont have to follow the owner of the death note. they dont even need to show itself at all if they dont want to. i doubt rem is with aiber all the time, she said she doesnt even like him.
He’s probably not paying attention and Rem is allways on his back. He’s also a dumbass, light picked him because of that, truth is he doesnt care about what a shinigami does on his free time.
>If the same name is written in two or more Death Notes within 0.06 seconds, the entry is regarded as simultaneous; the Death Notes will not take effect and the individual will not die.
Has this rule ever been used?
death note peaked here
Assume that every weird rule right that was made because some human fucked up and the Shinigami king had to clean the mess
It's very diffocult to use.
And I doubt that Light or most other shinigami know about this rule.
Maybe only the shinigami king and that other higher ranking shinigami filled with jewelry who knows most stuff know about it.
How could a human even abuse it? That rule was probably made for shinigamis on the off chance they simultaneously write someone's name, so instead of deciding who the remaining life goes to it just cancels the death
Not that hard to use, Light could have used it with Misa's death note and written his name on both so that he could definitely be innocent in L's eyes (even though he would probably still suspect him)
She's not even going to ask how many years she threw?
Misa IS psychotic
God I hate Misa. I'm glad she ends up miserable.
>You are the one who beat Light in the battle to see which Kira could uncover the other first
Rem sounds just like a Light fan here, with all the impossible to know unknown rules and whatnot being the reason for a loss
Higuchi was really being used as a strawman to make Light look better
damn, the anime only gave like 1 minute to this bathroom scene that eats up the whole chapter, but I think the anime did a good job with what they picked to use
>It's honestly pretty weird that someone social like her wouldn't be online
>I don't have stats for Japan
Skype was basically already doing that free back then (as is discord now) but it's a little different with cell phone plans
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only for a few chapters
Truly the perfect woman.
Thanks for the dump like always OP.
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I kind of dislike her (Misa) and I think I prefer that the anime decided to nerf her screen time
Naomi and Sayu are superior
yeah, but sexo with misamisa
Sayu is hotter anyway
she doesnt dress like an hot goth gf. it's hotter only if you're light and thus you get incest bonus points.
"Lind L Tailor" was the real L. He completely solved the case, from how Kira kills to who he is and why. "Lind" was a pseudonym to protect himself, and if his broadcast continued for another five minutes he would have explained all. Unfortunately exactly 40 seconds after Light wrote his name he suffered a coincidental aortic embolism and died. In a panic his bumbling sidekick, L Lawliet, took over the broadcase and came up with the clumsy explanation about Lind being a decoy. Every breakthrough this L makes in the case is actually from consulting Lind's unfortunately incomplete notes on the matter.
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sensual sayusex with her flannel PJs still on
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Do you anons think Yotsuba influenced DN?
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Misa is a big fat LIAR just like Light
this, but in the street. dicking the smug out of her until she falls to her knees.
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Justice for Ukita, the way she callously killed him off (and the other 2 officers) felt especially cold
she doesnt even pay for it, if i remember well. good job, near.
It's fine, if you read vol 13 you know what she does after
I mean she used the death note. I think she pays for it in the afterlife like all other users no?
There is no afterlife. The line about going to hell no matter what is just to scare mortals. Humans don't have souls, only lifespans
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It's funny how the Task Force despite being pussies about L's measures to solve the case that they never bring up Lind L Tailor.
They had nothing to do with Lind, it was a deal between L and him, with the approval of some higher up.
Technically he says you won't go to hell or heaven if you use it
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a lot of characters have had their appearance trashed these past couple chapters and it's usually Misa
Just 1 more reason to dislike heartless stacies like her
did near kill mikami with the DN to control his actions and make him not verify the death note before death?
is rem the most JUST character in this manga?
Anime exclusive funny, I'm surprised; japs love their puns.
Well, there is Matt
Every woman who loves Light has an unfortunate end, there’s a reason Lidner is the only one who ends the series alive and happy
There is an internet outside of smartphones, and many people used the internet before smartphones.
It was just plausible for someone to not use the internet before smartphones.
>Keikaku doori counter: 4
The series would've ended on the spot if they put a wire on Misa without telling her.
This is going to be recurring theme in the next 10 chapters
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Occasionally I start thinking about "keikaku doori" even if I'm not currently viewing anything Death Note related, but I just start saying Keikaku Doori out loud trying to emulate how he said it
Maybe it's time to finally vocaroo it when it gets to that chapter
Fun fact: Matt, Soichiro, and Misa are the only named characters who died without having their names written in a death note. Mikami is unconfirmed.
Cute like Sayu
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Near appreciation post
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L is actually a secret pervert
All Misa cares is that those years were thrown for Light.
Sure, Light managed to research and pass fair judgement on 24 criminal cases each day.
Too bad he didn't study law, he would have made hell of an efficient judge. Even the Ace Attorney justice system can't match the speed a single Japanese student with megalomania.
The issue is that Light focuses so much on trying to be a diet judge, reading articles to judge you in like, 10 minutes top, when his DN could actually serve much, much better purpose

What he's doing here is, at best, correcting some justice oversight where PoS gets released despite being clearly guilty, which definitely doesn't happen ALL that often and he's bound to make mistakes that make everything worse as well. Meanwhile if he actually spent his time thinking about politics and the bigger scale he could actually change the world
>>Now that I have feelings for Light Yagami, doing so would cause my own death
Bro, Rem is lying. He's changing the plan for Misa's sake.
Like half of the notebook rules give off strong "patch" energy. I'm assuming the author originally didn't think about them that deeply, so as problems arose, he just kept on piling up stuff designed to maintain the premise. The premise being "murder mystery", since it's hard to believe all that stuff is somehow beneficial to the shinigami, or necessary for the DN to function.
Yes. That's because she's aligning with author knowledge, so Ohba can just use his own reasoning instead of "what would this character think if they didn't know X?", which is a struggle for him.
I love how disgusted Rem seems to be with the handcuffs.
She truly is an anti-fujo.
She heavily implied she's NOT a dyke in that exact page you replied to.
>the handcuffs must have been beyond Light's calculations
Light's calculations being "L will let me go unsupervised after I admit it was my hands that carried out Kira's killings up until now"?
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Why are we spoilering?
At least one anon reading through these threads is doing so for the first time.
Good anon for following suit, even if you weren't sure why.
Also, I'd totally fuck Near.
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I think we're about to get more Mellofags though.

Mello x Mogi, how about that crackship?
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Sayu wants to fuck Misa.
Sayu domming Misa
Ryuk and Sayu and even L are more sexually interested in Misa than Light is.
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Misa Amane in the final chapter
It's confirmed it's not her. In fact, Misa kills herself shortly after Light's death.
unironically wish that was true. Would have been an interesting ending to her character instead of the nothing we got
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crazy cult leader Misa > suicide death Misa
So it goes.
i wish it was her, she got completely snubbed in the manga's ending and the anime only gives vague implications that she kills herself. her becoming a kira cult leader was a cool idea and a perfect epilogue to the story
This thread can handle another chapter
I never really thought about it but what happens when one of them needs to go to the toilet or take a shower? How do they even change clothes? It would be impossible to take their shirts off.
They have "special" techniques for that.
I wonder if they just hopped in the human washing machine together
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Chapter 48: Give-and-Take
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this part always felt like a huuuge leap of faith on Misa's part
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>check em
She disguised as Misa is hotter than Misa.
In other words Rem's warning for Light was just a lie?
Based Higuchi
Honestly L's plan here is just too convoluted. Put cameras in everyone's houses like you did for Light. You know Kira fears physical evidence, and Light had trouble defeating the camera so chances of this working are high
Soichiro is just annoying when he does that. He can tell it's a stupid idea that wont stop the murders and will make their chances go to near 0 but he still has to make these big statements just for the sake of it.
No? She passed a death note to Misa and is in the human world. She can kill death note owners.
Based Lightfag Rem

I'm not sure if Ryuk was as unfeeling toward Light as he pretended to be and imo neither was Ryuk, I think he didn't want to risk it by killing some people for Light
I've misread the last rule.
I thought that rule means that only Ryuk can kill Light.
Stop fucking moralfagging
Either catch the 7 or thoroughly investigate them
Don't do the gay Sakura TV bullshit
Wait so NOW the plan is cancelled? After sending Misa to meet them and putting her in Kira's radar? Just because Soichiro whined again?
And again, why isn't L in high alerts because of that? Misa was more or less confirmed second Kira before that, this is highly suspicious. What if she's Kira again? What if she's just going to perform the Kira incantations she need to kill L or something?
To be fair I think this is just something we need to accept as the premise of the manga, obviously crime reporting can be wrong, fairly often even, but the author wants us to assume for the sake of the story that it isn't

They're best girls for me too

I thought that was a dub-only thing
L is not amused
I almost get the impression Soichiro is tired of living, and he's just looking for a plausible way to commit suicide
Rem didn't tell Misa about the 40s
>Based Lightfag Rem
Always felt like a stretch to me.
L is such a lovable dick, holy shit
Isn't L a bit worried to see all this shit he didn't plan for happen? Misa just doing as she wants and all that
Did you guys like the anime or the manga more? I only ever watched the anime, but I was 13 in 2006. Might try it again either reading or watching
Anime gets more hype scenes with over the top music and shots
Manga is more level headed
Kill yourself you worthless pedophile.
Strange re-read, Death Note is actually better than I remembered, it's usually the other way around when I re-read something old from my teenage years
would have been one hell of a twist though
>doesn't use the internet
>has email
Okay, Misa is just retarded then.
Maybe she meant no HTTP
japan uses emails in place of phone messages. misa is just a normalfag using the basics
you know... if light hadn't killed higuchi he would've probably started pointing fingers at misa
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we have officially entered the
L and Misa antics are the best
damn I can buy the full manga box set for $28 on amazon

maybe I finally start building my physical manga collection
>this bitch caught Kira before ME?
He's just like me
>Nurse Misa
How do you say not as planned in moon?
>this 60 iq baboon got kira before I could
oh no L noticed it
Keikaku hazure
Given what Rem told her, she's basically manipulating her or entrusting her as a comrade. This is honestly her most brazen plan, and she gets to flex what brainpower she does have here. Knowing the fact it requires writing down a name is leagues beyond what L currently knows, so only she could trick Higuchi at this point.
omoshiroii koto ni nattazo
>the author wants us to assume for the sake of the story that it isn't
I dunno if I'd give Ohba that much credit for nuance given how loudly his opinions are pushed as dogmatic in his manga.
Geez, Misa. How com Obata let's you fuck up TWO Kiras?
why is Higuchi even killing criminals?
I thought Rem said something like if you want the power of Kira you have to kill all criminals that appear on TV because of Light's plan.
But if he can just stop it then why even doing it in the first place?
>given how loudly his opinions are pushed as dogmatic in his manga.
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Finding Kira scoreboard:
L: 0
Light: 0
Misa: 2
It's ever explained what happened with the mummy-like shinigami we were shown during the Ligh meets Ryuga arc? He was making fun of Ryuk's situation in the human world, but then told his peers he was going to watch more of it. Another Shinigami gave him a last look while leaving after returning to the usual games.
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After all these years I realize that Light Yagami looks like a gay kpop model.
Misa found out two Kiras at this point.
Would Misa have deceived you if you were in Higuchi's shoes?
never let a bitch kno' how you make your make your cash flow
being fair and using only the info of what higuchi knows by that point, i would play it safe and not reveal im kira while trying to distance myself from her (this is consdering i don't know rem is conspiring against me) trying to act aloof
How would misa thoroughly investigate the three? What tactics would she use?
It was a temporary break so he can prove he is Kira, not something permanent. He probably assumes Rem would be ok with that or he could talk his way through. Also killing criminals serves as a smokescreen for Yotsuba related murders, I'm almost positive that is explicitly stated when he is briefly presented killing on his home.
Ignoring his whole "only Soichiro is just" thing for Death Note and the presentation is hinged on the Japanese perception of crime and punishment, Ohba's a massive misogynist and homophobe. You see it in Death Note where every single woman is either a child, housewife, orbits a man, etc. (beyond Wedy basically but she's basically a trope not a character) and (unsubstantiated, something I heard but never verified, so grain of salt): how he's been openly dismissive of fans shipping the main leads. In Bakuman every single female character ends up paired off with a man, some abandoning their dreams in the process, even the most independent women become just a prize for another man with limited character growth. Bakuman also has a huge speech by the 'smartest' main character about how the love interest is smart cuz she knows women shouldn't appear smarter than men cuz it's not attractive, which apparently she clearly cares about because of that logic? Then there's a very fucking weird tangent in Platinum End where someone says it's gross that [cupid arrow] made a guy act in love for another guy and they get called out very softly and go on a 4 page rant about ITS JUST MY OPINION BRO I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING WRONG JEEZ and then everyone just nods and agrees. Out of a ton of mangaka I'd say Ohba is the most pseudo intellectual; at least Isin and Togashi can show their autism overpowers their politics. Ohba just soapboxes out of nowhere. If these were simply characters' perspectives, it would be acknowledged or contradicted by other events in story, but every time it's agreed upon by the other characters we're supposed to either respect or recognize as intelligent.
>I will gladly kill myself to save the life of some rich corporate randoms
>family? Nah they'd understand
L just wants to take the opportunity to be with misa in bed so he can grope her more
That light has never tapped misa's tight idol pussy?
So is this the girl whos fingerprints are on the envelopes?
>Ohba's a massive misogynist and homophobe
I'll ignore the rest of your comment.
The true 2nd Kira.
We readers were mislead to believe it was Misa.
Keikaku undoori
>how were you killing, higuchi? Speak?
>It was the notebook...but it was given to me by kira's shinigami! We made a deal! Also Misa Amane is the second Kira!
Forget about the marriage, I would have blown up my cover just to smell her armpits
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Rem told him some chapters ago that he could stop now if he wanted to, but Higuchi decided for himself to continue keeping up the illusion of Kira.
I just thought of a new original manga: Sex Note
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There is a Love Note. It even has an anime adaptation.
When was the last time the Daily Death Note thread reached bump limit?
The Yotsuba arc was unpopular but now it's getting traction or we are just bumping it enough.
Thank you for posting. See you next thread.
What these guys are even doing with their lives?
It should've died a few times but it got bumped. Plenty of the chapters are setup for the future (the climax), though, so not much that can be discussed. When things happen, the amount of posts shows it.
this is probably the only time a woman touched L
dick note lol

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