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Asking a man to settle for used-up, post-wall, ran-through, "wild past", "reformed whore", high-bodycount, caked on makeup, roast beef flapped, borderline personality displaying, dead-eyed, frumpy, vocal fry sounding, sleeve tatted CUNT is despicable and the biggest psyop ever to be performed. I will have no part in it. Neither should you, don't watch these shows.
You'd better be prepared to disengage from the romance genre because we'll only get more of this crap from now on. The worst part is seeing /a/nons (newfaggots) crawl out of the woodwork to defend this.
why did you make a thread about it?
The worst thing is that she's still in high school.
Like wtf i didn't do that in high school.
What was this trash?
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I'm sorry anon.
That's why i pretend to be a high schooler sometimes.
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because to pretend it doesnt exist and to ignore it will lead to the same road as current western media where all the chuds didnt gatekeep hard enough and the state of their shit
A few dozen men at most and even that is only the really whorish slut ones.
Most of these types of girl series only have a body count of less than 10 or 5.
Your pic rel is a virgin btw retard and doesn't even count towards the genre you listed.
dumb newfag
>Your pic rel is a virgin btw retard and doesn't even count towards the genre you listed.
She's been triple teamed, newfag. The entire premise of the show is that of a virgin guy dating a girl who's been passed around at mixers.
The fuck you mean virgin?
She litteraly fucked with guys for their attention.
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Anon, the only new thing is that they're combined with ultra loser bland male protagonist, which it what it takes for you to take notice because the only thing you people are more attracted to than cute girls is super bland male protagonists it seems.
She never came, so she's basically a virgin.
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>the only thing you people are more attracted to than cute girls is super bland male protagonists it seems.
Yup, lol. Every burgeoning young man wants a virgin. Except how do you make a virgin? Pregnant women aren't virgins, are they?
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It’s refreshing to see a story that doesn’t place so much emphasis on virginity and instead focuses on the characters’ relationship. Rather than placing virginity and first love on a pedestal, we should recognize that falling in love with the right person can expose you to many ‘first times’, regardless of your past experiences
Forgive me, I confused it with seikatsu gimai.
>I am the retard
t. ranny
Didn't realize they had the internet in the 19th century
You should start a petition.
How much longer until a nip writes a manga about an incel KHHV NEET being dearly loved by a gyaru
Statistics >> your feefees.
Entering a relationship with a promiscuous woman is asking to get fucked.
And what if she wasn't the problem? why do you never blame the guys who lie and dump them for no reason other than being manwhores?
You just had a part in it. The world was better off without this thread.
Okay incel
Isn't the whole point of this anime that she genuinely feels bad about it?
>inb4 3dpd rant
Your meant to just accept that this girl, with these goals just randomly thought that it was normal for literal 14 year old to fuck on the first date. Then continued to do it everytime she got dumped and asked out again. That none of her over protective friends filled her in on reality that it never occured to her to even ask anyone else if it was normal.

No the plot of KimiZero is a complete set up from the start. None of it makes sense if you give it even the slightest bit of thought but it was never meant to, its just a stick to beat the MC with. To set up cliche moments when she breaks down and has the heroic virgin nice guy fly in to comfort her.
>still forcing that slut garbage series no one cared for
lol, lmao!
but is it her fault? you're within your right to reject her and dislike her for her past but you could still tell a story. perfect MCs are boring
Yes you have to accept it because it's a common thing and the chads you so admire are leading the charge in making these used goods.
I overheard even 12 year olds bragging about the phones their older boyfriends bought them.
I feel like a lot of the hate for non-virgins today is all reactionary bullshit against the era of sexual liberation.

It's better to have your virginity than not, but virgins are not automatically better than non-virgins. The reason you want a virgin is that promiscuity is undesirable, it predicts poor partnerships and difficulties in relationships. If you can get around that, then it doesn't matter how many dicks the girl has sucked.

At some point we've lost track of the actual problem which is people being untrustworthy cunts. A good virgin is better than a good whore, but a good whore is infinitely better than an absolute bitch who thinks being a virgin makes up for her femcel attitude.

So when it comes to anime heroines who you have to assume by default are loyal and perfect, it doesn't matter.
Men are not the gatekeepers of human reproduction.
The responsibility of choosing who has access to the womb always was the woman's. And this will remain the case until artificial wombs for humans become a reality, at which point women are fucked beyond measure.
The point is that, she is a literal perfect MC aside from this one thing and that thing is used as a weapon against her multiple times. If theres a single down period in the story its time to bring out the not the first time again and have her break down in tears. Then super virgin can roll in with something romantic and she melts.

Pretty sure not a single one of her previous boyfriends have made it into the story because they do not matter, the decisions they made, the reasoning behind them none of them matter because its all Runa's fault no matter what.
>trusting a woman with any responsibility
you niggas need Allah
>You'd better be prepared to disengage from the romance genre
No self respecting man has ever been engaged with the romance genre to begin with.
fair enough, but I think in general my point still stands
Whats always amusing is that the diatribes are always written by people years out from being the teenager they pretend to be. Every year they get older it takes them further and further away from the perfect virgin wife.
Like it or not this will be many men's future, the women will try to land a 1% man and they will get pumped and dumped and you will have to settle with them or you will die alone, she will keep trying to get one of those men and you will have to be okay with it
No sane man trusts them with that, hence every culture and lasting civilization on Earth has placed serious moral restrictions on them.
But this is a biological reality, as the sex that carries the womb they are the gatekeepers of human reproduction.
But it's not all doom and gloom, men have always been the gatekeepers of commitment aka higher chances of survival for the woman and the offspring.
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2D sluts are great and they're usually the best girl in their respective series.
At least a settled man would have had sex. Author cucked his poor protagonist
I know this is bait and all but this series honestly fetishizes virginity really hard. The question it asks is basically whether or not being perfect in every way makes up for her having had sex a few times which implies that her having sex counts as a crippling character flaw that destroys her on the inside and makes her a bad guy in the world.

People shit on the Anjou-san manga a lot but that was a much better take on it as shallow as it is. The whole cup page people bait over is really just making the point that Anjou's hymen doesn't fucking matter, she's still a person with a life and qualities.

We're basically supposed to think that the male lead is a hero for taking a chance on this dirtied girl.
>Men are not the gatekeepers of human reproduction
Yes we are. Women just die, or these days, live such a pathetic worthless life that they wish they were dead, if they don't have a man to leech off of. Sex is a woman's ONLY bargaining chip and it's not something men need to survive. If men collectively withheld sex from women until they complied there would be a shift in female behavior around the globe in a week. Obviously this will never happen, but men do hold ALL of the power when it comes to male/female interactions, we're just stupid enough to give that power over to the lesser sex, for some reason.
Suicide is haram and a major sin so I won't do it
> you will have to be okay with it
Except no. Birth rate trends and unapologetic misogyny trends show that men aren't having any of this bullshit and would rather watch it all burn to the ground instead. Men have a genetic predisposition to avoid reproducing with whores, good luck gaslighting a gene.
Men are physically and mentally superior so we are the keepers and the builders.
This is megacope.
>rapes you
>whore: wanna fuck
>whore's friends: GRR WE HATE YOU
We aren't.
It takes roughly 9 months for a new human to form, develop and then leave the womb. Then decades of nurturing for them to become adults.
It's a long and dangerous process that makes women the biological gatekeepers of human reproduction because up until recently if they let the wrong man have access to their womb they would fucking die alongside the child.
Human reproduction is structured in such way that one man can get thousands of women pregnant in a year but a woman can only get pregnant from one man during the same period. It's a physical limitation imposed on our species.

Enjoy the population collapse.
>It's a long and dangerous process that makes women the biological gatekeepers of human reproduction because up until recently if they let the wrong man have access to their womb they would fucking die alongside the child.
His point is that if we raped them then they don't get a choice.
You have to wonder where these people think an infinite number of virgins are going to come from. I mean unless you really do think that an endless number of virgin women need to be produced one after another just for you to have a constant supply of them. Like no other man should infringe on your line of virgin girls as you get older, that is unless you think that the first relationship in your life should last until the end. Of course you may well think its ok to have a teenage girl partner when you yourself are middle aged, as long as shes unspoiled.
The future is older men fucking high school girls.
Essentially, yes. Men have ALLOWED women the privilege of "gatekeeping" reproduction in the western world and it has been an undeniable disaster. Most civilized societies had arranged marriages where fathers would decide who their daughters would reproduce with because they knew if they left it up to her she'd pick the dumbest, most irresponsible, least capable man she could find and get pregnant by him within a week of meeting him and then he'd skip town and leave her and her family to deal with the baby.
Cliff is such a fucking cuck
Establishing an actual rape culture is very bad for men too.
There's a 50% chance that the child will be a woman, therefore there's a 50% chance that a man's lineage is in danger the moment puberty hits one of its members. It's a shit reproductive bet to make.
Sluts are hot, sluts are great at sex and most of all, sluts are openminded and you can have great conversations with them about your favorite loli anime and they won't give a shit.
Being in a relationship itself is basically being cucked to begin with. Just be friends with a lot of sluts and you get all the sex, human compansionship, warmth, affection, and good conversation you need.
The past is the best indicator of the future and you are correct. Why do you think basically EVERY male celebrity gets caught either having sex with or trying to have sex with teenage girls? Once a man has enough fame and fortune to have his pick of the litter, he goes for the most attractive women he can find, which are high school girls.
>There's a 50% chance that the child will be a woman, therefore there's a 50% chance that a man's lineage is in danger the moment puberty hits one of its members.
Just give your stupid daughter up to a lord or something.
Bro just typing shit :sob::sob:
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That's why I stick with the classics. I think love triangles are gay but at least the girls are mostly pure.
Right, which is why we established women as property and made their fathers their owners until their fathers passed ownership of their daughters on to a man who he has properly vetted and knows will take good care of her. We didn't start leaving reproduction up to a woman's better judgement (fucking lol) until after the industrial revolution and we all see how that has worked out.
Actually both roads lead to the same end. There is no such thing as "gatekeeping hard enough". Nothing except the most esoteric pen and paper board games was ever successfully gatekept from normalfags. Everything gets subverted over time and bitching on 4chan has never done a single thing to stop it.
We don't even exist in the space where our voices could be heard.
If you really want to "gatekeep" than learn japanese and move to japan and find a job in the industry and change it from the inside.
they hated him because he told the truth tier post
it's the ugly truth, but it's only half of it. at the end of the day a man does want a trustworthy woman that will be only his and bear his children, but entering this kind of relationship does make you cucked as a man.
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Sorry, but idk what you're talking about because I have a strict "kino only" policy when it comes to watching anything.
You're me, OP. And to think that sissy simps find it cute, but are disgusted when someone even mentions NTR.
Yeah, they think their virgin tradwife is going to let them watch loli anime, buahahaha.
Virgins are either:
>Butt ugly
>Offended by your entire existence and consider 4chan itself the work of the devil
Incel thread
>trash-tier man normal women rightfully find disgusting is dating a trash-tier woman normal men rightfully find disgusting
What's the issue again?
You're absolutely right and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
In order to save such a serious case of used goods, MC needed to become one too
Anon, anime is escapism for losers to live out a live they never will, this includes washed up whores, it just means there's enough of them now to be a market worth animating for.
Lets not pretend that even if anon somehow found a virgin teenage girl interested in him romantically he would no instantly reach for some other reason to avoid any and all contact. She has slightly left leaning views, she has weird knees, her stomach protrudes.
Mixed genetics. Your kids wont completely share you and your husband genetics due to your habit of sleeping around with another men. Expect your kids to inherit another men genetical disease, another men traits, even another men face lol
Fake and gay
>falling in love with the right person can expose you to many ‘first times’,
First times for you, not for her. You'll understand why this is so detrimental when you're alone, broke, and suicidal after choosing a used up whore to get divorced by instead of a woman who is experiencing everything with you for the first time and creating a real bond with you.
Yup, a recruitment thread
Because incels cannot reproduce naturally they perpetuate themselves through the mindrape of young autistic men who like anime and/or computers
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I will not eat ze bugs, and I will not hear about how nutritious, environmentally friendly or delicious it may or may not be
it's fucking disgusting
simple as
cheddar crickets are good however
Kys immediately
There are no young men here. Thats the most depressing part, unless you count those larping as young adults which is somehow even worse.
no thank you
try them with spicy hummus
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Anon, it places an extreme emphasis on it and the entire schtick is “look, not a virgin, this character is entirely defined by not being a virgin.”
if you read actual romance stories, as in, not romance-teasing for the worst losers but actual romance stories you'll find that not being a virgin is generally treated as such a normal and natural thing that it's barely even mentioned; it's assumed the same way that people can swim or drive cars is assumed without mentioning it. Both leads are typically not virgins when the story starts, and no fanfare is spent on it.

Take picrel. The one with apple red hair is canonically not a virgin because it's actually mentioned and the character starts the story being dumped due to being a workaholic. The other one it's never mentioned of but no reader will assume he's a virgin, he's 23 and he clearly knows what he's doing the first time they have sex. In the first chapter of course because it's not one of those dumb teasing stories where nothing ever happens.

That's how it tends to go in actual romance.
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>"I want le heckin wholesome family!"
>get triple teamed by three dudes
>The whole cup page people bait over is really just making the point that Anjou's hymen doesn't fucking matter, she's still a person with a life and qualities.
Then why phrase it in such a fucking retarded way? Would you drink from a cup that had a dick in it before?
No Mr Bond, I expect you to die.
They hate him because he told them the truth
the sad thing is that pretty much any of them could almost certainly find love if they just groomed themselves better, started exercising, gave up their extreme beliefs, picked up a hobby and learned to handle rejection
And yet here you are on a saturday night on an incel forum talking about anime. When are you going to take your own advice eh?
I don't remember /a/ ever becoming yours, incel-kun
Whats easier, all of that shit or screeching about sluts into a responsive echo chamber?
I don't watch romance anime to self insert so I really don't care about who the MC gets with as long as the romance is cute.
>if they just groomed themselves better
>started exercising
Not necessarily, men by far care morr about that more about than women but a lot of guys convinced themselves that's the most importan part because that's how they look up to other men. See it as a way to be healty, don't get obsesive about looks or dominance
>gave up their extreme beliefs
Absolutely, just be chill about life, there's no shoulds, things just are and you can only choose how you yourself live life
>picked up a hobby
This is also the best way to meet women without being a creep that just approaches them inappropriately
>learned to handle rejection
Statistically you won't get along with most people, trying to force something is how you end up alone, frustrated and violent
That's some mighty fine projection there, you seem really insecure about the subject. Did I touch a nerve?
Anyone who uses the word incel unironically isn't getting any ass.
>If you just put in a gigantic mountain of effort, you might maybe even get dead fish sex with a tinder whore! And if you're really lucky, you'll get to be divorced by one, and have all your money taken for the rest of your life!
Man, I'm lucky I don't have to deal with that shit if this is "just" what young men have to do.
I have a gf who I love, we met at an anime convention
she's coming over after church tomorrow to watch space battleship yamato
Cute girls deserve happiness and she looks very cute
>gigantic mountain of effort
Nigga just take a bath and do your hobbies in a way it can involve other people
Bro, what hobbies do you have that young, single women go to in 2024?
lol this. ecchi romcoms is one thing, where you watch it to enjoy hot waifus. but the "romance" genre, where it's about being validated by a woman and going on cutesy little dates, is for serial simps who unironically describe themselves as "lonely."
>just take up stamp collecting incelkun, you'll have girls hanging onto your legs in no time
>muh hobbies
Basement dwellers projecting always throw this out there even though they have never once in the history of the internet been able to offer up a single example of these supposed chic magnet hobbies.
What did you make a post in the thread?
Recruitment to... what exactly?
Shitting on whores is not new, and not a tenet of blackpill
Did they fuck in the new novel yet?
She's over 30 in high school?
There's no chic magnet hobbies retard, there's hobbies which if you like, chances are women do to; twitter is riddled with loli porn RP accounts, truly nothing seems of limit magically simply based off gender.
But that won't inherently mean they'll get attracted to you solely because you do the same thing, that's some teenager fandom in bio level of retard.
But it is an opportunity to meet with them in an organic way; yet if you go in expect them to treat them in any way different than a bro you're already setting youself for failure.
If you're going to lie on the internet, at least come up with something a bit more believable.
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>Muh artificial wombs
Most people just want to fall in love. And yes, I get that this is something you have zero personal experience with.
My hobby is arguing on 4chan on the weekend and jerking off. I'm looking left, right, up and down but I don't see any girls. Where are they?
This is the true and only good answer in the entire thread.
because hating is easier than loving.
in a totally unrelated note, I just read the Amagi Brilliant Park Manga and it was really good.
>there's hobbies which if you like, chances are women do to;
Such as? Where are these magical hobbies that young single women go to in 2024?

And no, Tiktok and Instagram is not a hobby.
I too hope to find a used goods, finally ready to settle down used goods. expecting anyone to take anything seriously is asking too much.
>And no, Tiktok and Instagram is not a hobby.
That's the real issue. You have to engage in brainrot to meet women in the current year.
The fact that you people actually think the “romance genre” is primarily male-oriented shows how detached you are from society at lage.
Almost anyone when he thinks of romance fiction will assume the protagonist will most likely be female and so will the consumers and he'd be right more often than not because the overwhelming majority of romance is written by and for females, not loser males.
Literally disregarded everything that anon said
>And no, Tiktok and Instagram is not a hobby
Bro his example of a hobby to meet girls was loli rape twitter RP. You are not dealing with a serious poster.
Need to do it in public.
the world is not as horrible as you think it is
I don't see any tattoos drawn on this character...
...Are you sure you just don't hate when gyarus are in anime?
It's the same advice as "just bee yourself lmao, just have a charming personality bruh, you have to put yourself out there. Just walk up to girls at the grocery story and ask for their number bro. It works for me (I'm 6'4 btw and have perfect genetics)".
Based. I fucking hate used goods after this board and demand 2D lovers' bodies are only for each other to enjoy.
He isn't lying, what he isn't telling you is his gf's weight starts with a 2 and at least 2% of that weight is tattoos, piercings and hair dye.
I feel so evil laughing at this, but it ultimately serves my standards for writing romance.
a little chub is cute ok
Found a really hot work with a gyaru imouto and finished fapping only to find out she was actually a whore, so I'm absolutely fucking vicious about them today. Keep that shit out of my incest.
We're not complaining enough. Or taking away profit.
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>we'll only get more of tihs crap from now on
VNbros we keep fucking winning while mangacucks and animecucks keep losing
Never watch 90's anime, you will cry.
Yea it's trash and I've just been avoiding them, I don't know why it's a trend in JP shit right now but it feels like slut propaganda.
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How are you newfags so confidently wrong? You're so ignorant of what otaku media is.
Slut cope and I won't stand for it. Used goods go and stay go.
>but it feels like slut propaganda
Japanese government funding anime that they think will encourage their men to procreate. They're just now realizing that the majority of their women are whores and there really isn't much of a choice otherwise. That's why almost all of these shows feel so inorganic and apologetic of the town bicycle featured in each one.
Well they're just being realistic
most women lost their virginity during/before high school and a huge % of adult women are sex workers (softcore/hardcore).
going to a prostitute isnt even considered cheating in japan
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owari da...
I mean "you" as the pathetic desperate person like the OP's pic, but obviously I would rather eat shit than marry a whore
It's more realistic, but I don't want realism in anime, I can date some random stupid woman for that
Sex outside the binds of marriage is always immoral
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hahaha LMAO
Japan is so fucked right now the government basically gave up on trying to fix the birthrates so now they are trying to fix men instead to fix the birthrate
>Actually the dregs of society who have taken dozens of dicks are lovely women and want to be trad wives, they can be fixed!, please try it!
Its over
As with everything they want to slap on another bandaid instead of fix the actual problem. Birthrates are never going to improve until women and men return to their traditional roles.
You can't tell women on being strong, empowered and don't need no man and at the same time ask them to have kids. The corporations got too greedy and thought they could double dip having men and women in the workforce and look where it has gotten us.
But just like the ridiculous censorship in porn no one is willing to be the first to step up and admit the truth in public. So things are just going to get worse for a while longer.
Im surprised this thras hasnt been 404 for being off-topic
but while we are discussing it, truth is experienced woman that look after themselves are simply superior
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I watch shows to amuse me, I watched this one since it approached a different perspective than your usual Romcom, and because I can make a difference between enjoying a fictional story and my behaviour IRL. Anons bitching about slutcore sounds like those 90s moms that tough Pokemon was satanic. Complete nonsense, nobody is stopping you from getting a tradwife but yourself.
I hate Zoomers so much
Then so be it. I will only watch cgdct for my pure, non westernized anime girls from now on.
>Population is declining so much the nips are pushing propaganda to encourage young men to literally marry prostitutes and reproduce
Lol lmao dead country
So how old were you when your dad took your virginity, fag?
>things that hurt my feelings are off-topic
Guess what, male okatu media is a very small drop in the bucket of romance as a whole.
Boys' love fanworks at comiket from Attack on Titan alone probably outsell it.
>aborts it
things that hurt the mods' feelings are offtopic
just to be clear Im not complaning, but i got banned for way less
it's always like that. and then you get banned for 3 days on all boards. sheesh.
Outside the west not all countries expect you to have had sex when you are an adult
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>Men are not the gatekeepers of human reproduction.
They have been for 99% of human history and it never was a problem
Now that birth control exists and sutff like the pill and abortion and female rights basically fucking men whenever they can all and every bit of the rights for human reproduction are in the hands of the woman for the first time in the history of mankind
And look how fucked modern relationships are. maybe is just a coincidence right?
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it's not a problem for "certain" anime-people, only your run off the mill kirito-clone gets cucked in this industry nowadays
Genuinely, do you guys think this stuff is more common because of the declining birthrate in Japan so they are trying to change perception of used goods for Japanese young men like they have done in the west.
They should just encourage the sluts to accept sperm of men with no protection and taking responsibility for slutting around with their fertile wombs.
Being a Japanese housewife sounds like it fucking sucks no wonder none of them want to do it anymore.
I doubt the government is going to random manga authors and telling them to make their characters sluts.
It's more than likely them just picking up on the newest cultural wave and running with it.
However if it came out that the government was behind it that wouldn't surprise me either.
Its not anymore common you brainwashed fucking buffoon.
>Modern japanese housewife
>just clean the house make food and all money falls into your lap
>In the information era is easier than ever since you can have access to computers and smartphones so you can spend all your free time on internet and whatever hobby you want to do
Modern women have it way easier than any other generation in history yet they also dont want to because americans convinced them they should really work full time normal jobs so mister shekelberg can become richer lol
>gave up their extreme beliefs, picked up a hobby and learned to handle rejection
Fuck you, I'd rather die.
Fuck you faggot
It's just envy anon
>looks at statistics
Lmao even.
The women keep the rape babies most of the time.
holy based..
He is lying.
Doesn't exist
This is just the minority, this stuff is for degenerates only. Everyone is encouraged pure girls with pure relationships in nippon.
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It's to emphasize that sluts and whores want to be loved too despite already taking in a hundred dicks or more, and (You) could be that lucky guy to give her the kind of love she yearns for.
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I copied a random reply from r9k, went to sleep, and come back to 175 replies? Interesting
>(You) could be that lucky guy to give her the kind of love she yearns for.
sorry, but I'm a dicklet, and I doubt I can make her orgasm.
I'd rather wait for robowaifus

She deserves suffering for walking out of God's life.
Most divorces are initiated by women and partnering with someone who gives their precious things to untrustworthy people is beyond stupid. Non-virgins are worth less than dirt.
Women would rater watch/read faggot romance than heterosexual one.
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Bro you're fine. My wife complains about my dick and I'm average at best. She would rather have a small dick. Just saying. Don't give up.
Think of it like this. Not all guys with big dicks are bad at sex, but all guys who are bad at sex have big dicks.
Every guys dick is tailor made to make every woman feel it when you plunge it in. Size doesn't matter one bit. The only women who ever say "guys with longer dicks are better" are porstitutes since those type of guys tend to blow their load and finish faster compared to average sized guys, and they can move on to their next customer or catch a smoke while the guys sleeps like a baby. America was the first to brainwash the public into thinking bigger is better. But the truth is having some douches 7inch schlong punch at your cervix hurts like hell, and women have other erogenous zones other than their pussies. So don't get discouraged if you think your little guy is tiny.
It is social conditioning to get Japanese men to think that the roasted women that they ignore and hate are actually really cute and le kawai and all that bullshit because the birth rates are near apocalyptic and they're desperate.
If she looks like a slut and she's a slut, I don't see no wrong. It's a girl acting pure then who reveals that she's a slut who's the problem.
this was hands down the best route. I STILL remember it fondly when reading it in jp during release.
though it makes me want to kill myself so bad.
Girl is a slut
I like him because he's nice

Romcom is dead.
it's not that i think my dick is tiny. i know it is. wtf is 4 inches going to do?
>watch cgdct
>enter the threads
>they’re all filled with yurifags
There is no escape. War is being wedged against waifu culture
no and no
Alright I'm a massive pure fag Christian Marriage guy who thinks both of parties should be virgins until after marriage.
BUT If you find somebody you really vibe with that goes out the window completely. To make a long story short there was a girl I was really into who I almost cucked her fiancé out of because he was a weirdo and I was there and emotionally available but things didn't work out. Even though I'm a purity fag I was willing to throw that aside and be with her despite obviously not being a virgin.
Isn’t the national average dick length like 4.2 inches? You’re almost average, you should be fine
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I like him because...he trashed my virgin JC pussy for 10 minutes and never spoke to me again
It's 5.3 anon...
What set the americans off this time
Are you upset that nobody is paying attention to your bait thread?
Guess I have my answer.
yurifags have always been in SoL threads, zoomie
made-up bullshit ensures more "discussion"
Is seaniggers Muslim.
slut society, no one cares
I am not a goatfucker Muslim.
>"I'm a Christian marriage guy"
>proudly recalls actions that even atheists know run counter to Christianity
They’re there to rage bait and try to "cuck" waifufags
Otherwise they would watch yuri series
Nowadays, I think it's probably a ragebait incubation thread.
1. make a bunch of threads on off-mainstream sites like 4chan
2. harvest the topics and arguments that garner the most (You)s
3. repost ragebait to mainstream platforms, use alts to start arguments in the comments that have proven to be engaging
4. receive culturewarbux from ads or patreon or vitamin supplements or simply sell the account to someone else

It's a tried and true tactic for anything you want eyes on. Disinfo bots do it 24/7. I hate that the internet has actually become srs bsns.
Time to look into getting a teaching degree
I obviously wouldn't have done something with her unless she broke it off with him. And besides things never got to that point because I broke it off first.
To some degree I can get this feeling, but to a certain degree you kind of lose your sympathy and really it comes down to how loose they really were. If it was like 3 former boyfriends and that person feels like they wasted their first times doing those things with someone they didn't love, you can kind of empathize with it because plenty of people regret some of their firsts. But when it's like double digits, you kind of stop feeling bad because once you reach an absurdly high level at a younger age, it kind of comes down to your own faults.
Twitter post, go back to your 3DPD worshipping shithole

There’s nothing gay about this thread though?
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The worst part about this is in those series the author never lets the slut never put out for the fag mc either. He should at least get a ride.
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I like him because... well I don't know, why in the world would I?
Mentally used goods is just as bad.
Chances are the women that relate to this are average as fuck themselves.
>not going to drinking parties and not having "experience" with girls used as negatives
They’re obvious far below average.
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>watching romance anime in the first place
Please just transition already.
Real men watch CGDCT exclusively.
CGDCT is boring except when actually take the full yuri route instead of baiting.
Yuri is trash and there’s no such thing as "yuri baiting", kill yourself
I’ll take whores over couples that go nowhere. The genre of MC kissing the girl in the last chapter needs to die.
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what a bunch of whiny bullshit
had to double check i am not on r9k
>facts before feelings sweaty
when talking about something that is all feelings
purityfags are mentally retarded and deserve to have nobody love them and to remain forever alone in their little caves where they belong
Men universally preferring virgin brides stems from the very simple biological reality of virgin brides being the only way to ensure the offspring is actually yours

We didn't evolve with paternity tests laying around

The emotions you describe are overwhelmingly negative and with the way things are going women should worry for their own safety and so called rights
>against the era of sexual liberation.
Yikes. It's disgusting that you are talking like an actual feminist.
>an absolute bitch who thinks being a virgin makes up for her femcel attitude.
In what fantasy world are you living where this type of woman actual exist? Women with high body counts are most likely to hate men
>women with high body counts hate men
>women with no body count also hate men
Are you talking about landwhales or something?
It's more that women that hate men just don't bother to even start getting into sexual relationships with them to begin with. So they preserve their virginity not due to any positive qualities but due to misandry at worst and disinterest at best.
I don't think this has ever been proven to be true.
Women are not objects like cups, retard
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This is a political propagandist
What he's saying is a blatant lie and he doesn't care for any of it besides this part
>gave up their extreme beliefs
Except the story 100% fetishizes virginity.
A huge story point is that Runa is hiding how sad she is that she didn't have the pure love story on her first try like her parents did and how so many of her firsts were taken by scumbags.
And how that makes her sad now that she has that pure love story.
Because were not a woman and never will be.
Shut up and have kids
It's not possible in humans though it can happen with some species of lizard.

Kids can be more related to one set of grandparents than the other though https://web.archive.org/web/20201212090744/https://genetics.thetech.org/ask/ask435
I still feel like you are talking about people that don't exist
the sort of girl that remains romantically inexperienced because she just doesn't care or doesn't like men isn't that uncommon
Why can't we have normal non virgin heroines? It's either turbo sluts or pure innocents
The author is a woman
That does tell a lot, especially about that crying scene
but what is the author's body count?
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I don't want to know, it's too tragic
Probably to do with the age range of the characters involved. The younger they are the more likely they are to be virgins and where virginity or lack of virginity is a big deal. Stories about adults tend not to focus on that very much because it gets more and more unrealistic that neither party will have had a past.
the age where people lose their virginity has been sinking for decades
it's risen as of the past decade. But pretty much college age is when most people will go through it and that's already past the age of many romcom leads. 22+ and people tend to not care so much.
>22+ and people tend to not care so much.
Where the hell do you live where that's the case?
Literally everyone who isn't socially awkward or ugly gets laid in middle school .
LMAO what?
This is why I read VNs instead. Much better romance.
>dead country
I would rather have my country "dead" than filled with brownoids
I would rather let the nation die than marry a whore
do you expect a romance story about people in their 30s (for example) to be focused on virginity?
Why are you moving the goalposts? I just asked where you live that has people over the age of 22 suddenly not caring about virginity. Sounds like heaven on Earth.
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you are wrong desu senpai
Slutcore is great. Just add a boy who isn't a faggot and make it all doki-doki.
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Do people really enjoy shows where the girl goes
>kyaa he touched my hand, now i can't get married
and the mc blushes and looks away when he sees a girl?
just watch hentai man
I think I misunderstood you. Past a certain age range I think virginity tends to be viewed as a less neutral characteristic. Being a 16 year old virgin isn't weird and it isn't unreasonable for someone to want their partner to be a virgin. By mid 20s people tend to not care so much about having a virginal partner if they are dating within their own age range, it isn't expected and people who are still virgins might be assumed to be so for unflattering or incompatible reasons.
How come Kuzu no Honkai was so successful then? Guess you are the minority.
unironically cooking classes, there a lot of women there
And I definitely misunderstood you, too. Thought you were saying that people stop caring that you're a virgin in their mid 20s. Got my damn hopes up lmao.
>young women
>cooking classes
Even if there were they are not there to find men to date so asking them would just annoy them. Same for dancing classes etc.
If you are religious people there will not care though the dating scenes there can be rough for other reasons. Honestly just lie about it if the opportunity comes up.
Reminder that most of the discussion about this anime, on this site at least, came from threads on /pol/. While it was airing they were so shameless about it that they literally crossposted their pol thread
volunteering is almost entirely female as from when I last did it consistently
/pol/ shit seeps into every other board
they really just need to get rid of it already
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>Kuzu no Honkai
I want romance between people who have some idea what they're doing or what is going on. You don't need to show it on screen. You don't even need couple to do it off screen. In the end sex is just a thing that couple can do, literally at level of going to amusement park. Not something special.
One of the most demanded inventions nowadays is a bodycount sensor and "is this even my kid?" instant scaner.
And lose that sweet, sweet revenue during elections or any major american disaster? Perhaps while Moot was still here. Hiroyuki sees this site as just a business, and mods are pretty fucked in the head from what I get
Pretty sure that was popular in the "watching a train wreck" sense. Anyone who unironically agrees with the actions of just about anyone in that shit fest needs to be throat punched.
>just annoy them
only if you are ugly
Far too late for that now, worst case scenario they'd just spread that shit like a tidal wave across all the other boards. Best case they'd go the way of /qa/ and make their own site from where they raid us because they're eternally butthurt over it.

Should've never been made in the first place.
I don't understand why anyone would hate /pol/ unless they're a tranny leftoid
You can say that about any situation
>It's another weekend chudthread in which a very high value male /pol/tard tells us about his high standards
>started exercising
Gymcelling won't get you pussy, manlet.
it's a newfag's boogeyman for some reason
At least for me it's because their slang ruined all kind of internet discussions and reduce everything to one cause regardlesss of political alignment.
It's the worst kind of political discussion and they just had to be the ones TV news boomers had to notice and flood the site with edgy retards
they're just really obnoxious and I don't like it, simple as. Same reason /qa/ was shit.

I'm probably even considered far right-wing now since the center position got ripped dramatically to the left from under me.
wanting a girl who hasn't taken literal miles of dick is high standards
I can't speak for everyone, but my bar is low as fuck. The femc of the girl in this series is not just a girl who's had a couple of boyfriends in the past.
This. I love how everyone goes "just lift brah". At my gym women NEVER look at the males because they are too busy looking at their phones and taking pictures of themselves lmao
I know this is bait, but people(mostly women) think like this irl amd defend this shit, it's absurd
Modern /pol/ is just filled with shills, glowies and demoralization threads with even dumber takes, the fact most people there think it even matters which israeli cocksucker they vote for in the next election is just hilarious, the avg IQ there is barely 100
A common cope is that muscles are suppose to be some gamechanger in the dating game when, in reality, women don't give a shit about them unless you already met the other prerequisites (face and height). They just see you as some grotesque freak if you lack these things.
>don't fuck other men on a whim
>don't be fat
These are considered high standards in 2024
Sauce me up fampai
this had better be NTR
look at it go!
>another weekend
It's Sunday already? FUCK
>FeMC is a town bike
>MC is somehow the only one out of the loop
This genre is ridiculous
why's that?
>unless you already met the other prerequisites (face and height)
As if that's going to help lmao
I was friends with a literal 192cm blond blue-eyed jock in college and the guy couldn't get a single match on any of the dating apps. He went to all sorts of social gatherings, and was single for at least 2 years
I don't know who these sluts are fucking, but among young men nobody is having sex at all
you're seeing trends by focusing on an irrelevant show that nobody cares about except to stir up some controversy
to get published in Japan all you need is to come up with a simple pitch that consists of
>romcom but with X
X being somewhat of a novelty like the girls are eldritch abominations, the girls are historical warships, or the girls are not pure virgins unlike 99% of other shows but reformed whores
Black guys, nobody wants a white boy
im skinnyfat nerd looking guy with average height i never had any problems with getting laid. And as a cherry on top - i never ever even tried to simp and pretend to be a gentleman/white knight. When im reading anons on 4chink it feels like some kind of different planet. Everyone screams that getting a hole is impossible and everyone who dares to talk back is an incel. what a joke
Then why am I still a virgin? Was I actually Italian all along?
Italians can't be virgins
My friend who's fat, 173cm, and fairly ugly in the face, plump cheeks, large nose has somehow fucked 7 women, I genuinely don't understand people complaining about getting pussy, but I do understand people complaining about not getting in a good relation ship and not getting love
Never met a virgin italian
This is manlet cope
How? They're all short and swarthy with large eyes and noses
>they could do this if they were completely different people
>My friend who's fat, 173cm, and fairly ugly in the face, plump cheeks, large nose has somehow fucked 7 women
well, no wonder. ugly bastards are sigma males. everyone knows that
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Here's my take ,if a guy is saving himself for marriage and wants his female partner to have same principles he has , its not a absurd thing to want.

Unironically read Josei , its great to see romances with traditional gender dynamics and male characters you actually want to look up to .
This is absolutely bullshit. All you have to do to get girls is be funny or cute. I swear God you planet fitness recruiters are being more obvious by the day.
It's a strawman people pull out when they have no other ammunition to engage in the discussion with, if they even did at all. It's the 4chan equivalent of "you're just a nahtzee". Your debate opponent accusing you of browsing pol is their way of admitting defeat
Guidos are made of pure confidence and just go for it every chance they get . There the anti japanese in that sense .
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What's your stance on 50/50 on a date?
What’s with these bizarre incel fanfictions? Like “oh bro I know this 7’0 pure Aryan athlete and male model billionaire heir with a perfect face and an eight pack and even he’s a virgin that gets rejected by 4/10 fatties it’s OVER just give up”

You know it’s not true. The reader knows it’s not true. So why waste your time making this crap up? Does it make you feel better inside if you pretend that everyone else is a failure too?
>The reader knows it’s not true
Deep down they know it's not true but incels will take this as the truth to avoid fixing the real problems which are mostly their lack of social life, fear or rejection, etc...
Kill yourself.
because they are 5/10s that want to fuck 9/10s
Just realized that this became another fakku jail victim
No, they like romance between a man and a woman just fine. In fact, moreso. The weird ones are into the gay stuff.
>I want a pure virgin wife like the girls in my chinese cartoons
Stop caring about 3DPD.
The last thing you want to do is getting married to a 21th century woman and bring a child into this hellish world, most men understand it when it's too late, this age is not suitable for commitment.
>b-but I HAVE TO get laid!!
If you care about sex and you're unironically an involuntary celibate male, pay for a hooker.
shame there's only like 1 josei a year
Especially since fucking different guys on the regular conditions their brain to accept that as normal. Even if they try to be with the one guy, their minds are too warped to accept it and they'll end up cheating on him.
>*American has entered the thread*
Holy yellow fever, lol.
>asian men favor latino girls
> asian men to latino women
What the fuck
Just dropping in to say that I fucking hate gyarus and especially ganguros.
That's all
gyarus and ganguros that actually ended up being
a pure virgins are super hot
A lot of first and second generation asian americans dudes grew up in the inner city due to cheaper property prices and said inner cities were near a lot of Hispanic communities (for example LA's koreatown is surrounded by mexican communities )
>Women with high body counts are most likely to hate men
Because they blame them rather than take responsibility for their own actions.
Women that hate men still fuck men.
This is not really surprising . Gyaru shit seems to be more of fashion expression then a life style one . The slut accusations just seems like dumb boomer stereotypes .
You should lift anyway, but for yourself rather than others.
Anybody could do that if they just had the drive to do it. Quit being a fucking loser and get out there.
>asking them would just annoy them
Quit thinking like this. This is why you're not getting any. Just ask them out. It's not difficult at all.
>has somehow fucked 7 women
Do you know for sure or are you going by his word?
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It pains me to see the lack of competitive spirit in men these days. Surely you should take this as a challenge to drop off better dick than all those other men instead of resigning yourself to the fact that you simply cannot win against their cocks.
romance genre is about relationships. A girl from OP is a pump and dump material. You dont do anything else with those.
Skill issue
>Do you know for sure or are you going by his word?
He's sent me 2 videos of him fucking 2 different women while they moan his name and shown pics and convos with other women he has met up with
>women's highest response rate is almost the same as men's lowest
Nah, I think I'll just stick towards my path to becoming a wizard. Got a long road ahead of me, but I don't plan on backing down.
What a slut.
just go for a jog, lardass
I have a 11cm dick and am below average height in a country where the avg height is 181cm, not to mention how my mother indirectly fucked me mentally and that I had no real friends growing up while also being fat for most of my developmental years
My point is that not having this drive or ability is a part of who they are.
It's perfectly okay to criticize them for that, though. It's not an excuse.
Thanks, that makes sense. I wonder how the data would look like if they only probed Asians living in Asia.
How does /a/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
hetshit romance has always been crap.
Look at the data once again, it's about response ratios on what I can only assume to be dating apps. So even if there were 4 white women there, if a Japanese got messaged by all of them and responded to 1, you'd end up with 25%.
The data is not about numbers, but willingness to engage with a certain race/demographic. And that's what interested me. Of course it'd probably be skewed towards Asian to Asian link.
One of them has gotten out of containment!
>Yes they do, you’re not that good of an actor. If you had the ability to mask yourself as the former group, then you wouldn’t be in this situation in the first place.
>Face it. Nobody who actually has sex does it by doing this clown shit where they join meme classes and do autist cold approaches, they just do it like normal people through bars and social circles and apps.
This, most people find partners through social circles, social media or some other real life place like bars, if you to knitting class as a man, women will know why you're there lest you're gay of course
>My point is that not having this drive or ability is a part of who they are.
Resistance is inevitable in life. You have to do the hard things to get anywhere in it. You can be afraid, but you can't let your fear keep you from taking action. Just do what you gotta do anyway, fear and all. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.
shoujo romance outnumbers shounen in manga form, but it doesn't tend to get anime adaptations these days, just J-dramas :(
Another trope I disdain from modern manga is adults like school nurses encouraging and covering up for students to do sexual relations.
Nigga, do not commit to the town bicycle. You are not a Chad for doing that. You are a dumbass simp, and everyone will see you as such no matter what. Especially her.
Can we filter this Twitterspeak?
Go outside, dude.
Why does it offend you so much? Too close to home?
Bro before I entered HS the girls were already inviting boys behind their locker and comfort rooms. Playing kings game or anything similar to it. If you believe JKs are le pure and innocent while boys are perverts then you were brainwashed.
Nobody worth listening to ever fucking uses it.
nice bait, tranny
"troon", is this one ok?
No, even worse. You probably came here in 2015 after you heard about it in a Sargon of Akkad video.
You're still a tranny though.
My throbbing 4 inch fuckstick is still soundly attached, thanks.
Can’t both of you kiss and make up and then never post here again please? arigato
I'm not kissing that mouthbreather. I'll kiss you though, anon, you handsome devil.
women are sluttiest around high school age because they can afford to be and are curious
And the prize of the competitiveness is marrying a woman that fucked 50 men? Shouldn't men compete for the most exclusive women that only a few a able to fuck?
>vocal fry sounding
Unironically and seriously speaking what should we use? this wasn't a case 100 years ago and never was in history
"Every"? There were groupies and shit, but that was in the 70s and 80s. Leo only dates girls who're 18-25, so that's a senior level and slightly above.
Here's the solution: Don't get married. Fuck around and maybe get into relationships here and there. But don't get any more serious than that. Expect it to end eventually, and you'll have no worries.
This is not somehow historically unprecedented. They were called white knights like 10 years ago.
Then they start pulling a 180 when they're nearing 30 to get the provider guy. And when they're dating the "good guy", they'll keep sex off the table for a while so he doesn't think she's easy, while also fucking the "bad boy" like nothing.
>a bunch of virgin men talking about women
Always funny to see
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Then you shall give up on romance.
Vanillashit failed into reverting the declining birthrates, so shock therapy is needed now. NTR and used/broken/damaged goods is the last wake up for incels and coomers to wake up and touch grass.
White knights wouldn't give all their money to women over the internet, they would just defend women because it made them feel like you said like "knights"
Now we have reached a new level when they not only defend them, but will gladly give their money to them.
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>let me lick your feet
(Cont) also like how new "slutcore" romance series shit on female virgins and expose them as how they are: spiteful and selfish brats entitled to MCbowl because they were nice to them or are gullible and influentiable enough to be an easy vessel for their selfish and spiteful desires.
True chads don't care about what anyone else thinks, they just fuck and enjoy life. You sound scared of your own shadow.
she literally saved him thougheveralbeit
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Yeah, this isn't a 3dpd board though faggot.
Salient point
She pushed MC to his death by cucking him from his reason to live. Didn't save shit, but death sentenced Reiji
You didn't get the final chapters btw. Reiji began to hallucinate with his closest ones because he definitely wanted to die after Yuri's meltdown and thought Nagi was done for without ever finding out her real name.
Abyss besides of being an antipurityfaggotry manga, was about selfish adults pushing their selfish desires into their children until making them drown into the quagmire.
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>failed into
>wake up for incels and coomers to wake up
>expose them as how they are
Try and imagine the ugly brown goblin behind this post. These are the people calling you "incel"
Wanna bet how much sex this poster has?
Well, since you're a "Christian", you're fair game for rebuking. Being unequally yoked will be a detriment in the long run, but if you're willing to compromise and "make yourself" available for a taken women, that's not something you've not thought of.
Had more sex than (You) at least.
You better lurk about nip society, the hikikomori pandemic and the already lost battle against birthrate declines (that did nothing, but accelerate in the last 5 years).
not even anime was spared, the psy ops is real

and to complete the MCs have lower T than a 80yo granny
/pol/ and /r9k/ have been such a fucking cultural disaster. they are a disease, tumors that need excising
>taking romantic advice from 4chan
Japanese Yen is so silly. Imagine earning literal millions and that's subpar.
>Birth rate trends and unapologetic misogyny trends show that men aren't having any of this bullshit and would rather watch it all burn to the ground instead
It's the women that do. See the 4bs movement in Korea that incites women not to marry or have children.
There are a lot of josei manga with virgin love interests now, so women seem to be okay with dating an inexperienced guy.
kek, old troll but a good one
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Fucking lmao.
Some men just don't have what it is that women want no matter how much they try to self improve. The notion that there is someone for everyone is a pure lie.
>getting the sloppy seconds of another man.
Just not gonna do it. Too disgusting to contemplate.
Still the bare minimum that would impress a girl in such a scenario is... having a fleeting materialistic reason to live. Even if the only thing they'll attract is mental cases or purposeless bitches.
High value or goal-driven women only pick people with ambition, status or godlike social skills and charisma.
>The right one doesn't have to try
I've seen it so many times it has stopped being just a meme at this point.
>"I... I just wanted to be good enough at sex to be able to keep my husband, anon!"
That sounds really gay
>How are you newfags so confidently wrong?
but he is right
>Just not gonna do it. Too disgusting to contemplate.
Or do it, but first pop the cherry with another (virgin uggo) bitch and then dump her so,you can be on a similar "tainted" ground as your slutty crush. Then you can make a 100 pages long excuse on how you felt you belonged to a different league and that was the reason you didn't accept the slut at 1st, but once you used another bitch in an attempt to move on and had a loveless 1st time with her, you realized the one you want to have other 1st times at things not named sex is the slut, so you broke up with your rebound.
>I don't understand why anyone would hate /pol/
is this bait?
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Besides, the only actual reason to be with a woman is if you want to have children of your own and start a family, and the time to get on that train was in your 20ies. For anyone past the age of 30, if you are still a kissless virgin as a guy, it is unironically 100 percent fucking over and you will never, ever have kids, at least not with a good woman who's your own age, so why the fuck should you even bother interacting with women anymore anyways? At that point the women you'd want to have kids with are like a decade younger than you and you are also competing with guys who have far more going with them than you have.
It's over, the train has left the station, might as well focus on other aspects of life at that point than obsess over a game you probably didn't realise was going on until it was too late anyways.
>See the 4bs movement in Korea that incites women not to marry or have children.
that is just a tiktok meme
>The notion that there is someone for everyone is a pure lie.
it isnt
>you are also competing with guys who have far more going with them than you have.
but this is good, great men love competion
>he hasn't heard of the mengalians
it's even on wikipedia bro.
korean feminists are fucked.
to be fair to them though, the men are also kind of bad.
again, that is just a tiktok meme, you know nothing about south korea
This weird argument comes up so often on 4chan
>Some loser male makes some kind of statement that suggests he thinks loser male media is extremely popular and all that exists in the world
>Someone points out that he shouldn't forget how small it is and that other things are far bigger
That last line is very often strangely given as the counter argument.

I suppose being a shutin who doesn't get out breeds this kind of perspective. These people seriously think that Haruhi Suzimiya is more popular than Death Note or Dragon Ball and stick to their opinion when being told otherwise or given sales numbers talking about how Haruhi is “the face of anime”. It's so detached from reality. Dragon Ball is the kind of stuff all your coworkers have heard of, Death Note is the kind of stuff many of the may have heard of, but the chances are not a single person but you at your entire office ever heard of Haruhi Suzimiya, just maybe one. It's like saying your obscure death metal band you and your friends love is bigger than Iron Maiden.
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wasnt pink girl a virgin?
name of the vn?
True chads don't need to fuck the town bicycle
People hung onto the fact that she had maybe two boyfriends years before reuniting with the glasses nerd and surmised she fucked every guy before he did
This. When the hell did everyone become so jaded?
world isn't fair
Do you seriously think people on here read anything for women over the age of 6 and won't have a conniption over it
>3 threads seething about 3DPD
Perhaps the influx of romcoms this season has woken up /a/nons to the ugly reality that 3D will never live up to the saccharine 2D love.
Why don't we make an /a/-curated list of works only featuring virgins?
Dude, you're so stuck up and self absorbed, it's no wonder you can't get a girlfriend. If I were you, I'd do my best to ditch this high school mentality of "All women who have ever had sex before are pure evil." I'd rather do that than be alone forever or turn gay.
A meme gone too far.
You better wonder why worst koreans have a plastic surgery as their 18th birthday present and are obsessed with appearances and status.
Worst korean women want someone their league, and if their partner can't be on par as her or are being left behind in the competence, women just dump them by cheating and doing ntr.
>Why don't we make an /a/-curated list of works only featuring virgins?
because not enough people care
I don't know I think it's pretty cool
dude stop reading so much porn
Only those who are gifted can get what they want.
Those who were left behind only can suffer their miserable lives alone until they choose to end it.
This isn't pol. I pretty much exclusively read josei these days.
Just take the VN pill and filter by virgin-only heroine. The romance is handled better anyway.
Agree. Its only for the lowest of the low. Pathetic worms begging for pussy.
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The Japanese created virgindb
anons really need to step it up.
yeah, but it isn't fair
Clearly they do
if you think about it virgin girls really are the most boring type of girl in every way possible
>world isn't fair
that is what makes it fun
This is more of Shounen romance problem. Young boys with no experience wanna date hot gyaru, thinking it's all sunshine and rainbows.

We need more Seinen romance like Re:life that goes deeper than "i like him because he's nice"
Why don't we make an /a/-curated list of works with absolutely no sex or romance?
Why don't we make an /a/-curated list of works with super sluts?
thats just fantasy for sluts and whores
Don't worry, nobody will ask you
I don't think any of us are in a position to make that kind of judgment about cosmic justice or what have you. Just take it as it comes
>virgin girls really are the most boring type of girl in every way possible
I wouldn't want it other way. Girls who carve adventure will tire me out by constantly holding me to unrealistic standards.
>Dude just bee yourself
zero multiplied by infinity is still zero, a 4/10 man who spends 10 years "grooming", gave up their "extreme" beliefs and picked a hobby would still be worse than than 8/10 chad when it comes to finding a woman BUT it would make him healthier and happier than just chasing pussy.
>hey I want a woman who is not a slut to make a family and is a good future mother
dude no wonder girls dont like you, even I got turn off
Greetings, female. I am searching for a hole in which to sow my seed. Will you submit to fertilization?
I would like to award you the "most idiotic post" award for the past year.
Hello Tranny
What part exactly made you think am female you retard?
Most incels wouldn't care about women's body counts if they were in a position to have casual sex themselves
Of course once you graduate high schol as a virgin you're essentially fucked for life, not even anime will fill that void
I wasn't assuming you were female. I know you're a male incel. I was trying to get across how fucking weird it is to have a guy come up to you not looking at you as a human being but as a pleasure hole to stick your cock in and a field to harvest children from.
But it's okay when women do it right?
No. Have you heard of "whataboutisms"?
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What about them, eh?
rich coming from a man using 4chan
what's wrong with being a man and using 4chan?
>male incel
wew lad projecting much
If a chad said that, any woman would start slurping on his cock immediately. Arnorld Schwartznegger has stories about it, when he just came to teens on the beach and said "wanna fuck"?
Okay and how is that relevant to my post?
Nobody does that in real life, though that is the correct asuumption to make for women. Everything else is just abstraction from reality.

>muh "whataboutisms"
>used-up, post-wall, ran-through, "wild past", "reformed whore", high-bodycount, caked on makeup, roast beef flapped, borderline personality displaying, dead-eyed, frumpy, vocal fry sounding, sleeve tatted CUNT
You know vaginas don't work like that right?
Are uber-sluts really that common in Japan? I'd have thought most JKs IRL would be too busy autistically studying to have any kind of libido
I have a feeling the wave of "redeemed slut" manga is mostly down to a weird fetish some writers have, and not representative of the general population
Any knowers care to enlighten me?
wait wait are you that female(tits or gtfo) in an older thread a year or so ago, arguing how all men who approached you only saw you as a sexual partner but not the REAL™ you?
>Entering a relationship with a promiscuous woman is asking to get fucked.
That's the fucking plan isn't it? I WANT SEX
What makes the guy trash tier
It's the same as every other country
>some girls are engaged in sex
>some girls don't have sex at all
most JKs start fucking and going to lcubs from 15-16 bro, regardless of country, in Moonland it maybe slightly less
Thinly "veiled" /pol/tranny thread.
>in Moonland it maybe slightly less
actually it's slightly more because jap JKs also do compensated dating which wasn't a thing in the west until western JKs wisened up to this easy way of making money
More like it returned as a defacto cultural institution in the west. Any woman knows that they can sell their pussy for money.
Is explained why all the guys pump and dump her?
She seems a nice and pretty girl in universe, at least one could stay to keep fucking her and having a nice girlfriend on the side
Or is the type of history when 99.9% of the male population are assholes, so MC seems good in comparison?
Wait do you actually think theres a bunch of teenagers posting here?
>Or is the type of history when 99.9% of the male population are assholes, so MC seems good in comparison?
There are only 2 personality types in anime
>total asshole guy
>betamax MC guy
Probably not. But it's true. Neither conservative guys looking to extract capital from your womb nor mansluts looking for easy sex see you as a real human. You're just a means to an end.
Volunteering for what? Fighting fires?
>fighting fires
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Yes and yes
Finally, someone who gets it
That's my fucking point. Volunteering for what? Being paid by soros shell companies to shill blm and other jewish faggotry?
>Is explained why all the guys pump and dump her?
because she wasnt a crazy slut so the sex was boring and she talks a lot about family and kids
There are young men here and certainly some teenagers yes, what clued you in the opposite?
Can you please define real human? If you remove all abstraction from a couple, all that remains is reproduction, women seeking best genes in men and men seeking best genes in women. Everything else is just a circus people have to play in order to pretend there is something higher than that. Otherwise you just want friends and should be upfront about it. Man I am having a crazy dejavu here it must be you or all female have the same dumb ideas. wanna be friends?
>to shill blm and other jewish faggotry
obviously, that is the kind of volunteering that is filled with women
The overwhelming majority of all people in total (99.9%) and especially women (99.9999999%) aren't worth knowing for le personality. All relationships are also transactional
is called gromming
You don't enter relationships for sex, you join tinder.
>overprotective friends
This is the most annoying bullshit.
Where were these friends when she was triple teamed or passed around in a mixer? Now when she finally caught a guy who not see her as a piece of meat they interfere?
never heard of it
Is it really any surprise that women don't want to be with men who think like this? I don't want to be your meathole. I'll either find the one or start raising cats.
Name one interesting thing that you pursue with genuine passion
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God made women for that one purpose and yet women defy teir role and reject god.
post tits or gtfo,ad hominem, zero arguments, mad roastie I asked you if you want to be friends and you didnt respond,
DO YOU WANT TO BE FRIENDS(not meathole)?
post tits or gtfo
I'm a human being with speech, reason, feeling, and dignity. I don't have to do what you tell me. Your little clitdick doesn't make you my superior.
Hi ChatGPT
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Eh,..these threads go essentially the same way with the same gaslighting tactics over and over again...every single time

Some men like whores
Some men don't it's just that simple.

The problem arise when you try to force whores on men who don't like whores, it's never gonna work and no amount of shaming is going to change that.
2D women are boring because they're just that - 2D. They lack the depth and complexity that make real women interesting. They're often reduced to one-dimensional characters who exist solely to fulfill the male gaze and cater to the fantasies of their target audience.

Take your average moe blob, for example. She's usually cute, innocent, and submissive, with little to no personality beyond that. She's designed to be a blank slate onto which the viewer can project their desires, rather than a fully realized character with her own thoughts, feelings, and motivations. This makes her boring and predictable, as there's no depth to her character and no room for growth or development.

On the other hand, real women are complex and multifaceted. They have their own unique personalities, interests, and experiences that shape who they are. They can be strong and independent, funny and witty, intelligent and insightful, or any combination of these and more. They challenge and surprise us, and we can learn from them and grow with them.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with enjoying 2D women or finding them attractive. But if you're looking for something more than just eye candy or wish fulfillment, you're not going to find it in the 2D realm. Real women offer a richness and depth of experience that simply can't be matched by their 2D counterparts. So if you want something more interesting and fulfilling, it's time to step away from the screen and engage with the real world.
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we get it you are a faggot that hates woman, we get it just don't put us on the boat as you, even if slut i still like her.
(boomer here) For example my favorite girl is manami from asobi ni iku yo.
Take your pills schizo
>being the only way to ensure the offspring is actually yours
Braindead. Sperm from months ago isn't going to suddenly inseminate your wife.
Thanks ChatGPT-kun but that's not much use if woman actively push you away
I'll take the lesser, indeed, the only possible option, of two evils
First episode was cute
This blonde is mildly retarded though
I'll keep watching
>are not objects
Except this is not the case as the MC virginity is completely locked down. That gyaru slut x nerd where they have kids before ending high-school is propaganda
>romance genre is about relationships he says
>as he then mentions something that makes it clear he's not talking about relationships
You "people" are staggering. You don't even know what love is if you can't look past something as meager as having any sexual history at all.
Wanna know how I know you don't buy drinks at the supermarket if you see they're not sealed?
Come on bro, saliva from weeks ago isn't going to get you sick :)
Would you eat your own cum? Is the woman only good for one use, even if that use was by you? Retarded argument.
why are you defending IRL sluts, you can like 2D sluts all you want but defending sluts on this board is just pathetic
>non-virgin in hmanga/hgames
>non-virgin in medias that I try to fully immerse myself in (LNs/VNs)
Not fine

Conclusion: non-virgins are only good for fapping and not much else.
finally, anon gets it
unironically actually pragmatically google female chimerism its actual medical knowlodge we have from science today
here retard did it for you
Now you're speaking of a scenario where only my semen has been there and thus only my semen can possibly get her pregnant.
What happened to your previous argument bro?
Come on anon bite that orange, it has a few pieces missing but I'm sure it'll be ok lmao.
I'm not that anon. You're just an idiot hypochondriac. Somehow still present months or years old semen will never get a woman pregnant. You realize sperm is alive, right? The fuck do you think's going on inside a woman's vagina? What do they eat?
I don't get it, who fantasizes about dating non-virgin women? The whole point of these romance things is you're supposed to self insert as the guy, but why would I want to do that when he's a dickless doormat and the girl is a non-virgin whore?
When a woman absorbs tonnes of male dna though her orifices it gets stored inside her own tissue all over her body and circulates in the blood, when she gets pregnant while the fetus is developing its also absorbs some of this foreign male DNA(from the mother blood) which is absorbed by the cells ACTIVELY MULTIPLYING and that changes the DNA of the kid permanently.
NTA ,retard read medicine unironically its not about getting her pregnant its DNA alteration during pregnancy.
what the fuck are you talking about
"read medicine"
Yes, because “sluts and whores” is your term for:
>Normal person who has sex, unlike me, huge loser stuck inside who dreams of having it but never will.
Why? Because they teach people the reality of female nature and that they don’t want men to get screwed over?
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You really want this to be about how long sperm cells live and not about the possibility of cheating or proof of poor decision-making.
I wonder why.
no its women who fuck many men wihtou having serious relationships
nevermind learn english first
English is my first language. It obviously isn't yours. What fucking medical papers is it you want us to read? Saying "read medicine" is fucking retarded. "Read science." What?
That just sounds like a romance story I have 0 interest in right off the bat.
Men are more likely to fuck around without a relationship
Most people in /thread/ are like the unicorn of peter grill hating non virgins and even using same argument.
Childless single women in their 40s are the most depressed group known to research

Those so called normal people end up broken light bulbs

Just saying
Sincerely, who hurt you? Why are you so afraid of betrayal?
read nigga read, learn biology
Women can retain DNA from previous mates and pass it on to their children through their blood during pregnancy
>unicorn of peter grill
Irrelevant to my post, yes men can be playboys/bad boys too,so?
Learn biology, since is clear your knowledge is shit just as OP fag.
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Concession accepted.
None of you can stop young men from starting a revolt soon.
But they are whores all women are whores. Even vtubers.
nice responce responce idiot, any counterarguments? Reality hitting too hard?
revolt over what
you are not entitled to any woman's body
Women are whores
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Like this?
Why are people in this thread so bitter and miserable?

Being a doomfag doesn’t solve anything.
that perception is going to be thrown out the window when demographic implosion begins lmao
>no means n--- ACKKK
Good luck doing any raping when the average woman could break you over her knee, you cancerous fucking dweeb.
>Summoning a demon instead of a kaiju
Faggot shit
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>Good luck doing any raping when the average woman could break you over her knee, you cancerous fucking dweeb.
holy seethe
Runa is bad in bed because she doesn't enjoy it and use sex as a tool. Of course no guy stay with her. She needs some actual personality.
you're not funny
how many times has this exact post been made
you are the pure concentrated AIDS killing /a/
Most girls sleep around when they’re young and end up married with kids.
You are seriously detached from reality
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To end the thread, let me present to you the 'japanese women are pure!!' destroyer.
They are should disgusting sluts they even waged war on christians for daring to say men and women shouldn't cheat on each other.
I'm not for raping people, but the average woman can't carry groceries bro.
Says the dude pretending marriage and birth rates are on an upward trend
I'd only read a slut femc manga if the mc fucked her right away and became disillusioned with her and eventually found a better girl
Anon runs out of breath walking to the toilet.
That just means he must be a massive 300lb unit, he could just lay his blubber on the object of his rage and flatten them like a walrus might a polar bear.
Nobody said that in this thread. Marriage as a whole is declining, but the vast majority of women will still at some point get married and have kids. The vast majority of women will also sleep around in high school and college. These aren’t mutually exclusive things.
Germs aren't the fucking same as sperm you actual dumbass. Sperm dies off quickly when outside the nutsack.
>moving the goalposts
No one said anything about cheating. We're talking about a woman who has had sex prior to meeting you or at least starting a relationship with you.
>Rare thing that still wouldn't make you not the father
Genuinely kill yourself. You don't even think about what you read.
Most single adults don't end up married

And most that do marry end up divorced

I can see through your bullshit son
Time's almost up roastie.
Yes most marriages end in divorce, doesn’t change the fact that most people do end up married at some point and reproduce which means they are NOT part of the “childless single” group you mentioned. What are you even trying to say?
are you retarded?
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For me it's super chad ikemen with moral standing.
Incel losers cannot even compete which is why they hate on everything.
You answered your own questions.
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>had her tits touched
worthless whore. Disgusting used goods
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>the average woman is bad
>the solution is to also become bad

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