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>Half Shinigami like Ichigo
>Half Quincy like Ichigo
>Came from the same Hollow-infested womb as Ichigo
>No powers aside from sensing spirits
Do Kubo just forget?
They're women.
I love Bambieta and I want to be her doggy
I hate it when siblings have completely different hair and eye color, it makes no sense.
was her hair always that light? wasn't it a light brown?
ichigo took both the hollow and the stockpile of shinigami power keeping it quarantined with him when he was born, leaving none for his siblings. they're just half-quincies
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Woof woof and such
why did Uryen get so strong?
Yuzu is just too cute for fighting. Karin could do something.
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>Do Kubo just forget?
He does that a lot
>it makes no sense.
It's very common in whites
Yuzu and Karin are just imouto versions of Orihime and Tatsuki.
I sure as fuck haven't forgotten that Ichigo's body has been a walking fucking corpse for nearly the entire manga
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It never made sense. Isshin and all his kin are full on black hair and Masaki's lighter hair was still light brown at best. It's accurate for Karin and Yuzu yet somehow they had a kid with bright orange hair. Makes me wonder if White had something to do with it.
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Yuzu was in the fifth grade and still taking baths with Ichigo.
>Rukia is so small she can wear 5th grader clothing
My wife is so perfect
What's Soul Society going to do when Ichigo eventually kicks the bucket as a human and immediately respawns there?
Why or how does his body even age
Has Kubo ever explained how aging works in Bleach? Yamamoto and Unohana were roughly the same age but Unohana looked at least 50 (human) years younger.
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Go to the beach with her and make sure to take a selfie with her, that'll make her happy
I love Bambietta and i want to give her doggy
I demand a filler anime episode where she is happy
when Rukia and Renji met they were young kids, then ten years later when Rukia got adopted into the Kuchiki family they looked nearly the same as they do both now in the hellshot and back at the start of the story
I guess once they finish ghost puberty they are only as old as they feel since multiple characters remember the original members of the Gotei 13 but only Yamamoto looks drastically older compared to a thousand years ago
I wonder why he's the outlier then.
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I thought early on the implication was that anyone showing up in Rukongai with significant reiatsu typically stabilized themselves while also slowly leaching/killing the ones without, which was how they managed to survive while their little group of beggar friends all died out
Me: "Rape is bad"
Me when i see bambi: picrel
god I wish I was molested by Unohana as a child as she bathes me as my nanny
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If you look like this you better carry a gun cause pepper spray aint gonna stop me
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>Taking a bath with Unohana.
Aizen and Momo fucked in his room.
leading the gotei for a thousand years is probably deeply exhausting
Anon, how did Ichigo awaken his powers?
Did his sister go through the same?
>headcanonfag seething his headcanon didnt happen
>Ichigo's body has been a walking fucking corpse
Because thats what human bodies do
>Yamamoto and Unohana were roughly the same age
Yamamoto is way older. He founded the training school 2000 years ago
yeah but corpses don't. dude's been little more than a very fancy gigai since that page
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>corpses don't
Yes they do
So not even a corpse
>he thinks the body just drops dead as soon as you remove the soul from it
>he hasn't even tested this hypothesis
I just exploded inside Bambieta

what should we name our love child?
Whoops. I forgot that. I just remembered they were two of the original thirteen captains. Point still stands though, they were both old as dirt.
You exploded, anon, that means you're dead.
they are souls ie ghosts
corpses don't age they decompose
It's basically the same thing but faster
That's practically the same thing though?
no??? what do you think aging is? what do you think decomposition is?
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>orihime: 7000 rule34 pics
>ochako: 16000 rule34 pics

Jesus fucking Christ. Getting mogged by Naruto and One Piece is one thing, but a series 10 years younger than you? And by a character that is way less attractive?
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>less attractive
Times have changed
my wife
golden rule, the lewder the material, the less porn is produced

likewise, Bayonetta
It should also be noted that while Kubo's art isn't "that" unique, you can easily tell when something is off-model and not drawn by him.
If Bambi offered me something to drink out of nowhere i'd be very suspicious
Hardcore animalistic sex with yuzu
Masaki's hollow side was White, who got passed down to Ichigo.

Urahara gave Isshin a special gigai that made him a shinigami/human hybrid. Isshin (shinigami/human) + Masaki (quincy/hollow) = Ichigo (shinigami/human/quincy/hollow).

But if Isshin had more kids with Masaki in the special gigai, with White transmitted to Ichigo, it would be Isshin (shinigami/human) + Masaki (quincy) = unviable offspring (shinigami/human/quincy) because that combination would lead to Soul Suicide.

So Isshin must have switched to a regular fully-human Gigai, so we have Isshin (human) + Masaki (quincy) = Karin and Yuzu (human/quincy). And we know from the existence of Gemischt Quincy (e.g. Ishida) that human/quincy is stable for whatever reason and doesn't lead to Soul Suicide.

So Karin and Yuzu are half quincy, which explains their spiritual awareness. But to develop quincy powers you need training, which they've never received, quincy tools like the various ones Ishida has used, which they don't have, and/or a connection to Yhwach (who provides access to Blut as well as gives out Schrifts) and they don't have such a connection.

Ishida training them at some point could be a neat plot point but I don't think Kubo will go for it.
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locked tf in
>children always inherit all of their parents traits
this is where you're wrong
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shinigami aren't a different species to humans, nor are their powers innate to them, they're just humans that have undergone certain training and been given certain tools in order to perform a certain job. in other words there's no such thing as a 'human/shingami hybrid'
Ichigo inherited his dad's shinigami powers not because he was related to his dad but because Isshin took all of his shinigami power and placed it inside Masaki to form a barrier around the hollow that had infected her soul, and then ichigo in the womb absorbed both the barrier and the hollow into his own soul.
quincy technically aren't a different species from humans either, but on the other hand do inherit from their parents a copy of the sliver of ywach's soul inside their soul that he'd loaned to their ancestors to give them the ability to do a fraction of what he can do. it doesn't seem to matter at all if you're a fullblooded quincy or not since that sliver of ywach gets passed down regardless, and the distinction only gets made at all because most quincies are racists who believe in blood purity
>shinigami aren't a different species to humans, nor are their powers innate to them, they're just humans that have undergone certain training and been given certain tools in order to perform a certain job. in other words there's no such thing as a 'human/shingami hybrid'
In my post, it would have been more accurate if I had used the term "soul" instead of "shinigami", but since the vast majority of souls we encounter in Bleach beyond the first arc are shinigami, referring to them as shinigami is intuitive - and it matches up with the way characters talk in-universe.

Additionally, it would have been more accurate if I referred to "living humans" instead of "humans". Technically, nearly every character in Bleach is a human. Hollow are human, souls are human, quincy are human. There is indeed only one "species" here. Only characters like Komamura are members of non-human species.

So it's correct to say that shinigami are humans that have received certain training/tools/etc. But they are not "living humans" - they are "souls" who have received these things.

>in other words there's no such thing as a 'human/shingami hybrid'
To use more precise terminology, what I referred to as a "human/shinigami hybrid" would actually be a "living human/soul hybrid", and that's what Isshin's special gigai was.

>Ichigo inherited his dad's shinigami powers not because he was related to his dad but because Isshin took all of his shinigami power and placed it inside Masaki
That's a good clarification. I had forgotten that detail. However it's also worth pointing out that he never became completely separated from his shinigami power, since once White awoke within Ichigo, he regained his shinigami powers while Ichigo still maintained his own. So the ultimate end result was Isshin retaining his shinigami powers which were temporarily lent to Ichigo, and Ichigo permanently retaining the shinigami powers he inherited.
>once White awoke within Ichigo, he regained his shinigami powers while Ichigo still maintained his own.
correct me if I'm wrong but I got the impression that he'd very slowly begun getting his powers back ever since Ichigo was born, but at such a slow rate it wasn't until Ichigo was already fuckdeep in it that he could actually fight and summon his zanpakuto again. basically paralleling Ichigo after FGT where fully depleting your powers feels like you've lost them, but all you actually need is to rebuild your stockpile of spirit energy, which is a slow process if you don't get a top up from someone else
Is there an explanation for why Ywach draining Ichigo's quincy power also got rid of his hollow power, but left his shinigami power? like at every other prior point its been shown that his hollow and shinigami powers are the ones that are linked and his quincy powers that are separate

if it was just a contrivance to get to the ending faster, any chance the anime will change it?
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It is established canon that if your Chain of Fate is severed then you're dead-dead, dead as in either you pass on or you mutate into a hollow.
If you recall, when Orihime's brother knocked out her spirit her Chain of Fate was still attached so Rukia has able to put her back into her body.

Urahara made it a big deal to Ichigo that his decision here is very important. But Kubo is a coward and just pretends this didn't happen.
Because none of them had a Rukia to actually activate their powers.
new klub qna
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I love finding new Retsu art
when your wine ferments is it not aging? why can't decomposition be considered your bod rapidly aging in a different way
seem real faggotry getting posted in this thread
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What do you take issue with?
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Do you think Ichigo is happy Heihachi is back or does he still has a trauma with unkillable moustached old men?

>dead mother
>inner demon
>constantly being attacked by his dad from a young age to force his to learn to keep his guard up and become strong
I feel like Ichigo identifies with Jin more. Thought it'd be funny if all it really does is make him ask his dad what his grandfather was like
I really wonder what were Isshin's excuses like for every time they asked about his family. He could talk about Masaki's dead parents sure why not (just not telling about their connection to the Ishida) but what about his? Did he make a fake family name up? Did he pretend he was the one from the Kurosaki family and not Masaki? Did he say he was always an orphan or something? And after TYBW, does Isshin openly talk about his real family or what? Do Yuzu and Karin know they descend from a former noble family of ghosts on top of having Black Jehovah as distant ancestor or...?
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>does Isshin openly talk about his real family or what? Do Yuzu and Karin know they descend from a former noble family of ghosts on top of having Black Jehovah as distant ancestor or...?
honestly that'd make for a great recap episode if Hell Arc every gets expanded into an anime. have episode 0 set just after the end of TYBW with Isshin having a family meeting to explain their origins and answer any questions, with Yuzu and Karin reacting to the parts that interest them the most
>Wait so do we get a mansion when we die?
>isn't there like a mantra or something we can chant to stop from turning into hollows?
>So was this guy literally the son of god or did he just consider himself an heir?
>You're crazy strong then right, oniichan, how much can you lift?
>Can we go back to the part where God, like the god of all things, is a dismembered corpse?? And you cut him in half??? What do you mean which one????
>the god of all things, is a dismembered corpse?? And you cut him in half??? What do you mean which one????
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not enough YURI posting
What are you talking about? Yhwach Zangetsu blocked Ichigo's Hollow AND Shinigami powers, because those are the same power.
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Does Uryu get the cousin Tsukishima reception now?
Their special ability is broconhood.
Well he also had Isshin age and impregnate Masaki in a gigai, so it's probably essentially the same thing: Ichigo's more detached from his body than is natural for a mortal, but his vessel isn't dead and unchanging. I think there should be consequences for Urahara breaking his chain too and that the stuff with Isshin is kind of contrived, but stuff like Isshin's gigai and artificial creations on par with natural-born souls (Ururu, Jinta, Nemu) mean there's enough precedent for some kind of 'spirit science' work-around.
Ichigo was inside his body when he came back to being a human, retard, he didn't need his chain to connect him to his body because he WAS in his body at all times.
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Ruki/a/ reigns
>somehow they had a kid with bright orange hair
It's almost like his hair got BLEACHED in the womb.
>I hate my lack of understanding of genetics
Good, retards like you should suffer every day.
>if your Chain of Fate is severed then you're dead-dead
>Ichigo trying to play Tekken 8 with Kazui
>He'd rather play gacha games
>Ichigo falls into despair at the current despair
>Hollow Zangetsu was chilling and then world completely bloods
>Kenpachi travels to Hell
>About to have a rematch with Unohana
>He has to fight the Capain he killed to become Captain first
The war takes place in 2003 and the Hell one shot is 12 years later, Ichigo and Kazui will play T7 at best (and Ichigo will smile like a creepy motherfucker when Heihachi dies)
Meant Ichigo falls into despair at the current generation and his inner world floods.
I liked how calm Post Dangai Training Ichigo was.
What would you expect of Isshin's cum dumps?
>Kazui is 6yo in 2015
>Kazui was born in 2009
What games does he play bros?
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>Do Kubo just forget?
It's a bad habit of his
And her personality is exactly like Orihimes
what was your point again?
Oh right, it was being a giant faggot
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Nah, he remembers everything.
Chad's (Karin) and Shuren's (Yuzu)*
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>No argument
>And her personality is exactly like Orihimes
And kaien is just like ichigo. So by your logic, rukia should end up with ichigo. Look, if you're gonna say that orihime=masaki, there's no way you can ignore the rest of the parallels with the memories in the rain arc, you're just being a stupid shipper.
This is a cope parallel drawn by ichihimefaggots cause they know that the arc is blatantly a parallel of ichigo and rukia. Even in your dumb comparison, it makes no sense, suggesting that isshin = ulquiorra
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>girly girl is flat while tomboy has the Shiba titty gene
I'm still mad.
>seething IRkek
Hey look it's the guy who calls Masaki a tomboy kek
cute cucaracha
>Well he also had Isshin age and impregnate Masaki in a gigai
A one of a kind gigai created by Urahara for the explicit purpose of turning Isshin human. Not a good comparison.

>he WAS in his body at all times
Anon I'm not sure if you have the reading comprehension of a 7yo, can't read, are retarded or just shitposting but please try reading >>269075538 again but very, very slowly this time.
sup Gremmy
>but Kaien looks like Ichigo!
Kaien looks like Ichigo because he's Ichigo's cousin. Orihime looks like Masaki because she's the love Ichigo is missing.
You absolute buffoon.
Why is everything in One Piss so ugly and lame?
Oda likes to challenge himself in trying to make ugly fat bastards likable or cool, trying
>Kaien looks like Ichigo because he's Ichigo's cousin
And rukia wanted to be in the position of his wife, someone who we didn't even see. She loved him.
>Orihime looks like Masaki because she's the love Ichigo is missing
Masakis got short hair like rukia, and the cheeky/teasing personality of rukia, so cope harder.
Interesting, so Shikai can be considered a Shinigami's natural power while Bankai is the power of the zanpakuto itself.

But how does this work with Ichigo?
>yeah and she loved Ichigo's cousin!
Yes. Ichigo... 's cousin. Whose similarities with Ichigo are genetic.
>he's actually the retard pretending Masaki is anything like Rukia like >>269080174 said
LMAO I shouldn't have even replied
absolute canon
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Is just me or does this explain nothing of the question
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Shikai is your power. Bankai is when your power has a baby.
WHAT are you talking about? Ichigo is not blood related to them at all. Ichigo is Yhwach son you fucking retards, Did you not understand the manga at all?
Kuba is basically saying that the Shinigami could still use shikai because that's their personal power while bankai is the sword's power.
>speedreading even a one paragraph answer
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Eight years and counting.
Matsumoto's booba on the table.
>Ichigo is not blood related to them at all. Ichigo is Yhwach son you fucking retards, Did you not understand the manga at all?
He doesn't explain how only those who have learned Bankai can use Shikai when losing their spirits, any member of the Gotei 13 should be able to use Shikai no matter what
Ichigo took all the powers because he was the first one born.
Oh it's a bot
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most underrated girl
See >>269084197 again and for the last time, read slowly, please.
>Ichigo was inside his body when he came back to being a human
>when he came back to being a human
Alternatively you can also kill yourself, I bet it's gonna be easier for you (and more rewarding for everyone else)
I'm watching TYBW now and what the fuck. There are so many black people it's like this continuation of Bleach was made with Sweet Baby Inc hired or something.
They really expect us to believe some cringe black guy clown created all the zanpakuto?

and ALL the female zanpakuto manifestations in his little club are all white skinned?
>american tries to watch anime
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>Yes. Ichigo... 's cousin. Whose similarities with Ichigo are genetic.
Everything about his personality is the same, you're just being dense
>Masaki is a tomboy!
I never said she was a tomboy. I don't even think she's one. But she does have teasing traits like rukia does. Orihime doesn't have that "tease" face that pokes fun at other people
lol bot malfuctioned
did you start bleach with TYBW? Bleach was always revered for having better looking depictions of black characters
stop obsessing over niggers
Did you miss Tosen, Zommari and Jackie? Lol
is okay Bleachbros, One Piece is also used to having a lot of /pol/kek tourists
I'm assuming the nagatoro dump brought them over
>He doesn't explain how only those who have learned Bankai can use Shikai when losing their spirits
he did shikai is an outward manifestation of the shinigami's spirit so it wasn't affected by the zanpaktou or bankai leaving has no effect since the power is drawn from the shinigami
The only reason why shinigami could still use their shikai after zanpakuto spirit was stolen is because otherwise Icefag wouldn't show anything at all at the start of second invasion
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My beloved
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No, retard, that's the TYBW arc, I'm talking about the Zanpakuto rebellion arc. Why only those with Bankai can use Shikai if Bankai and Shikai are separate and everynone already has a Shikai?
I watched the whole original series except a few fillers.
Nimaiya behaves like a monkey.
Tosen was fine, same with Zommari. Zommari looked goofy as hell but arrancars often do, so it was no problem.
Jackie was a fucking meme. Dirty boots? Really?
As if basketball americans don't get upset enough over some mud on overpriced Nikes they made that a fullbring power? Hilarious, but overall a very shit character with no substance. This isn't portraying blacks good it's a meme. Jackie is a mockery just like Nimaiya.

inb4 muh tragic backstory with blood on her shoes, that doesn't matter, she's literal animated black people dirty shoe rage and that's not deep or respectful in any way
Nimaya is cool, eat a sack of baby dicks
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The strongest.
The tits... they talk!
I want to take a bath with ichigo…
>mouth inside of mouth
so white was at one point a normal hollow/hole? I still wanna know if this is the case cause aizen had to have used a base for his experiment
>I'm talking about the Zanpakuto rebellion arc
Anon that's filler
>I'm talking about the Zanpakuto rebellion arc
Aside from the designs that arcs not canon you shouldn't take anything from as canon or expect it to make sense to later established canon unless kubo says so
only exception is bount arc, cause its mentioned in TYBW anime or at least Kariya is
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TYBW anime made Zanpakuto Rebellion canon so fuck off
based CHADnime enjoyer
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>Mogs your faves
Yeah but Kubo addressed it just fine, he could have said something to dismiss it instead

TYBW anime is expanding with canon ideas from Kubo but it's still an adaptation and sequel of the non-canon Bleach anime, retard
>anime made canon
based retard
I watched that filler arc without realizing it was filler, it had its moments but should have been condensed a little. 35 episodes was excessive. That's like 2-3 seasons worth of watch time for other shows that contain fully fleshed out stories complete with character introductions and backstories and action scenes. Problem with Bleach filler isn't that it's "bad", but it's very time consuming and that is what makes it bad. Time is limited and there's better shit to watch than Bleach filler, so unfortunately a lot of people skip it even though it had some good bits.

Alternatively every filler arc could have been a movie and people would like them, but that isn't what we've got. Instead it's like 15 hours of screen time with maybe 3 hours worth of actual content. Bleach filler was produced to milk watch time for commercial revenue though so it's not surprising, just unfortunate from the viewer's perspective.
Fag, TYBW anime IS the definitive version of TYBW arc so that means it's more canon than manga
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>TYBW anime IS the definitive version of TYBW arc
>that means it's more canon than manga
You made the mistake by reading shounenshit written by a certified coomer.
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>yes, all that censorship and cut content is the definitive version
kill yourself you dumb nigger
Karin... Not you too...
this describes atleast all of the big shonens I know
>Dragonball(especially pre-Z)
>One Piece(especially post-TS)
>Naruto(didn't see that much but I know of harem jutsus and pervy sage)
only ones that don't come to mind as "coomer" from my experience is Slam Dunk, Yu-Yu Hakusho, FMA
Both me. Forgot to mention it.
Yuzu is such a sweetheart
>Yuzu is such a sweetheart
Karin would be more fun in bed
Based retard.
>no argument
concession accepted
Because she would cheat on you with dozens of men.
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Is this the best fanservice moment in TYBW?
green hair quincy girl with those tits bent over showing her ass while trying to kill ichigo
so much shit on screen and low bitrate hurts it but I bet it'd look good on a blu-ray release
negative ass
>jealous fatty mad that real woman can wipe their ass without difficulty
you probably think obeseoids like nicki minaj can succeed at basic hygiene right?
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>Is this the best fanservice moment in TYBW?
For me, it was Orihime's introduction.
no the fight is canon not the arc till its stated as
the kid should be the middle pic anon
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This is the most stupid thing i read today. It's like that retarded statement that Memories of Nobody isn't canon while Ichigo's journey to Valley of Screams is
This is the most stupid thing i read today.
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Best girl.
>N-no u!
you know what?
Muramasa is the family zanpakutou of the Kuchiki.
The OP where all the girls are doing pinup poses while Rukia, Orihime, and Rangiku are stripper dancing for me is the zenith.
Kubo is a hack.
you made a mistake, you didn't post an image of Bambieta Basterbine
>and immediately respawns there?
When humans die their souls don't immediately respawn in the SS, they have to be brought there. When Ichigo's human body dies his soul will just plop out like when he takes a soul candy.
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It would've been interesting if Ichigo's soul aged slower than his human body.
she did NOT tank that
Its heavily implied Karin has powers
ochako is cuter and more interesting than orihime
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>ochako is cuter
looks like an ugly kardashian or something. hideous bimbo
you just know this artist has done wonderbread deforestation commissions
Holy shit Orihimefags really are south american mutts, it wasn't just a meme.
>geographism out of nowhere
Sex with amputee Candice.
what do each Bambie's asshole taste like?
like Heaven.
rukia lost
leave me out of your consolewars I'm just dissing the artist
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Bambi's ass is much bigger, second only to Miny
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>not a single Isanepost in the entire thread
what was going through hime's mind at this moment?
There's nothing attractive about Orihime.

Bleach always does it right with the green haired women.
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Kill yourself bleachtard
>wonderbread deforestation
I don't understand this meme
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Bleach? Best animanga.
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It's not even the best fanservice moment in that episode.
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let us rectify that brother
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Not anymore!

Isane Squad, assemble!
What kind of woman would choose to die on that position?
one use to lying in that position
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Gigi probably sucks more cock than Candice
mwah, mwah, kissing Gigi's feminine benis, chuu, chuu
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Holy based, Kubo I kneel.
was Kubo implying she takes it up the ass?
I really like how Kubo does injuries in Bleach.
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Isane's nose warmers.
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So what do you think about cour 3 opening?

>that butchered attempt
You are just destroying the song, wait until it actually drops, retard
based retard
This number no longer means anything thanks to AI generated crap
This image makes no sense, at least the Ichiruki image has parallels but this one is just grabbing whatever shot look similar. I mean how comparing Ulquiorra to Isshin and White to Hollow Ichigo makes any sense
He usually never does. He takes a question with a headcanon already shoved at it and basically uses it to give a explanation to shit he never bothered to write about it.
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Bleach was on hiatus for 10 years, brainlet.
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>This image makes no sense
If you're a seething IRfag, maybe. For people with triple digit IQ it's perfectly obvious. Including the author himself.
Yuzu has literally no excuse since her mom looks like this
The hollow attack and generic smile closed eyes shouldn't even be here. The novel and the exhibition are clearly retcon or recontextualizing too give some connection between the two. The only one who actually makes some sense is the sun.
>The only one who actually makes some sense is the sun.
Not really. Both are using the sun, but clearly in different context. It's a very forced connection to be honest, I have no idea why people take this image seriously.
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there i fixed the ending
just pretend rukia's holding onto ichigo's arm
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Here I fixed the ending by making Renji a cuck
Aw, its so cute seeing husband and wife having their lonely and retarded friend in the middle holding hands with them
>retarded friend in the middle holding hands with them
You don't need to be so mean, just because Ichigo sister is a bit slow it doesn't mean she is retarded
You know you can't say that Ichigo and Orihime don't look like a incestuous couple while also saying that Masaki looks just like Orihime
Actually you can for a very simple reason, Ichigo doesn't even look like his mother kek, he's literally orange Kaien (then orange Isshin)
>Rukia so mindbroken by her man's death she clings to Orihime's husband
That's pretty sad, man
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Sakuga to Nemu.
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>The novel and the exhibition are clearly retcon or recontextualizing too give some connection between the two
What kind of cope is this?! Lol. People have said that young Masaki reminds them of Orihime since her very first appearance in the "Everything but the Rain" chapters. Kubo just confirmed these observations through the novel and the exhibition. The father and his son share the same taste in women which is cute.
Based Masaki stand.
My God you really are ignoring my point and doubling down on the non sense. No wonder why Bleach was aways a joke on the anime community.
There's no such thing as Masaki stans, only Ichiruki and Ichihime stans that want to use her to her agency. That sad is really forced making comparisons with Orihime when Masaki is a human and Isshin is a Shinigami who save each other and are bound by destiny or whatever.
I said stand not stan.
Who was the director of these episodes (EBTR)? I really liked the sb and the animation.
What are you even talking about? People were discussing a canon fact stated in the "We Do Knot Always Love You" novel. In the novel, Ichigo talks to Karin, who is watching Yuzu and Orihime having fun cooking together in the kitchen. Karin tells Ichigo that Yuzu becomes very happy whenever Orihime is around, and when Ichigo asks about her own feelings, Karin replies that she also gets happy because Orihime reminds her of their mother, Masaki. No one is using Masaki for anything. Kubo confirmed the obvious observation that Orihime and Masaki are similar, and people were simply discussing that.
Discussing a canon fact is not using the character to push an agenda.
>randomly REEKS of semen on the battlefield
>changes Hitsugaya's clothes
>99% of the zombies are male
>is a deviant
Again with this. The novel wasn't written but Kubo, and all this on your nose link between Masaki ad Orihime is clearly effort to find a justification for their relationship. If this was a actual think Kubo tought when e was writing the manga we would have seen this playing out, nit being described after the manga ending.
Still thare are only 2600 AI Ochako pics. Not enough to tip the scales.
>cour 3 will have AI generated explosions in all fights
Oecuf is a faggot.
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Everyone saw it in the manga, and Kubo confirmed it in the novel. Cope harder.
why though?
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>Everyone saw it in the manga, and Kubo retcon it in the novel. Cope harder.
Like father, like son, they fell in love with the same type of girl. The busty, cheerful silly kind of girl is their type. Your flat, disrespectful self insert, Rukia, is nothing like them.
>she went from freaking out by being invited to Ichigo's house to this
Cute girlfriendhime
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The Isshin/Masaki relationship is nothing like the relationship between Ichigo and Rukia, Isshin and Masaki never hit each other or called each other names, Ichigo and Rukia are disrespectful towards each other, they have the same kind of relationship as Ichigo/Renji, Ichigo/Uryu, Ichigo/Tatsuki.
both shipperfags are retarded. masaki looks more like orihime in appearance and is bubbly like her, but shes also similar to rukia in how she teases isshin when he opens up the clinic, orihime would never make a smug expression towards ichigo whereas rukia has. and the foundation of isshin/masaki (one shinigami/one human, aizen being involved in their meeting, both parties saving each other) is the same as the ichigo/rukia one which everyone pointed out when the chapter dropped. kubo even decided to do the same pose when they saved the girl. to try and argue that isshin/masaki resemble only one ship is stupid and goes against what was written. masaki and isshin also got closer a lot faster because masaki wasnt so shy around isshin, she had no problem being naked around him. orihime isnt the exact same as her. theres also the fact that kubo had isshin call masaki the sun and he called rukia ichigos ray of light in an interview while orihime was called the sun by two enemies. kubo was playing both sides, dont know why shipfags are still in denial over this
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Anon even you know you are arguing in bad faith
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Nah, ichirukifag. You are just delusional, Rukia is nothing like Masaki, her relationship with Ichigo is nothing like the relationship between Isshin and Masaki and the saving pose was used by Kubo in countless other occasions, he did it there to show the like father like son thing he was going for with young Isshin and Ichigo.
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Arguing? I was just explaining to a delusional shipperfag the type of relationships in the story. The Rukia and Ichigo relationship is another Renji/Ichigo, Tatsuki/Ichigo type of relationship. Kubo even explained it in an interview back in 2008, it's easy to see.
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Keep copping
Vanilla and hints of cucumber. As if she just stepped out of the shower and dried off.
Lemon lime Gatorade. Like licking a battery but in a good way.
Strong hints of bubblegum and strawberry. Be wary, she can crush your face into a liquid pulp with a single flex of her asscheeks.
Suspiciously no flavor considering her poor diet.
Men's cum and old dick smell.
Don't you get tired of arguing over the same topic every single thread?
It's just one schizo arguing with himself to keep the threads alive.
neither of two panels got the same amount of panel focus, you’re arguing in bad faith because you can’t accept how the foundation is the same (two people from different worlds, aizen being involved) and masaki is more outgoing than orihime unless you want to argue that orihime wouldn’t have a problem with ichigo seeing her naked pre-dating. even the gacha game made a connection between isshin/masaki and ichigo/rukia

he also has an interview where he said he didn’t know whether ichigo and rukia would get together
It's not up for a debate my guy, accept that you are delusional and move on. We already have a confirmation in the canon material, see >>269111022 >>269113192
I was right, you were wrong. It happens, move on and stop embarrassing yourself. The kid is even coping hard talking about the author's interview doesn't count, lol.
It's one Ichihime retard and some other Ichiruki retard
>The kid
Since when are Ichiruki young ?
we have panels too so what’s the point? everyone in the fandom pointed out the similarities between isshin/masaki and ichigo/rukia when the manga reached the masaki backstory lol. i even said that masaki and orihime are also similar, no need to get super defensive cause of insecurity
>no need to get super defensive cause of insecurity
Again, I was right, you were wrong, move on.
I think there is at least a genuine Rukiafag, but the one arguing with the Orihimefag has to be the same person. I don't believe there is someone here as obsessed to pull the same arguments and answers all the damn time.
>no you
Candice doesn't suck dick until marriage. You need to earn it.
I am not impressed, the Ichihime questions are all the same, it's normal that the replies would also repeat
She ate my ass yesterday what are you talking about
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Anon this legitimate schizophrenic has been doing this in Bleach threads daily for 8 years straight.
He only stops when he gets range banned for a few weeks and even that only happens like 1x per year.
The shipping wars disappear for weeks whenever this one guy is banned.
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Unrelated, but I feel like I'm the only one who thought it was purposeful soul society Orihime had a similar hairstyle as Kaine's wife ( i.e. all or most in a bun & rest hanging) >>269080054
Like in general I never really liked the Character A = Character B & therefore they should end up together argument. Because even if you lean into Ichigo being kaien's 1:1 reincarnation, it doesn't actually make Ichigo x Rukia feel more canon imo, since you could draw different conclusions just how Kubo drew characters. Kaien's also had 0 regrets to die to avenge his wife doesn't exactly sell his relationship to Rukia as romantic either, it was always platonic & mentor/student like or cap/vice cap like.

In both cases, Rukia also doesn't actually think poorly of either Kaien's wife or Orihime. She's just happier with her relationship with Orihime & Ichigo in the present, because it's not one where she's tangled up in horrible guilt for someone dying on her watch/ having to mercy kill and not being able to stop it.

Tldr: I've never been a huge fan of reincarnation=> 2nd chance for lovers idea, but if you're gonna lean into it, then it never felt to me like some unshakeable proof for Rukia x Ichigo since you could draw different conclusions based on how Kubo drafts his characters. I largely think kaien could die in peace because he didn't love anyone romantically as much as his own wife. It wasn't Rukia, & missing out on a romantic relationship with Kaien wasn't what hurt Rukia most in losing him, It was the guilt of not being able to save him when she deeply admired him. She'd feel just as heartbroken if it was byakuya who had Kaien fate.
You think their group sex has evolved from just fucking to love-making in all the yeas after timeskip?
I'm suspecting Kubo is gonna masculinize Gigi just to break the mold.
I don't know. The fact the replies are the same with little variation and in so little time between posts makes me think otherwise.
they can't relate to anyone else so i wouldn't be surprised if they're actually having sex with him
at least change up your text style if you’re going to argue with yourself
Nah man, first time I'm posting in this thread. But think whatever you want since /a/ not exactly conducive to great discussion anymore when they removed the IP counter.
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Post only the true canon ships. I start.
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Lucky Vegita...
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Bikini model when?
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Orihime? Best girl.
built like a prostitute.
Lol what if that's Tessai's zanpakuto?
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>she can crush your face into a liquid pulp with a single flex of her asscheeks.
>Rukia also doesn't actually think poorly of either Kaien's wife
She don't but sure she wanted them to have open relationship.
I know at least there's a me and another non native English speaker defending Ichiruki
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I want this type IRL.
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me and my husband saw you across the bar and really dig your vibe
Like mother like daughter.
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"Finally !"
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I bet Kaien's wife had big tits. The Shibas love them feminine and busty.
They might go for something more deep. Either way I am impressed you went with this line of thought instead of following up on my joke.
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I just love tits like you wouldn't believe.
what kind of deep?
I mean he was looking for something less superficial like boobs and something more deep like personality, ideology or money.
Fair enough.
>schizo headcanon
>no argument
>Everything felt so right with Kaien...
>He had a wife.
lmao what a cuck
i read and watched the first few chapters/eps of Bleach but can't decide if manga or anime
what's the /a/ take?
Fuck pierrot for showing her face
The only Bleach anime worth shit is the TYBW arc one. Ignore the butchered adaptation of the first anime for everything except the OST and sick openings/endings
really hate these kind of effects.. fuck Taguchi and fuck pierrot films.
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>manga: no fillers, no censorship, perfect pacing, top tier art
What is there to decide?
i'll keep readan thanks
Wow, Ruka mentions that Kaien had a wife to say she admired her and so to introduce the person that Kaien died for just in the next page. This, somehow, means that Rukia was in love with Kaien! No.
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Next page
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Watch Bleach until episode 63 and then read the manga for the rest.
After you finish the manga watch the recent anime.
The original anime is plagued by 5minute recaps and filler, but that shit only gets unbearably bad after the Soul Society arc when they had to start creating literal years worth of filler.
Before episode 63 there is like 3 episodes of filler you can skip completely. You will know when it happens.

It's worth experiencing. The original Bleach anime has the best tv anime soundtrack ever made and that it's hyperbole I'm being completely serious.
The new series has pretty awful music/openings by comparison but they're not offensively bad.
The delusional is here is ridiculous. Chainsaw man must have eaten reading comprehension devil.
We literally have half of page of Rukia being quiet and having a sad look to say Kaien had a wife and another for her to say she wanted to be just like her while watching them from affair like Hinata did with Naruto. Then we have the page where she is confirmed to be dead to justify why a vice captain died so easily to a week Hollow
>This, somehow, means that Rukia was in love with Kaien! No.
>Not in love
>After this page

I can see why the words Media Literacy are tossed around so much these days.
This is sad anon. Assuming you're not just shitposting for replies.
You really need everything spelt out in plain text? If a woman leans into you, stares into your eyes and moves your hand onto her breast is your next move "Do you want to have sex?"
There's no way you're not somewhere on the autistic spectrum.
TYBW anime is overrated as hell, classic Bleach anime is miles better.
Yes, it's good.
I really try to like it but man.. it's difficult
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>Yes, it's good.
I agree except the Bount, liking that arc is just cope
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Bro Rukia was 1000% in love with Kaien, it's just that Shiba men like women, not little girls. She never had a chance
Isshin was very interested in his 3rd daughter
Masaki’s hollow side is still affecting her soul so it would still go to each of her kids. There’s nothing stated in the story that suggests it would only go to Ichigo
>There’s nothing stated in the story that suggests it would only go to Ichigo
I think kubo cleared up in a klub that it only went to ichigo. I might be mistaken though
Until he retcon this and Karin shows up with Hollow powers.
All of the tybw openings and endings so far have been shit.
>more CGI than ever
>now AIslop
>bleachfags will still defend this
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>diaper is still here
>he actually believed some random tweet
based retard
You know what's awful about these threads (and with most of the fanbase of Bleach for that matter)? Is that people will call out anything not being explicit as headcanon, or they will often take superficial traits as they appear without digging on the entire personality of a character and think that's all there it is to them. I mean I understand where they come from, after all if it is not confirmed by the author then technically it is a headcanon. But come on, Bleach is a series where Kubo uses a lot of show don't tell to convey messages and characteristics of the cast.
By the way, I do believe Rukia was in love with Kaien and it is very plausible she saw Kaien in Ichigo for a while, and Renji/Byakuya took notice of it very quickly too.
doesn't matter who believes it or not tbqh, Rukia is in love with Kaien.
It matters because Kubo never confirms it. I agree with you and I do think Rukia was in love with Kaien, but someone could say she wasn't and then you couldn't really refute it because those feelings aren't explicit.
Reminds me a lot of other relationships in this series, like Nelliel/Nnoitra (crush by Nelliel's side) I know this one triggers a lot people.
The manga confirms this, only an illiterate would bother to ask Kubo about it that's probably why nobody in Japan does.
The manga doesn't confirm it in words, that's why it isn't explicit and other people might perceive it differently.
That's the entire issue here.
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i love gigi so much
no nel is a masochist and domanating the weaker nnoitra
Nel is a masochist and was trying to rile up Nnoitra, who is a sadist.
Does Kazui go through karin and yuzu's panty drawer?
Favorite Dragon Ball character?
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BLEACH Rebirth of Souls - Gameplay overview trailer tomorrow!

Rukia has always been best girl. Built like Angelina Crow.
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It's not really. Rukia loves Kaien.
Retsu looks good in literally everything
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Seriously. It's about as subtle as a ton of bricks. The anime butchered this scene cause they showed kaiens wife's face and gave her a personality and everything. In the manga, it's clear that rukia wants to be in her position to be closer to kaien. She goes on about how amazing kaien is, then immediately goes to think about his wife. We don't even get to see her face.
Thats Togashi
Hotdogging Nemu's fat ass
I skip any post with the words Rukia, Orihime or Gigi in it without reading.
if Rukia and Orihime were on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock would that be fucked up or what
so the entire thread?
none of my posts included those words
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I gotta love how disappointed Bambi was seeing him in human form, it was so cute how she really wanted a doggy
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in the end she got mindbroken tho and now can't live without Gigi's knot spurting inside.
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Man I love Isane.... BUT
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Bambie is gonna squeeze all the homo out of Giselle and make him into a proper man.
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The entirety of White went to Ichigo, and the entirety of Isshin’s Shinigami power went to keeping white in check.
So they inherited very little Shinigami power, tho they definitely should have inherited some Quincy power.
>but a series 10 years younger than you?
>10 years younger
Well, there you go.
furry vagina
Bambi really wanted Komamura's dog cock, didn't she?
I can't wait to tie her down and shave it
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Who? ... oh
yeah they are forgettable
Only Hollow and Quincy mix causes soul suicide without a shinigami balance. Any other combination exists fine; see Arrancar and Visored.
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Fuck that must be why I still haven't gotten my fucking Aisha MSGK doujin
What about Tosen
Tosen falls under Visored. I'd wager that the shinigami/hollow soul suicide present in TBTP was either forgotten by Kubo, occured because the hollow was an independent entity (in a sense) from the shinigami host (and thus vying for dominance), or the procedure was incomplete/incorrect.

Also Tosen's death was Aizen blowing him up if I recall.
Incel king.
>She don't but sure she wanted them to have open relationship.
Sure, we can go with that if you want, but I still don't think a one-sided sentiment on the relationship is some how good justification that Ichigo x Rukia just 200% had to be canon. Like again, if we're supposed to be leaning into the reincarnation=soulmates or whatever: It doesn't change the fact Kaine's sentiment towards Rukia wasn't romantic, his "soulmate" was his wife, who we can definitively tell isn't Rukia, because she never passed & was reborn like we can presume happened to Kaien => Ichigo. Ichigo's "soulmate"/ kaien's reincarnated wife, for all we know, could still be out there as Senna or some other girl out in the universe. Does that mean any pairing with him is now shit because because it's not kaien's dead wife he's with? Or that any pairing with Ichigo that isn't kaien's reincarnated wife is automatically good now? Like, that's a really poor benchmark to measure or judge a relationship.

Tldr: I don't have a problem with shipping, people can ship whomever, shit's all fiction and the end of the day. I just don't think arguing the same points bajillion times, all while there's clear holes in the structure of said argument makes any sense. It makes much more sense to me if you want to ship whatever to use the actual interactions of the characters in question. Not roundaboutly say "character DxC = character AXB and therefore canon!" Since the krux of that justification literally depends externally on different characters, instead of internally to the one that's being argued for.
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Rebirth of Sovls extended gameplay trailer in 5 hours.


We shall see everything.
Aisha isn't lewd
Mt in general is I meant. Also yes the fuck she is.
Read the manga, Ichigo is a test tube baby
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You are the one who aren't getting the whole picture, when, in fact, that chapter is explaining it to you. When Kaien had met Rukia she was depressed because of how Byakuya treated her, apart of many of the shinigamis who had to treat her as a noble. Rukia had finally found someone who treated her normally and encouraged her. Although that didn't really erase the depression that Rukia had about her relationship with Byakuya and her other problems, like her self doubts about her abilities to be a shinigami.
What is absurd is to think that Rukia was depressed becuse he coulnd't have a romantic relationship with Kaien. That page is not there to show that Rukia was depressed because Kaien was married, is there to show that, despite Rukia finding some comfort, she was still depressed by her situation, not by supposed unrequited feelings.
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You also have a page where Rukia thinks that Kaien is sappy to talk about hearts. Rukia talking about hearts with her supposed love interest and she thinks it's sappy, lol. Don't look for romance where there isn't any. Kubo has always cared more to show why people can have important relationships where there isn't romantic feelings.
Yeah I’m going need to see if he already addressed this
Good fuck that trainwreck of a series
They're twins so more than likely they have a weird symbiosis going on. Yuzu is clearly hollow dominant based on how light her hair and eyes became over time. She's also the nutty one of the two so it adds up.
Also Ichigo's powers only grow when an external factor disrupts the balance of his soul and one side, usually the hollow, grows stronger.
Kubo receives a lot of questions that we don't, we only know the ones that he answers.
Soul suicide is shinigami+hollow.
Quincy+hollow leads to erosion in almost all cases.
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Well, I do believe Rukia was in love with Renji when they were at the academy. The fact that they get married at the end of the manga comfirms that it wasn't only my interpretation but I was right. Also, Kubo himself wrote a title for a novel about their marriage with the words "always love you". These are facts, so, it's not headcanon, it's not interpretation, I can assure Rukia wasn't in love with Kaien.
Not an argument. The op/endings are still shit.
>not an ar-BRAAAAAAAP
Brapfag really needs to take his meds.
Kubo forgot yeah
He never even explained how Uryu survived every single Auswahlen. It doesn't target him because he's le special lol
He said that Yhwach deliberately excluded him because of the potential of Antithesis backfiring and taking his power instead.
Antithesis doesn't even work like that.
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Not necessarily. But....
>lust provoking image
The length some people go to deny the obvious. I just wonder why you are so adamant about Rukia not wanting his Shiba cock
separate words
Just saw it.
It looked... Decent?
Bleach had much less porn than expected for a series its size during the 2000s-2010, the peak of its popularity.
No she's not, Aisha is pure. PURE
Ask Ars if you don't believe me
They cooked
And I don't understand why is a problem to you that Rukia doesn't have romantic feelings for Kaien, which is really the obvious.
The people who more defend this are ichiruki fans who think that means that Rukia must have romantic feelings for Ichigo, which is really hilarious because if that was true then Ichigo would be just a replacement of Kaien for her
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Today is Harribel's birthday. Say something nice about her.
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Expectations for this character?
Stronger than Ulquiorra
Cannot wait till the reveal she's the founder of the Dokugamine family.
Orihime never caught on as a character. She's Kubo's worst written female character's I'd dare to say.
what do we think about rebirths gameplay? looked pretty cool to me
>And I don't understand why is a problem to you that Rukia doesn't have romantic feelings for Kaien,
No one would have a problem if it was present, the problem is that it's very clearly a thing in the story. Fuck Ichirukis I wasn't even thinking about them,my problem is that you guys can't stop to see the fact she had a crush on him as being a threat to your ship.
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What would I have to do to convince Kubo to give us a slice-of-life spin off centered on my beautiful princess?
Well, considering that's Riruka I'd say she enjoys donuts and doesn't admit she likes Orihime.
Also she's a succubus.
suck his dick, grapefruit technique
>the red (shinigami) cloth comes with blut vene
Full trailer, Japanese voices,
Bros, did they recast Byakuya for the new game? That's not his seiyu.

It's the same seiyuu.
it's not
It seems weird that SS is so new, compared to human history. You'd think Hollows would have become a major issue to human existence.
It is. That's how he sounds nowadays.
Get Punnett Square'd, nerd
Nigger I know Byakuya, I served with Byakuya, that ain't no Byakuya. He literally was in cour 2 just the last year and sounded like always for the last 20 years. This is not him, he sounds ten years younger for one thing.
>SS is so new, compared to human history
It's his voice actor. I have better hearing than you and I can tell you that's Ryotaro Okiayu. Perhaps he's trying to sound younger to evoke Byakuya's Soul Society arc self, but it's clearly him.
Woah what the fuck it sounds literally NOTHING like Byakuya. Is he ill or something?
Your hearing is shit since that's clearly not him.
You can't just sound 10 years younger, and also have a completely different pronunciation of words.
I think he means Seireitei, which has only been around for 2000 years. So for all of time before that Hollows have been running around unchecked in the Living World, their world history must be FUCKED up.
Proffessional voice actors can definitely sound younger than what they are. And voicing a TV show it's not the same than voicing a game, the director and staff could have told him to voice the character differently. Either way that's Byakuya's voice actor.
Anal porn mostly.
>Proffessional voice actors can definitely sound younger than what they are
No, they can attempt to sound younger. Nobody is getting fooled by that naturally. Either way, you can just sound like a different person.
>Either way that's Byakuya's voice actor.
They can difnitely sound younger, most young girls in anime are voiced by women in their 30s, 40s or even 50s. Yukari Tamura is nearly 50 and still has her loli voice unchecked.
And is the same voice actor.
I'd have to guess that's where stories of various gods come from.
Your norse, greek, egyptian gods etc
my youtube algorithm started recommending me bleach videos recently. is bleach all about psychopaths killing each other?
Nigger, Byakuya's seiyu literally voiced his kid version and nobody was like "wow, how is he doing that". It was clearly the same seiyu trying to sound younger.
This is a different person.
>is bleach all about psychopaths killing each other?
irl? yes
>Let me tell everyone I'm brown without outright saying "I'm brown"
Hollow being a much bigger threat until around year 0, which supposedly marks the arrival of the son of the abrahamic god, is fitting considering Bleach's universe.
when you think about it the quincies are justified imagine being told not to defend yourself against large supernatural monsters because you're upsetting balance
Yeah, and there he was directed by someone different from the game.
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>t-the director actually made him sound like a different person!
What is this giga cope?
The only gigacope is you not accepting your hearing is shit.
You'd think so but Kubo went out of his way to say the Shinigami tried to negotiate with the Quincy and told them to maim/cripple the Hollow so a Shinigami can arrive and purify it.
Quincy niggers said "lol no" and proceeded to continue doing what they're doing while now having full knowledge that they are permanently deleting not only the hollow but every soul it has eaten from ever reincarnating.
They are ontologically evil and frankly deserve Mayuri's treatment after still pulling their shit and warring again in the 2nd Quincy war 200 years before chapter 1.
>n-no U
I accept your concession.
I accept yours as well.
The Bleach defenders in these threads are more faithful than the strongest redditor. NOTHING can go wrong with anything involving this series.
Your first time in a cult?
I thought that was Keigo for a second
Yes actually. these threads weren't like this one upon a time
Both me, btw.

The idea of "soul balance" is fucking dumb. I hate Bleach's afterlife so goddamned much.
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Her midriff and underboob is beautiful
I look like this
But the shinigami were sometimes late (sometimes deliberately like with soken) can you really blame them for saying fuck that
Well even ignoring the soul balance part. The Quincy are killing many more souls than the Hollows killing Quincy.
maybe, maybe not, but she definitely preferred him as a doggy
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That was after 2 wars they lost and the Quincy are still killing Hollows instead of maiming/crippling. It's not like they're incapable, every Quincy is vastly superior to every non menos Hollow and menos or higher tier Hollows barely invade the Living World at all, we even get context for this from Yammy needing to suck out the souls of an entire crowd and it doesn't come close to satisfying his hunger, living humans are too weak for stronger Hollow to bother hunting.
The Quiggers got what they deserved.
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what was the explanation for this existing again?
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I see that you're new here, welcome anon.
Kubo at the time didn't come up with the retcon about her being a Zanpakutou spirit
Aizen Sousuke is the sexiest Bleach character
the two monsters represent kenpachi's shikai and bankai forms and yachiru is the embodiment of his zanpakuto, all three attack at the same time
Good anon. Now send it to Kubo in a question format and this will become canon
yeah but I remember him giving some bullshit excuse in his club which is why I was asking
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I want to sit on his lap

>captcha: 2DDD
She's Kenpachi's zan spirit who became a real girl when Kenpachi gave her a real name
>the monsters
Bot explained. Isane said there's something unnatural about how Yachiru's "shikai" work
Karin and Yuzu probably have the potential to be quincy, but aren't busted enough to spontaneously manifest the powers and never had anyone willing to train them during the events of the series. Has Kubo actually said anything about their powers post-timeskip? They're 23 now, for all we know they could be training under Uryu or the Bambies.
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The real problem is that people always want to see romance in males and females relationships. Rukia didn't have romantic feelings for Kaien, it wasn't necessary to show the importance of Kaien for her, and it never had a role. Kaien was a mentor figure for Rukia, almost as the brother that Rukia'd have wanted to see in Byakuya. Now Rukia adores and admires her brother and she is not in love with him either.
Rukia isn't real
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Neither are you, text on a screen. Neither are you.
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He awakened his powers through the power of basedacide.
Are we supposed to assume his sister did the same?
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