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Koito! I'm sick don't get near me! Koito! KOITO!!!
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Elda-dono, Koito died many moons ago. I am your new mechanical miko, Kurumi desu. I look forward to worshiping you.
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>I'm sick
It's time, Elda...
Koito's coitus.
Love with Koito
Koi to Koito
This cruelty against elves and it's not ok.
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Cute dork.
I miss Myriad Colors Phantom World.
Koito is cute, I want her to sing for me.
Koito says "Death to America", woukd you watch a show with someone who says that? Absolute garbage.
it makes you what doesn't kill you
There it is
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Koito means sex in Portuguese lmao
Cute elf.
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Just finished the show. A bit late, I know. Koito is cute as fuck. There. I said it.
season 2 doko?
Only after you leave a heap of otaku offerings at her alter.
>Koito died many moons ago
Elf sexu
Is this any good?
It's was of its time.
That's no especially reassuring.
I'm just joking. It's comfy and decent, give it a try.
It's lighthearted, fun and cozy.
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Making Koito with Koito's mother.
Elda did that
NTR camera angle
Will my pork pockets fit in their microwave?
I don't see why not. Are they extra big or something?
>anon says this when in the one episode Elda gets sick they clarify that elves can't spread their sickness to humans and vice-versa
I like her voice.
How tall is Elda?
Sir! Enough with that language, there are children present!
Is that supposed to be an oven on top?
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love this bunny. love elda
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For me it's the doctor.
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Don't worry Elda. Koito is busy dating with me now.
Yeah, it's nice.
But if she stays around them a mutated strain might successfully cross the gap one day.
I have to admit, I always thought her name was derived from "elder" rather than "Zelda"
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I appreciate how even when the panel's cropped like this, Koma-chan's fat fucking tits are still evident
is that a microwave on top of the fridge?
who got cucked?
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Toaster oven on top of microwave oven on top of fridge/freezer. Wheat bread never took off so they never bothered with baking ovens and their kitchens are thereafter.
isn't sticking something that gets hot on top of something cold a bad idea?
Kinda. There's plenty of insulation and air gaps and heat rises. The toaster is the one to get the hottest by producing real heat and not micro waves.
Anyway there's plenty of room behind the fridge
huh, the more you know
I guess it does work out.
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that brings back memories
We just don't know.
The other way around is worse.
She would do.
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I appreciate Elda and I appreciate the anons that keep making Elda threads
She doesn't deserve being stuck in that shitshow.
Do you think if her shrine shut down Elda would be forced to make an onlyfans?
She'd learn the guitar and become Elda the Rock!
Every character is pleasant
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Why do japanese stoves all have single fish grill drawers
I'd watch that.
Phantom Word is better than 90% of anime.
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>Anon, I'm worried about you...
cheaper and more spacially-economic than getting a full size oven, and less of a hassle to replace when it breaks
its not like in australia where a full size convection oven + grill + hotplates comes with the house/apartment and when it breaks you just make your landlord pay to replace it as per the lease agreement
I think the OP song's great and has a cool MV
>It's already been 2 years since the anime ended. Hoy shit, now I know how Elda feels.
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Post DANCEnata... now!
minase koito is so cool
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>Koito reading this thread
She's not ready for the otaku life.
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I can control my ears too, even just a bit.
If she does this 100x faster, she can hover in the air to suck nectar off flowers
Those would have to be very tall flowers.
You can't make me.
Now you are one of us.
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This is now a Yolde thread
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Eastern shrines just can't compete
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damn right they can't
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It's only natural for an elf to be this smug.
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hog roll*
and yes
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it's ok anon
Elda is gonna freak.
It's not ok.
pointy ears pog
Elda would 100% adopt Twitch lingo.
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Good work.
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What do elf ears taste like
No funeral.
She's so fucking hot is her anime worth watching? I'm guessing the vibes are nothing like Edomae Elf.
>is her anime worth watching?
Hell yea. Just don't go in expecting some flawless masterpiece or peak literature. It's a fun show with great characters and phenomenal visuals. Maybe the best production values on an ecchi anime ever. Only Amagi Brilliant Park rivals it.
Just newspapers and a ditch.
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Miko yo
Miko yo
Get your own snacks, you okat-elf!
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>page 10
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This thread could last two weeks at this pace. I hope it survives that long.
It won't be easy.
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We can hope at the very least. Anyway, I'll be going to sleep soon so I wont be able to help for another 8 hours or so.
Goodnight, anon.
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It's not cruelty if it's elves.
Serious gamer skills.
Why did she look at my wife like that?
cos she died
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>Page 10
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Would you?
She's stinky.
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Not bad, but can she challenge a real gamer?
I don't think Elda has ever been shown to actually be good at video games
>literally good for nothing
No you
Still better than Kotoha most likely.
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Post Gondam.
Did Elda liked Victory Gondam?
Yes, she's a fan.
page 10
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If she wears a track jacket and nothing else.
You could still salvage half.
That's a very small pepper thing cap
She wanted to pour a very small amount.
Fridays are tough.
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I can't believe Eruda and Koito got hit by a speeding truck while crossing the road. Should've looked both sides first, RIP in pieces.
> look up wikipedia article about some aspect of feudal japan lifestyle
> contrast it with modern times with 5 minute exposition dump
the formula is so transparent it's crazy
How big is her dick?
Time for the Eomae isekai.
>haven't had a comfy show like this since
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These are dark times. We must pray to our local elves.
i remember that season being super comfy
Imagine the texture...
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She's mine now.
Retarded girls who are cute but bad at games is a big market for streamers
I wanna touch her buttcheeks.
Not until she's finished loading.
I want to eat her cooking everyday. That's enough.
The last comfy season ever...
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>Koito reading this thread
it's just pepper. Spoon off as much as you can then pat the rest with a paper towel. You can now eat the whole thing
Every time she dies in a game elda needs to fuck koitus as stress relief.
>5 days and the thread lives
cool, maybe we really can do this for two weeks

nice work /a/

Koito is a blessed name.
That'd be great
I usually make this thread weekly so being able to skip a week or 2 would be nice
god I love the ed. it's so comfy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y68I1GeXESk

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