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The feeling of finishing an anime like this never gets any less devastating. How do I cope knowing I'll never see them again?
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by reading K-ON Shuffle
Watch it again?
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Is it good? I've heard that the K-On manga is pretty meh, and that KyoAni themselves brought it to masterpiece status.
Too early for me. Maybe in a few years
I need to watch this...
Watch a random episode every month, silly.
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>Azusa OP
Extremely based.
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>watch bocchi
>watch GBC
>watch HibiEuopho
>watch Sora no Woto
>retwatch K-on
Simple as
I wish they adapted the sequels. The anime's ending blueballed me.
Is there an entire college sequel?
which Come with Me!! version is your favorite
It's only one volume but yes. Azusa's new high school band has a book too. Annoyingly, neither of them were included in the omnibus that came out recently.
buy the merchandise
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K-On is probably the most rewatchable series ever. I have lost count on how many times I watched it and there were days when I was feeling bad and I'd watch a random episode for healing purposes. It's really the peak of the SoL genre.
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Listen to the entire OST little by little, it's amazing.
Also you can watch the real life location reviews/tour on youtube, it's a beautiful place.
Find merch that you like if you are into collecting stuff, check out the seiyuu of the girls for their other works and projects, they are all very talented people, and watch the movie if you haven't yet, of course.
why is mio a different artstyle
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I don't have a clue, I know they have a lot of banners of the girls in the building, maybe that day they used a spare or a fanmade one for her.
That was from second year when she was in a different class
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in picrel you can tell the same artist made all the cardboard banners
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Watch BECK and Kids on the Slope
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Watch Kamichu
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By posting "Season 3 when" every day until it happens.

Trust the plan.
what about girls band cry? Any good?
seing a loli nig really ruined my day
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>Girls Band Cry
Horrible animation and art direction.
Watch Hibike if you want a show centered around music, it's also an adaptation made by KyoAni but it has a completely different vibe from K-On.
Sawako is an adorable hag
Why can boys do this but girls can't. Everyone should be free to get topless in summer
I don't remember this scene
Rewatch in 5-10 years later that's what I'm doing rn since all seasonals for the last years were full of garbage I've been rewatching every great oldschool show that I misses
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Retard. I'm glad the 3d filtered you. Don't watch my show
Gbc is fantastic but it's not a cgdct
It's a more comparable to boccher, but instead of a comedy it's a drama focused show that centers alot on teen agnst. It has really really good character work. It's a really special anime and 100% worth watching
You won't regret it
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Ritsu is pure sex.
thats a child
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Stop posting Azunyan abuse
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I have no issue with girls taking their clothes off around me, it is you who has an issue
imagine the smell
>3d goyslop
get out
go back to /pol/
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Dayum moogs got to lick THOSE claves?
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Huh. This doesn't look 3d to me..?
Maybe you should get your eyes checked
I hate Azunyan
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I'm going to fucking hug you to death you son of a bitch
Out of 10!
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Jun pit
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dumbass fish
Cute! Fish!
Why is there roll-out fake flooring for the drums?
So it doesn't scratch the floor
Ritsu gets really wet when she plays
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K-ON is where I met my love.
But it has the little rubber pads?
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There's a strange concentration of Mugi enjoyers in /a/. Why is she so perfect bros?
Yui seems kinda dumb.
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It's called a drum rug/drum mat, it's mostly used to avoid the bass and pedals from sliding away when performing and provide stability.
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That's the point. Her character is made that way on purpose, Naoko Yamada stated in interviews that she wanted her to be portrayed as a clumsy and childish girl.
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It's completely normal
She is a best
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Don't talk about my retarded wife like that
dear God in heaven just look at that QUALITY animation
gives me 2016 berserk ptsd flashbacks
every keion is perfect
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Top one is fanart
Bottom one is a 2d scene because they weren't going to make 15 3d models for fangirls
I don't see it happening in other medias, but every thread here is 50% moog
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She is just THAT powerful desu
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Kissing Azunyan
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Yui is... evolving to the next stage
kinda sad that the best k-on song is a gag
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Her tiny hands
Her crazy kitten smile
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Yui hugging azunyan is so precious
Azunyan practicing for her wrestling debut.
Sniff Mio's hair from behind!
Because they suuuuuuuucked!
There's a reason why it was axed
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Summer sure is hot...
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I have one that alters between the vocalists involved. I enjoyed it. Same with Let's Go!
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diamond cats
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I can't believe moogie forced them to do this
Helo :3
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her first war crime
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this is worse than most aislop
Azu.. bnuy??
She looks low iq
she's actually an academic genius
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She is SMART
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Dayum the booba on miooba and mooba
mooba kinda sounds like moobs
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Let her in
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>her hand = me penis
>her tummy = moog's pussy
If you understand me
where is condom?
Lmao, even
Yui stronk!
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please refrain from posting dogshit art plz and thnx
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I want to eat Azunyan's tiny hands
Please refrain from eating the nyan
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Just a few nibbles
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But she's so small! I promise to leave some left over
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The world is a dark place.
For me, it's pure pure heart and U&I
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Hugs AND noms
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my world has been a lie ever since
why is it dogshit?
just looks bad
That's why they aren't from this ugly world and nobody can ever lay a hand on them.
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>nobody can ever lay a hand on them.
Don't remind me
do you think a real keion fan can lust over them? I think that's a big NO
There is no way to cope. It doesn't get any better.
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Cute retard.
What would a season 3 even be? The keions in college?
I can't believe Jun is fucking dead and thick
but why?
It would cover keions in college AND azunyans third year at the same time
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>Jun anus.jpg
Color and scent?
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Can you truly say you love a girl if you can't love her like a man?
literally the best part of the series if it happens
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This outfit was a stroke of genius.
This is pretty good anon. Do you have a source?
Not far enough
sorry anon, I still have the link but they unfortunately privated it
Thanks anon, I'll keep it around anyway.
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>no cat
She was recording
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Azusa is cute.
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That's what she wants you to think
She tricked me?! Masaka...
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i understand her
Sawa-chan-sensei is fucking metal
I love Sawachan so much it's unreal
well I hope you can shred like Yngwie
If you could have hkk play a five song set in there style with plenty of practice time what five songs would you ask them to play for you?
Can I play with Madness
Hail and Kill
Man on the Silver Mountain
Bark at the Moon
The raven child by avantaisa once, then instant crush by daft punk four times
I'm honestly surprised she didn't make it big with this kind of theatre
Ahead of her time and in the wrong country
She would have been a queen amonst neopagan larpers if DD was a scandinavian experimental folk-metal band
Azunyan is cute
It's sad how many things with real potential die because the Japanese market doesn't care for it.
wake up (arcade fire)
alien crime lord
glimpse of us
runaway (ye)
I prefer 1am freestyle, myself
t. Yui
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I can almost hear it.
Mugi groomed Sawa btw
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that cake looks like wedges of cheese
you never had cheesecake?
putting something under a drum kit to avoid scratches is standard practice for sure but generally there wouldn’t be any risk if no one is going to play them, right? like those drums just sat there I’m sure
why does it look like ritsu is packing serious heat
>love her like a man?
you mistake love for lust, I love keions like I'd love my daughter and that's man love, no need for lewd
>Can you truly say you love a girl if you can't love her like a man?
The K-ons are girls, dummy.
Mugi x Sawa-chan is cute and canon
I'll take left and right
For me, it's keeping the movie in my backlog so I'm never finished watching it.
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Mugi is for Yui
You could watch half the movie and stop. Technically it still wouldn't be over yet.
Watch tiny bits of the movie and wait a really long time so you forget about them. Then watch it again
The movie is the best part anon
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I love the incorporation of the other classmates in their third year. They never feel intrusive or overwhelming, but they add enough to the show to make the "world" (school) seem bigger. It's clear that they all have their own friendgroups but that they all love the keion antics and are just as entranced by Yui's charismatic retardation as the rest of the club. It all comes together at the play, where it genuinely feels like a natural progression of getting to know these non-k-on club girls naturally. A little bit unrelated, but many fantasy animes fail really hard in this aspect. It's what I call the characterbloat poison. Somewhere in the latter half of a show, they double or tripple the character count in order for the world to "feel bigger" and end up ruining the vibe of the show because now there's tons of characters I don't give a shit about. K-on did it right (it's easy for them to do it right since it's not a fantasy show, I guess). Another show that did this properly was Hibike Euophonium. Despite having a very large character count by the end, it all felt like a natural progression of Kumiko growing as a person and getting to know the other members of the band. It never felt overwhelming like "here's 20 new named characters all at once"
Thanks for reading my blog
You can't unsubscribe
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My wife Azusa is so cute
Mio wishes that was her
Care to share some thoughts on Euphonium, bloganon? I've heard that it's nothing like K-on despite sharing many traits with it. Is watching 3 eps enough to find out?
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Euopho is a very endearing anime.
It disguises itself as a CGDCT and there ARE, infact, cute girls doing cute things in it, but as the show progresses the drama and character work becomes more complex and deep. It took a long time for me to fully appreciate it, buy by the end the characters had successfully captured me and drawn tears. There are some similarities to K-on, including the animation done by kyoani, but it really as a whole is a different kind of show in a good way. It does maintain a general lightheartedness and fun vibe like K-on, and a good amount of the comedy, but it pairs that with actual drama and very VERY well written characters. I can't get into spoilers, but basically by the third season the main conflict is between two likeable characters who both have desires that not only conflict with eachother, but conflict with other desires that they themselves have. There is also a side story movie called Liz and the Blue Bird, which might be one of my favorite anime movies ever made. It had a very simple but touching story and absolutely stunning animation (which was deliberately different from the main series). Speaking of the animation, the main series, too, boasts some of the best animation I've seen. It's absolutely stunning. I highly recommend Hibike. It hits different notes than K-on, but the beauty of the medium is that we're able to enjoy many different things :)
Give it a try anon. If you end up not liking it for whatever reason, atleast give the movie Liz a watch. It's separate enough of a story that you don't NEED to see the show beforehand to enjoy it, but I genuinely can't see why you wouldn't like the show if you like K-on
Also Natsuki best girl
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The Yui.
gotta build fans somehow
This is why I don't watch the last episodes of things anymore. That way, they never end.
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Someone needs to expand the guide.
>you mistake love for lust
The two are related. Would you say a man who wants to have sex with his wife cannot love her?
YOU'RE the one loving like a man, silly
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Thanks anon, I'll definitely give it a try. I was honestly slightly worried about the anime having too much of a sports/technical vibe, which doesn't appeal to me, so it's good to know there are plenty of other elements. Indeed, one of the big sellers of K-on to me was that they spent more time fucking around than anything, but at the same time the anime was at its peak when things got real. So I'm sure I'll appreciate the more serious vibe.
>Liz and the Blue Bird
Didn't mention it, but I did watch this movie. Very pleasant experience, albeit I do remember feeling floaty watching it, if that makes any sense. And also a lot of emotions conveyed through legs. Will probably rewatch if I go through with Hibike
Humanity is in danger.
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Damn bros the OP and ED in the second cour of s2 really go hard
Theyre impossible to skip
Especially thank you
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How much ransom are you willing to pay for her?
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Yikes, why is this thing still here?
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let her die
>install & play counter strike 2 for free on steam! or yui gets the knife!
>dont listen to him! the game is full of cheaters, it sucks! the ranked ladder is just made up!!
Ui will go full Metal Gear Solid to rescue her sister.
T-they're just waiting for early 00s nostalgia to become a thing I'm sure of it
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stop that
Trust the plan.
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Watch Haruhi
>getting mad over a K-On! thread
some people are just that low
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They must not value their time at all to waste it on this.
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Yui looks alright while the rest of the crew looks fucking crusty
Maybe you haven't noticed but it's a really bad edit.
Picked up
But why would someone make this? It seems harmless enough.
CHALLENGE: watch k-on the movie and take a shot everytime mugi talks about how much she hates niggers
Alcohol poisoning
It's only one scene but damn did she go off.
imagine this while getting head
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>he views himself having sex with the keions instead of silly daily life adventures
I imagine myself kissing and cuddling Azunyan all day
Thinkign hat
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>The two are related
Related doesn't mean those two are always tied and impossible to exist without the other.
>sex with his wife
I don't see the girls in the genre as potential wives nor sexualize them, I like to appreciate their cuteness, wholesome friendship and purity, same goes for NNB, Yuru Camp, Hidamari, etc.
There's a lot of anime and manga with lewd girls and tons of fanservice and that's ok too, it's just that I don't feel that vibe goes well with any iyashikei/sol series.
fantasies about being their cute friend and hanging out with the keions in that precious world is what real men do
>Related doesn't mean those two are always tied and impossible to exist without the other.
I never said that. I said that a real K-On fan can have love and lust for them
>I don't see the girls in the genre as potential wives
Yeah, well I do. I love my wife Azunyan
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>Usually rewatch in summer
>Almost August
>Haven't rewatched
It's not too late, r-right bros?
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It's never too late to rewatch the show, in fact it's ALWAYS the right time to watch or rewatch K-On.
>t. Yui
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Ritsu and Yui are sleeping...
Still about 1/3 summer left.
I wish she would ride me like that.
With this weather I can't blame them
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K-on threads are rare these days but never fail to entertain me
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Oh Azunyan, you're so cute. I just want to eat you up
Did they fuck?
you tell me
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I want an Azunyan chest pillow
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>when you learn that moogie sometimes sneakily eats a bite of cakes before serving everyone else
There's a surprising amount of fanservice in the manga. Personally I'm grateful KyoAni took out most of it
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You have a pretty low bar for fanservice
I'm not a fan of it and even I have to agree. That's a very low bar.
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It's about expectations. The anime is pretty tame, and I watched it first. It's definitely not a lot in the grand scheme of things.
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Kill youself retarded zoomer
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What's wrong with Bocchi?
>kids ok the slope
Use the jp name, cancerous newfag.
K-on is shit.
Not enough friends.
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It's too bad we didn't get to see more of the ninja outfits.
You can just rewatch
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My cute and beautiful wife.
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>6 million HTT T-shirts?? but that's just impossible! who would even think of such thing
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yui is drooling again
Dayum Subaru's mom looks like THAT?
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What the FUCK did kyoani mean by this bros??
This is you.
why are some people so allergic to bocchi?
Bad taste
We don't know, science has failed us.
I have no idea at which bocchi anon is angry at
We will never understand him.
why aren't they real
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Mio's mios are real
can i have mugi's mugis instead
Why not both
any respectable man dedicates themselves exclusively to a single pair
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if that's the case then i'd rather be a villain
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the angriest angel you've seen
Where's her mouth?

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