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Why is Shouta so rude towards Lucoa??
He's gay
Homos hate women (female).
Because dragons are lazy asses and moochers.
He's a kid who wants to be independent (and not sexually harassed). Lucoa doesn't know how to express her gratitude.
she's a rapist.
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>his parents came home
I can think of a pair of things...

Everyone hates women. Especially women.
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I love women thoughbeit
literally what does she need tits that big for
Cuz' she is Mexican.
Do parents still name their sons "Shota" in Japan even though it now means sexy little boy?
It makes a nice pillow
In 1990 it was in the Top 10 baby names in japan (1.5% of children in Japan were named shota)
By 2018 its popularity had fallen sharply out of the Top 50, possibly for the reason you mention, to only 0.3%
After 2020 it dropped out of Top 100
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It feels like it's so long between chapters now. Are the spin-offs still being translated?
They make a nice couple he's just tsun.
He'll understand once he hits puberty.
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You wish.
Why is she holding her tits like that
they're too heavy and she refuses to wear a bra
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He has finally become a man.
I volunteer to be her boob holder, ill keep them perfectly elevated at all times.
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Unless you're exactly as tall and even cuter than shouta your services will not be required
so there are millions of 30 year old nips named Shota right now? holy based
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Lazy fat slut, I love her
I like how her sister was still dtf
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>Tfw lucoa will never sexually harass me.
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>After 2020 it dropped out of Top 100
What a bunch of fags.
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we need to legalize the death penalty via titty guillotine
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Why can't she teleport them out of the island.
Tohru is nothing but trouble, she's like Lum but a dragon instead of an oni.
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Oneshota is literally one of the best things anime has ever invented
Why is there so few anime that focus on it
She would rather spend more time with her shota
To be fair no one wants to be named after something associated with porn, there's a reason no one names their kid Dick anymore.
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She can. This is her idea of a fun camping trip. She also created a zombie apocalypse just to fuck with him.
Oneshota is true love
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Her backstory, it's why she got kicked out of Heaven and demoted to Dragon.
Because he's trying to be a responsible young man and work hard towards his education as a Wizard, but this fucking succubus(Dragon[Goddess]) keeps trying to tempt him even though he hasn't even hit puberty yet.
And he can't kick her out since she's bonded to him as his Familiar.
He rightfully hates pedos like all of civilized society.
Lucoa is made for cheating NTR sex
no you dont
you love the concept of a woman
the perfect idealized woman
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why the fuck are dragons so fucking fat
She's a sexual predator
I thought they only showed her puffy areolas
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I wish that was me and Elma
The manga has plenty of nipples. The only time I'm aware of the manga being censored is when Cool finally tried to get a Kanna frontal nudity scene past his editor.
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Wait no hold on that's the wrong picture
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I love this fat, dumb eel.
Too many late night snacks
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Do you think Lucoa would listen to that ridiculous polka shit construction workers play or would she be cool and listen to thrash metal?
I feel like she would listen to all music genres, she doesn't understand any of them but she likes when humans are into music because it reminds her of the festivals humans made for her.
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Shouta please. She’s practically begging you to stick it in there.
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They’re stupid so they need the extra cushioning.
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Sex with Elma.
Hey Tohru would you make me a sandwich
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Perhaps he values his personal space.
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Imagine the jiggle
He coomed yes?
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No more hugs, Lucoa
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Lucoa refuses to enhance shoutas penis size and instead fucks dildos much larger than him
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Your first image was far better.
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he wants to hang around girls his own age
I don’t think I’ve seen a doujin featuring him and Emily. The Shouta/Kanna/Saikawa ones are excellent though.
Lucoa is fucking disgusting
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Elma is for Jack
He's still very young and naive, give it a few years and they will be stuck together by the hips 24/7
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Lucoa is fucking Shouta
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A little much but it'll do the job
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And I wouldn't have it any other way.
I thought Everyone Hated Chris Rock
>lucoa shouta elma threesome
Never thought of this but it's hawt.
They were both on the spanish fly w/ scotch.
Do not make babies with this dragon slut, she's inflate like a life raft and turn into an Abuela
Cheese in Japan is super gross.
But now she’s sober (relatively), she’s still up for it.
His cock should be way smaller
You people don’t appreciate the beauty of oneshota
I don’t know why Elma is involved but I like it.
>the little boy in the /ss/ relationship is called Shouta
Bravo Cool!
I wasn’t sure if that was cheese. The japs have such weird food that it could have been anything.
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She got drunk on cursed liquor and banged her sister Petla, who regretted it and presumably accused her of rape afterwards. Lucoa was kicked out of the Aztec pantheon or whatever as a result and demoted to dragon (however that works). It appears that Petla was booted out later because she seems to be a Chaos dragon now.
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I need more of that shiny-foreheaded cutie.
Every single girl's name is associated with porn. Plenty of boys are still called John and Richard as well.
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Her eyes are so pretty.
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Just imagine licking chip crumbs off her tits.
Why shouta doesnt interact with others dragons
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They should get back at Lucoa by putting Shouta's head up Saikawa's skirt, just as she can't hold it in any longer.
I hope Shouta keeps rejecting Lucia for the rest of his life as he marries a human woman.
That'd be hilarious haha
I can't wait for this doujin.
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At this point he should already be having his pp sucked and tongue flicked by Lucoa.
There are more pages...
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For me it's Kanna.
shes a cute little creatura
did they really name the small boy walking with a grown woman shota?
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That's just some random adult man. Note the adult sized cock and washboard abs.
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>tries to summon a familiar
>she shows up instead
>constantly sexually harasses and assaults him
She's been interrupting his mage grinding, I'd be upset too. Literally blocking/stealing his gains.
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I love her so much.
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It's "cheese", it's like that processed burger cheese.
Please step on snek
Sadly these two characters ruin the whole anime for me.
If it's made of cheese, I'm interested.
It's made of stuff that was probably milk at some point.
He's canonically prepubescent. You'd be annoyed too if a hag kept molesting you while you were still more interested in [insert boy thing] than tits.
Oneshota was invented by hentai. It is 100% a hentai thing being dripfed to anime.
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I wouldn't, I was a cute kid growing up and older bitches swarmed me.
It is interesting that the pairing exists at all in an otherwise lesbian anime.
How old were you. No way that you liked being dragged away by hags from your games/toys/cartoons.
From about 5-14ish.
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>an otherwise lesbian anime
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I wanna get Kobayashi pregnant in a drunken one night stand and have a casual sexual relationship with her.
A sh*ta who wants to be "eaten" is not a sh*ta according to many female sh*tacons, vid-related included. If he reacted differently, Lucoa wouldn't be into him.
gay beyond words
Tohru is canonically uncaring about what sex Kobayashi is, and the only time Kobayashi ever felt lust was when she got genderswapped.
Calling Maid Dragon "yuri" is iffy at best. You guys better hope COOL doesn't pull a Mononoke Sharing again, though I personally think it'd be hilarious.
Man this show would be so cute if it didnt have pedo shit in it
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Kobayashi is literally a lesbian self-insert. Like it's no wonder the anime in the S1 days ended up attracting the Tumblrfags, looking back.
I was going to say that was pretty good for a 6 year old but i looked up and he is 10, kinda dyel for that age but atleast he is trying.
High school girls swarmed me from like age 8-13 and thought it was cute to show me their tits and ass because of my shy reactions. The closest I ever got to sex with any of them was when I was 12 and was invited to a sleepover where one of the girls let me suck her nipples under her blanket while she played with my dick. I think she was like 17.
Video is brutal for the femdomfags still thinking they have a chance with 3DPD but gets the point across. The few women with femdom-esque kinks wouldn't actually be into guys who want to get femdom'd.
pp is a little big, but it'll do
It would be perfect if we didn't have to hear moralfags whining.
Lucoa's face in the bottom right panel is unsettling desu
>no paizuri
worthless fanart
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would their relationship change if shouta unironically was down for lucoa's teasing? specifically is lucoa only in it to tease that poor man, or does she unironically wish for him to go along with it?
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maybe if you watched and especially read the series you would know the answers to these questions
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>I was a cute kid growing up and older bitches swarmed me
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He is just a kid, wait till teenager hormones start to kick in.
No cruel and unusual punishments. For that to not be unusual, we would need lots of other titty punishments, and a general freedom to have them out in public places.
She wants his peepee
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Those fat thighs are made for intercrural.
That look Lucoa gives haha I love when she opens her eyes!
Based. Only OGs will remember
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The idea of being one of these young boys being doted by an older woman sounds great until you realize she's gonna drop you like a piece of food past its expiration date once you get older.
>basically every heroine is Lucoa
>but MC is Rudeus Greyrat
I hated it, I wanted the MC to be like Shouta
Doesn't matter, got pp sucked and tongue flicked.
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because he is shy
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>I wanted the MC to be like Shouta
Your wish is granted.
I love women. I love their fat, juicy pussies and their shapely asses. I love their smooth skin, a byproduct of their high estrogen levels and their chests, whether minute or pronounced. I think short women with flat chests, wide hips and bubble butts are a miracle of the universe and the closest thing to legal lolis. I want my tongue all over a woman, in every nook and cranny and my penis in every orifice.
Make like Trump's shooter and -ACK
Women bodies are nice. Women as a whole are not
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Women raised in oppressive religious communities where they're kept in line are pretty fucking cute imo.
Das hot.
I always loved this page. Shouta is being cute and Lucoas reaction is funny.
is she slightly tearing up in the bottom middle panel? never noticed that if so, but can't tell if it is tears in the corners of her eyes or not
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I love buko. Shame the creator is taking a break
Why did he give her the ntr smile?
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Speaking of the shouta.... Just how powerful is his dad? Is the implication that he is almost dragon tier?
Maybe average dragon tier but I don't think he's as strong as Tohru and company.
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That's probably the widest she's ever opened her eyes.
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yeah as far as I remember I don't think any human has ever been implied to be as strong as most/all of the main cast
Looks like she might be.
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Azad got the closest to winning but that was because of anti-dragon sword and invincibility cloak. It’s clearly possible since Ilulu’s parents were killed by humans.
Eh I'd think the case with Iruru's parents would be multiple humans banding together to achieve that, especially since it seems like the humans in question were destroyed afterwards by other dragons/her. Azad was definitely an outlier with those circumstances too.
I'd say there's a good reason why dragons seem to almost always view humans as beneath them. I know Kobayashi had that one spell during the arc with Kanna's dad, but that was something she had to do for several days IIRC and the dragons in question it was used on weren't anything special either. Tohru and Elma have been shown to have a healthy amount of fear and respect/awe from humans in their own world as well, not to mention those stronger than them.
Why does he reject her?
He has to remain a virgin for his wizard powers
Don't you faggots ever get tired of asking this?
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Lucoa is great but I love fat dragon tails.
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shota backs are so sexy
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Don't forget his butt!
>drives him crazy with the constant teasing
>will still go to the mat for her anyway
Total sucker for this kinda shit
He loves Lucoa. He just doesn't want to be milked every hour of the day.
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Love this stupid gay lizard.
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He deserves it.
This is a power imbalance.
I forgot the manga shows nipples
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She's all tail.
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And plenty of them.
And a tail 1000x the size of Tohru’s whole dragon body haha
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Will she finally get a win in this arc?
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Doubt it, even teaming up with the other three.
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So what other manga is there with this kind of dynamic? I can only think of Ingoku Danch (picrel), Shuumatsu bo Hanayome-sama, and The Devil Fascinates Me in Heavenly Prison
Completely agree. Still love me summer/winter memories
Poor little jobbergon. Only good for sex.
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Bet you she'll job to the cock too.
She's trying to fuck up his shot at wizard-dom.
Reincarnated as the 7th prince has a hot busty teacher maid that is head over heels for 10 y/o protagonist. Many good scenes. I liked it a lot.
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I'm still waiting for a statue of Lucoa in her Aztec outfit.
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They'll be doing a lot more than that once we get to volume 17.
I wish I was shouta!
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Lucoa fucked her sister.
I hope we get to see it one day.
Lucoa gets to eat ALL that???
Lucoa is a pedophile.
Das hot.
Das also hot.
>and banged her sister Petla
This was said in the manga?
How long until the mangaka makes Lucoa's sister live with Shouta and her?
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Several times, in fact.
It'll be a while. Petla's busy bullying Loki.
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I like the dynamic these three have, it's always cute when they get together and do kid stuff.
I'm mindbroken, I just see the fucking Saitama Jiren meme which I am realizing is probably how Lucoa sees him all the time.
>I'm mindbroken, I just see the fucking Saitama Jiren meme which I am realizing is probably how Lucoa sees him all the time.
>Shouta successfully reverse grooms another hoe
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What would sex between the three of them be like?
There's a doujinshi about that.
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She doesn't see it that way.
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Shouta is a lolicon, he was trying to summon a loli succubus yet he got cursed with a hag
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rubbing my cock
Why are poojeets like this?
Because Lucoa's a freaky-ass dragon and a shotacon god.
they just need constant bob and vajeen
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Richard's fallen out of favor as a name pretty hard. And there's a difference between having your girl coincidentally named after some pornstar and giving your kid a stereotypical stripper name.
Actual lil boys are freaked out by sexual shit
With how janky that whole thing is, you're going to complain about Shouta's cock being too big?
The fur coat having the same gradient as her hair is a nice touch.
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Maybe he shouldn’t have summoned her then
According to the multiple doujin with that premise, hot as fuck.
because she's a disgusting fat shit from a shitty redditor anime
Dick-crushing paizuri from Lucoa.
>melon shirt
He’s not being subtle at all.
I wouldn’t last ten seconds.
A shame about the particular community that infested the threads solely because of how the mc is drawn but it was funny watching them get flushed out every time an episode heavy on female fanservice aired, they didn't seem to like those episodes very much for some odd reason.
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Agata, one of the great archsages of /ss/, seems to disagree with you.
i like this manga, it ha a decent plot, cute girls , lewd scenes and wholesome scenes in good balance
it's pretty good overall
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He's at least powerful enough for Damocles to respect him.
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>I wouldn't, I was a cute kid growing up and older bitches swarmed me.
Same, I missed that time very much until I fell in love with one of them. I've been screwed ever since
Agreed. If Shota Me had Game Boy in hand while surrounded by sexy women, Shota Me's eyes would be on the former and the only thing Shota Me would want to do with those women would be is show them the game especially if it's a rare and/or obscure one.
Get Shitji out of here!
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Ilulu should practise being a maid. Teenage boys love maids.
As a dragon (and one of the old gods), Lucoa doesn't care how old Shouta is. The difference between 11 and 18 is insignificant. Also, it's hot.
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she's just charging up
Why did Tezca do it?
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my pov
>tfw Ilulu will never cook food for you with her boobs
why even eat
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Because she makes fun of his small penis
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I wish all of the main female dragons would take turns bullying my small penis
You must be at least 18 years old to post here Shouta
Lucoa needs to kiss Shouta more, even if it's just on his forehead.
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Why is her tail so morbidly obese?
He doesn't want to fuck her. He doesn't know what he's missing out
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I need her tail wrapped around me.
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Better cushioning.
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So comfy...
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>That shape
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Yeah, I'll stick to a traditional Sleeping Pile.
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Sleep with your chorogon.
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>Lucoa was kicked out of the Aztec pantheon or whatever as a result and demoted to dragon (however that works).
Religious myth is like that sometimes.
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Sleep on your chorogon
Actually the opposite. According to her, Shouta has a huge one.
They never showed you their fronts?
She's a very sexy pedo
Are you a homosexual anon?
>it was a nice touch

>[citation needed]

That anything like a soap opera?
Ignorance is bliss.
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its just charging her up its fine
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because coolkyou is mad that hell never be with a real women
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because most anime niggas are fucking faggots and or pedophiles, so they refuse to draw the only good form of hentai
I usually don't care about the presence of pedoshit but I honestly wish this manga just focused on Kobayashi and the other adult dragons
who fucks dildos?
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Real talk, but what kind of skinship does Shouta exactly want from Lucoa?
Maybe he just wants to sit on her lap or something while he studies. No boob smothering, no groping, no intense cuddling.
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100% a fag or a pedophile
He's been plaguing the Nagatoro threads for weeks now
Dumb 3DPD doesn't even do the same expression.
She's autistic, please understand.
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What's this guy's power level?
She raped her sister after getting drunk and then she exiled herself out of shame. The only difference is that she doesn't hold the title of goddess in her folklore.
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what else besides sitting on her lap
I wanna snuggle my face against Lucoa's naked butt
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lucoa should psychically abuse shouta
I have concerns about that artist's grasp of the female anatomy
I have been doing a lot of reading on Feathered Serpent iconography and symbolism lately, if anybody has questions about the actual Quetzalcoatl and Mesoamerican feathered serpent gods, let me know

t. Mesoamerican history nerd

To be clear, this is based on a real mytho-hjistorical account in the Anales de Cuauhtitlan where Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, a king or high priest in the Toltec civilization who was heavily tied to the god (either being literally him, or a incarnation as a human, etc), stays up overnight getting drunk on pulque with his sister Quetzalpetlatl (an aspect of Xochiquetzal, goddess of young women, sexual love, flowers, etc), and the two neglect their sacred vows/duties to do bloodletting by doing so. Shamed as a result, Topiltzin flees/is exiled from Tollan, the Toltec capital, and it leads to the downfall of Toltec civilization.

The account states the two stayed up overnight "doing nothing" instead of their bloodletting, but the two having sex while drunk is a pretty common interpretation. I think their may be some versions where it is said the two dance as well but don't quote me on that.

There's a LOT of versions of accounts telling the fall of Tollan, almost invariably it has Topiltzin or other lords/priests like Huemac falling to moral temptations (often due to being tricked or tempted by Tezcatlipoca or his aspects, the god of fate's invisible hand/it's fickle nature, sorcery, and jaguars: Tezcatlipoca is the one who gives/tempts Topiltzin into having Pulque in the Anales de Cuauhtitlan myth), but because of that it's also hard to tell how much of these stories pre-date European contact or got distorted/twisted by Spanish oversight adding Christian themes of the serpent tempting eve into the (EX: In some tellings, Tezcatlipoca is directly equated to Satan, Topiltzin/Quetzalcoatl is often compared to Christ or Saint Thomas by the Spanish etc)

Being demoted to a dragon is totally made up, thou
>He wants to use a goddess as a chair
Holy based.
forgot to include these in >>269211422

Also here's a really overt example of the Christianization/rewriting influences in accounts about the Toltec I mentioned with Tezcatlipoca as Satan etc. Another example of the "Toltec ruler being morally tempted by Tezcatlipoca, shamed, and it leading to the fall of Tollan" narrative template is the infamous account where Huemac is trying to find a wife with a thicc ass and bones a transformed Tezcatlipoca, leading to a civil war and him being sacrificed

I'm not gonna type up a big explanation of this unless people really want me to, but it should also be clarified here that if "the Toltecs" are a real civilization that just got mythologized over time or a wholly mythical one to begin with is sort of a giant can of worms. The consensus seems to be shifting more towards the latter over time but it's still a messy complex topic.
fuck, forgot to clarify here that Yaotl is one of Tezcatlipoca's epithets, re: that image
>Be child
>Big tiddy girl loves you and molests you for no reason
That's all it takes...? I just have to be... Not an adult?
At least you are cute now.
fpbp and true
Kanna is a lot comfier if that’s what you want.
Because she slaps him with her nipples specifically every single chance she gets. There's a time and place for everything, and "minor" is not it.
The civilisation fell because the two took a night off? The Aztecs must have really liked bloodletting.
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Not any more.
Petla is related to Xochiquetzal? I wish she would show up again.
Go back faggot
What's so special about children?
Squeeze him dry while he’s trying to study in the back of the library!
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world class
Well, as I said, even academic researchers often read the account as the two having drunken sex, it probably was not just neglecting/breaking their sacred duties of preforming bloodletting/penance.

This is also, again, either a heavily mythologized narrative, if not entirely myth: It's an idealized, romanticized story or moral parable about the dangers of sin and moral failings. Think about it like, I don't know, a European legend where some priest neglects his duties or a king being unpious and it leads to shit hitting the fan and the fall of a kingdom, or something.

So, I'm actually not really clear on how Quetzalpetlatl relates to Xochiquetzal: A lot of informal retellings just have Xochiquetzal there instead of Quetzalpetlatl, and I do see some academic papers which plainly state that Quetzalpetlatl is/represents Xochiquetzal here, but I'm not seeing any sort of actual explanation on what basis that interpretation of Quetzalpetlatl as an aspect of Xochiquetzal is made.

Maybe there's some other Nahuatl source where it's explicitly stated that Quetzalpetlatl is another name for Xochiquetzal, but if so I'm not seeing that?

It's quite possible I'm just not searching hard enough, it's not like the Anales de Cuauhtitlan is a particular thing I've read up on deeply. Most of the recent Quetzalcoatl research I mentioned in >>269211422 i've been doing has been on Feathered Serpent and Wind God iconography and symbolism across different cultures and periods (pic) in Mesoamerica, rather then on the narrative accounts/myths around Quetzalcoatl specifically, though obvious i'm familiar with some already
What the fuck is that godawful file name. I hate you just because of that.
More like fat ass
why is his name """shouta"""
are they implying something
You know exactly why.
Im not reading all that.
prove it
It's like that because there are other versions with more or less compression, without the ditthering, without the speech-scroll, with different text sizes, etc.

So the filenames are named to indicate which version of each of those things it has.

You've never named a file "____ large" vs "____ small" or "____ red text" vs "_____ green text" and so on?
Maybe dragons have the gspot somewhere else
I guess Kobayashi does like boobs, despite her envy.
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Lucoa gets to have Shouta's big, fat, long, healthy young boycock all to herself
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She's going to have to share it with Petla and Emily. Occasionally Kanna and Saikawa too.
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Does she really just walk around the house naked? What about Shouta's parents?
>What about Shouta's parents?
They approve of the sexual harassment. Wouldn't you want your kid to be molested by a cute big tiddy oneesan?
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Sure whatever but the the point I was getting at was is she hanging out naked with his mom, and more importantly, his dad around?
Maybe a GENTLE hug, no shoving her chest onto him or anything
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>"Shouta, quit being a faggot and give us half-dragon grandchildren already."
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Season 3 announcement one day...
She's playing the long game. His puberty is around the corner...
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some please draw a wholesome picture of lucoa and shouta , I need it
Brutal shotapill
I wish I could. Sexy Lucoa + Shouta pictures are great but I'd love to see more cuddling.
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we need more wholesome oneshota
we need more wholesome lucoa and shouta
I want to see some similar stuff involving Shin and probably Tohru.
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What a cutie.
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Why couldn't evolution make us all shotas and all women 6'0 titty monsters!?
he wishes to commit towards celibacy
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KyoAni finally counted to 3 this year, so it's possible
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I want to give them all kittens.
terrible authenticity

what's ironic is Fate's Quetzalcoatl would actually be a decent Xochiquetzal design, a shame she's intended to be Quetzalcoatl
So Shouta can suck it dry and grow into a man rather than the sissy trap he's destined to be.
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I’m sorry anon, but Lucoa’s milk will only turn him into a more powerful trap than you can imagine
He's actually ripped underneath that coat. A dragon goddess's milk has only the highest quality nutrients a boy can ingest.
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I’m sure the whiplash will be almost hilarious
According to Lucoa's vision of the future in the spinoff, they'll be having sex when he's in high school.
All this chapter means is that Shouta has until high school to willingly have sex with Lucoa. Otherwise he’s getting raped like that doppelgänger.
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They're so round
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Yuri is for dysgenic cretins, /ss/ is aryan
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For me it's /ll/.
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Total Tohru Titfuck.
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She stores her roundness in her tits when in human form, like what Ilulu does with her flames.
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What are Lucoa and Elma storing in theirs?
As soon as I get home? Okay then.
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Lucoa's tits store her bigness, hence why they're so big.
Elma's tits are just regular tits, though.
So since Iruru's tits are bigger than Lucoa's, does that mean Iruru has more fire than Lucoa does bigness?
You have to factor in their power levels. A full on chorogod's going to be able to use stronger compression than a regular chorogon.
Elma’s tits store excess food, according to her spin-off.
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Pure sex. Kobayashi should at least give her a hug.
>Kanna frontal nudity scene
We've been robbed then. Fuck the editor.
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The magazine was fine with it but the chapter was censored in the volume release.
Lucoa can have whatever body shape she chooses. She could make her tits bigger or smaller if she wanted.

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