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New episode soon. How do you like this remake so far?
>How do you like this remake so far?
I don't.
It a great disappoint and my life is ruined.
Never watched the OG or read the novels, but I like it. The second half OP and ED are a massive downgrade though
It surpassed my expectations, it's the one thing I have to look forward to on Mondays.
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Its excellent
Characters (especially Holo) are more expressive and overall its more in line with the LN
Looking forward to finally seeing volume 4 animated
I mean it's still SnW so it's fine, but I prefer the old adaptation way more.
I liked the animation, backgrounds, music, and music direction in there better.
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Yea, they nailed those cute ears and tail moments
>Never watched the OG or read the novels, but I like it
>volume 4 fag cares more about getting the least important part of the story adapted than anything with huskins, eve, or col, let alone the actual ending
y'all deserved this trash-ass adaptation lol
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that sums it up right there
disregarded post
time for cuck episode bros
Is this the NTR episode where she seduces the shota to get back at Lawrence and claims it was actually all a plan instead of the truth, which was moving to the next simp like the whore she is?
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i like it alot so far, more then the original in some respects. i think they could be more dynaimic with the camera and backgrounds but alot of stuff has been genuinly great and breakdown last week was fucking heartbreaking, the voice actress and facial animation knocked it out of the park.
this too.
It's genuinely such a downgrade from the first anime adaptation but normies don't care because Holo does cute tiktok dances.
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>How do you like this remake so far?
It's fine
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This smug fucking wolf
>New episode soon. How do you like this remake so far?
Let's be honest, it's almost as good as the original. Like a six to a seven.
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looks at this cuck
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Real intellectuals like this.
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id give it an 8 so far. its more accurate to the books as well as the tone of the books like the meltdown scene is almost word for word from the books including the descriptions. id say the worst problems from the show are not as good with reactive cool shots and lighting and backgrounds. it feels sorta like a play which isnt a bad thing but it lacks some of the charm of the old show. id say its issues that it does have are kinda just because the books do get kinda samey, but thats light novels like that in general and the characters are good so its ok,
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I love whores
who done it better?
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Big tail
holo's ear wiggles are great
Kicking Horo every time when she wiggles her ears, until she's pavlov conditioned to stop doing that! You're ruining our cover! Dumb fennec.
im sorry but i just really dont care for original holo design. she is way way too thinish and the ears look too foxxi/cat like.
Spice & Wolf vs Wolf's Rain - what is the ultimate wolf anime?
for me its Princess Monocle
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Spice & Wolf. I'm biased and I don't care
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holo with fenrys coming in second. chilling is meh but fenrys is cute and fun. holo is best wolf girl though,
i wished watched all of the OG a couple of days ago and just started episode one of this, i miss Holo’s big eyes and also the OP/ED, but so far it has a bit better pacing to it
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ntr episode
>[SubsPlease] Spice and Wolf (2024) - 17 (1080p) [8F967A9A].mkv
The anime makes Holo look like an unhinged banshee.
I'll wait for ASW!
>watch subsplease
>keep ASW
the patrician way
>look like
I do that sometimes too, but only for hype anime.
in the new one, if your talking about the meltdown scene. i dont really blame her for that.
This feels like we're retreading the previous arc but with added NTR
The quintessential Spice and Wolf experience.
pretty sure this is the last """"""""ntr"""""""" arc in the series too
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me talking to my wife
this episode really was an NTR episode and it was fucking terrible.
yeah this. most of this is in lawrences head because he realizes he likes her alot and that she does like him too. the whole next long relationship arc is them figuring shit out. he still has his various dreams and she is afraid he will get board of her and of course that she will outlive him.
Honestly this guy has been such a bro, Lawrence has done nothing for him but he's helped him a ton.
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i mean she doesnt cheat on him, she doesnt fuck the kid. she only doing it originally because she didnt want to fuck with lawrences money and was worried if she was a strain on his purse, she would get the boot. the kid also made a pass at her which low key pissed her off which means she is gonna milk the little fucker for everything.
one of the things i like about this arc is it shows lawrence knows how to build and foster friendships in towns and cities. he has people he can rely on, amarti doesnt because he thinks he can get buy being smart and pretty.
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Whoa, nice camera movement. Now put same effort in not missing Holo's tail
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Korbo bros what's the meaning of this?
It wash hard for her to sign her signature while getting deep dicked by Amati.
not watched og or remake but its shit
korbo and lawrence are gonna jew this kid hard
>Amati gets NTR'd instead of Lawrence this time
Bravo Raimi
no more korbo
You rarely get to see Lawrence actually drink or eat food
Everytime food is on screen Holo is chowing down while Lawrence is lost in thought
nice. amarti is a dumb kid who wanted to fuck the pretty nun girl. now he realizes this chick like lawrence enough to cry in his arms. lol blow out.
its the spice part of spice and wolf
I don’t like these posts
that was always the plan. its just now its personal for lawrence. it was mostly holo milking the little tard for cash so she wouldnt need lawrences money. i believe she got pissed as amarti partially because he had the balls the go for a lady who is clearly with a dude.
the festival looks so comfy. I will never have this, nor will I ever have holo gf.
but that's ok because I still have anime
>i believe she got pissed as amarti partially because he had the balls the go for a lady who is clearly with a dude.
Amati also says something to Holo that pisses her off so much she wont even repeat it to Lawrence
>heh I'm cucking you Lawrence
>no u
holo would leave a boring person like you
lol yeah, i think he legit asked her if she wanted to suck his dick or some dumb shit. the fucker is like 17, i can see him thinking that holo was some easy lay and someone he could string along for a while. boy was he wrong. he was always the sheep.
Is it Holo or Horo?
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Actually a few years younger lmao
And I always thought it was something more along the lines of him both insulting Lawrence and assuming Holo was a helpless little girl
>barely any Holo
>just dudes talking to each other all episode
Gay episode.
As someone who watched the original series may times back then through now, made coins, bought thousands on merchandise like figures, dakimakura and custom things,

I am doing what every true anime fan does in the year 2024, I am waiting until we have a corrected, uncensored and complete season on bluray in the highest video and audio quality until I begin to watch it and make my judgment. Not sure why you are having threads on the new series yet until we get a proper release.
her canon name is Whoro

If you ask me he probably saw holo's tail and thought it was some kind of cheap ass wolf pelt that lawrence gave her, and then asked if she wanted a new one or some shit.
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But just in case it's good I am buying all the merch and going to all the events in Japan.
bro that is awful what the hell
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i dunno why but i find the original scene way more intense
honestly that makes more sense. Holo likes lawrence because he respects her and what she does but doesnt try to use her or exploit her or etc. even if she doesnt LOVE him at this stage(debatable) she very much likes him. at this point he is no longer afraid of her and isnt pissing himself looking at her wolf form. anyway i feel like amarti probably talked down to her and fed her a bunch of nice guy shit. maybe tried to cop a feel.
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i mean its pretty but id rather get the apple dress one. 2000 is fucking steep for a style im nt interested in.
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I only open threads to save cute and smug pictures with webms. Waiting to binge it because most ongoing threads are awful or dead
I like him, he's really a bro.
remember anons, never trade on your emotions
>How do you like this remake so far?
Depends if they will continue where the original serie left off.
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>I only open threads to save cute and smug pictures with webms.
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Do women really pet their dogs like this?
good. I want her to play hot and cold with me while I chase her desperately
The drawing, not your post. Now if you want me to explain why, I can't.
Personally I would wait to see the end of the novel before spending on anything, I don't want to have my disappointment in physical form. Those are my 2 cents on this.
Wait till the bluray. That's what real fans do. Especially those with home theaters.
No, women have five toes on each foot.
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elaina approves of this transaction
shut up zoomer shill no one cares for your slop remake
Aimer OP is such generic slop, almost as bad as the Dungeon Slopshi & bump my chicken
Holo was way better animated and voice acted in the remake for this scene
Spearchads, we fucking won this episode
Is pyrite the crypto of this native notisekai?
Why is no one praising the Penkintrack?
yeah. i think the remake has issues but the holo design and animation are so much better in the remake. she looks generic as fuck in the original. part of it is the style of the times but yeah.
The average viewer of this anime cannot even tell whether Lawrence shorted or longed Amati.
Zero (0) Holo this episode
amati basically spelled it out
It's good, I quite like it.
just buy a dog
So? Let's ask this girl if she knows the answer
and it was strangely a good episode
sometimes all you need to recharge is to hang out with your bro
>he needs meme words to describe basic financial transactions
He sold on credit on the basis that he can tank the price of Pyrite before the exchange tomorrow. That's all there is to it, it's not a complicated arc.
>he doesn't know, basically
she comes back hard in next episode which is a very very satisfying one if i remember
bros I'm all in on PYR literally can't go tits up
The alchemist gather around Dian because of sex.
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Who are you quoting?
The anime needs more vtubers!
It's called greentexting, you'll learn what it means eventually, newbie to the 4channel dot org forums.
I like it more than OG, at first I was skeptical about artstyle but it grew more and more on me. I would sell my foreskin for a second season
we are gonna get a second season. im guessing its an easy enough show to make its money back on from book/merch sales and eyes on it. plus its not action heavy outside a few moments so it never gets THAT expensive.
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I'll kill you if you NTR me, dumb dog
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>implying its the girls that tweak out about ntr episodes
Sure buddy that is indeed a femanon and not a seething dude that gets no pussy
> so where was i, oh yes so i went to see the little shit after your fool dad walked out, the little fool god so excited he popped a boner right there. i almost burst out laughing at his little sausage. then he tried to hit on me and it was that saddest thing. while your father can be a fool, he is very very good with his mouth. anyway i blue balled little fool and went to sleep.
my little sausage just got harder reading this
Still it doesnt ensure we gonna get an ending. Im curiuos how popular is remake in Japan, afterall only japan and LN sales matter.
>Hey asshole! Watch where you're goin-
>Holy shit. Is that THE King of Cucks?
>doesn't even trade options
it was like she was looking at walking garbage
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intent to NTR
Myuri is already such slut at the age of thirteen, is not even hard to believe they having this kind of conversation.
This author is so stupid when it comes to finance.
That's when girls are supposed to be slots. Do you remember StickAM? I've seen slots whoring themselves online since eight.
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> so dont tell your father this honey but i did see him later. a couple weeks later on our travels, i smelled him near by so late one night i visted his camp. he was ceirtenly surprised when i took off my robe and wore nothing but my ears and tail. his little soldier rose then.
>so then i showed him true form and unlike your father, his little soldier wilted at the site. so i took it from him and tossed it in the fire, tasted dreadful.but his blood was a nice tang to it, he wouldnt stop catterwalling so i chewed on his head for a bit and had a light snack..

>anyway dear, thats what you should do to anyone who comes between you and your mate.
So we got two cours now and we gonna cover novels 1 to 4. If we get two more for the next season we gonna get Eves fur scheme and Cols boat ride covered in a first cour (allthough OG managed to make it even shorter), and second cour would be narwhal arc. So third season would be wolf bones and angel arc in first cour and map arc in second. And I think the biggest problem will be third and fourth season because coin of the sun and epilogue is too short for full season but too long to put into season 3.
What did happen to the wolf bones anyway? It was just fake and that's it?
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So did Lawrence ever fucked her in her real form? I mean they should have tried it atleast once right?
isnt the city of strife 2 parts in there. may guess is they will toss short stories in there too.
Other than having more animated Holo I think golden sheep and the arc with blacksmith where they get the map to Yoitsu are pretty skippaple. And I wouldn't mind if they somehow get their hands on the map after narwhal arc. As long as that means we get to the end that is.
Yeah fake, I remeber it only vaguely but it related somehow to mines and trading company so bone money partly circled back to narwhall trade.
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like realisticaly. no but they probably tried or fooled around once or twice.
>they are out on some minor adventure, getting home is faster in wolf form so he is riding/clinging on her back.
>pops a boner and she feels it.
>she laughs and teases him
>he teases her back.
>they end up in some nice glade and he like kisses her nose or like does heavy petting,
>they both laugh.
>she turns human
>they fuck.
Complete failure. my test for success for anime is people reacting to it on youtube and nobody is reacting to this boring slop not compared to frieren at least.
I know map is really stale arc and yet its basically a point of no return in Holo and Lawrence dynamic. They finally stop blueballing each other and admit their feelings. Ofcourse they could make it happen earlier
There is an arc about MAPs?
>how do I horse anatomy?

Always makes me crack up.
Only measure of success is japan, only their views matter. And to be more precise not even views but LN and merch sales
i mean holo has a kill count right. like the books kinda keep is vague and outside the first book some implications, she doesnt kill anyone on their adventure. but there are a bunch of times where she is like "oh yes i had some mercenaries/knights try something like on ME once" and then leaves it to the immagination. that one conversation in the first book makes me think she has killed/eaten people before but all in self defence.(probably).
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shotas should learn their place the hard way
The series is oddly light-hearted while casually mentioning there is slavery and witch burnings. I think the only time someone actually dies is in Coin of the Sun where it is mentioned the antagonist will get lynched by the mob. And Lawrence&Holo being beyond caring at that point. Haven't read Wolf & Parchment yet.
So? How is it doing with your own metrics?
Amati is a wanabe shounen protag who forgot hes merely a side character in a seinen
oh yeah, im not expecting like grim dark shit. its just kinda funny when it does happen, like holo breaking that dudes leg after almost eating him. it goes harder in the book because she is the company office in wolf far and basicaly just plays gun tension with her jaws and the company guys head while he is just screaming. like i like that they both have a dark streak but they arnt like psychos. my canon view is holo has killed people before and probably eaten them too but she doesnt go out of her way to do it, she isnt a monster.
I agree, children should be seen, fucked and not heard. Any deviation from this should recieve pushback of extreme prejudice. For their own benefit of course. I mean, c'mon... we all overstepped our bounds and were whipped back with force.
Pyrite at least have some real use. Cryptoshit doesn't.
The new ending is worse than the old one because it does not have this shot
Trading not goods but promises is what got modern economics into shit it's in.
You gotta take a seat over there.
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>Come over, and sit next to, me
I miss 12chan. An stickam and anonib, and USENET and yadda yadda

Things were better back during s1 and 2
No pubes?
If there is grass on the field... it's too late.
Will you Light Novel fags learn to use the fucking spoil tags!!!

This is the second time I've been spoiled by stuff from the LNs in these threads!!!
Learn self control.
read the LN, they are good. also on audible if you have that.
So speaking purely technically, how much bigger is her vagina in a wolf form? I think canine clitoris is quite near the entrance so she would feel somwthing atleast... But for penetration would his arm be enough or he would need to go in as a human dildo into her?
Tell me what you been spoiled about?
I'll never not be amused that the ones to spoil Myuri is dub cast credits. All while remake goes its way to at least somehow hide it.
You want me to link you a video on catbox?
Good episode
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Oh boy fun places. yeah, i think its feasable. she is bigger then an elephant so she is like 15 or 17 feet at the sholder, give or take. she is big enough that she can basicaly swallow a grown man whole or at least fit most of him in their mouth(gold arc. so probably like maybe full arm to sholder in there. I just feel like she wouldnt be into that. like i feel like she would try it with him once or twice because she is genuinly flattered that he loves her even in her true form. but i feel like her laying on her side while her husband shoves his arm up her cunt probably isnt that fun. like he would probably get her off, but i feel like she would prefer the more intimate connection in human form.
Look at those chompers!
>that horse
I can spot a furry from a mile away
You mean this whole thread? We /beast/ here.
lol, i just noticed. i dont care for the old wolf design in the og anime, i get what they are going for and parts work. but the remake and manga do a much much better job.
I classify meme furry and "has likely drawn a horse fucking someone" as different levels of magnitude
Horo was on the screen for 3.7 seconds in this episode!!!
>Complete failure
That's how your mom calls you
Who? Kobo?
Sorry anon, I just assumed that everyone already read it or is just here to holo post, and those I don't think they even care about the plot.
>Pyrite at least have some real use
Such as?
Yeah give me all of it
I fapped to Horo maybe twice in total in my entire life, and only one of those is recorded in my fap diary (which started in September 2014, I will have my 10 year anniversary soon!).
It's a source for production of sulphuric acid (probably why alchemists deal with it).
New doujins when
Amarti is the one being NTRed if anything.
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I laughed so hard at this bit. Lawrence played him like a fool
>yeah that ho you wanna marry? I remember holding her in my arms as she cried
Amarti got played like a fiddle, I'd be surprised if he didn't turn into a bitter, jaded man after this
Nigger, I don't know how they can spell it out more that Lawrence is trying to short him.

>Hey give me a loan up front in cash so that I can buy an asset.
>I will give you the asset tomorrow regardless of the price on the market.
>I will have an effective loss if the price goes up at all before then, but I essentially make all this money for free if the price craters

The only complication is that since its technically using non-cash assets, its more of a hedge than a short, but it certainly isn't a long. Amarti was smart enough to realize this too, but he was thinking with his dick which made him make a stupid bet which he will pay massively for.
So what is she thinking at this moment? Still angry with Lawrence? Upset and worried thinking she can't repair things with him?
Or is actually being wise for once and just thinking about the plan she has in motion and the rest will fall into place when they actually talk like adults later?
Fortune telling. Want to buy some pyrite btw?
I'll take fifty
She was waiting for him to come up and talk.
Yeah but you're not an average anime viewer, you're a clever girl.
Are you trying to edate random anons or something, wtf are you doing
Ignore the /biz/posters
Makes me feel alone. Holo is cute though so I'll keep watching. Maybe I'll find a girl like her one day.
I've watched a decent amount of romances, but I've never seethed so much reading the Lns and getting mad Im probably not getting a relationship like theirs
It's not fair bros
And yet, no one has drawn Holo's new big wolf form yet.
I'm watching the OG for the first time. I have about half the second season left
Very good show
Wolf-wife is very endearing I love her so much
Should I watch the remake with you guys once I finish it? Is it a "shot for shot" recreation with "better" (sovlless) animation or are there a lot of things that are different?
OG know how to make the most from limited animation. Remake just looks ugly.
Definitely don't watch it right away, it's nearly identical.
Wait for the bluray and proper subbed release like always.
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>mfw you have no face
Alright good to know thanks
I want to have sex with Holo btw
Not sure if that matters
Every week I start these episodes thinking "so how is Lawrence going to be a fucking retard this time"
I guess at least this week it is the few rare moments he does something smart to wrap up the arc since everything is already fucked.
She is waiting for him to come up and talk to her. She knows she hurt him and feels bad,
Yeah I like that Lawrence is clearly learning from holo a bit about people’s vulnerabilities. He basically tells him “yeah she likes me a lot and we make love a bunch” without saying it which pisses him off.
I'm going to buy and hodl till the day I die
Cant lose any money if you never sell
Simple as
[/spoiler] $23,463.18 portfolio in crypto at the moment btw. Around 17k was my own money. Highest it ever was was about 65k. Never sold anything. Never will. I am a retard, if you couldn't tell
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/biz/tards in my thread?
It's more likely than you think!
I simply don't watch remakes.
Just compare this short scene
Remake is nothing but a wet fart.
the OG one was overly dramatic
Imagine being this mindbroken that something new exists
There is no reason to ever watch a remake unless you are a child who can't handle animations styles before your time.
You're completely right
Literally the definition of sovl vs. sovlless
Soulfags can seethe all the way until the next season gets made for all I care. I'm just glad we get more korbo.
>scene where MC loses his mind and goes off the rails is too dramatic

Where is your korbo now?
Seethe about what? I have the original uncensored version with better animation. The only ones I see seething in this thread are the hairless newfags trying to justify why they can only hang onto the coattails of their betters instead of creating something original that is just as good.
This whole post is seethe
You wouldn't be posting if you weren't seething
There is so much wrong with the remake it's unreal
>can't tell it was Holo's signature until Lawrence said it (remvoing the cuteness of Holo's sloppy handwriting)
>weak music
>lawrence walks into the street. IMMEDIATE flashback to something that happened off screen literally seconds, actual minutes ago if you're looking at in-show time. Instead of just letting the audience understand for themselves that he's looking for twinkboy
>bar patrons feel the need to remind us that >>holy shit is that heckin LAWRENCE from the PLACE the audience already knows him from??
>even the moment as simple as him glaring at the faggot he bumped into felt weak
>the flat animation throughout the whole thing
How do you ruin something so much? What an embarrassment
Whatever helps you cope little guy, I'm happy you get our sloppy seconds it's better than nothing.
Imagine unironically defending lazyness and an inferior show
>just pump the slop into my veins, bro
Clean yourself up, man
Yeah I don't need loud violins telling me how to think, it should be plenty clear enough what the stakes are, and it's not some crazy moment either
Yeah. I need a wacky upside down shot and a flashback to something that just happened to explain that he's looking for moriarty tho. I would have been LOST without that. Thank god the music wasn't as good, or else I might have felt something
The next episode better be a masterpiece to redeem how bad this arc has been.
Still seething.
And he just couldn't resist outing himself as a newfag
Kill yourself my man
I keep getting told I am autistic. I was born early and have always had trouble fitting in with my peers. I made poopies in my pants even after potty training. Could it be true?
I feel like I should drastically alter my plans in my life if this were to be true. Like I should lower my goals and expectations for outcomes. What do you think?
They should introduce some diversity into the characters.
I'm 50 and have been watching anime since before you were born, toddler
Keep seething in every thread. See you in season 2!
Right on fellow gen x'er but I only started in 99.
NTR = Never Trust Roasties
When I was in Japan there was hardly any media or promo stuff for this show and I went everywhere. I was very disappointed that there was so little for a show airing.
>This show sucks
>Better watch 16 episodes of it and complain every thread
Did you really need the violins to feel something for the half minute sequence before he finds amati and does the business deal, the actual important part of the episode? The walk there is the least important part and probably got dramatized to hell because they figured people like you couldn't get invested in the conversations and needed the equivalent of zoomer effects for fucking walking
It was only made because a corporation decided it needed to refresh it's license. They didn't promote it because they know it's bad. No one made this because they had a passion or wanted to show the world anything creative.
This is literally my first time posting in these threads retard
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The remake isn't horrible, but it's nothing but a straight downgrade from the original in every way . There is literally no reason for these first two 2024 cours to exist, considering the original already exists.

If we had this same level of quality but it actually continued the story, then not as many people would be complaining. Instead we're stuck with a completely fucking pointless retread.
You are genuinely stupid
The music in the original inoffensive
When you compare the sequence as a whole to the new version, it's literally night and day
Refute any of these meme arrows
You seem to be stuck on some idea that because you think the new music is "better" that makes the entire scene better overall
Not only are you wrong because the music is worse, youre wrong because even if the music was better, the sequence is still inferior because of everything else surrounding it
This is the most accurate post
The people who are remaking the show don't care about it
You can tell because there are completely needless changes ontop of the animation itself being worse. It's this simple
Nice pubes
Sorry Amarti..
>Captcha: ANGY
Needs more.
It's not pointless. The original deviated from the LN quite a bit. This is Spice and Wolf Brotherhood. It's following the LN more closely.
>baiting with his shit takes and opinions
I fucked your mom and your nonexistent wife
Remake is better.
Original is better
Enjoy eating your garbage remake bro
I'm gonna go watch the original again
Don't bother (You)ing me again, I've already broken the chain
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Glad to see you in the thread again this week, anon.
Ehh. Spice and wolf has always been kinda of cult classic series. The old series is just old enough to be a classic(which it should be) I think the remake is much better then the original a bunch of ways and i think it’s clearly a passion project, they probably wouldn’t have gotten as many people from the original if it wasn’t. It will make its money back plus just from merch sales.
>i think it’s clearly a passion project
You have never been passionate about anything in your life if you think this is what passes for passion.
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Ty anon, glad I'm getting a laugh, I appreciate it
>I was born early and have always had trouble fitting in with my peers.
How early? I was born 11 weeks early and it’s been over since the beginning
>muh no passion
Wrong, the OG director is using his position in Passione to make it happen to begin with
Like the old
Like the new
Simple as
Because it's an easy paycheck, phone in a half assed copy of your old work. It's the oldest trick in the book. He's laughing all the way to the bank while you hairless teens eat up his sloppy seconds.
Personally I would rather have them remake the whole series form scratch with a new style than jump into a new cour with a style change. I hate that. This will be more consistent at least.
I don’t think they would have gone as far as they did with it if it were cash grab. But also it’s not exactly an expensive series to make. Most of it is characters talking in a room. So a lot of the focus is on body movement and facial animation and voice acting. Most of the budget went to that and like the 4 action scenes.
/a/ in general, just quit watching and stfu
Except in all likelihood we're NOT getting anything more than these 2 cours.

2 cours to begin with was more than expected. It's not like this is even selling well, either.
Based and "just enjoys" pilled
Friend. The voice acting in the remake kicks the shit out of the old one. You actually feel uncomfortable when holos breaking down now.
if its as cheap to make as anons here claim it should still be turning a profit
I think we will get til the end of the mainline books with maybe some cuts and additions.
I'm not your friend faggot, this isn't reddit. Fuck off it's clear where you come from.
guy would be found dead
I'm not a woman but sometimes I pet my dogs like that
>asking for basic economic knowledge in a Horo thread is education
It's very likely Holo would've raped 90% of this thread.
Yes, because they wouldn't have consensual sex with her.
What work would he even be passionate about? Spice & Wolf was a show that had artistic merit. Most his shows were vapid slice-of-life shows, Citrus and fucking Yosuga no Sora and porn. If all he cared about was a quick buck and wanted to do something he was passionate about he wouldn't be working the fucking anime industry.
It's good to know you will die soon
I'm glad I forgot how this arc went other than Amati losing; I get to freshly experience when he gets fucking styled on again. Little shit deserves to lose.
yeah, i love that holo fucking tears into him next episode.
I wish you guys would argue about this when the bluray comes out not now while it's still airing and probably has uncorrected scenes and stuff.

Anyways, I think the first spice and wolf is the first time I watched a proper Thora anime release in 1080p.
Why Lawrence doesn't just beat up this bitch? That's what a real brotha would do.
No Chloe, no watch
simple as
She appeared in the first episode.
Now watch.
>Never watched the OG or read the novels
>she is gonna milk the little fucker for everything.
I fucking knew it but what was in that letter last episode tho? that her village or the town they talked about is gone now?
Anyone have the image that explains Lawrence's pyrite scheme?
diane finds out what happens for exchange for their story. she writes a letter to lawrence confirming what her fears, holo smells her on the letter and starts saying shit, he leaves it because he assumes she can't read. woops he can.
2nd OP is better kys
How old is Amati supposed to be?
old enough
is there age of consent in medieval England or wherever this is supposed to be? is Holo committing statutory rape?
>How do you like this remake so far?
I still don't see the point. No reason to adapt the same content again and again. Further this arc was ass in the first adaption and it is ass now. Drama for dramas sake.
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I want Holo to bite me
there's a part in the manga where a nog slave gives Nora a flower and she's freaked out by him lol
2 years older then Col, yet more immature and retarded and dickish
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If nora can get plapped, so can the shota twink
LN fags, will Horo get nude any time soon?
The first two episodes had great nude scenes, but after that I, honestly, find this anime boring. I often find myself dosing off with SO MUCH TALKING.
lolno. you got baited, cumtard
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Well, what the fuck did you expect, fag?
and you fell for it
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Well, at least picrel wolf girl had a better anime and a very CATCHY song.
No it doesn't change unfortunately, the show is mostly talking and banter
I recommend jerking off more, if I find my horny is bleeding into my hobbies too much, it helps get the edge off so I can concentrate on actually doing other stuff instead
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potential OVA?
>Extremely generic sounding ED
This will be forgotten as soon as the season ends. Meanwhile with one sentence you can remember the entire ED of the first adaption.
Seven apples on a witches tree.
cringe and yikes
Yes. Next arc
there's a whole onsen scene
I hated those, the only good one was amber melancholy really.
Okay, I thought the thing with the wolves was just a forced meme but now I totally see where the NTR allegations come from. Lawrence spent this entire episode getting cucked. Crazy to think he's gonna marry this bitch later.
I can't fathom how their disastrous relationship ends in marriage. if I didn't get spoiled I would think it was actually going to have a sad ending.
When she will have to turn into wolf and a scene after that
Couples do fight, but it's how you make it up is what matters
Holo is way too much drama for me. I would've ditched her and gone back to Nora.
Well, Holo is pretty much immortal and Lawrence is just a regular ass dude. So you know is gonna be japanese speciality in the end.
We still have 2 episodes until the great Amati btfo-ing
thanks for the warning I was already annoyed that it didn't resolve this episode
Okay I think I'm retarded.
I have NO idea what Lawrence's gambit was this episode. He's selling stuff but getting the money first but he wants the pyrite to go down in price what
and why would he do that
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This arc is a woman moment, we just didn't know it the first time around.
The original has better visuals, but Holo's VA's performance in the new version is great.
You can hear the sorrow in her voice.
As expected of Marc-san!
>noooooo you cannot just make a pass at the wise wolf (for larry's use only) you now MUST give me everything you have!!!
Are women really like this?
>>Hey give me a loan up front in cash so that I can buy an asset.
>>I will give you the asset tomorrow regardless of the price on the market.
>>I will have an effective loss if the price goes up at all before then, but I essentially make all this money for free if the price craters
Someone earlier in the thread put explained it well
there are ups and downs in both. the animation and directing of the new one is a bit better, but they drew face and body shapes better in the original, they often look awkward in the new one especially the men. Holo's design ironically is much better in the new one though. Lawrence's voice is almost the same but Holo's is very different, I actually like the original a little more, in the new one she's clearly trying to make her higher pitched and more feminine sounding and it feels less sincere. one thing that isn't close is the music though the new one is miles better.
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So, why does /a/ hate him again? He's a pretty good guy tbqh
cause he came between my self insert and my waifu
To extra explain Lawrence is set on buying a certain amount no matter what due to the contract, and if the price jumps up he'll have to pay the extra cost using his own money that Amati's loan doesn't cover. If the price goes down however, and he buys the certain amount for less than it used to be, he keeps the rest of the Amati loan he didn't need to use to buy the pyrite.
Without outside interference, this is basically gambling on the price dropping or getting fucked, and the gamble is for holo's hand in marriage lol
how is it related to Holo? I didn't understand that part
amati a little shit who receives CORRECTION
Because Larry and Amarti are both insecure fucks and they think they can solve the issue by putting the other in debt.
I really love this remake's Holo design.
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We all know that she fucjer amati out of his brains, thats why shes so obsessed whit him.
ntr brainrot is real and this board has it
Please don't tell me there are people on this board pathetic enough to self insert as amati
cuz originally before the spat, Amati was just a shit who was randomly offering to win the bet that he'd make a lot of money and pay for Holo's loans to free her. Holo even said she would have stayed with Lawrence even if Amati did pay for her, but now with the fight Lawrence isn't sure about that. So he bets Amati with his own money and says Amati won't be able to pay for Holo's debts to Lawrence and that he'll lose the previous bet, just to try to make sure Holo stays with Lawrence and is indebted to him.
The scheme is retarded and Amati as a merchant would never do it, but he baits the dumb shota by telling him Holo cried on his shoulder 3 times kek
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I self-insert as Amati and Holo turned me down as soon as she caught a glimpse of my microdick. I couldn't beat Lawrence...
if they continued the story off from the original anime, itd be way too noticeable how different holo acts in the original anime vs the new one.
Holo acts less like an actual ancient deity and more like generic moe slop anime girl, you can barely even tell holo has the same va in the new one
the directing style as a hole just completely changed and ruin the style of the original and theyd never feel like the same world
>still baiting
I fucked your mom
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You may deny this but the new spice and wolf compared to OG is what brotherhood was to OG fullmetal alchemist.
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Man, this NTR arc is so boring. It's all basic economics spiced up with cheating and sluttery.
The remake has a somewhat a iffy first episode, but it's good from the start. Everyone who isn't a fanboy thinks 2003 is good up until it goes anime original and brotherhood is completely inferior for the first 20 episodes. Anyways we get too many threads for that shit already, this isn't the place.
i smell a future cope
I've been really impressed with this adaptation. I was skeptical at first but it's extremely faithful, and continues to hold up. I've been having a lot of nostalgia for the last couple weeks as I think back to how much this arc sucked the first time around because it sucks just as much this time.
Yeah, the first arc had such a retardedly obtuse setup I thought they were all going to be like that.
Now we've just had two in a row which is just "lmao what if his stock wasn't worth anything"
What are the top 5-10 images from this episode? I haven't downloaded anything form this thread, because I can't think of anything. No Korben, nothing happened.
>I want to have sex with Holo btw
I didn't quite get what you meant here. If you repeat it with excruciating detail I may though
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I usually prefer remake but it's funny how OG follows the LNs in most unexpected ways despite being ridiculously liberal with pacing and story
>Inkeeper knows what's happening all too well and somewhat interested, glancing
>lawrence buys melons for holo to eat, before the "storm" anyway
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You know the remake is called, spice and wolf:merchant meets the wise wolf, are you surprised it's about a merchants life?
I was expecting more intricate finance and more jews.
>Heh, yeah. I'm just that much of genius
he's like 12 years old give him a break
>having less assets than a 12 year old fish monger
He's a merchant
he's a merchant in an era without calculus
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And? Short selling existed well before calculus.
isn't spice and wolf like 1500s? lawrence might be a genius
"Short selling" only started when stock market started. The concept has probably been around for much longer.
Why the fuck would you let anyone short you in the past?
Because you were a 12 year old merchant trying to cuck some guy.
because he said he's watched your future wife (i have the paperwork and she even used her legal name i bet you don't know it) cry 3 times
Marc-san no!
The NTR'd becomes the NTR'r
Thread is too young to die
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>The Wolf Girl Who Loves Me At My Economics Class But Im Trying To Hit It Big First
He's a little shit that doesn't know his place but that thing with the gold coins was a power move
I think Koshimizu's performance is getting better as the series goes along. I think her and the director just has to warm up a bit. She had more mommy Holo energy from the VR game lingering in the beginning.
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When was her last main role?
I know one of her latest roles she was the big titty milf aura elf in the Sword Isekai
Kindly requesting, Korbo's meme kemonomimi gif from the new anime.
Thanks in advance.
Will the conclusion be similar to that of the og anime or are we getting additional material
She at least voiced the best Macross
I'm old school, I need a gif, anon.
tough shit
new one
>better music
>better atmosphere with the moonlight making it more like a private scene without the people in the background
>holo is more sad than angry
old one
>better expressions
>better voice acting from Holo, I mean come on
>better animation
>better direction
I do this
I don't like sad Holo I want to make her laugh
Holo anal
I had 2.2 pounds of apples today, and now I have the shits... liquid shits!!!
Just started reading Wolf & Parchment and boy, the author really has a thing to make the man in the main role a incompetent wimp. Myuri never left her vilage until now, she is smarter than Cole and can keep a cool head when she need. Meanwhile Cole didn't evolved at all in the past 10 years and keeps getting bullied to oblivion by his little sister, guy can't do shit without her help, is pathetic.
Holo you don’t need to tell us
The laziest coloring job I've ever seen
>Myuri never left her vilage until now, she is smarter than Cole and can keep a cool head when she need
Have you seen who her fucking parents are
Barely graduates of Economics 101?
I was just thinking. Lawrence at some point probably saw Myuri naked. Do you think he put it in at some point when Holo was away?
Myuri canonically prances around naked in the hotsprings while in public view of the customers
She doesnt give a fuck
So that's a yes, at some point, perhaps frequently when she was younger, Lawrence put it in. Good to know.
There is no Myuri in Spice and Wolf. Holo is a different species from Lawrence and while technically he could impregnate her, the genetic mismatch wouldn't initiate cell division. It's the same reason reason why when we humans fuck chimpanzees and orangutans like those videos that were put out a few years ago from Borneo, the female monkey or human teenager doesn't become pregnant.
Also, if it's not in the tome, it didn't happen.
She still 13 and Holo had lived nearly a millennia, there is a huge difference. Also Myuri lived a good part of that being recluded because she couldn't hide her ears and tail at early age. She is just a mary sue, and Cole can't do anything right without her say. The same guy who was said to be a reliable lad when he was 15.
Holo ass to mouth
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A patrician, I see.
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total shota humiliation soon
Imagine getting new spice and wolf content. But no just remakes lmao.
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what the fuck was her problem?
Unless something extreme happens next adapted arc is new content.
Horo is pure non-sex
based and true
Holy fuck Lawrence is infuriatingly stupid.
Thanks, anon.
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now I get why /a/ relates to him so well
She's hungry
lol, next arc a bit but thats not the focus of the series, hell they dont even fuck until like near the end of the series.
lol, i like fenrys but she has jack shit on holo, she and OP man are the only good part of that series, the rest is boring isekai wank that desperatly tries to be spice and wolf.
possibly, they hinted at them in her flash backs. also jesus fuck, holos face, she looks like she is gonna eat those kids, and yeah, probably that way too.
jesus christ dude, just look up porn. i mean yeah she is cute as fuck but jesus.
i think its more then making a pass, i think she tells him something that pisses her off really reallly bad but she doesnt say what it is. my guess is he was condicending to her.
honestly, i just kinda pity him. he is kinda of a shithead but like he is 16 or something, he sees a cute girl and is making cash, she feeds him some bullshit story and he falls for her hard. when she tells him about the fight, he probably fucks up and says something stupidly shitty which makes her want to ruin him. lol
yeah. like she is fne in the original anime but i like the quieter but more expressive holo

id sorta agree with that. i think it does some stuff better but i do think original does a somewhat better job showing holo for the first time. BUT i like that the remake doesnt show her wolf form AT ALL until the sewers.
i mean she is basicaly a Kami who can become human(ish) its magic or something. im fine with that.
no, myuri like her mom doesnt give a fuck about clothes or whatever BUT lawrence would probably be fucking murdered if he raped his kid(as he should be) by holo.
wouldnt riding up around the sholders or neck be more comfy.
she is jelous that larry is attracted to nora.
>replies to everyone
you are pathetic
these are the kind of cringe fans remakes attract
>implying the og never had cringe fans before
Cringe has existed long before people thought to make a word to describe it
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How do hybrids work in S&W? Do their livespan is similar to humans? I only read the og manga because I spent more time with google translate than reading the first book.
Myuri is the only known one.
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I pet my cat like that
>Lawrence tells Amati that even if he pays Holo's 1000 silver coin debt, she might rip up the contract and turn him down
Is Holo really the type of girl to do that? Just fleece someone out of their money?
100g of apples contain approximately 9.3g of fructose. 2.2 pounds = 1kg of apples, 1000g = 93g of fructose. Most people get diarrhea when they eat more than 40-80g of fructose per day. On top of that, apples have pectin, which has a laxative effect.

Therefore, it is objectively a fact that Horo would've had a severe case of The Runs in the apples episode.
They live at least longer than humans.
There is other one, and he will probably be the one that will truly ntr Lawrence, mark my words.
The very second anime episode holo tricks a merchant into overpaying, she absolutely would do that, and she was the one who had the idea for smuggling, Lawrence just put the rest of the details together
I think there's a difference between shrewd haggling and outright open faced fraud/theft. Holo might pride herself on being able to trick a merchant without technically breaking the law but I don't see her being the kind of person to just be like
>Give me this much money and I'll do this for you
>Ok sure, he's the money, will you do the thing for me now?
>Haha nah fuck you, thanks for the money though
It seems the church was right after all...
She really don't give a fuck. She outright say to Lawrence during the debt arc that she thought that if shit really went south, she would just change into wolf form, grab him, jump above the walls and fuck off, whatever he might say.
That was a last resort option to save Lawrence from a life of slavery after he got tricked and fucked over by an asshole. But you're acting like she would just casually turn into a wolf and kill some helpless travelers on the road to take their money because she, according to you, "really don't give a fuck".
Who said anything about rape? Myuri is 13, she can consent.
I feel like she doesn't like him very much, much less in that way.
Man, if a woman pulled that kind of nonsense on me I would've told her to beat it. After all they've been through, she acts like THAT? Shameless. Nora would have never done something like that.
That may be true but it doesn't change much. They would be pretty hush hush about it.
FInally, NTR arc, hopefually the art and fanfictions deliver
>>Give me this much money and I'll do this for you
Except she never said that.
uh oh stinky
Uhh yeah there's a difference, and holo doesn't care, she's done both lol, the gold tax scene was definitely fraud
The big takeaway though is she's ride or die for Lawrence, she'd willingly break the laws and kill for him already
Yeah I'm surprised she lowers her self to human standards and concepts but we wouldn't have a much of a story if she didn't. She probably just engages in it because it's better than just sitting around in wheat or whatever all day.
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Tearing appart a contract is different from killing some random people anon. If she dosn't want to marry Amarti, she wouldn't, contract or not.
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Her tail looks so cozy.
doggo dont die
I like it a lot but this arc is a drag
it's at least kind of rewarding when that little shit gets his comeuppance at the market
it pays off
Utterly soulless
the END
Yeah, it could be a lot worse.
I do.
It's great and my life is saved.
>How do you like this remake so far?
yeh like . . uhhhh . . I don't do remakes, sooooooooo
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Please ignore I open the wrong thread and can't delete from kurobaex
More scenes of Holo eating cheesy potatoes
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Having watched the original when I was a teen prepared me for the GameStop exploit. So of course I know about my GameStop arc. Tbh I forgot what was shorted. The only thing I remembered was this setup.
I dropped it early, but then a friend told me that it got much better and now I'm catching up.
He's right.
It's nice.
The best ones are.
These. Holo is very much Lawrence’s partner now and basically willing to kill for him now. She fucks up a whole company and breaks a dudes leg after almost eating him in the last arc. Hell in the book she chews on the company owners head until he gives in. She is absolutely fine fucking over some horny shithead kid for pocket money. But she isn’t a psycho, she doesn’t eat random people off the road.
Maybe, but she is prideful and has her own honor. Sure human culture to her is silly and obtuse but enough of her personality falls inside of it that she gets along fine inside of it. She isn’t some monster that needs to feed on the blood of people or whatever. It helps that she hates the divinity shit and doesn’t consider herself divine and is fine keep her head down. Like she is willing to tear shit up in wolf form or use trickery in dumbasses and she gets pleasure from the latter but she isn’t a bored aloof sadist.
I really like the economic lessons, in the anime and the threads.
I am a wagefag who never cared much about this kind of thing so it's really interesting to me.
There are still people like that.
How much?
Should I wait until this finishes airing before I start so I can choose between this or the original?
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you could just watch both and form your own opinions instead of letting others decide for you what is good or not
You haven't watched the original?
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Yeah, the arc as a whole sucks, but Lawrence trolling Amati is pretty fun.
>Just watch both lmao
No. And just so (You) know, I asked that question because I don’t know how different the two works are from one another.
I watched some of it 14 years ago and dropped it because I was a autistic teenager and too young to understand it. I would like to give it another shot, though. Honestly, i’ve been leaning towards the OG because of nostalgia, but the art in the remake is pleasant.
Watch the OG first, then.
Is the remake just a 1 to 1 copy of the original but with nicer art, then?
No there are some changes and some arcs will be adapted this time around the the OG skipped.

The OG has better art, but I honestly prefer the style of the new one more. nuHolo is just cuter. If you like one there is no reason not to watch both.
It’s more a copy but cuts closer to the books accuracy.
Better off wage Fag but same. >>269143039

Watch both. I watched the first couple episodes of both but stuck with the remake because I liked the tone and pacing better.
I like the arc better in the new show than the old. The new one has him trust holo more after all they been through and basically find his balls and troll the fuck out of Amati.
This. I think some of the art is better in the original but I prefer the character art/designs. I never liked holo looking super young and pointy/fox like and the remake fixes that.
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>episode has no Holo
>arc improves dramatically
What did they mean by this?
Holo would be infinitely better off with Amati than Lawrence. He'd be able to MAN UP and pump some brats into her.
I will not stand for this slander of my man Lawrence. Amati is too much of a bitch, Holo would have no fun in that relationship.
This. It’s why I like the remake of this arc. He actually balls up somewhat and ntr amati.
I liked the art and music in the remake more.
I like Holo's characterization in the original more, but Lawrence in the remake more.
It feels like the original was more true to the LN, for this scene alone at least; though I liked the remake more, which is very weird to say as normally the more straight close the adaptation the better in my eyes.
I'm not normally a dubfag but prefer the eng voices. Perhaps because of the setting.
One thing I will say is that Spice and Wolf's writing of Lawrence is actually phenomenal in his subtlety. You can read the same passage and see him differently depending on your mood. It really plays into the whole "Holo looked at me, trying to discern if I was telling the truth or not, and gave up" thing that occasionally happens.
In a visual medium like anime however, this is only achieved by giving him stronger moments to balance out what would be seen as weaker ones.
>what in tarnation is-
>sir, we don't use that kind of language here.
>my apologies guv'nah. What in backwardation is going on here?!
in english please
I'm reading through the books right now, I'm on volume (don't actually want to say). The golden sheep arc was by far one of my favorites though. The scene where Holo discovered that the priest was a sheep all along, and he was eating mutton to fit in better with the humans and threw up as a result was incredible. Her visceral reaction and respect for someone who would go so far, despite her doing the same thing, was poignant.
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What's the economic term for what happened a few years ago to oil, i.e. "we will literally pay you to take the oil we're producing too much and don't know what to do with it oh god someone please save us from ourselves"?
Yeah this. I do like holo a lot in the remake but Lawrence comes off as a lot less of a simp moron in the remake which is more like the books. He comes off as thoughtful and while he does panic he usually just tries to detach more than panic. I like that he clearly does have “oh shit did they fuck” thoughts when he sees Amati leave but quickly focuses and then break the little shits brain because he quickly realizes that the little shit didn’t and he can play in that.
Also wanted to add that while I’m not a dubfag either, I genuinely love the dubs of holo and Lawrence in the remake. Like the same folks are in the old show but it sounds so much better now. Maybe better direction.
The dubs kinda sucked.
The new one is good. Old one kinda meh. Sun for remake is good too.
what was his problem?
He just wanted to bang and marry Holo, and was willing to do anything to get it.
Can any of us really say we're any different?

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