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Ging will die from hitting the memory limit because he copied to many abilities.
He doesn't copy he abilities. He just has such a high ability with Nen that he can understnd and mimic the "psychic machinery" relating to the abilities of Nen.

Think of how someone very experienced with music can hear a song and understand the notes and rhythm perfectly.

But that doesn't mean they are memorizing every song they hear.
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Knov is the greatest Nen user in the world
Izunavi is a retard
Why didn’t other Nen users just copy Knovs idea?
Create a kill everything sword without any extra limitations, conditions, vows, etc
Just pure Nen genius!
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>Sheila is Pariston because they have similar faces!
Is Fugetsu secretly Gon then you fucking idiots?!
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This but completely unironically

Knov is just that good
No, regard/ we actually know the origins of Gon and Fugetsu. We don’t know anything about the origins of Pariston or the future and life of Sheila. The whole point of the theory is that it’s part of a very open ended expression. What’s open ended about Gon and Fugetsu slide mutherfucker?
No he won't, nothing is going to happen because hunter x hunter is over.
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It's not a sword, it's teleportation. There are more conditions than the average manipulator ability which can kill anything. He has to keep the opponent's head in teleportation nen to teleport the head the remove the connection between two points in space, which is on the same level as Baise's kiss which could kill Meurem
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Could Chrollos twin brother beat Ging?
Kurpaika fucking Hate everythign and every one i hate that Nigga so much
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Can he use the hidden 7th nen type
Post my favorite HxH character.
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Actually Fugetsu and Gon are siblings and Piyon is their true mother.
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Reasons Pariston is Sheila
>Sheila wears rat ears. Pariston is the rat zodiac.
>Pariston is named after a woman.
>Pariston never met Kurapika.
>Kurapika took Pariston's place in the zodiac.
>Leorio is connected to Ging, so Kurapika is probably connected to Pariston.
>Pariston likes to hurt the people he loves, Sheila likes Kurapika and Pairo so she hurts them.
where can i read the best trabslation
pariston and kurapika alos look similar
and are rat zodiac
maybe they are the same nig
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Shota yellmi flashback when
What is the target audience?
Probably trying to bait some little spics into start watching actual Kino
latinx who are too lazy to read the manga
Clownsisters they're laughing at us again...
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Pick one
>togashi is gonna finish succession war, but not finish any arc after (except maybe a new continent arc).
>togashi will finish both SW and DC
>Togashi won’t even finish the current arc
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Reminder that according to clowncucks, Cammy got stronger after getting revived by her cat.
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>was willing to battle Benjamin in a straight up fight
GODmmy is on a whole other level compared to everyone else.
BITCHjamin ducked that fight btw
Well she did, my theory is that the cat can be defeated, and you can survive as long as you kill it before it can squash you. (Based off the cats first kill).

Everytime Camilla survives, the cat becomes even stronger. If the current cat can causally squash a no name Hunter, after a couple revived it can squash Mereum.

Same with Hisoka. He’s now powered up after surviving, his gum stronger than ever with men after death
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Best girl
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>all of my siblings are not worthy I shall kill them IMMEDIATELY in the name of the glorious kakin empire
Read the dialogue next time
not playing into her ability is imo a genius outplay.
what is she gonna do about it?
I bet she got stronger after Hisoka's death too, considering her insides are full of gum and rubber.
Hisoka got Chrollos lover killed (Pakunoda). Chrollo will kill Machi’s lover (Hisoka).

Will Chrollo and Machi fight at the end of this?
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You just had to be there
got any collages for when the next chapter dropped?
I'm gonna be honest
I do not care about Kurapika at all. I hope the troupe kills him. He is a boring character and would ruin the DC arc. He's already ruining the boat arc.
We will never get a full DC arc anyway but Gon/Killua adventuring on the DC would have been a way better choice. Kurapika should have stayed shelved.
This but Gon and Killua
Gon and Killua have adventured plenty. I’m far more interested in seeing how Togashi tackles that adventure from the perspective of a broken adult like Kurapika.
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this is a girl
same with Pitou
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Pitou is a woman, Alluka is a tranny.
Now it's time for Ging, Bisky, and Beyond in the Dark Continent. And Hisoka.
>Alluka is a tranny.
Kalluto is the tranny in canon, he dresses like a girl because he's jealous of the attention Alluka gets from Killua
Alluka is one in the headcanon of the Western internet
Bateman will obviously be his endgame. I could see him winning the succession war, then Kurapika chain jailing him to either strip him of his nen forever or forcing him into eternal loop of his ability by nen becoming stronger after death
Luck based hatsu are pretty cool. I'm starting to think conjuration is actually the most creative category, it's the least fightfag-ish and allows for the most variety in interesting effects and strange applications.
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(You) predict the cover of volume 38
>theres retards that unironically believe the "one who holds the head" theory
Chrollo and Hinrigh kissing
Could somebody post the chart updated to chapter 400?
No that’s too easy. I want to see Kurapika actually having fun. Not another extravagant personality.
>Having fun
>In the dark continent
>While not being named Pariston
Everyone's gonna die anon
Even if Gon and Killua ever come back, do you guys think they’d still be kids?

I’d want them to be young adults, but I could see Togashi just making them older teenagers (16-17)
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What makes her so attractive in version 99?
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Juhnde will be in the DC arc
Togashi will subvert everyone’s expectations in DC by making 90% of the people survive! Do you really think he’s gonna kill the wide majority of the official HA/zodiacs + Beyonds team + extra non associated characters ?
It was obvious Hisoka was going to lose the moment you realize the fight is told from his POV
Golden eyes
all 22 heil-ly members
Why did partisons group and beyonds group team up again?
Because Pariston wants to go to DC and also follows beyond because he reminds Pariston of Netero. We don’t really know why exactly Pariston cares about the DC, maybe for adventure , maybe to oppose the HA, or maybe to follow in neteros footsteps, or maybe something else, we’re not given any exact answer.

Beyonds utilizes Pariston because Pariston is a great asset and extremely intelligent, and was able to help find hunters that would fit Beyonds team. I’m also sure Pariston could’ve been a second eye for Beyond about Netero’s current happenings , since without Netero dead there’d be no DC arc
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Kurta originate from DC right? I can see Kurapika meeting the DC tribe, potentially coming an idol to them. Imagine Kurapika singing and dancing in a little dress for them
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Nen that gets stronger after death?
this looks fine and all but it's just your brain getting tricked by cel if you think too highly of it
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It's the 61st chapter in the arc(starting from 341). The chapter title is 'Moonlight'. Not rocket science
How much stronger is current hisoka?
The obvious answer: Chrollo mirroring Volume 0
The content answer: Spider founding/Hinrigh-Nobu
Generic answer: Main 4, Tse solo cover
It's long been my belief that Juhnde will be Leorio's "rival" for the DC expedition. He would be his foil in many ways, even with his profession potentially viewed as knowledge of anatomy akin to doctors but with a depersonalized slant(he would've also been working in part with Leorio's Zodiac squad).
If the rival parties are forced to work more closely together on the DC, it would be a similar case to Tonpa in Trick Tower where Leorio is allied with a bad actor and he's the one willing to actively push back against him.
Would be interesting, especially since junhnde seems to be an experienced older man while LEorio is a young inexperienced rookie.

I just don’t think Togashi would mention Juhnde next to someone like Muher (who becomes immediately relevant as a commander on Beyonds team and an associate of Ging’s).

I mean it’s always possible it means nothing. Wouldn’t be the first time in the series someone interesting gets brought up that’s irrelevant or doesn’t do anything
The payoff could be extremely minor, but Juhnde getting two separate bits of mention/buildup feels very particular to me. A large part of this arc beyond having its own giant cast is setting up more characters for the DC exploration itself.
Who exactly is going to DC outside of the zodiacs and Beyonds team? I don’t want a nother arc with a shit ton of characters, I’m fine with the current 2 major groups we have right now.

I assume some extra huh gets like menchi (food), will join the Zodiacs team , which I’m cool with.
Spics and Arabs.
Beyond's team(which is a large group that hasn't fully been delved into), and the Hunter Association are the big two. The Zodiacs are leading it but it's a giant Hunter conglomerate working to make it possible. The Temps are weird since they're with Pariston and technically supposed to be with Beyond, but we'll see how that works out. Either way, the Temp trio in Kurapika's room is a good example. Kurton died, and Bill may or may not die during the SW, but Sayird has been established and put away to potentially use his power to greater effect on the Dark Continent.
Then there's also smaller parties like Steiner, Illumi/Kalluto, and whoever from Kakin may end up getting involved with the Dark Continent proper. HxH kind of always has large casts, and I'd expect it for something on the scale of the DC.
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Are you illiterate?
Ging taught me nen in a dream last night
lost my nen before waking up tho
nen that gets stronger when the user in unconscious?
What if Morel shows up again but with a giant vape
Instantly becomes my least favorite character. id rather a crack pipe than a vape.
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God I'd snort the shit out of this
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Netero? Mid to high zoldycks level
YOOOOOOO that be bussin. ya'll know Morel is black coded because that nigga can handle his SMOKE
Why do spics like Chrollo so much?
Netero looks much younger than in his flashback where he trained for 10 years. I guess his DC journey led them to want to push his limits.
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>>I feel sad. This is not how I want to feel. Instead of feeling happy because of my favorite characters showing up, I just feel bad and nervous. After all, Hisoka is after their heads, and Kurapika is also the main protagonist right now and he's probably going to finish his unfinished business from yorknew. But I will try to remain positive. Even if they die, they will always remain alive in my heart (lol such dramatic words XD)... that's the correct approach I guess.
Same reason as batman. Prep time powerscaling arguments
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Is this cleavage? It looks like her boobies would be really high up
They like Hisoka actually
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NEN GUM I BESEECH YOU? Officially the CANON translation.
Is that Viz? If it is I don't trust their trans lations
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They put a facade but when they are honest they are fucking terrified.
Nope that's there translation.
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Hisokas nen? INTENSIFIED
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hunter x hunter is over guys
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>September 4th
Possible Machi death flag next batch since she's standing there with 2 dead people
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I'm going to marry this dog!!
Hisoka is definitely the spic favorite
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But to be fair, September 4th takes up like 20 chapters
I'd guess volume cover might be a child ryodan pic and it's releasing on September 4th to correlate with the troupe backstory while also remembering September 4th Yorkshin
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that robot thing looks a little familiar
That's a stretch
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Ging+Cheadle do have some of a Keiko+Yusuke dynamic going on at least but yeah the robot is a little generic, could even get it mixed up with the robots that beat Nobunaga
If the zodiacs showed up the chimera ant incident wouldn't have gone down like that
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>the robots that beat Nobunaga
Yokotani cheated.
Dogman and Morena were helping him
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Ging fucked Cheadle raw
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OVAbros? >>269087855
>can mimic any nen strike attack that hits him
>sparred with netero
Ging is going to be a beast
>copied Netero's attacks
>Netero died
>nen gets stronger after death
Pedrobros we're so back
Every zodiac spared with netero. Are you implying cheadle is top tier?
that deadbeat dad would lose to botobai.
What if his power is 90% utility like Pakunoda?
Kurapika in high-school would be the kid who "erm ackshually"s people in class
BASED and CANON. GODtobai was described as being the closest to netero in ability.
Ging is way beyond netero in ability
And when the other kids would try to bully him, he’d beat them to a pulp.
Nwtero would oneshot ging btw
>Precocious Sith kids!
Greed Island is by far the most impressive Nen feat in the entire series, nothing even comes close to what Ging accomplished.
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Might be hard to nut with this staring you in the eyes
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Why is Chrollo like this?
he's welsh
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1.7 Chrollos
Chrollo would have lost without preptime
Nanika ain't got shit on Greed Island.
Says who?
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First option sounds most likely to me
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why is thread so dead today newchapterbros?
Sorry I've been focusing on nen.
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Too busy gaming.
It's going to be a Tubeppa batch btw.
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me with the crossed arms
Nobody has sparked an argument, for one thing. Repeating the same Nen arguments over and over in a short period gets tiring I'm sure. Manipulation is affected by power levels btw
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GODsoka says you are wrong
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I thought Machi was the one killing the threads...
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Hisoka is speaking from his perspective. He's not Post-Rose Meruem.
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I thought 2011 presented this scene pretty cool
For as much as people shit on it they at least do a lot of things right, Meruems aura looked so damn nasty
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Chrollos lighting attack aura still isnt explained btw.
How would she even develop that ability?
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>Manipulation is affected by power levels btw
Go sit in a corner and cry about Scream or something you DBZ retard.
more like 1.1 Chrollo + pre hunter Killua.
Same way Tse and Halkernburg got their abilities. Tse had to figure out what was going on, which Halkenburg similarly isn't exactly sure how his ability works. Camilla knew that she would be in a battle to the death, so she thought the best way to win such a battle is to be unable to die, so she made it instinctively, if I had to guess.
zushi (who was confirmed high floor master level by the movie) would beat hisoka btw
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machi's string
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>I cant believe dancho is making me do this, I never knew he was so weak on his own..
Just how secret is the 'first come first serve' rule for Manipulation? Presumably it has to be quite so, otherwise there shouldn't be anything stopping people from having a minor Manipulation technique to use on themselves. I mean, even considering memory limit, manipulating yourself and not doing anything with it shouldn't be a high bar to pass.
The image in response was really funny.
The text was too much.
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Her being the Patron for the untouchables of Kakin probably colored her ability. They also developed a power that only triggers upon their death and unlike her they can't exactly test it out. Benjamin also has at least one more star than the soldiers that died on the boat and his power is similarly triggered by death.

If I had to guess all of them just had to really envision the power they wanted and then have confidence it will work. It's hard to gauge how these kinds of powers are actually actualized since in all cases the only way to know it's even there the user or a target for their power must die first. Benjamin at least shows signs of testing his power out with that extra star and that parallels Halkenburg asking his man possessing Shikaku to shoot himself and that guy gladly doing it.

I think Tserreinich provides a glimpse into how this works. His 2nd nen beast was created but the idea that Zetsu triggers it doesn't make sense in that exact moment because it wasn't until afterwards that Theta started telling him that Zetsu was the key to nen. I think the way the creature works wasn't solidified until after it was made. Camilla and the Untouchables might have first created their nen beasts and then locked the functions and mechanics behind death to strengthen the other effects.
>otherwise there shouldn't be anything stopping people from having a minor Manipulation technique to use on themselves
That's why it's only a rule-of-thumb and Manipulation is tied to the rules of Nen just like any other category.
Otherwise literally any Nen user would learn a level 1 Manipulation with 100 aura output and hard counter any Manipulator.
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I thought the text was funny
We need more information on exactly how human Manipulation works. What makes a good condition, really? Like, is hitting someone once and waiting 5 minutes (while staying within 50m) really THAT much easier than kissing someone? The former only puts them into Zetsu, while the other allows them to take full control of a person. And by all means, Baise was not an impressive Nen user.
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>Presumably it has to be quite so, otherwise there shouldn't be anything stopping people from having a minor Manipulation technique to use on themselves.
It seems about medium to low in terms of how known this is. Manipulators know about it because it's their trade but someone like Kajidol didn't know meaning he's probably not a manipulator himself. Someone like Balsimico has a lot of general knowledge as well as personal info on each of his soldier's abilities which is why whatever his category is he knows about this.

As for why people aren't always making powers to control themselves, it 100% is because of how limited people are in making abilities but also because this is not something that everyone needs to prepare for. The average nen user has 1 power and we've just been spoiled by seeing a lot of skilled people that have a primary ability and lots of sub-functions. The other problem is that self manipulation seems to exclusively be using some kind of autopilot mode and the degree of control is going to be prorated by how good each nen user is with manipulation.

Given most manipulation powers that assume direct control either require physical contact or the victim openly answering a prompt from the manipulator. The best defense isn't making a situational self control power and wasting memory, it's just being a better fighter and taking out the manipulator or their tool first.
>Like, is hitting someone once and waiting 5 minutes (while staying within 50m) really THAT much easier than kissing someone
Yes because zetsu exist so you can easily hide
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mid-high troupe level
So what about Chrollo’s explanation about how some people (or rather, their puppet clones, iirc) react differently to commands? It’s one thing for them to have different feelings on what’s the best way to kill someone, but some of them outright shut down, as we were told. If Manipulation is really 100% effective when enforced, I don’t think that sort of thing should be able to happen.
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the paneling on this one is very clever in the case that Chrollo's using her threads, the panel box crosses directly across his hand as if he's holding onto something
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Machi wasn't in Meteor city because Knuckles hired her to save his bacon
since when do machi threads cause electric damage?
>If Manipulation is really 100% effective when enforced
The ability is effective once the conditions are fulfilled, but not every ability is like Shalnark's. Perhaps in exchange for a higher possible number of subjects, Order Stamp necessitates a reduced level of control from the wielder. Perhaps the eponymous "Proof of Humanity" is the puppets own interpretation of given orders.
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We know exactly how human (or any) Manipulation works mechanically.
A common misconception is that Manipulation works with the user "magically gaining control" over their target after fulfilling their conditions like some sort of JoJo or any other "magic" power system.
The way Manipulation works in HxH is with the user finding a way to insert their aura into their target object or person, mixing their own aura with theirs, and then gaining different degrees of control depending on how much aura they can output into them (soliciting, pseudo-coercive, coercive, etc).
Their conditions serve two purposes: first, finding a vehicle to actually insert the aura into the target (needle, kiss, antenna, etc), and second, being a multiplier to the final aura output depending on how hard the conditions are to fulfill.
There are power systems that work like magic and there are power systems that work like special physics. Nen is the latter.
Manipulators are not exempt from the rules of Nen.
>gaining different degrees of control depending on how much aura they can output into them
Relative to the total amount of aura the target has, or independent? If the latter, I’m not sure how that makes sense.
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>Perhaps in exchange for a higher possible number of subjects, Order Stamp necessitates a reduced level of control from the wielder.
This is pretty consistent with how things are presented. The more targets the ability can control at once, the less precise that control becomes without adding extra steps.

>and then gaining different degrees of control depending on [headcanon]
Furykov can tell if someone is a nen user from their eyes and estimate their category just by looking at their aura. Melody can hear someone's heart. All those panels do is confirm that people who are manipulated will have abnormal aura flow and abnormal or inconsistent physical functions. Things it would take someone who is specialized in detecting these things to notice.
Based diligent anon.
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Abilities like Black Voice and Instant Lover are made to gain control over regular humans, and as such are made with human benchmarks in mind. They are insta-win abilities in the context of humans.
Take for example a 15-cycle Ripper Cyclotron. It's an "insta-kill" ability against regular humans, and Phinks could confidently say that he wins as long as he lands that punch, and contextually, he wouldn't be wrong.
That doesn't mean he would win against Meruem if he landed it, however.
Just like it requires more aura to control a large top than to control a small top, and just like it requires more aura to gain control over a human than over a cockroach, it would require more aura to gain control over a Chimera Ant King with 2 million aura than over a regular human with 50k tops.
Now with the Ants dead, for all intents and purposes, Manipulators win when they fulfill their conditions (unless another godly being shows up).
Shalnark would beat Netero with Black Voice, yes. Shalnark wouldn't beat Meruem with Black Voice, no.
>still misusing Wing's statement
He's talking about using aura to intensify an object's natural function before he talks about adding aura on top to give it orders. Which he talks about how long those tops could be made to spin given their size. But even if we take your argument, Meruem is human sized just like Netero so how much aura either has innately is irrelevant to Wing's argument.
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>muh physical size
Read Togashi's magnum opus slower.
people are like 'the trope can't kill yupi" and it's like that's retarded Machi x shal / phinks / nobunaga can 2 man yupi
So is Wing saying that controlling something with manipulation is based on physical size or not? Your new panel and the page you pasted both don't agree with your argument. And on top of that there's no mention of the aura already present within the thing that is being controlled.

It would take more aura to keep a larger top spinning but it would take the same amount to give it orders according to the story. The degree of control depends on who is issuing those commands.
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never revealed hatsu? Chrollo used new stuff during the fight, much like how troupe used new stuff at Zazans castle
I've been saying for a while that she likely has a strong offensive hatsu tucked away that she's never revealed since it's not like she's ever been in a real fight onscreen (similar to how Nobunaga still has one we haven't seen)
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IIRC Tsezguerra seemed to think that turning aura into electricity wasn't exactly anything special when he saw Killua doing it other than how young he was, though I'm not sure on the Japanese dialogue for that part
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Mass in one factor to be considered when talking about how much life energy you need to control a thing, but it's a small factor compared to the life energy already present in that thing.
Let's entertain that mass is the only factor. Squala's dogs comfortably tally up to the mass of two humans. Is Shalnark a worse Manipulator than Squala, yes or no?
Illumi saves special needles with an abnormal amount of aura and considers a waste to use them. If aura output is not a factor, why does he have needles with more aura than others, if simply sticking a needle is already enough to gain coercive control of someone regardless?
Manipulation is a category like any other. They are all tied to aura output.
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This page makes zero sense if aura is not a factor.
Kek. I love that red circle there for no fucking reason.
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Godspeed is enhancing kuillas instincts and reaction time. It's transmutation + enhancement
Just one shot Hisoka bros
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>mfw you watch me cheat and I know that you know
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Machi was a nen genius who figured out aura since like age 7, it makes sense that she'd be more talented than Killua who barely managed to learn a thing about aura by his early teens (along with needing someone else to activate it for him instead of learning on his own)
Something simple like godspeed is probably trivial/second nature to her
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No. Killua leans Transmutation because he trained Enhancement the entire time with Gon, and we never saw him training Conjuration ever.
Gon used to lean Emission, but was corrected through training and centered in Enhancement by training Transmutation.
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Not the anon who made the image about Chrollo using Machi's threads, but I believe he out the red circle in the original image to bring attention to how Chrollo seems to be dragging on something and how there's even a sound effect for it.
It makes me so angry that Alluka's wish granting is some sort of specialist hatsu rather than eldritch dark continent magic. And why is Genthru a conjurer when his Hatsu is clearly emmision, like judgement chain. And Knuckle is a conjurer even though his hatsu is pushing nen into an opponent and sticking around at vast distances, also like an emmiter. And even though the nen infused punch (enhancement) and forcing opponent into zetsu (manipulation) work off emission's neighbors, and knuckle has the exact emitter personality type, but no I guess cause he summons the little mascot he's a conjurer. I hate this chart.
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It seems in other translations is even more explicit.
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>And why is Genthru a conjurer when his Hatsu is clearly emmision
Genthru was always clearly a Conjurer. Countdown's bomb is Conjuration and Little Flower is Transmutation.
Countdown is a symbiotic hatsu and Sub and Bara are likely an Emitter and a Manipulator.
I agree with Knuckle, though.
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that's not how it works, bisky pointed out gon is better at emission than transmution. that's why she had him do the level 5 emission training since it would be faster.
I actually hadn't considered that those guys had different nen types. How embarrassing.
>Togashi finishes succession war and presents the rest of the mango as a novel accompanied by key images
neteros statue is emission+transmutation
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Read the chart more carefully.
There's no reason the Nen master of Gon and Killua's Nen master would be wrong there.
If Gon doesn't lean towards Emission anymore, it's because his training centered him in Enhancement.
Greed Island remains goated
How fast would it take Bisky to turn Tserriednich into a Meruem-level monster?
As >>269105228 said, you misread the page. The only effect Wing says the size of the tops has is the effect on the Enhancement portion of the ability, he notably does not mention the size when talking about the "additional nen" for commands, which implies this additional nen for commands is not subject to the same limitations as the nen for amplifying the spin.
Seems like those needles are a condition for Needlemen which works on alive targets as opposed to his corpse manipulation
GODsky said gon leans emitter so he does
The hunterpedia said neteros statue is emission+enhancement
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>which works on alive targets as opposed to his corpse manipulation
Illumi manipulates real people without the special needles. If aura is not a factor, why is the degree of control stronger for the needles with more aura?
You literally have no cope against this. If sticking a needle is all it takes, they would all be equally as powerful.
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Bisky said Gon LEANED Emission. He was centered back through training.
The wikia is written by fans, and is wrong about a few things.
Neteros statue is touching his body the entire time which means it is extremely high level transmutation.
It doesn't touch his body. It's Emission + Transmutation + Manipulation.
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The statue is pure emission
ging has two nen abilities emhancing his brain and emhancing others nen.
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Shaping your aura is Transmutation.
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>reconnecting/healing broken blood vessels, bones, nerves and muscles
is that all transmutation..?
she leans enhancment so probably not
>patching everything
The statue is always a few feet behind him which means it is 70% transmutation 20% emission and 10% manipulation.
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Her being physically stronger than Chrollo makes a little more sense now.. Still wonder what her divinated water would taste like
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Is Kurapika’s vanilla-ness intentional? Is it part of what makes him so divisive? Many uniquely relate to it while others can’t seem to stand it.
Chrollo in watercolors, Togashi already posted it on his twitter.
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I liked how bubbly his mom was, seems like he only took after her in appearance thoughever
>chrollo cover
Spider bros we are dead...
dont show your face again, tourist
greed island is gings nen ability
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I don’t know about “bubbly”, but I can see some personality similarities.
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Kurapika's dad was so lucky..
I am Kurapikachu
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>have your mother tortured, raped, murdered, her corpse brutalized, and her eyes sold on the black market to organ collectors
>when confronting the killer, he responds with this
Why is Chrollo such a turbo faggot? Holy shit.
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I like in the OVA for this scene Chrollo get's so wrapped up in his autistic thoughts that Machi has to snap him out of it, like if she didn't say something Chrollo would have stood there for an hour lost in thought
the light blue text is the sound killuas yoyos make and the dark blue text is the sound Chrollo's hand is making
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omg forgot image
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this is the sound Machi's strings make va the sound in Chrollo's hand
It could be that it works by first summoning the cat without dying, making a "contract" with it (give it your blood, perhaps?), and from then on it will work as described.
This gives a way for the user to know that the ability works at least to some degree.
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You can’t tell me “he” doesn’t have giant floppping jugs here.
>Killua leans Transmutation
He leans Enhancement, you mean
Yup, Chrollo cheated.
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Yeah, my bad.
>sticking around at vast distances
Sticking around is not a big deal, conjured objects can exist independent of the conjurer.
You will notice that Hakoware doesn't actually apply its interest at more than medium distance, because Knuckle isn't that good at emission to keep it going that far away from himself.
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She is so competent and smart. She will be an excellent ally for Kurapika in saving his charges
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Holy crap is this theory confirmed? Chrollo's hand and Machi's hand making the same noise
Chrollo without preptime would lose to cheedal (who is triple star hunter level) btw
Can someone explain to me the "ging is a bad father" meme? He didn't abandon gon in some gutter.
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>Taking my love for granted? Get it off yourself and stop me <3
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It's over. Doomchads won.
halkenburg just flew over my house
He didn't even abandon him he lost the custody.
When the fuck is Togashi going to say something about Chrollo cheating? I'm tired of looking like a schizophrenic retard with my headcanon in every thread. It's been 8 years. Togashi please
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2 pages again, we are winning
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>Gon is not the main character anymore
What's the point?
Kalluto is a crossdresser, not a tranny
Ging acts exactly like gon what's the problem
>Ging acts exactly like gon
What did he mean by this? Ging hasn't been in this manga in like 10 years btw
Togashi's wife Naoko is the one who is ACTUALLY inking hxh. The lazy scumbag togashi only came up with the name and leave the rest of the shit to his wife.
Just look at this artstyle, its definitely not drawn by a shonen mangaka. Its shoujo shit!
>husband works with wife
sounds fair desus
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First. Comes. Rock.
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Gon's endgame
Nen genius btw
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Strongest Character:
Beyond Netero
What a downgrade
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>What a downgrade
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Sarasa Kurta-Komachine
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You can never fully appreciate Ging without first getting to know Yusuke Urameshi.
The correct viewing order for your Togashi-sensei journey was supposed to be
1. Yu Yu Hakusho (manga or anime, preferably both)
2. Hunter x Hunter manga and all possible anime material (in no particular order)

Without the foundation of Urameshi's personality ingrained into your brain you will never truly "get" Ging. All hope is not lost however, there's still time to view Yu Yu Hakusho before Ging takes over as our fulltime MC!
If fully grown girl kite just looks like fully grown man kite but with red hair it'd be based
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Chimera ants are such a cool concept though.
ging is an entirely different character, with wholly separate likes and dislikes, and ways of doing things.

Gon has NEVER talked himself into the sort of situation Ging did with the pariston gang.

If you could boil down the characters into one word, they would be "savvy" and "curious", respectively.
Dark Continent Expedition arc anime when?
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guy cant reply because it's an objective FACT that the amount of nen needed MATTERS for manipulation purposes.

A weak manipulator cannot do much with a strong opponent, ergo conditions are NEEDED in order to get the necessary amount of raw nen into the target.

visuals show this. For regular manipulation with his regular needles, illumi needs to hammer the opponent with several. preferably across the entire face/head for ultimate control.

But the "special" needles require only one.
Probably never.
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>Hair or shit on the floor
Is palm making a surprise appearance?
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That arc really gave a strange first impression, was expecting it to be much shorter than it ended up being and also spending more time in NGL
Eh, they could probably adapt the pre-voyage parts (including the Kurapika backstory) into a short season. After that, the problem is that most anime are seasonal now but there isn’t really a good stopping point on the boat yet.
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she made that outfit from scratch, out of her nen, in under 30 seconds before this photo was taken
Was watching the anime and Gon told Killua he is not a virgin, he had experienced sex with sailors in kujira island.
>Oito is dead
Oh no...
Not sailors, female tourists.
Its supposed to be a gag that he doesnt know what he's talking about and giving the wrong impression to Killua.
that being said its funny to think that he was a milf hunter.
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Imagine if this happened instead lol
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>Red haired Kite
His hatsu was cool though, what the fuck is Kite's problem
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Chi
He also gets to have super powerful children if ever decides to have children. Downside is, he will mostly have retarded kids since he will be eating creatures of lower intelligence.
Making an ability that you hate using is a powerful condition
togashi will die first from his backpain lul
chimera ants reproduction method is so confusing
male ca can rape other species to reproduce? (after the death of the queen)
then what's the point of Phagogenesis?
they should just do incest and keep breeding new chimera ants i guess
He seems to have been healed.
His back is fixed.
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the real question is could luini kill meruem if he deactivates his portal just as meruem is halfway across? We already saw that his corpse got split in two when the ability deactivated after death, so why wouldn't the same thing happen to meruem?
Its been said by others, and the theory is sound: Kite developed it to get around his disdain for killing. He *needs* to use a weapon any time he deploys his hatsu, and there's some measure of choice involved ("this number only comes up in life or death situations"). But that choice is obfuscated.
Everything is made so that his conscience is soothed, and he's fully able to use violence due to this.

Ergo, he enjoys the ability. It would be a very weak ability otherwise.
To put it in another way: Kite can't be a hunter without this ability.

Its the exact same thing as Knuckle and Shoot
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402: final revisions in progress

back status: we're so back, its happening.
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>POV: Your favourite character just got turned into pudding by TserriedCHAD himself
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Chrollo (and the phantom troupe as a whole) is a power fantasy for third worlders, dude was a bum and got rich by being a degenerate and stealing

Hisoka has the appeal of an European aristocrat, which only white men know how to appreciate.
This would be great except I doubt Togashi keeps the pace going forever without hiatuses. But yes if he kept the current pace going he would probably have chapter 800 done by 2033 or 2034 which is insane to think about.
However I also think HxH would probably end naturally between 700 and 800.
Chudnichfags are the clowntards of the succession war, watch him job to the baby.
That's not what POV means.
For woman and zoomer it is
>Mass in one factor to be considered when talking about how much life energy you need to control a thing,
Your whole post shows that your speculation makes no sense with relation to HxH. The only time Mass is brought up is when fuel is an issue. Top man can keep his tops going for a while with extra aura on top to control them. Hinrigh can keep his oyster turned tracker shifted for about 2 hours and it's about a comparable size to a top, maybe a bit smaller.

And Zakuro who is a manipulator himself can only keep his vastly smaller ones going for about 40 minutes. But him being a manipulator answers this one because they are the ones that are known to be able to put more aura into an object so he can get nearly 1/2 the duration on his tiny blood drops that Hinrigh can get out of a palm sized object.

>If aura output is not a factor, why does he have needles with more aura than others
Compare the number of needles he had to throw into the head of that one hunter >>269106179 , the 10 Don's heads, the truck and car driver he used to ambush Killua. Each needleman only took one needle to control as opposed to many. I'd say because unlike Shalnark or Zakuro who have the same tool all the time for manipulation, Illumi's normal needles aren't as good at enforcing orders which is why he has to use so many of them. Also unlike Shalnark Illumi has to always aim for the head and directly interact with the brain, Shalnark can go anywhere on the target.

So Illumi keeping needles penetrated into his body and infusing his aura into them more than likely allows him to somewhat overcome the ultimate disposability of his needles. But even then he still took two needleman needles to get the one butler to be an articulate and "normal" as opposed to the normal needlemen who are deranged in appearance.
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Damn Hinrigh is pretty competent huh
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Took him 1 hour to go from final revisions until complete.
Gotta say he is making some fast as fuck progress. We're definitely getting more than 10.
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One man’s trash…
Just 2 chapters are finished? How are we getting chapters next month.
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Very competent. His En is around 5 meters which is respectable all things considered. Biohazard also shows he's well trained in emissions as well as enhancement and manipulation. His overall nen knowledge and ability to strategize are both shown to be at pretty good levels and he's no slouch as a fighter going by his reflexes. He can even keep his cool around someone like Hisoka and charmed the pants off of him and Nobunaga as well just by being himself. He's the right hand to a mafia don for a reason.

I really like Hinrigh, he's 100% going to be dead by the end of this arc.
Last Time, he continued working on the chapters After his return
I think the part about him losing the custody wasn not in 2011, it might be that
I like the korean smile man more desu.

Hinrigh is way too likeable and self sacrificing. Give me another Werefin type guy (CA arc mvp dark horse)
i think too many of them ended up looking like fursonas rather than the beast-like monsters we saw at the beginning
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Toriyama sacrificed his soul for this.
>Only 2 finished chapters and 1 almost finished chapter in 2 years
expect 403 complete in 1-2 hours.
he kept going until like 4 AM JST a few days ago too. so we might get 404 and 405 today too lmao. he is going crazy.
>I like the korean smile man more desu.
I hope Kenni is able to get more presence the next time the mafia gets focus. My initial impression was he was an accountant type guy but that was immediately dispelled when his way of finding Hisoka was a brute-force method of just offering a reward for information compared to Hinrigh who had a more meticulous way of doing it using records and soldiers. Hinrigh also has two more interesting subordinates in Lynch and Zakuro who both got to demonstrate their powers and how they are ideal for a search. Kenni has the rose tattoo crew and those guys were dumb enough to almost pick a fight with the Phantom Troupe.

Hinrigh also solved a number of the major problems last batch. He didn't locate the Heil-ly base but he successfully infiltrated and set the tracker and did the most in gathering information about it's people and how they move. He's already killed one member of that crew himself because he put himself in the front lines. His people also found Hisoka first while the Cha-R didn't seem to leave their own floor until afterwards because of Luini. And it was Hinrigh that approached Hisoka and did so the smart way. Not splitting up his people pointlessly when scouring the cinema. And being open and honest when talking which was ultimately convincing.

The only thing we really know about Kenni is that he's good at his job and if he smiles near you death is soon to follow. But he's impatient given how he immediately approached Nobunaga and the others who went to retrieve weapons and his subordinates have no real feats themselves to reflect well on him. He does have the autograph fanboy though, that guy is going to be important I just don't know how.

Takeuchi Naoko is my hero/
>rest of the novel also goes on hiatus
Thank you Possy O'Possum and Paranatural
Is he waiting for batches of 10 to do final edits?
Maybe he won't even release in magazines, only in volume format?
Togashi has a much better work ethic and writing capabilities than those two, but it's true that a total change of format like manga->pure prose is a very big shock to one's creative process and skills. I don't think Togashi would be willing to get rid of the visual elements of the story, he's not desperate for cash.
In this case it is, it shows the perspective of this presumed reader whose favorite character was turned to pudding
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>Hunter x Hunter is ov- ACKKKKK
unironically tobeppa
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I have the sense that he’s like that other author, where he’d definitely prefer to have it release in a physical magazine, even if it isn’t WSJ.
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Our heroes
>The only thing we really know about Kenni is that he's good at his job and if he smiles near you death is soon to follow. But he's impatient given how he immediately approached Nobunaga and the others who went to retrieve weapons and his subordinates have no real feats themselves to reflect well on him. He does have the autograph fanboy though, that guy is going to be important I just don't know how.

He strikes me as more of a "real" gangster, in the sense that he feels like an utterly ruthless man, focused primarily on cost/benefit calculations, leveraging his power and protecting his fief.

His gang aren't dumb, but violent like criminals are supposed to be. They don't want to back down in face of the troupe, which shows intimate understanding of power dynamics.

He basically instantly decided spiders need to die as soon as he met them, the only question is the how.

That's shows us he is sly, and not averse to risk for benefit. Inaction, to him, would mean possible destruction.
And there's no question they know they are super dangerous, but they still can't back down. Giving a more belligerent impression than Hinrigh also bodes well for his future (if he can manage to off the spiders, big if).

All in all he struck me as more level headed and understanding of his position than hinrigh, who acted with considerably more risk for far smaller reward.
You can disregard this if Hinrigh manages to kill a spider or several after gaining their trust (preferably with a large bomb transformed into a dog or something), I don't think this will happen though.
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Who will be the extermination team of the SW?
Missed opportunity of having flying hands posing and flexing weirdly next to shooto
Him and Palm weren't in the rush
we are the loliGON
I love Kenny and his group. They actually feel like a crime organization instead of a gang (hmrigh group) or a group of feisty fags (shadow beasts)
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Is Palm objectively the most beautiful girl in HxH?
That argument is so fucking funny because both Nobunaga and Phinks are right there.
No, you’re just desperate
Enhanced Blessed and Cured Melody At Her Max Potential and Empress Time > Kacho > Bisky > Palm stinky > Fuugetsu > Cammy > Theta > Shizuku > Palm ant > Machi
Bros, are we looking at a September resumption date? I think so, because August is too soon and October seems a bit far.
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holy fuck
August isn't too soon.
Theta is homely.
return should be a week or 2 weeks before september 4
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>All in all he struck me as more level headed and understanding of his position than hinrigh, who acted with considerably more risk for far smaller reward.
I don't disagree with your assessment that Kenni is more of a "real" gangster although both are real in the literal sense. But I would disagree with this. Both are level headed and understanding of their situation. Both knows that nobody really has a chance against the troupe and on top of that we have the third mafia going rogue. Hinrigh's is focused not on the small rewards but the broader picture and working towards that. Kenni is focused on what the Troupe wants in the end which is to rob and terrorize the upper tier but hasn't had a real opportunity to deal with Heil-ly. Neither wants to antagonize the phantom troupe because they can't afford to throw down that guantlet, but Hinrigh has made more progress in eliminating Morena who can't be ignored compared to Kenni. Kenni however has had the most screen time thinking about taking out the Troupe 1 by 1.

This is what I'm expecting as well. Maybe a swarm of rats made from Grenades in my case but he could easily sneak attack a member of the troupe with Biohazard.
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eh.... that's a nice coincidence but I doubt Togashi would use a generic sound effect for squeaking as the tell for Chrollo cheating. Also no way he remembers a detail like that from something he wrote 20 years ago.
How hard will the spider fans who want Henry to join the troupe turn on him if he ever kills a member?
I'm just a sucker for ruthless bastards what can I say. Especially if they're given some humanity (e.g. werefin)

Hopefully we get some Kenny Wang Kino this batch.
I have a hard time imagine nobunaga killing helpless people like Pairo and Kurapika's parents
No? They do it all the time
impossible, can someone at that age still get his back fixed?
My wife's old man was literally crippled from back pain, they wanted to operate on him and everything, and he spontaneously just got better. I don't fucking know how
You guys keep saying Kenny and I keep thinking of that Hunter who helped Kacho and Fugetsu escaped.
Fucks sake Togashi start being more creative with names.
キラ = kira (from kirakira / sparkling sound effect)
キュッ = kyu- (sound of a grip tightening)
clownfags can't even read katakana lmao
Here's my question: how long has the "Chrollo cheated" theory been around?
Was it being discussed during/after the fight was happening or was it invented sometime later as cope?
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>THE most followed mangaka on twitter
>THE most influential mangaka still active in the industry
>THE most ambitious creator of the 21st century
>THE most powerful marriage of the 21st century

Simply. Unstoppable.
People started speculating about it when Hisoka brought up that the antenna could be reeled in by a fishing line and when we didn't see Chrollo actually speak into black voice.
Also people thought it was suspicious that Machi, Shalnark and Kortopi were present, but none of the other spiders.
from what I remember Togashi misdrew Shalnark's antenna for Illumi's needle during the fight. That chapter is what started the "Chrollo cheated" meme.
It was during.
The problem is the definition of "cheating" being subjective and the emotionally charged subject itself.

Chrollo did what was responsible, and tipped the scales in his favor. This constitutes cheating, since he wasn't interested in playing along with Hisoka's fantasy at all.

Hisoka, justifiably pissed from this, takes revenge.

No one is really happy by the conclusion.
Spiderfaggots need to claim Chrollo was the best.
Hisokafags want their man to be #1.

No conclusion to the argument is possible.
based Chadrollo educating Hisochucks
I feel like if he really cheated, it would have been revealed already. Why would Togashi want to keep this a secret?
Since the fight was ongoing
Clownfags have been coping for 8 (eight) years straight lmao
Its not important. The "cheating" is a core facet of chrollo's character since York shin.
Why the fuck would he engage Hisoka in an honorable 1v1?
I seriously don't understand spiderfags. They "stan" a set of characters they don't understand or care about.

Only fan made canon and delusions
Whats interesting is that you’d think the succession war would be divisive because of the large amounts of text and characters, which is pretty much the same complaints about CA 3x. And we’ve seen the complaints a lot over the years. But I guess either and or
>succession war haters are a loud minority, and the same for CA haters
>Togashi has a large amount of legacy fans/buyers
>the people who complain about the arc are mostly anime only watchers who just came specifically for the Succesion war, and don’t make up the main buyers
we can smile
>Why the fuck would he engage Hisoka in an honorable 1v1?
Because he was willing to fight the most dangerous assassins in the world 2v1 while still fucking around to try and steal one or both of their abilities? Using a poisoned dagger is fine by him but he doesn't need other people to try and handle his fights. Retards that pretend otherwise are just desperate to try and make Hisoka look worse by taking away his acknowledgement that he lost that fight because of how he approached combat with Chrollo and the spiders.
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t-thank you anon now when I go through the manga raws I'll be able to clearly tell how many times the grip fx was used
If it follows the same pattern as every single batch in the succession war it should be August 26th. August 19th possible. Not sure if you missed it but Vol 38 releases september 4th. August is definitely not too soon.
togashi has a hard on for red herrings ever since the election arc. there is no way he gave so much cheating innuendo on accident. He is totally milking the fight for all its worth
Are you out of the loop or something?
The only reason people are hyped about him is because most of them are anime onlys that want a new anime adaptation.
Succession War Arc is widely hated, much much more than the CAA, hell, most people that have jumped and read it dropped it on the way.
The only people actually reading and enjoying this arc are mostly old autists.
>guy already going for a punch
>anon surprised that the gripping SFX accompanies his fist tightening as he goes for an aerial fakout kick
I'm not the guy that can't read characters. But there's no proof that the Grip FX exclusively indicates Machi's power being used so this is just a cope banking on nobody else reading through the entire series to compare how many people making a fist use the same SFX.
I wouldn't say its widely hated. I have seen a lot of hate toward it but that was mainly pre 371+ batch, and also almost all of the people hating on it seem fundamentally retarded and tend to have dogshit takes about everything.
Wrong. He was fighting for the opportunity to steal. There was considerable gain to fight these guys, that were in any case interrupting the massacre he was enacting.

In Hisoka's case, he's been bugging him forever, and was dumb enough to let chrollo get prep and fight at a prepared location.
To avoid any spider getting one shot by hisoka, he makes so it appears to be a straight 1v1, while it's secretly not.

Its not hard to understand. You are wrong about chrollo. He's not sentimental. He doesn't give a fuck about hisoka, or the fight.
There's no honor to lose.
its only hated by barely literate 2011babies
I also think part of the reason he was so cocky when fighting the Zoldycks is that his fortune didn't say anything about it
>Wrong. He was fighting for the opportunity to steal
I didn't say otherwise. He still fought both at the same time.

>To avoid any spider getting one shot by hisoka, he makes so it appears [Headcanon]
With no proof that he actually cheated stop pretending the default is that Chrollo had help and the reality is the opposition. He said he fought by himself using 5 abilities. The fight he won demonstrated those 5 abilities. If he can pull a knife in a fight he can have some fishing wire in his pocket and that solves the only problem anyone reasonable should have with that fight.
that doesn’t explain or match Up with the great sales the series still has. An anime only wouldn’t buy manga volumes since they would just wait for the anime. Unless you think there are a million old Autists waiting to buy every Hunter volume
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Meh. Know its used many times I'm not retarded. But its the context in which its used that's important. I mean... Hisoka has that grip sound the same chapter as Menchi. He's turning off the faucet.

I'm looking for the sound used when something ISN'T gripped.
Dude, outside of the very hardcore fan circle, practically no one likes this arc.
>I don't understand anything
>Too many characters, I'm lost
>Where's Gon, Killua and other old characters, too much focus on literally whos
>Too much exposition (too much to read), see THIS PAGE, this is a novel, failed the show don't tell rule
Most people don't have the mental capacity to follow what happens in this arc, let alone enjoy it. It's one of the biggest pleb filters ever created, if the CAA is a high fence, the SWA is a wall with pikes on the top.
>With no proof that he actually cheated stop pretending the default is that Chrollo had help
This is that emotional subjectivity that causes reason and logic to fly out the window shit.

You cannot accept chrollo would be "such a bastard" that he would take a favorable fight in order to win 100%, as if going up against hisoka in any capacity is not brave?
I don't understand you. Literally at any point, if chrollo made a slip, hisoka would've killed him then and there. Those were the stakes.

Instead, he masterfully used subterfuge and trickery together with his unique skill of amassing abilities to win. That's his character there, but you need ~more~

He needs to be gallant and dashing, and a righteous prince to boot
Most of the criticism I've seen about the Succession War arc comes from people who haven't even read it.
>How do you know?
It's quite simple. They often regurgitate the same complaints about the text-heavy pages and offer shallow criticisms, like saying there are too many characters or wondering where Gon and Killua are. They seem to think that having many characters is inherently bad, without considering how these characters are actually used in the plot. Many of these "critics" are either shounenshitters who are just butthurt about Hunter x Hunter, or 2011trannies unfamiliar with "black and white comics". You won't find these retards discussing the Succession War and its characters in any meaningful way because they don't truly understand it.
Togashi made the SW to filter out the audience and stop it from becoming the average normie mainstream anime. Can you imagine those threads but with Dragonball/jujutsu or whatever current shounen is most popular? Never, the hunterchads were hand-picked by Togashi-sensei himself.
>The manga got confirmed to return in september
>Still 1 month and half away
There has to be some levels of large casuals for Hunter volumes to ask 500k+ first week and easily sell a million within a month. Those are some of the best sales amongst the industry, still under series at the absolute top like one Peice and peak JJK, but greater than everything else.

If togashi has sustained a hardcore fanbase that will buy every volume to the point his sales are that good after being hiatus fucked, he’s doing something right.
>This is that emotional subjectivity that causes reason and logic to fly out the window shit.
If you want to talk about subjectivity, there are no facts that he cheated just speculation and opinion. How are you pretending otherwise?

>You cannot accept chrollo would be "such a bastard" that he would take a favorable fight in order to win 100%
I accept the favorable fight would be picking the venue, preparing the suite of abilities he used, and using one mundane tool like fishing wire to round out what he needed. Machi's presence is already affiliated with Hisoka paying her to be there and all the abilities Chrollo used could have been used by Chrollo himself under the circumstances shown. On top of that we went from people sure that it was four people helping Chrollo cheat to 1-2 over the years because as chapters and redraws came out the already shaky evidence got roughed out. Their only evidence now is some MS Paint images about Machi's string when other characters use the same SFX or also are able to re-orient in midair. And the cope that Hisoka is absolutely right on how long Chrollo needs to make a clone when he didn't even realize Chrollo was using sun and moon to keep them around until the near end of the fight.
>fishing wire he magically attaches far away at just the right angle for a perfect attack while ostensibly concentrated on making 10 times the puppets he was supposed to be able to make in a slower way (two times slower, so actually twenty times faster) than when that prediction was made based on Hisoka's battle-hardened sharp perception
I'm gonna call bullshit on this one chief. Much more likely he had someone making the clones and someone else with a "fishing wire" (which we know are two spots on the team who are there)
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>>fishing wire he [headcanon]
We already know he is still using Black Voice in the fight retard. If he has to push the needle into someone he can attach a wire to said needle first. And he wasn't making more clones in that exchange, Hisoka himself already is aware that Chrollo hadn't activated all the puppets he had made at the time.

Stop being retarded and read the fight slowly. It's been nearly a decade of you morons getting things wrong.
>403 done
Its over for doomerbros
Because the best time to reveal it is when Hisoka and Chrollo have another meeting, and Hisoka calling him “a cheating bastard who uses his friend and that’s why they’re all dead”. It would also serve to explain in retrospect why Hisoka was so butthurt.
So it’s best to reveal it later than now
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>No.403, completed.
After all, it's fun to apply tones.
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He's unstoppable.
You have to remember that hxh by itself is the oldest battle shonen ongoing together with One Piece and has had 2 anime adaptations on top of that.
It has a very strong fanbase specially in Japan from the late 90's/early 20's that are old now and will keep reading it forever. I'm also sure that to some extent, that fanbase does like in general the current content because they are in their 30's or 40's and is a pretty good read.
Also, you have to count that only a volume is released every 1 year with luck (usually more), so buying one volume every 1 or 2 years is not a big deal at all, even I do it, and I don't buy manga.
>4 hours to apply some screentones
Kek what a bitch. Doomchads stay winning.
5 (five) tweets in one day???
Bros, Togashi just finished 2 chapters in just 1 day. If my math is correct HxH should end before Christmas.
Doombros... he's not stopping...
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We're going to make it bros.
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>Because he was willing to fight the most dangerous assassins in the world 2v1 while still fucking around to try and steal one or both of their abilities?
Chrollo was 100% positive he wouldn't die there because he had just read his fortune that told he would be fine. He had the OPPORTUNITY to fuck around.
>Using a poisoned dagger is fine by him but he doesn't need other people to try and handle his fights
Him using a poisoned knife already established he doesn't give a fuck about some homoerotic "honorable" combat. He will do what it takes to win.
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Ging, leorio and kurapika will team up with beyond,partison and bill
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5 Posts in a row.
Today we feast gentlemen!
Hunter x Hunter stands for Gon x Killua.
>Let's fight one on one. I don't use cheap tricks.
>uses cheap tricks against the jobbest of jobbers and still barely wins
Yet clownfags still try to slander his name in order to cope with their one-sided, humiliating defeat. Imagine your favorite character getting (literally) blown the fuck out so hard you cope about it for nearly a decade. Absolutely mental.
>biggest pleb filters ever created
as I said. almost all of the people I see hating on it have retarded takes in general and can barely string together a sentence yet alone a coherent argument.
Beside the point. Answer this:
>Instead, he masterfully used subterfuge and trickery together with his unique skill of amassing abilities to win. That's his character there, but you need ~more~


Why are you so greedy? Why can't you accept the character the way he is written, being both ruthless and deeply caring for his friends? Such that even genocide and violent whimsy is not uncommon to the character? They are a gang that brutally tortures and murders anyone going up against them.

The main man is a hard fucking guy. You think he gives a fuck?

Why is the idea of him using help, all the incongruencies in the fight, the presence of spiders at the arena so strange?
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Explain how he placed the fishing wire for >>269105901
Also explain how Hisoka is immediately swarmed with hundreds of puppets immediately after this
BITCHjamin ducked the 1v1 with Cammy btw.
And he was correct to do so. A lion does not concern himself with the baying of a dog
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Because he didn't cheat and Hisokafags have been shitting up HxH threads with conspiracy theory tier retardation since 2016 (Meteor City elder was helping, Illumi was helping, ect).
I guarantee you they (if it's more than one person) are the one spamming shipping faggotry every chance they get, Hisoka fans are some of the most unhinged, insufferable faggots you will meet on this board. They probably self-insert or something, I can't figure out any other logical reason to act this pathetic and obnoxious for so long.
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>Chrollo was 100% positive he wouldn't die there because he had just read his fortune that told he would be fine. He had the OPPORTUNITY to fuck around.
The fortunes only told about a specific tragedy that would occur on a specific timeframe. It doesn't mean people are invicible. If he put a gun to his head with 6 loaded bullets do you expect each bullet to be a misfire?

Nice dubs
>Why is the idea of him using help, all the incongruencies in the fight, the presence of spiders at the arena so strange?
He doesn't need help beyond borrowing powers. I reject the idea there are any incongruities. And the people present all have just cause for being there without cheating being on the table. Otherwise you have, and I mean HAVE, to tell me that Shalnark helped him cheat when we saw Chrollo using black voice during the last leg of the fight. If you can't stand behind that you can't convince me Kortupi also helped him cheat.

>Explain how he placed the fishing wire for >>269105901
It's a point blank ability. He tied on a wire after he killed the referee and planted it on a civilian.

>Also explain how Hisoka is immediately swarmed with hundreds of puppets immediately after this
he wasn't immediately swarmed no matter how many times people post panels out of sequence or context.
True hunterscholars know this already. Stating it doesn't really help anyone.
Delusional cheerleading.

If at least you dumb tumblerinas actually valued the spiders for their actual characteristics and actions, one could respect that. Instead you write exclusively and solely extremely favorable and myopic takes so that these characters barely resemble the ones we read about

Case in point: "chrollo can't do that because it's underhanded and wrong to do so" (wtf?)
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>I will kill all my siblings IMMEDIATELY for the glory of the kakin empire
>GODmmy wants to 1v1 me?
Imagine Pouf splitting into 2 or 3 cute shota clones
Case in point. Neck yourself you stupid, delusional faggot.
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Sex with Machi
The text marked in red is a mistranslation.
The original text doesn't pose it as a question, Hisoka just makes an observation that Chrollo was able to change the trajectory of the attack in response to his defense.
Which is further obvious when the next page is a "Hisoka cumming page" in awe at Chrollo's skills. Which would make no sense if he thought this was some kind of aided cheat.
Now can you guys shut up about it.
Machi will also cheat by using her fishing lines to kill Hisoka
Wrong person >>269120924
>aahhh tserriednich the autistic art nerd
>finally someone on my level I'll fight you anytime
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>Lend me some of your nen Vincent, this is a baby we're up against
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Untouchable hands typed this shitpost. Cammy wanted any and everyone to kill her in the most obvious way. Musse had a mission which was his excuse. Benjamin doesn't have to sacrifice himself to prove a point when he has authority and intelligence.

Tell me again what was Cammy's plan here?
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>All abilities have strengths and weaknesses... people compensate by getting creative... they may pick their battles carefully OR FIGHT AS PART OF A TEAM...
>Manipulators can only exert their powers through people or objects, so they can never be without their weapon of choice... Losing the preferred weapon is often fatal.
So there you go. Shalnark and Chrollo knew the weakness of Black Voice. Chrollo wouldn't be able to send Black Voice puppets to distract Hisoka while Chrollo flees into the crowd, because the antennae are real objects and Chrollo would lose them. And without the antennae, there would be no Black Voice anymore. Without Black Voice, the entire strategy would go down the drain.
So it's weird Chrollo would send two puppets (with all his antennae) in the beginning of the fight in Hisoka's way while he fled in the opposite direction.
IF ONLY Chrollo could COMPENSATE Black Voice's WEAKNESS by FIGHTING AS PART OF A TEAM. IF ONLY Chrollo had a reliable way to retrieve those antennae back!
>what was Cammy's plan here?
She is a suicidal GOD. You wouldn't get it.
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Then I ask you:
What was Machi doing in the Arena?
She refused Hisoka's request to heal him after the fight. She told the other Spiders she refused his request.
So what was her official reason to being there as far as the other Spiders were concerned?
Maybe she had a role to play there OR SOMETHING...
All of the spiders were watching Chrollo's fight on TV together, laughing at Hisoka's dumb ass.
What do you mean planted on a civilian? How would that make the wire pull exactly when he wanted it to?
Yeah Benjamin is a violent man. He has brutish tendencies.

That's why his attention to advisors and ability to calm down and make gainful decisions is proof of his kingly qualities.

He truly does have the country in mind. At all times.
You know they're delusional. I try as hard as you. But the realities of the manga, the actual text, never mind subtext, is impenetrable to the spiderfaggot's mind
Cammy gets raped every single night by GODjamin's soldiers btw.
>What do you mean planted on a civilian?
Black voice's needles need to be shoved into a person to work anon. If there is a wire attached it's still the same difference to them.
>How would that make the wire pull exactly when he wanted it to?
He saw both of the people got killed, he pulled the string. Are you still confused or are you retarded?
Tubeppa victim btw.
me before and after HxH went on hiatus
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>he wasn't immediately swarmed no matter how many times people post panels out of sequence or context.
Chrollo would need at least 3 minutes to produce a hundred copies himself. That's EIGHTEEN (!) Potclean procs.
Pic related is all the time he would have. Please do your best to fit 18 Potclean procs in pic related in a way that makes sense.
So he's stopped working, and is just reposting drawings he already did, instead of working.

Theres like 20 chapters out their floating around.
I would like to read them.
GODbeppa is clearly the smartest prince no one can stop her. That's not a fair comparison. "BITCHjamin is a tserriednich victim" would be a more appropriate comparison.
>realities of the manga
>relying on mistranslations and retarded conjectures
Just stop posting, it's embarrassing
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>when anon literally showed how the raws use the same SFX for Machi's threads and Chrollo mysterious "aerial maneuver" >>269118517
You lost.
You can literally read them starting August 26th at the latest, unless for some bizarre reason this does not follow the pattern of every other batch.
Ging is so strong because he has experienced nen after death. That's also how he was able to teach kite how to make his revival mace.
>not posting an immediate swarm of puppets
I accept your concession.
That's the purest form of copium I have ever seen, take your meds
Whe the rumbling began, Chrollo was already using Order Stamp, meaning he wouldn't be able to produce any new copies.
>Still not posting an immediate swarm of puppets
What is your purpose?
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>no argument
You truly lost.
>The troop is going against Morena, who is going against Tserriednich, therefore the troop is allying itself with Tserriednich.
>Tserriednich called Melody to his room, which will probably end in her death, giving another even more personal motivation to Kurapika to take down Tserriednich.
>Hisoka (who may be Chrollo) is a wild card running around, on his way to where the succession war is being waged.
All signs indicate that Kurapika is going to ally with Hisoka to take down Tserry and the troop.
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Ok, here's your immediate swarm of puppets.
This. No idea how some delusional Machifags really think Kurapika is going to ally himself with the Troupe, like what the fuck?
So you are saying Chrollo was there holding Shalnark's phone and a physical wire that was used to be able to do one pull for a single motion and Hisoka didn't notice him? That's what's retarded
Those didn't attack immediately so you are lying and posting pages out of sequence to prove your fake point.

Concession accepted.
The troupe is not going to ally themselves with the prince because they're going after Kakin's treasures, speedreader-kun.
>So you are saying Chrollo was there holding Shalnark's phone and a physical wire that was used to be able to do one pull for a single motion and Hisoka didn't notice him?
Yes. You can't prove otherwise besides being incredulous.
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>cry about Chrollo cheating for a decade
>a fucking VFX
The city of clownfags
Yes they did. Hisoka heard that rumbling (= Chrollo was already using Order Stamp), Chrollo grabbed the mic and said "break Hisoka", then all those puppets attack.
They could've only been produced in the time frame I showed.
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nah, Hisoka is questioning the ability
Post what panels allow for any nonnegligable amount of time to pass between them. In action-paced sequences each panel represents one moment in time.
Do you think Netero vs Meurem took a long time because there were lots of panels?
Meruem cheated.
They are already doing Tserry's dirty work for him by taking down Morena. Kakin's treasure is second only to killing Hisoka, and even then, Tserry can give them whatever they want, even help in finding the men who killed Sarasa.
>Yes they did.
Immeidate doesn't mean the person has the time to jump into the middle of a place and monologue to themselves and watch chaos unfold.

I don't have to post any panels. Your retarded colleague already posted that it wasn't immediate
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Yes and he is also Red Cleaning Ranger, but that's after he uses nen time travel.
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>a physical wire neither Hisoka with his super gifted senses or us the audience ever saw
>when there's a Spider member who can make invisible, infinitely thin threads with no range limit
>when Chrollo's impossible aerial maneuvers have the same SFX as her threads
>when that same Spider member was revealed to be present in the Arena
>when Chrollo says he fights as part of a team
Fucking delusional.
Answer me: what was Machi's excuse for being in the Arena if she refused Hisoka's request, and the Spiders knew she had refused it?
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>what was Machi's excuse for being in the Arena if she refused Hisoka's request
My guy, you realize nobody was convinced about her "refusal" right? Not even goign to go point by point because the rest of your post is conjecture, misunderstandings, and stupidity.
Enjoying the sight of Hisokek getting blown the fuck out live, obviously
Did Gon cheat vs Hisoka too because Killua was in the arena? Retarded clownigger
>panel transition timelet
Netero must've taken like 15 minutes to die based on all the panels between the start of the fight and his death then
Shalnark and Kortopi were like "we're already confirmed his death, what are you waiting for?", meaning for them she couldn't be there to heal him or patch him up.
When she lied about being paid in advance, they pointed out how that was a lie.
As far as the Troupe was concerned, she wasn't there for Hisoka.
Still no proof therefore no argument.

>As far as the Troupe was concerned, she wasn't there for Hisoka.
And nobody pretends her reason for being there was anything less than Hisoka because "She's a nice person". You people are embarrassing to see because it's clear what happened. If Hisoka thought she helped Chrollo cheat would he have spared her when he killed Kortupi and Shalnark under your headcanon? And why didn't Hisoka mention any cheating and instead attribute his loss to fighting "Someone on Chrollo's calibre"?

Accept that hisoka lost in a 1v1 and Chrollo + prep defeated him soundly.
>why would he spare her when he killed Kortupi and Shalnark
>Togashi: Hisoka wanted to kill Machi right there, but I vetoed him
Oh no no no
Still haven't explained where the extra 2 minutes came from. Time was highlighted as important in the fight, we would've seen Hisoka counting down the minutes until emergency services came as he actually did (it only went to 10 minutes)
Does anyone have the image of Kuroro/Michael Scott?
I am showing hunter x to a friend, we are currently in the requiem of the 99 version.
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I am so fucking tired of clownfag coping in every single HxH thread.
>Still haven't explained where the extra 2 minutes came from.
Nobody has to entertain your headcanon about how much time Chrollo needs or how much time expired. The story doesn't give a firm countdown and neither can you. Hisoka still never claims that Machi helped Chrollo and nobody refutes that Machi was there because of sentimentality.

If you can't post Hisoka's exact timestamp for when he got swarmed you can't say one way or another when he got swarmed in that 10 minutes.
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So you are no longer even defending the idea that it was a 1v1 then. Post where it says the battle is a true 1v1 in canon, otherwise it's still your headcanon that Chrollo did have a true 1v1. At this point all you can say is it's unknown either way since there is still a reasonable doubt that the narrator doesn't outright confirm the implied time from the panelling. But the preponderance of the evidence is on the Chrollo cheated side based on the insane stretches needed for some of these parts of the fight
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>And nobody pretends her reason for being there was anything less than Hisoka because "She's a nice person
If they knew she was there for Hisoka, why were they telling her "Let's get the hell out of here"?
>f Hisoka thought she helped Chrollo cheat would he have spared her when he killed Kortupi and Shalnark under your headcanon?
Oh no no no.... spiderbros...
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>So you are no longer even defending the idea that it was a 1v1 then
I don't have to defend the reality of the fight. You have to provide evidence and if your best is that Immediate lets someone monologue to themself you don't have an argument. And if your other argument is that Machi wasn't there for sentimentality you still have no proof. Fuck your preponderance that's just words to cover up you can't post a single panel that shows Chrollo cheated.

>why were they telling her "Let's get the hell out of here"?
Because the guy is dead and they didn't think she had any other business.

>Oh no no no.... spiderbros...
Point out where Togashi stated Chrollo cheated here please. You poster like to highlight so pick either purple or red. By the way, Togashi already states that he killed Shalnark and Kortupi to reduce Chrollo's roster of abilities. Why would he say that if they only helped and Chrollo wasn't the person using their abilities?

how do you post evidence against yourself and pretend you won something?
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>Hisoka is a sore loser who killed defenseless Shalnark and Kortopi because he couldn't cope with being humiliated by Chrollo (who's intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor like me)!
>Considering the reflection and revenge from this battle, I wanted to subtly show Hisoka's seriousness in the cold, rational decision to weaken Chrollo's abilities.
Also Togashi:
>Hisoka is my favorite villain.
>Point out where Togashi stated Chrollo cheated here please
You fucking retard. You said "If Hisoka thought she helped Chrollo cheat would he have spared her when he killed Kortupi and Shalnark under your headcanon?"
To then I posted how Hisoka did want to kill Machi (for no apparent reason), but Togashi had to veto it.
So your questioning actually supported the fact that Machi helped and Chrollo cheated.
>You said "If Hisoka thought she helped Chrollo cheat would he have spared her when he killed Kortupi and Shalnark under your headcanon?"
And I can be wrong about why he would kill the other two. Togashi is the final word not me dumbass. But you would rather hand on my words rather than back the words of the author because you have no other arguments.

Hisoka would have killed all three because he swore to kill every spider on sight and because he wanted to reduce Chrollo's available abilities. Machi didn't help by any metric so her proximity is the only thing that put her on a target list and not her alleged aid. There is no argument she helped other than drawing colors on pages and ignoring that a certain SFX isn't unique to her.
>Hisoka would have killed all three
But Hisoka wanted to do that. It's Togashi who had to intervene to stop him.
>Machi didn't help by any metric
Keep trying to delude yourself into believing this and Chrollo used a Bass Pro Shop fishing line despite Machi being right there and Chrollo talking about compensating weakness by fighting as a team.
>But Hisoka wanted to do that. It's Togashi who had to intervene to stop him.
Good, and what else did Togashi say about the reason why? You have another TL here. >>269124396. If Chrollo cheating means he had help from the others how does this weaken his abilities?

>and Chrollo used a Bass Pro Shop fishing line
He would go to Urban Angler since he was in York Shin. But once again, being incredulous is not proof it's a weakness on your part.
It's not a genuine question of "How did he do this?" it's an expression of astonishment that Chrollo is skilled enough to juke Hisoka. No special abilities are needed.

And again, this is completely obvious in context, if you just see the next page. Which is Hisoka praising Chrollo.
>Which is Hisoka praising Chrollo
Because Chrollo was surprising him with moves he couldn't understand.
Occam's razor.
No special abilities are needed to change the course of the attack.
In that page all Chrollo did was attack with his leg instead of his fist.
Hisoka is aroused, not confused.
I like Kite.
A fishing line has limited range and can be easily spotted, cut, get blown off by an explosion, and traced back to Chrollo. If the line was compromised for any reason he would lose the antennas and his entire strategy would go down the drain. But Chrollo readily sent two puppets at once and was 100% sure he would win, why?
Explain to me WHY he would use a physical fishing line instead of Machi's threads who was right there in the arena?
When we know Chrollo will use a poisoned knife or fight as part of a team if needed. He doesn't give a fuck about honor.
>When we know Chrollo will use a poisoned knife
>or fight as part of a team if needed
He has never fought as part of a team since the series started. Even his flashback was a 1v1 vs Silva. I don't have to answer why he used a real fishing wire or weight the risks. You can't prove he cheated and that's all there is to it.
Chekhov's Gun.
What was the SFX doing there? Retracting your first doesn't produce a sound, much less leave an impact line in the air.
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>He has never fought as part of a team since the series started
Which is a massive Chekhov's Gun in favor of him cheating. Why the fuck would he talk about "fighting as part of a team" if that wasn't a thing in his previous fights? Why would that be relevant?
Hisoka also said Chrollo is always accompanied by at least two other Spiders. If he didn't fight as part of a team, why would he do that?
>Why the fuck would he talk about "fighting as part of a team" if that wasn't a thing in his previous fights?
Because other people fight as part of teams like in the previous arc to overcome a superior opponent.

>Hisoka also said Chrollo is always accompanied by at least two other Spiders. If he didn't fight as part of a team, why would he do that?
Because he's head of a major crime organization and because they over-valued his role across the board save people like Franklin who understood that even if Chrollo died the spider will live on. The fact that Kortupi is near him along with Pakunoda who grew up with him is proof this argument is fucking dumb. Is he really expecting Kortupi to save his life?
Occams razor hurts you more than it helps, since it would slice out the 17 potclean procs required for Chrollo to make 200 puppets himself
Also it would slice out Chrollo having to stand there like a retard entering commands in Shal's phones in the vicinity of Hisoka just to pull some guy's string once
17 Potclean procs would be for just 85 copies.
For 200 we're looking at some 40 Potclean procs.
It's utterly absurd.
>Because other people fight as part of teams like in the previous arc to overcome a superior opponent
Chrollo is not an AI spewing random bullshit. Every line is deliberately written by Togashi.
Chrollo randomly talking about something that happened with other characters in other arcs when he wasn't present doesn't make much sense.
It makes perfect sense considering >>269121769
Clownfag cope is entirely on another level, if HxH ended and not a single character talked about Chrollo cheating they'd still be trying to convince you it happened because there was an SFX used for Nobunaga scratching his balls in chapter 82
>Chrollo is not an AI spewing random bullshit
But you must be to continue to just make assumptions and provide no proof.
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For a crime to happen, 3 things are needed: Means, Motive, and Opportunity.
>Did Chrollo have the Means to cheat?
>Did he have the Motive?
>Did he have the Opportunity?
Also yes.

Chrollo cheated.
This cope is getting more esoteric by the minute

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