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>3 years till season 2
What now?
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Shitpost untill you don't like dm
Does the manga have nudity?
I want S2 now. I loved this shit
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How about instead of dumb shipping bait you spot screenshots
No. It did have harpy and minotaur boobs but so did the anime. I don't remember if there were other monsters with boobs later on.
Stalk Kui until we actually get a picture of her. I believe in the power of weapon-grade autism this fandom has in spades
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I didn't ready the manga, so I hope they shall be able to save the sister. She's too pure
We respect Kui and her privacy
Only a disgusting yurifag would ever bother her
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She's love
Kinda wack how despite all her recent appearances nobody has managed to snag a picture of her
>3 years
how the fuck? they showed a scene from s2 in the trailer, I bet most of it is ready
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The director said it himself here
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I want to save her
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It's Over.
Doesn't seem like much of an official statement
>now Patty fanart for 3 years
Oh god no
>t. projecting hetfaggot
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All that needed to happen was for them to animate Mithrun's fight and the canaries throwing the first floor into chaos and they would be getting a lot more attention during this long gap before season 2. Why didn't they do it?
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Wish I could read this but I don't speak Directonese.
My translator roughly has it as..
>"My grandfather loves DM. I wish he can watch season 2"
>"If he makes it another three years that is possible"

Again, I don't think it's an official timeline or just a cheeky comment
Thank you for the direct response.
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Pattadol the RESOLUTE
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Everything will be allright!
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Do a quick playthrough of Pyanadon's factorio mod.
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Consume more fake lore of Chilchuck's wife.
She has a crazy amount of art for someone who we've never seen.
no need, and they shouldn't. season 2 already got plenty enough hype as it is and it doesn't need more. don't you fags learned anything from CSM about overhyping a show to high heavens?
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Izutsumi erotic...
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I'm planning on still making mods while we all wait, just don't expect them to be as big, plus I might branch out from just doing Dungeon Meshi so I don't typecast myself. I'm planning on focusing on adapting monsters since it's cheaper than a full hero and it gives me more practice toward an eventual Chimera Falin boss.
It's over
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Bless you, DDanon.
darkest dungeon got me bored and never finished it but might come back for your mod
please tell me your joking
*eddit humor
Thats something like "hmmm, about 18 months until production begins with our schedule"
Kui’s fault for teasing so much and never delivering Marcille finally meeting them.
Damn. The hype will likely fizzle out by then
She did show Chil's kids atleast
wait for Frieeeeeren to unhiatus
Show how they look like definitely is not enough
Is them lusting after Laios not enough?
I guess they must be focusing on Panty and Stocking until then.
>Lusting for Laios
You mean lusting for his wealth.
>3 years
Was there a confirmation?
Nevermind. Saw the other post. If that's true then I'm ok with it. I'd rather wait to get it in the best state it can be, instead of living with a rush job that won't be fixed.
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Now you practice your cooking.
Whats with all this kino fantasy anime all of a sudden?
All the fantasy isekai slop allowed a few good adaptations to get greenlit
Look yummy
I believe Kui was offered an adaptation while she was still writing but she made them wait until she was finished.
yeah, I know Trigger had been begging for a while to get the rights to DM
Weird, what causes a high profile studio to offer a two cour adaptation right away to a literallywho mangaka in a relatively small magazine?(remember that DM wasn't that popular until almost 2 years in)
Is Kui cute? Did some higher up at Trigger wanted to bang her?
It's a neat, little, self contained story that they could plan for and not worry that it would go on for 15 years
They need to fund PSG2 and train animators, I reckon
DM got popular before the anime started production, it won some awards too if Im not mistaken and they probably recognized the potential for it. Also they made the manga comercial, Kui liked it and she is the one who picked them so likely there was more studios interested in it by that point.
the series director is a DM fan. he wanted to adapt it and got shot down when he was new to trigger, but pushed to make the vol 8 commercial which got their foot in the door for the full series adaptation. also Kui's won some awards for her anthologies in addition to DM, if I'm not mistaken. she's not a really big name, but she's got some credentials.
I'm not seeing "2027" there.
>don't remember if there were other monsters with boobs later on.

until there is an official statement I wouldn't read too much into it.
Pattadol lending an ear I see
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OST is out. Waiting for (You), yes (You). I know (You) are a nice guy and will upload a link here for us.
Any fansubs for this show?
o, the kot
cute hurdy gurdy
>3 years till season 2
>didn't ready the manga
Fix this issue. It's worth it I promise.
Read the manga like a normal person. It's fine to use anime to springboard into something, but don't dick around waiting years when there's a story already waiting there for you
She's the best, anon. You BETTER want to save her.
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Is it only out in Japan?
I wish. Just fixes for the onscreen text and overlapping dialogue would be enough for me. Maybe add honorifics for the truly autistic.
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AAAAAHHHHHH, Kui said to stop reposting the what-ifs!
WE'LL STOP WHEN THEY SELL THEM TO US! Also, why did she want them to stop being posted?
Since they came exclusively in the BD's
The ones not available here in the west? Yeah, nah, Imma keep reading them ILLEGALLY
she actually posted in english on her blog
>Please do not reupload the Blu-ray and DVD purchase bonus comics. (Dungeon meshi “what if” comics)
>These comics are thank-you gifts drawn for those who purchased them.
>If you see them, please do not share them.

I agree with the other anon, I would buy them, but would appreciate being able to actually read them since I'm not fluent in moonrunes. While they're at it, could yen press at least announce the updated bible and/or daydream hour? they're doing a fucking boxed set before so much as a word on those two.
>"stop pirating our manga!"
>can we buy them?
As long as they don't give people a chance to buy it, then they're going to lose money to piracy from people who want to see it.
kill yourself
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speaking of the blog, how about we all calm down and have a snack?
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For now I just can't wait for the full soundtrack
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What makes you think the BDs will never come out in the USA/wherever west/etc,
You can order it from japan, nothing but the cost is stopping you.

I'm a pirate too but let's not make disingenuous false excuses. Ultimately these extras are bonus for those who do pay, there is nothing outrageous or hard to comprehend about that.

It's *us* who are *not normal*.
>doesn't post any new drawing on her blog in months
>finally posts something
>it's this
based kui... i kneel...
do the japanese BDs even have english subs? I am actually willing to shell out for these things but I loathe the idea of buying a product I can't actually enjoy, and I don't know fuck all for moonrunes or their spoken deviltongue.
Even when the blu-rays make it here, they almost never have the extra content. Don't get me wrong, as soon as it is available, I'll order it for sure. I love the series. But the west usually gets the short end of the stick when it comes to extra content.
Same. I love the track that plays whenever they show some Falin flashback that shows her being kind or competent.
>why did she want them to stop being posted?
Because it's exclusive content to promote the BD sales. Might not even be her personal wish but some higher up that told her to pass the message.
>do the japanese BDs even have english subs?
This. If it has an extra at all, it'll be on the BD itself. And I highly doubt that Yen Press would make an extended version of the revised Adventurers' Bible (if they bother to release it at all) just for the American market to get those bonus comics.
It's accesible on Spotify and other music services
>3 years
I'll be 40 by then
>Might not even be her personal wish but some higher up that told her to pass the message.
I really doubt that given how she's handled her blog historically. she's not the type to make a lot of corporate statements. she didn't even say anything about the story she had in the recent harta compilation.
Because Harta has a digital edition, so does every other release of her. So it's different seeing pages of those things floating around than it is from the BD exclusive printed pages.
I meant more like an announcement or other plug for it. she just doesn't talk on social media.
>not available in your region
The US dollar is anathema to the Japanese.
Dew it!
I want to fuck Marcille
Get in line
Is it really not available in America, or is it coming later?
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I’m not a king though
Official video game when?!
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I'm reading the manga and I hate how quickly I'm consuming it
It goes quick with only 97 chapters. Still so fucking good.
the release schedule was really the only limiter put on readers, now that it's finished there's no reason to expect an audience to hold back.
twice a year, every year, like half the thread was absolutely gutted to find out they had to wait two months between chapters instead of just one, it's really telling, looking back.
When cooking sims become viable
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I can't control myself. I started watching the anime when 19 episodes were out and I watched them all in one day(night)
welcome to the dungeon, bitch
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Izutsumi is top cute
Bro, I just watched the anime less than a week ago. Found the chapter the anime stopped at and finished from there. Currently reading it from the beginning. I fell fucking HARD. I love this shit.
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Good night, cute short-lived things.
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Try Etrian Odyssey 2U. It's got some fun cooking and dungeon crawling.
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The last BD box was also released and that means new what ifs, waiting for the kind Anon that always post them here, we promise we won't tell Kui sensei about it.
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I'll post them as I finish them + add them to the google drive, though I'm pretty slow.

But here's the first page anyhow, loving Senshi's dream...
>Seshi sweating bullets trying to feed his baby bird friends
>dat Izutsumi bird
Moma bird Senshi is adorable.
kek I just noticed that
Scrooge McChuck
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Seems there'll be a concert next year
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Chillchuk going full Scrooge huh
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Do you think they had sex?
She sees him as a pet, right? And shes White, right?

Looks like we can't out-autism this situation.
lmao what an autist.
>it's not a griffon, it was probably a hippogriff
>well what can we do about it?
>guess we'll die?
thanks Laios, very encouraging.
Would you?
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I just finished the manga. I'm sad it's over. I'M SAD!!!
Laios and Marcille
>What now?

You read the manga
I don't remember this chapter
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top lewd
her loincloth is honestly so unnecessary
i imagine her cooch is covered in fur already
Kui can make anyone look cool.
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Will she be going back to prison?
>tranny insults
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Post cute and canon

Last one, somehow the story just kept going..
Izu breaks the fourth wall and nothing is solved.
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the real reason i read the manga was because people kept posting pictures of this stupid fucking cat
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he sniff
Keikaku has power of its own
>gotta find who tf asked
Give your sister cat ears and hug her.
I don't, but I also don't care what she looks like and want to see her do more work. I guess what I want is for her to draw herself at age 20 in a romcom where she fucks a diverse series of men and possibly women and fantasy monsters.
What does Izu holding?
A flexatone

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The OST is on youtube, though it may not be accessible in all regions.

GRIDMAN 2026. The leak was real
Man, i didnt think trigger would still stick with 1 anime per year schedule.
Wait, why is Senshi even telling them this story? None of these people would have met without Laios.
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Don't question the power of the 'what if' storyline.
The horror she endures is a good allegory for female puberty. It starts much earlier, so the tiny drop of a your provisional, little girl sense of identity is added to a newly expanded brain capacity and a host of alien urges that people around you may or may not be willing to help navigate. What was you is suddenly an appendix that a new creature using a giant disfigured version of your body references sometimes as it navigates the world it was just born into on a mission you won't even get to discourage: find a certain man, obey a certain man, destroy obstacles to this end. You watch as different people try to use or stop the creature by invoking it's mission, calling on you to restrain it, or just using force. After years of this, to the point when you can only discern it's feelings from your own through slow dry logic, the intervention of people who care about you to restrain the creature finally pays off. A battered little girl can once again drive her body and make decisions, though now burdened with complicated new upkeep and various compulsions. You're too warped to carry on the relationships you had before. So you hack together an 'adult' version of yourself, repair such relationships as you can and soldier on, sometimes suffering bouts of following the creature's mission but slowly learning to triple check your own thoughts and motivations to mitigate it. It's kind of hot.
I want to breed mithrun so badly
Her stepfather was a dwarf. Her first time was with a woman. She sold her hair to afford a violin as a child. She wanted to name her children using elvish swear words but Chill talked her out of it. Her mother is alive but she tells people she's dead because she wants her to not exist. She had a son, but he fell to changelings and she killed him with her own hands without telling anyone. She and Chill later considered having another man sire her a son so they could have one again, but decided against it the night Mayjack was conceived. She's missing a toe on her right foot from fighting a Tallman alone; he almost got her, but she hid in a tree. She refuses to learn dwarvish. She's very good at baking but hates doing it.
No, she's sensual. You want to touch her even if you don't want to fuck her. Optimum cuddling life form.
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> Marcille and Thistle
Gee I wonder if this track will play anywhere specific in a later season...

Someone who knows that the cat is flat. Good on them.
I can get the whole thing from interlibrary loan. I only don't because I prefer digital versions for comics.
I suppose Odin Sphere as well. And older monhun, back when it was a decent single player game.
I will download it when I get home! I didn’t the full Made in Abyss ost and it is gone now.
I should buy it anyway.
stop giving me a boner bro
She sees your boner and hisses at it because it looks like a snake.
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Is it possible to induce heat in cats? Asking for a friend
Probably with hormones. Also catnip does that if they're close to it anyway, but it's more effective after the first few heats.
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Wait, seriously? Trigger must've had another show get a higher bid or something then

Guess I read the manga.
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Precious kitty
This is why I think season 2 may be sooner than we think. They've clearly already begun at least some work on it.
There's no way this gets stretched beyond 2 seasons, right? They already hit over half the story.
Seventy fucking eight (78) tracks? Is it Christmas?
I'm willing to bet they beat Laios to death before getting wiped out by the Hippogriff because he was just too damn annoying
I think they could make a movie with the finale. I don’t expect that but it would be pretty cool.
what the fuck is kabru's end game?
Living in Laios' castle as a royal advisor. Also marrying Rin and cheating on her
Nice but there's nothing when I go to the channel. Is this a region issue too? (even though I can play the videos themselves just fine)
Becoming Laios' personal twink while making mithrun marry his stepmom
Tf? I thought this was a weather pattern for Cape Canaveral.
>Marcille still hugs Izutsumi and not Falin

Farcille utterly btfo
Interesting name for this one. We've already heard it in season 1, but I wonder if we'll hear it during Marcille and Thistle's half-elf discussion or when Marcille becomes a dungeon lord too.
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Its up. Finally some good fucking food.

It reminds me of Chrono Trigger
Does he know?
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Based Dungeon Meshi giving me a reason to live for another 3 years
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I love my dumb blonde elf wife.
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Falin is so cute, I can't take it, bros.
She has a lot in common with Erufuda.
? No she fucking doesn't
>when the senshi cock hits so hard shuro cums when watching
>izutsumi: izutsumi
>no worries at all
Laios’s version of Marcille was the hottest
>not the level99 Mayor
Gonna set this one as my notifications bell
Read Marcille x Failin porn.
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i'm just looking forward to the next Overlord season
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Read Falin x Laios porn!
while this version of the story would obviously have less personal stake, I would love a more detailed version of the story with Falin in the party. Especially since the orc clothes kind of imply the bonk mage take on her is true. a little sad we are at best just going to get a few more snapshots like this where she's just present and not really changing anything.
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>bonk mage take on her is true
always have been
>Falin killed a Kelpie in the past
>with ball-onchain a flail
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I prefer the mule
we've seen her swinging blunt objects, but she's only actually bonked something on screen bigger than a walking mushroom once. And marcille can bonk a mushroom to death. We need more action cleric Falin.
Isn't it confirmed that her mage staff doubles as a mace?
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Falin isn't fat, Falin is BRICK
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yes but it's kind of downplayed
>Even when the blu-rays make it here, they almost never have the extra content.
I wish they did more special editions with the bonus stuff included, but so few series have done that, which is honestly annoying considering how expensive some releases are over here for only half the series and no bonuses.
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Staff falin solos the dungeon
In the what ifs it clearly shown if she wasnt swallowed she would survive quite well in the lowest level of the dungeon
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She also beat a cock to death
>bonked something on screen bigger than a walking mushroom once
I love the contrast.
>cute imouto Falin bonks shrooms with eyes closed, all worked out
>dragon-seasoned fluffy Falin strikes with piercing feral gaze, unblinking, single-mindedly focused on total and assured destruction of cock
if Falin kicks you in the nuts, it probably splits you in two all the way up and makes a gap in the clouds
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Falin will resist her desires
Falin looks like she doesn't shave her armpits or bush.
Toudencest is so based. Is there more of this?
Need the snout to bend
Is falin actually trying to save shuro here? Now that she has dragon strength her pelvis is basically a bulldozer and I doubt any penis weaker than a literal monster's could handle that
Poor girl either needs to just lie down and let shuro does his job (she will feel nothing) or actively seek dragon cocks to fuck
I can't imagine why, this series is so mid
Beware of a fat old man in a profession where men usually die young and resurrect skinny
>the governer could actually solo the winged lion
>he just doesnt because beating everyone on surface, earning millions in dungeon money and getting unimaginable luxuries is just better
Blondes have more fun.
She's too proper to let that shit go. Post chickening, that shit must be a nightmare.
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Isn't she still mostly human? Just a little more feathery?
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Why is she a cavewoman
She has to wear SOMETHING while surviving the 4th floor!
presumably she survived the dragon by somehow hanging out with orcs and not getting rapemurdered.

Why is the 2nd ending so good?
>nice nose
>big breasts
>big ass
Why didnt the orcs immediately make her some chieftian's fuck doll?
Considering that's a part they regrew a second time after diminishing the chicken, it might be a pristine and perfect set of equipment below the waist. With no bellybutton.
Only to save Senshi embarrassment. Everyone else wouldn't mind or get weird about a nude Falin.
So whos the first guy she uses her new set of genitals on?
She'd take 10 of them with her and they can't res.
What's your preferred way for downloading?
The first one to ask and not make a chicken joke.
it's full of Marcille's soul
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Oh Falin
I wonder how good she'll taste when fried
Nothing about this anime missed, goddamn.
Which song is the one that plays when chimera Falin is revealed at the end of the episode?
In a battle right
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same here, I'm glad I did
Ok guy, after reading yalls comment I am confused
Is falin a slut who whore herself out to earn the party money and had fucked thousand cocks except shuro's? Or is she still pure
Memes are memes. She hasn't been with anyone. Hell, she's as autistic as her brother.
Falin could probably solo the tribe with a mass debilitating spell.
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Damn that's eery, imagine
Assuming they expect magic and ambush her though, she might only flatten the few closest to her or just escape.
She is a woman who fucks to make nice men feel good but never gets attached or very horny herself. In the world she lives that means she occasionally has a hookup before moving on. A pure slut.
The only accurate word in this word vomit.
>escaped from a dragon
>killed a leopard to wear with bare handed, by the look of it
she doesn't look like the type that's easy. Probably can cast that over and over while orcs go BAKANA MASAKA
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Cute kot.
Old man... ganbatte
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We don’t actually know that much about her since she doesn’t do much in the main manga

This short thing with Shuro actually gave a lot more insight into what she thinks
I love engrish so much bros
because first ending was not fitting at all, the second is not great, not terrible
Memes are sometimes based on the truth
I get Conan vibes out of the soundtrack, when listening to it in isolation.
Feels like it's better than its utilization in the anime. Maybe it is particularly the comedic scenes that I remember and the soundtrack lets you enjoy the more dramatic tracks.
>Chilchuck start seeing her previous ex's before his wife
I think the Bicorn was fooled.
>Laios: A sexy Chimera (that looked like you but I can ommit that part)
>Marcille: I KNEW IT!!!!
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He should have just told her and damned the consequences
>marcille's dream man is literally just mithrun
If he isnt a elf popo and wear an eyepatch instead of a creepy Glass eye marcille wouldve bounced on his dick the instant she saw him
>3 years
I'll be fucking 40 by then, i don't know how i feel about this
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Are they married, is that her as Queenin that painting

If so Laios should just tell her, why would she get mad
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I dunno. There are websites that do that and there is also jdownloader. No idea what still works.
>not actually 40 yet
look at that bastards not appreciating what he has
The OPs were pretty generic. Could have used more fitting music. The entire OST is fitting only the OPs are the same shit to other generic OPs like Spy x Family.
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S2 better have power metal OP.
Who do anime producers get for power metal these days? Or is this part of the sony collective?
I'm guessing your birthday is August 12
No fucking way falin is a virgin
The problem is who did she lost it too since her whore tendancies seems to appears as early as school days
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I can’t wait 3 years for more wolfcille art
One guy is like another. What does it matter?
What kind of fan fiction is this?
Eh, I take it over more Laios-worshiping.
This nigga somehow got to animate the anime
Its like hiring a frodo x gandalf B/A/O fanfic writer to write the sequel of lord of the rings
The only men she’s been around are Laios, Shuro, Chillchuck, and that nameless guy that appears in Marcille’s fantasy about the relationships in the party
Her pussy got destroyed and remodeled two times. It's hard to say.
They hired ZONE to animate Indivisible on the strength of his Skullgirls porn.
Not really, hiring fanfic artist to animate doesn't mean she has any power over the content.
No shit (this shit is based on the manga at the end of the day) but still insane
Worst part is that Laicille actually works at the later part so the guy could just go full nuts in s2/3
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luv kitty
Who fattened my fluffy beanpole? Philistines.
Just adding a light blush to certain scenes would create a shitstorm
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Marcille is always blushing.
Nice. Which one is the ost at the end of episode 16?
I want to see Laios soloing the dungeon continued.
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Are cute innocent dark elfs the way of the future?
Cute Queen of Melini
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way of the past actually
It's a 'what if' story where Falin married an orc.
Just read Perle's Falin x Laios doujin. It's interesting how she got inspired for it.
I managed to hold myself to one chapter a day until they got to Thistle's house. Binged it after. What a fucking ride. Wish I had been smart enough to pick it up while it was ongoing.
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never post that image ever again
or what?
>no one can beat the cock
>not the cock
>except Falin
>takes off buttoned shirt, reveals tanktop with jacked arms
>"Just because I'm out of mana doesn't mean I'm out of options."
i'll put you on a fucking diet
I empathize with Laios. No straight man can look at Izutsumi and resist the temptation to count her nipples
of what?
i'd need to do more than just count them if you know what i mean
I'm sorry to spoil your desperate need to project yourself onto Laios, anon, but he wanted to count her nipples purely out of autism, not horniness
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I've never seen someone get physically restrained for simple 'curiosity'
>Falin is depressed because she’s secretly incestuously in love with Laios and turning into a chimera represents how fucked up she is

Whew perle
It's Laios, dude. He's one of the few characters who would actually need to be held back because of curiosity.
i like mid
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they should have let him
It’s funny everyone thinks he’s some kind of sex pervert while he isn’t except maybe with marcille
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>girly ass name like 'Mickbell'
>little ponytail
>feminine voice done by a female VA
>doted on by an animal companion

Dumb show , tricking me into thinking this smug halfling was a cute girl for several episodes.
Shit, I didn't realize until I read the Adventurers Bible.
this and based
Wait wait wait... it's a boy? I saw some extras where she was shirtless at the beach an thought she was just a tease
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Making demons these enigmatic and eerie beings made them pretty cool
>Hope is the thing with feathers
No, Falin is.
maybe kui hasnt had any real romantic experience being a weird trpg nerd and seethes at couples walking in the snow
To add to the confusion, I've read that in the Spanish dub Mickbell gets referred to as a girl.
In that Famitsu interview, Kui admits she never played TRPG or even heard of D&D before planning the series. Her reference was only games, specially Wizardry, and that's why she started playing different fantasy games. All for research.
I don't give a shit about the spanish dub, faggot
the difference between trpg and crpg makes it worse seething...
would he be disappointed with the result tho?
Is he into it for the bizarre factor, or is just knowing satisfaction enough for him, even if answer is lame? Something tells me it's the former.
new shpos
shpo really seem horny for Milsiril, the number of lewds may overtake marci at this rate
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>putting signatures on AI assisted slop
Makes you think
can't draw her naked
post the rest you fucker.
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I suffer...
please bro...
Dungeon Meshi have a strong no-loli policy likely imposed by the editor as Kui herself had plans for important loli characters and were denied. Kui was only allowed to have lolis as minor characters only mentioned in the main series (for example Chil's daughters) they only got to show up in extras. I think Kui "sneaked lolis" by making girly shotas (like Thistle for example who even have clothes covering his chest in the beach extra art, and by making Marcille below the age of adulthood for elves.
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>tfw no Dungeon Meshi for a while.
Are you winning, son?
>Dungeon Meshi have a strong no-loli policy likely imposed by the editor as Kui herself had plans for important loli characters and were denied.
Source: your asshole, I guess?
You're making a conjuncture because of the concept art of Yaad being a girl and her noting that it would make the relationship with Laios weird. No such thing as a 'policy' by the editor, author or magazine.
>girly ass name like 'Mickbell'
>Forgot Meriadoc Brandybuck
>Forgot Pippin Took
I typesetted a few comics but never got a chance to post them since there's rarely a thread up lately
You will still be here. I will be here, too. It's only matter of waiting and doing the same thing we have been doing all this time.
Those two weren't also sporting ponytails and female actors/voice actors though.
That's all, sorry for the spam
>Falin still larping as a cavewoman even though they had to go through the snow area and ran into their belongings there
What are the lore implications of this?
Thanks, anon
I like love stories and good endings...Fuck me for being a nig softie!
no sorry. Thank you for the spam!
its because she has finally embraced the unga bunga. To return to what she was... it is impossible, right?
Not spam at all, these were neat! Really well done fan comics.
She EARNED that leopard's pelt in a battle to the death, and she'll be damned if she doesn't get use out of it.
>But all I want to know is where's the Winged Lion?
Underappreciated sex
Mayjack is smart
Well it wasnt just her, but her with an unattainable kink. Without black magic, that is
Thanks for these m8
We have major characters male and female for tallman, elf, dwarf and even orc. All major half foot characters are male and the only female gnome is an elderly one. This exclusion doesn't even make any sense since neither of the roles for half foot and gnomes require physical strength and the combat dwarves are all women. We only get Chilchuck's family as female half foots and they are only mentioned in the story, same for Holm's sister. No female half foot or gnome that aren't relatives to a major male character are mentioned. Considering how diverse the cast is it is impressive how two of the major races in the story have zero female representation with the exception of Mrs Tansu who barely have any line at all.
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after this, Mayjack had a scheduled appointment with an elf that needed some coinslots opened, checked out, lubed, and thoroughly tested
they are already out of the snow area and in the hot dwarven need to strip area
Hard to think of a combination more useless in combat than a girl gnome (as showcased by gnomecille)
caster, just like male gnome. Marcille shown was half foot and of course the caster as half foot would be terrible since half foots have low mana but a female half foot would be as efficient as a thief as a male, even better since they are smaller and would weight less and Chilchuck even recommend his daughter services.
Marcille was a half foot, not a gnome. gnome casters are pretty good in general as healers/spirit users since they have the second highest mana capacity.

but yeah, half foot casters would be basically useless.
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>bullying the cutest Marcille

Stop that.
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literally what did she mean by this?
I finished season 1 an hour ago what a great show but can they really drag out whats left for 24 more episodes
The show stopped at pretty much exactly the halfway point of the manga
> drag out
you say that as though they didn't sort of rush through a lot of stuff in the first season?

If they just slow down the pace a bit (which they should) then it'll all fit in a second season nicely. Also, a fair few of the later chapters are longer than earlier ones, anyway.
While the thread is here
>download "full" manga
>turns out it's just the first 13 volumes
I have to assume the manga ends with Laios eating the world
unironic child predator
I don't think the 14th volume is out officially in English yet.
came out officially like, two days ago, but yeah, you're better off just downloading/reading EHScans version instead
>the first 13 volumes
have u checked nyaa.si, 1r0n uploaded complete manga, including v14 couple days ago
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Is this a filtered photograph, or an actual drawing?
DDL link if you mind torrenting for whatever reason

I wish the manga continued. I know it's childish to wish for more of a finished thing when it's already perfect but i just want more. More of the world, more of the adventures.
an actual drawing, its just drawn to look more 'photorealistic' than Kui's regular style.
Finishing it was satisfying, but it made me sad. sequel following Falin travelling the world when?
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Falin AND Seshi. And maybe we meet some other related characters like Chilcucks daughters
>elf ears have pointed tips (unlike Marcille)
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I feel you anon. When I first started reading it I felt it maybe wasn't for me but then it just hit all the spots for me and at the end I wished there was just at least on more chapter and one after that one..
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any manga recommendations after reading dungeon meshi?
How many generations of this do you think she goes through until she starts distancing herself from their descendants?
the dragon, the hero, and the courier is fun. Though, I'm not sure where he's going with the story at this point. Our protagonist is clearly working for the bad guys now...
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I believe she is innocent.
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yeah, innocent of being notguilty. She's like a superpedo. I wonder what chilchuck thinks about Half-foots being preyed on like this
is the protag a girl? They seem to be wearing a skirt and have a DFC
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Well, all pics Kui drew of her were with very halflingy and wee girls, but they were still adults, for a halfling.
I do like Fleki breaking the 4th wall on this one
with falin
Golden Kamuy
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Thanks. Now I finally know how did Yuri Project translate the most important line in the final arc.
fucking hate fleki smug ass grin in the third panel.just make me wanna punchher.
She mentioned a husband, and photos of her apartment have baby toys in them.
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You're just upset.
Others gave straightforward recs, so i will give backwards tangentially-related recs.

If you want something else to laugh ridiculously (but you have to like crazy stuff), Rosen Garten Saga. Come on, not that much more homo than Golden Kamuy. If at all even.

If what you want is something else with cute elf, Isekai Ojisan.

If you want nicely drawn hard (actually, dark) fantasy, Re:Cervin. It has terribly behind TLs, sadly.

Those were in my group of "non-generic top-tier comedy" category with Meshi.
The zetsubou sensei isekai is pretty good.
yes she is. She is a very good protag, and inspires many people to make shields.
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err, the first two were. Re:Cervin is not a comedy so much that it's not funny.
Chill with the legacy of manliness across all fanfiction.
Cold feet, hard nipples, and the freedom of giving up shame.
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I hope you colossal faggots noticed Marcille put a blanket on Falin (fuckable part).
Wanted to point it out back when the raws were posted, but some noldorfag-tier sad existence reported me for posting something slightly raunchy and I was banned.
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Gash Bell 1 & 2.
They're pretty unrelated I just really like Gash Bell.
She'll do one of those travel logs where she sees amazing things and naked people but only talks about the local food.
That vending machine isekai. Yes, really. It's short, don't be a wuss.
When the social disease of makeup takes root it'll be time to move on.
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>naked people

Uh, why are they naked…?
Well they aren't really because they have different standards of nudity, but a visitor gets a nice show.
she killed them and stole their clothes and buried them in a mass grave
See those Travel videos on pornhub where the girl fucks her Travel buddy after visiting somewhere crazy?
Falin would 100% do that
weak zoomers.. we bleachchads waited over 10 years
Shut the fuck up.
I can only see so many slightly chubby white chicks get rammed near a volcano before it gets boring.
Touge Oni if you want some exquisite jap fantasy and to board the suffering train as we wait for releases on a per volume basis!
>Falin squinted like this because she is near sighted
>it's why after she came back to life the dragon power the ability to see clearly so she opens her eyes
Best spam ever, I loved it
I'm reading this now and I like the premise of medieval bureaucracy but it's VERY video gamey right off the bat
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MeDs NoW
Falin owes me cock tourture
she only does cock kills
okay this is just retarded
I guess it's a nerdy dry-humour-as-a-series
To each his own, it has its charm but personally I didn't keep reading it for long.
I like when even non-serious comedy settings keep semblance of still being a story and not just a series narrative-killing jokes
I wonder if it's commentary on social credit systems.
That's my governor!
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I'm certain that Kui made this not because the what-if itself was incredibly earthshaking food for thought, but because she thought that it was REALLY funny. And she's right.
>lose money
Curb your enthusiasm bud. They're not losing money from this.
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Not an argument. Also my fantasies have nothing to do with this cause I like the lolis and shotas shorter and thicker. Kui’s half foots and gnomes are not the type I like.
>all of a sudden
Dungeon Meshi has been around for a decade, anon.
I was ambivalent about Izutsumi before but the addition of glasses with thst expression fills me with insatiable burning LUST
>Writes IRL fanfiction to complain why he can't have his paedophile preferences catered to in a series
>"my fantasies have nothing to do with this!!!"
Sure, paedonigger.
I finished translating one of perle_arte doujins, can I send here a .one file or should I wait another thread so some anon can Photoshop it properly
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>Still no argument
As I said. What I’m into is far too niche, it is far different from the regular loli and also from half foots/gnomes. I don’t care if the character is a midget (last image), a fantasy humanoid (Midna) or a baby. Regular lolis tend to be sticks and lack curves, regular babies lack hips and thighs, it requires a very specific style of art and get it right and Kui doesn’t draw what I like but Kui does draw are lolis even if they aren’t of my taste. Now why would she create two entire important races of legal lolis plus the unaging people in the Golden Kingdom and have only shotas? All other main races are well represented in both males and females, it would be extremely unlikely to have such separation by chance alone.
Is there art of her with "pervy tallman"
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>When kui draws whatever she wants
>makes loli character
>loli debuts naked
>immediately paired with adult man
The burden of proof is in your court, faggot. You made the claim and gave no proof outside of some fanfiction-tier scenario.
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>People who met Kui say she is short, petite and cute
I wonder if she self insert as the loli…
And you just scream “pedo”
It is like if I replied to you calling you a faggot as if that were any argument. In fact I will do it now. You are a faggot! I win!
One is proven beyond a doubt by you admitting to it in a roundabout way. The other is baseless shit you've written up.
>Dungeon Meshi have a strong no-loli policy
I don't really care about your tastes or the shitflinging argument going on right now, but if you have evidence of this beyond conjecture, I'm interested to see it.
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As in 2027? You're kidding, right?
No, I pointed out how my personal tastes have nothing to do with it
Kill yourself. :)
New thread
Wtf, it was 2018 just a moment ago
I need more Toudencest...
Falin loves her big bro and Laios loves her lil sis
But DM threads are very sparse these days (which is a great thing, don't get me wrong). I say post it now even if it's not 'shopped properly, and maybe post it again as a reminder when there's a new thread.
>18 hours and 200+ posts ago
>not a single sign of toudencest since
Dead website
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We will thrive again
Dungeon Mid
Latter ;)
Falin a slut

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