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2nd year anniversary broadcast today. Yuri Kino movie announcement soon.
are they gay?
Maji wives
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is this yuri?
both belong to green haired male race breeder who's gonna fill their vaginal cavities and their wombs (overflowing) making them pregnant
They're looking straight at the viewer in a heterosexual way
Majima is a guy so no
About as gay as a Madoka character, so not at all.
About as gay as a yurifag, so completely.
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How much is the ureshi nft going to sell?
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Hopefully we will get another toilet scene.
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Majima's wife is so cute
Harem? Kino. Yuri? Trash.
as gay as fern or fallin or kumiko or...
Majichad is so lucky
Oh no no no, MajiChisabros, our response?
Too much plot armor to kill probably
... For Majima!
Such a sad attempt.
It’s been two years? I still think it was last year.
>Yuri Kino movie
Give me another season of yuri kino instead.
coalburning whores
majima isnt black and the nigger is gay
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3 hours
Japan thinks so.

Number 3 yuri show in the country.
Literally not a single one of these "top yuri shows" is actually yuri
No yuri show has ever stayed popular more than one year.
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The real answer is that canonically we don't know, while the fandom has overwhelmingly decided that they are. Show-wise, it can be argued that Takina may have feelings for Chisato beyond friendship, while the reverse so far hasn't proven to be necessarily true (like others said, think Homura and Madoka, although ChisaTaki are more likely inspired by the Dirty Pair duo).
Given the general idea that Lycoris is an all-girl squad of orphans paired together and trained for incredibly dangerous missions, it's easy to imagine that romance among them would be par for the course, so the yuri tension has of course been building up regardless of whether they end up getting together in bed.
> think Homura and Madoka
So they’re straight?
Homura is most likely gay, Madoka is not thinking about romance but about herself and the fate of magical girls.
> Homura is most likely gay
Ai yo
>Kino movie announcement
She just is.
The other Madoka characters have much stronger and more direct evidence of being straight yet yurifags still call them gay
Yurifags were also calling Homura gay before Rebellion came out
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>The other Madoka characters have much stronger and more direct evidence of being s-
Good job outing yourself.
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Some may wish to take up my name. So use it, my trip is so obvious.

But just remember. There is but One Eternal King.
I have heard of him. All I can really say is that his work is admirable and he makes yurifags miserable so keep at it. And he makes things go to shit for yurifags so breddy gud. A hellhole is what they deserve.

As said, my trip is free to use. Even for him. He need only figure it out.

In a sec, gotta do some bumping.
Yuri is okay.

But I prefer Empire-building.
Hi! How are you?
Its extremely easy to read Homura's life-defining obsession with Madoka as romantic. Its certainly extremely possessive. It might not even have been romantic at the start, but after years of timeloops with Madoka being the center of her world its easy to see how that could get all tangled up.
Its worth pointing out, however, that Homura met Madoka and Mami at the same time, in the same circumstances. Both of them were magical girls. Both of them had bad ends. Homura only used her wish and spent the last 100 years trying to save Madoka *specifically*, she clearly has a much lesser emotional attachment to Mami, Its not hard to project the difference there is that Homura loves Madoka, but Mami is just a friend.
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1 hour
Yuri always win.
Madoka was just her only friend, to the point where she became obsessed with her.
It’s not as uncommon as you think, it happens even irl on the internet. You randomly end up being the only person willing to talk to someone, and that person becomes obsessed with you and starts stalking you everywhere. There is nothing inherently romantic about that.
Sayaka wanting to date Kyosuke, Kyouko saying in TDS that her being attracted to a girl would be weird, Madoka talking about love letters from guys with her mom and Mami talking to Madoka about wishing for a boyfriend are bigger proofs of their heterosexuality than this is proof of Homura being gay, so why would we concede Homura when yurifags refuse to concede the other characters?
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>Madoka was just her only friend
>my post didn't get quoted
it's over
Majima will steal the show again
disgusting piece of shit series
I don't believe that alternative ships degrade the characters.
Why is the stream so late?
>Takina gets to eat this everyday
Best thread on /a/ right now
Chisato loves Majima.
Japan somehow thinks NFTs are still a thing despite being seen as a joke everywhere else.
Mochizou, Yuta, Majima, Shuuichi, Kai, Guel, Stark and Laios won
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They are going to release something about Chisato and Takina daily life
>Chisato and Takina daily life
So another toilet scene?
Yuri won.
>POV: Majima
While they work on the continuation (it will take more time) they are going to do this ChisatoTakina thing
6 shorts.
Six movies?
Cry in pripri
It's "short movies", so I expect something along the lines of 6 x 5min, so basically an extra episode or OVA kind of thing.
>1. Chisato and Takina
>2. Kurumi
>3. Mizuki
>4. Mika
>5. Direct Attack organization
>6. Majima
Watch they'll focus on something different for each one
>"Lycoris Recoil" is receiving a series of six original slice-of-life shorts, each with a different creator in charge of direction/storyboards.
>Shingo Adachi is supervising the project and character designer Imigimuru will participate in the scripts.
>6 movies of Majima and Chisato fucking
We already know Majima won't show up in them.
>original shorts
We Heya Camp now
>each with a different creator
So they'll be like manga anthologies?
if you want, just to not make the IP die
Could be interesting if they take them in really different directions tho
different sb/ed like literally every other anime but they're putting emphasis on it so maybe they'll have more creative freedom or something
>This project of shorts is not the "new anime" announced in February 2023.
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They are doing this because of the popularity of that Lyco cafe acc
Made for the broccoli man.
So we'll get the whiplash of one being about Chisato trying to set Takina on a date with a boy to the next being Chisato and Takina holding hands and talking to each other about how important they are
It's just useless but I'm curious how much they are going to cost since it will sell by auction.
It's the most interesting part of this work.
For example, what if Okouchi or Kojimbro comes?
Now that's gay. I'm still hoping for season 2.
daily sex life?
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>new shorts
>it's not the new anime movie either
The shorts better have yuri in it.
with Majima.
Big M
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Is shipping the source of all schizophrenia?
Is schizophrenia the source of all shipping?
Will we ever know?
It's all so tiresome. Why does /a/ of all places have to be the world's biggest asylum?
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>take sip out of same can give it
>indirect kiss
>see staright
>takes pocky out of mouth and throws it to sayak
>indirect kiss
>not gay
Madoka is a hella gay anime.
>2 posts in less than a minute
Uh oh... Kyouko schizosisters... our response?
wow thats a lot of information about the staff of this website, whats your first name?
>to high their other identities.
How high are you right now?
>no proof still
So it doesn't exist kekaroo.
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Oh you!
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There is nothing Bri'ish in these parts.
What's the topic of this thread again?
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I know not the man you speak of.
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>Lycoris Recoil was two years ago
An announcement for yuribros

Again with the brits?
His durability was off the charts and honestly very entertaining.
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So I guess you don't want to work things out? You've asked to do so before and said it was the primary reason you're still on 4chan, why the change of heart?
He is pretty cool. I unironically like MajiChisa.
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Majima's wives are too cute!
are you really rping as troid or what
This is so hot
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Imagine rping. Couldn't be me.
Is that Majima's wife and her friend?
Her friend is also Majima's wife!
sure brah, could you clean up other threads too?
Why is Apple-chan in that? You should take him off as well as !HOMU onii-chan.
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He should still be taken off. I don't think he would want to be immortalized. He only belongs in Madoka threads amd nowhere else.
He used to be a real human being, what happened?
we will never have a normal lycoris recoil thread again
Mods will ban people bitching about these garbage bait threads but not delete them. This place has nose dived in quality and leadership.
saying majima won isn't bait anon it's true
Feel free to make one
Here the OP was already a shitposter for mentioning yuri
I don't disagree
Woxx won.
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Enemies to lovers kino
The yuri lewds are so mid, I need more passion.
>romantic interest
There is none
I really wish Majima wasn't just used as anti-yuri fodder. The shitposts could be more creative at least
There can't be passion in yuri lewds. Two girls will never be able to put in as much energy as a guy with a girl.
certain anons have made that impossible
Thats not was asumi shows me.
At least change your filename
nice twin towers ascii
He also used to call !homu onii-chan.
enjoy your ban
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Chisato corrupted Majima since she was a smol loli
I actually said "Majima's wives", as in bot of them are his bitches.

Quote me right, faggot.
Copy paste-kun...
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its whatever the view thinks.
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>Yuri Kino movie announcement
It's going to be a Lilybell spinoff.
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I bet Majima put her heart to the test in the island.
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It was love at first sight.
>he thinks i actually watch his yurishit and don't come here only to bait ack and yuritrannies
I love how he's blatantly admitting to breaking the rules but his posts aren't deleted.
I hate Lycoris Recoil threads
I love Lycoris Recoil threads
schizo thread
I support Majima.
did i miss something again?
Take a peek at /h/ LGD thread and found this gold:

Yuri is just a prelude to the cathartic experience of giving in to a penis.
So there is 6 SoL episodes, movie and S2 coming?

Well shit, this is going to be a new big franchise. They are probably already working on gacha too.
Kyoukonigger doesn't do these things thoughbeit
Kino thread imo
Meds, schizo-kun.
what did majima do?
Fucked Cuckina
>schizo headcanon
based schizo general
majima won btw
A "lesbian" will on average have more male partners in her life than a normal girl
How are they low quality if they create threads as entertaining as this?
I watched the show right after it ended and all I can say is that Chisato must be the straightest girl in any CGDCT show. Blondie slut just exudes flirty Stacy vibes in the whole show and never saw the other black haired as anything but a coworker or "earnest partnersis" She even ditched her staff family and fucked off to another place while giving zero fucks about her cafe shop family and black haired coworker's "feelings"
It's pretty obvious to me and I don't even dislike yurifag or yurilite shows
Sure is interesting how this "new watcher" parrots the same shitposts as the most well know shitposter to ever exist in the history of this site. Using the same exact wording and everything. Almost like it's the same person.
Or maybe it's just true. Have you ever watched LycoReco?
>new watcher
Wut? I literally said I watched right after it ended, since tourists like you were spamming fake BD and novel sales. Or did you forget about muh 100k BD sales threads?
i love rico rico :)
Ok, why mods can't range ban these two retards?
One shit who always shits on lesbians for unknown reasoning and is clearly Majimafag and other who always reply to him taking his bait whole as supposed "yurifag" or something.
>two retards
all yuribait threads end up like this
I honestly can't belive that more than 2 people could shitpost so much for basically no real reason than trying to get into each other pants.
Reminder that Nue's Exorcist would be better if Gakuro was a girl and it was a yuri battle harem instead
Spamming about your boogeyman isn't on topic either.
best thread on /a/ right now
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Canonically no but when has canon ever stopped yurifags?
So what did they announce
Yurifags vs Majimafags is what makes these threads hilarious
Cant wait for season 2
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I can't wait for the true end to be animated in the movie. It will be glorious
>Is shipping the source of all schizophrenia?
Yes. shingeki no kyojin, oshi no ko, chainsaw man, dungeon meshi, etc. were/are all generals full of schizophrenics shipperfags
It can't be helped. She's a fuck machine. Her competitive sex with Majima gets REALLY intense.
6 episode SoL spinoff.
The moment we actually get new anime shitposting will be drowned with real discussion.

All crazy popular shows suffer from retarded trolls. Thankfully we are closer and closer to new content.
>The moment we actually get new anime shitposting will be drowned with real discussion
How well did that work for Gridman threads?
Nah. This happened before a hundred times with other shows like Madoka or EVA. Shitposters only thrive in content gaps.
But S2 had normal discussion while it was airing? Also it was bad and most people stopped caring about the series. Movie sucked too.
Well, Takina is pretty hot. Understandable.
>lycoshit recogarbage
>crazy popular
Gridman Universe is great.
Literally the best selling original in a decade. News about SoL spinoff trended in Japan today. No matter how hard you seethe about it Lycoris is insanely successful.
The movie is popular.
It flopped hard.
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majima x chisato
Cute and canon
It didn't
I LOVE these threads
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can't wait for season 2
>Gridman dejavu
Yuta is so lucky
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This, it was the greatest love story ever told.
Neat, glad we're getting more
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It is a known fact that Takina eats Chisato's ass out on a nightly basis.
Looks pretty straight to me.
Would that be called creampie eating?
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Scans when?
Majima cumming inside Chisato for over 2 years now
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the pregnant wife and the husband
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>Majima is a guy
you are gay af
Nice. It's been too long since Majima was on the big screen.
Majima's a big guy
Getting dicked down by Majima isn't gay, so no.
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6 different directors huh, weird but neat.
It’s finally his chance then, Chi has come to…
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Best power couple in anime
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Well at least is not dead
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Chisato enjoyed that punch
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>It's another Majimafag getting buckbroken by yuri thread
How soon? Will it take a long time?
Chisato the strong and independent woman easily caved in and became a maso babygirl when faced with her man.
How romantic.
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I would watch this Anime for the art style alone, but knowing there's Yaoi and having seen that fucking retarded webm of Chisato dodging bullets completely turned me off. Show sounds fucking retarded
I just wanted to say that. Why bring him up hmm?
They really dont know what to do with it
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>see the news about 6 new anime shorts
>found the thread
>majimaniggers are trying to argue that Madoka is not yuri inspired and Homu is not gay

You don't even need fiction with those reality bending powers.
Kill yourself. Mods are never wrong.
Anti-yurifag mods are forever just.
Bless them.
cute lovers
> yuri inspired
Is that really your new thing? Kek. Just like "yuribait" and "yuri undertones", that’s not a thing.
Also, your "evidence" for Homura being gay is weaker than the evidence for all the other characters being straight. So again, why would we concede Homura when you don’t concede the other characters?
But you love faggots, look at the pic you posted.
yuri harem, they even demonstratively kill the male character at the end
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>Austin blatantly admitting he's shitposting, and trying to troll
>hasn't had his posts deleted for 15 hours and counting
Mod does not even pretend to care about the rules.
What would convince you to stop being so mentally ill and being obsessively consumed with trying to "troll" on 4chan?
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Is that really the best you got, mon amie?
Doing the normal thing of telling off a retarded shitposter isn't "funny", and you are the only person who tries to pretend otherwise. Because you are desperate to think you "troll" and harass people.
You are literally the only person in the history of this site to have such a spastic reaction to being told to stop shitposting. Literally the only person to ever go so crazy over something as standard and normal as telling a shitposter to fuck off.

You will ignore this and continue coping and deluding yourself into thinking you "trigger" people.
What is going on here?
It’s just something I’ve noticed. Mahoako threads are full of people who get pissed when you mention trannies, and even censor the word.
Some of them also explicitly hate men and have "gendercide" fantasies, and get pissed when someone says he wants to have sex with the girls. And they usually don’t get called out.
Everything points to its fanbase, at least on /a/, being full of troons
Nah dude your reactions are funny is all
You don’t think so but I do so they make me laugh, that’s all that matters
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You sure love going into yuri threads. Could it be you actually love it? Was he right?
>gets called out on how he will ignore how unique his reaction to being told to stop shitposting is
>responds by ignoring it and trying to "troll", exactly like it as called he would
Delusional coping != reality

And again, look at how you refuse to address how unique your response is to being told to stop shitposting. No one else in the world acts this way.
I only randomly lurk there when there’s no interesting thread and I get bored, sometimes throw in a bait or two
Most of the time I see them get pissed at other people tho
How is the lighting company going in this company?
Because are only like this with you specifically because it’s funny
>i would never lie on the internet to further my shitposting narrative
You are the only person who thinks anyone believes this.
>Because are only like
>company going in this company
Maybe if you weren't rushing so much to samefag with your phone and PC at the same time you wouldn't make so many stupid typos.
And again, you are the only person, ever, to respond this way to being told to stop shitposting. Let alone the fact you've been consumed with this for 12 fucking years, and mind broken by people not giving you a safe space.
Yeah, but how is the lighting company going?
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Sure, if that excuse makes you feel better.
KyoSaya kiss in the movie
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Felt like yesterday I was in that thread. The return of /sbg/ when?
When anon made that remix of Gotta catch 'em all, he linked a thread.
Im glad Lycorecofags are taking in all the schizos, so nice of them.
I just finished watching this anime, it was kinda cute with the yuri subtext element. My problem with this anime is the ending and the way they handled Majima's 'big plan', somehow it feels so forced and plainly bad writing. Also the surprise yaoi was okay, I laughed a bit. I don't know /a/'s general opinion on this anime but I personally rate it 6.5/10. It was a fun ride and I look forward to the sequel.
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What are you talking about? It still alive. Quiet, but alive.
Listing winners:

Best ship right here.
At least say Lauda. He's so based
Chisato is drinking Majima semen again, she said it tastes too sweet.
So Majischizo will kill himself when it turns out none of the shorts will focus on him, right?
>degenerate dick
yeah, it's better to cut it if they really want to stay pure
>it tastes too sweet.
Haha. Majima is diabetic and is going to have toes and fingers chopped off.

He still shitposts Gundam threads with Guel even after Miorine and Suletta got married. He doesn't care about anything other than making bad posts on purpose.
They're just friends.
>still wants the dick
He simply drank too much sweet juice to remember Chisato lips
Some women don't want it, you're just a slut, anon.
guess you're confirmed gay and slutty anon.
You love faggots tho
Considering you can't stop talking about dicks and you love seeing it makes you gay and slutty. Also, I love girls.
I love seeing it because I love every part of my body.
Because it's all scams?
>staring at your dick
dick = based
I can’t properly look at my wife Kyouko giving me a head without also seeing my dick, anon.
But is it, though?
It's called pandering to your retarded main audience who will burn you at stake if you remotely take Chisato into a heterosexual direction.
just get a gf irl, anon. Don't be scared
>men hating transbian
>just cheat on your waifu with a degenerate 3DPD
You’re glowing
I’ll run you over
Fucking CIA kikes I swear
Majima i though you were dead???
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What's your deal?
Based Majima
Chisato was SO horny for Majima she went to Hawaii because of Majima's hawaian shirt
That's how horny she was
Damn, he really won. I thought it was only a meme.
meguca wife
Jesus Hell. This is unhealthy, the lot of you.
how is it a scam if people willingly payed for a donation receipt?
Its ok no one wants you here
>Thread immediately gets out of bump limit
Anyways, predicitons on who Robota actually is?
Rather engage in cuck posting? To each their own.
Pretty sure his face was shown in the artbook. Anyway he's with DA now so they're OP as fuck considering they have Kurumi already. They will have to introduce another antagonist hacka that can match them.
>-100 replies
I mean to be mad at a shonen lite powers before you know the context speaks bad for you
Not to mention the one of the gays kills the other
I’ve never seen a thread get out of bump limit like that, holy shit.
Probably just some kid, not even owl level related.
>from bump limit to sub-400 posts

I've seen it happen a few times on other boards, but on /a/ at most I've seen it a literal handful of times.
>Pretty sure his face was shown in the artbook.
I think I heard something like that, but I want to see it in canon
>Anyway he's with DA now so they're OP as fuck considering they have Kurumi already.
>They will have to introduce another antagonist hacka that can match them.
I suppose so, although since the most obvious direction is going against Lilybell means they must have haxx0rs on their own, so maybe it balances itself better that way
>it KEEPS going down as we speak
>Probably just some kid, not even owl level related.
No way, he needed walnut to mess with his plans
What is it with Lycoris Recoil and toilet stuff anyway? Yes there's the Chisato toilet scene and Takina's infamous poop parfaits, but there was even Kurumi using the toilet offscreen, the Kusunoki thinking scene, Takina using the glass toilet, another Chisato toilet scene in one of the manga spin-offs, and others I may have missed.
Skibidi toilet worked so they’re making clones
My apologies.
Skibidi Toilet wasn't a thing until February 2023 so they're unrelated.
This is clearly a skibidi toilet anime anon
It's not.
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Imagine the hatesex.
Proof? In what ways do the plot differ?
Kurumi spinoff when
Literally happens all the time with used goods roastie series like maken ki where the cucks need to keep their thread alive.
I hope Takina recieves a buff, she just can't compete with the other two
Shoe x Reina.
Majima's lover
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Shuuichi is my favorite yurislayer. He scored BIG
I just want action gun kino.
The movie better deliver.


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